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I'm good at PvP but I suck at Huttball


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Operatives and Scoundrels are useless in Huttball unless they are healing me. I would prefer if they simply left the warzone and provided a spot for a useful class.


They do no damage and simply walk around the arena getting kited for the entire duration of the game.


Who are these people that are this bad at the game. We have an operative who is probably the most feared and overpowered person on our server. There is not a single person that he cannot absolutely demolish in a 1v1 fight when he comes from stealth. It's borderline overpowered. Couple that with the fact that he is already one of the best healers when specced that way and I honestly have no idea how some of your are this bad at this game.


If you think Operatives can't do damage then YOU are the problem, not the class.

Edited by Paerin
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I love to go into huttball and piss off as many of the other team as possible, then laugh as they cant seem to let go of chasing me every time they see me while my team runs the ball and scores.


I play on their need to show that they are better, causing them to drop what they are doing to focus me when they see me, sure I die alot, sure I end up with low numbers, and most of the time even my own team doesnt know what i did for them, but I never have trouble getting needed wins.


If people didnt get tunnel vision and feel the need to finish what they start by chasing me down, my job would be alot harder, so pls, deathmatch more.

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I love to go into huttball and piss off as many of the other team as possible, then laugh as they cant seem to let go of chasing me every time they see me while my team runs the ball and scores.


I play on their need to show that they are better, causing them to drop what they are doing to focus me when they see me, sure I die alot, sure I end up with low numbers, and most of the time even my own team doesnt know what i did for them, but I never have trouble getting needed wins.


If people didnt get tunnel vision and feel the need to finish what they start by chasing me down, my job would be alot harder, so pls, deathmatch more.


This actually happens to me a LOT on my aforementioned low level marauder. Especially in voidstar. I like winning more then I like valor/comms.


True story, two nights ago, in a 10-49 Voidstar, I kept engaging the other team so long behind the play (2-3 at a time) that I had not even reached the second open door when the rest of my team unlocked the third door and were about to reach the data core. I never even saw the third room/doors :)


Usually, this happens because I notice who is doing healing (in 10-49, you have maybe one healer, uber rare to see two) and I announce it in Ops chat and make it my mission to make their life miserable. Obviously the other team figures this out, and I become public enemy #1 - and use it to my TEAM's advantage.

Edited by islander
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as soon as you mentioned "premade" your opinion stopped having meaning. :rolleyes:


as to the thread, a decent player can make anything useful.



Then I wish he had mentioned premade in the first sentence, bc I had to read through the whole post just to realize it had maybe one fact saturated by several opinion heavy statements.

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Because every class has one or many of the following; knockback, pull, push, leap, sprint...


Oh wait, Operatives have none of those. Operatives might not be useless, but they're heavily gimped the moment they leave the middle of the map, due to the lack of the above. Yet another example of Bioware's EPIC FAIL in regards to balancing Operatives... just keep gimping them when they've been gimped from the get go.


It's good to see people think things through before making sweeping statements.


heals. Conceal operatives have a big challenge in huttball but as a healing operative for whom huttball is far preferable than the other 2 WZ's I do see a few conceal operatives who consistently stay in the game outside the middle. And as a healer I hate when they are on the other team because I'm licking catwalk and respawning too often. Then the ball carrier is going splat. I can recover from KB's that put me in the pit you can heal from the sides. Facedown on a burner CD's gone is all she wrote even with the CD up if debilitate is up they still have me guaranteed. A geared conceal operative is the last person I want to engage me when healing huttball. The ones that really annoy me seem to play from high to low. Probably because we lack the ability to climb quickly.

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I love to go into huttball and piss off as many of the other team as possible, then laugh as they cant seem to let go of chasing me every time they see me while my team runs the ball and scores.


I play on their need to show that they are better, causing them to drop what they are doing to focus me when they see me, sure I die alot, sure I end up with low numbers, and most of the time even my own team doesnt know what i did for them, but I never have trouble getting needed wins.


If people didnt get tunnel vision and feel the need to finish what they start by chasing me down, my job would be alot harder, so pls, deathmatch more.


Heh I feel the same way. I'm not an operative but it's the same deal and can be played on with any class.


Single the same person out a couple times and kill them alone. Repeat with a few other people.


At that point you can just run away from objectives and they'll all drop what they're doing to go take you out even if it means running 30m in the opposite direction of an enemy ball carrier.


It's funny when even heal spec'd sorcs are busy trying to help dps you down while their teammates die.

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This was really useful for me thanks.


I never would have thought about the disadvantages of killing people who then go back to their spawn.


As a Operative healer I sometimes get stuck on the wrong end of the field, usually right after the ball carrier makes an unfortunate pass; hey it happens. The ball gets re-spawned and I see that it went to the opposite team (via the score board) and most my team is near the opposing end-zone.


I run right into the fire in hopes that I can get a short timer window at the re-spawn area. I will run out, Sleep/stun/cc, whatever the heck I can to slow them down until my team can adjust.






BTW same goes for void star.


I don't know how many times I have been on the attackers side, we pop the first doors, then don't kill I single defender, fast win. At this point the defenders should try to die. If your missing my point, do a little Google research ;)


Sometimes stuns/sleeps/ mind controls... they are better then a kill.

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I've been PVPing lots on my Juggernaut. I'm sure I'll get ''lol juggernaut is ez mode in huttball'', but I will continue anyways.


I'm vengeance specced which means a bit more sustained DPS as opposed to burst. Regularly in huttball I will go for the ball and attempt to cap it or at least get it moving - sometimes if the enemy players line themselves up correctly Charge>Force Push>Charge>Score right into their spawn...But other times I am simply a good ball carrier because of the amount of punishment I can take. When I pass the ball to a teammate (typically when they have a better position or health amount) I will ensure that I protect them and am constantly taunting (to give 30% damage reduction if they are hitting anyone but me) and using my AoE slow.


If my team is on the defensive and trying to stop a cap, I ensure that I kill the healers and pressure any enemy players who are open for a pass. In between moving around for the ball, I help out allies with killing people here and there.


I disagree with saying the amount of damage you deal means nothing. A dead player is less effective than a live one, however, if all you do is poke around the middle shooting at stragglers but then go on to brag about how 'good' you are, then you are an idiot.


Typically I am #1 in terms of damage dealt. Typically I'm a good 30-60K damage ahead of anybody else in the game with 30K+ Protection points, I have scored/done objectives, and I have generally been a very good utility and distraction for my team. To me, 'how good' you are depends purely on what you do during the game. If all you deal is damage, but you have been actively targeting healers and ensuring they are being killed, or you have been actively trying to peel people off of the ball carrier - you are useful.

Edited by rweiowjerwei
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True story, or oxymoron?




Huttball is not kill-on-sight deathmatch. Medals, damage done and K:D do not matter much if at all. If you think you're good at PvP then you should be proficient in Huttball.

Yeah, I know I'll get some haters for saying PvP is not always about killing other players.





Wait so because I am good at baseball I then should therefor be good at Basketball? I get what your saying but certain classes have an advantage over others in Hutball. SI's hybrid is very, very strong in Hutball and weak in others. Ya a good pvp'er will compensate, but not to that extent. Don't believe me, just watch and see how they play. Once you take the 3D out of the equation those certain classes/specs are on even ground with everyone else.


That aside, how is it possible to only gather minimal damage or minimal healing? Depending on what roll I decide to play for the match or what is needed I never get anything under 150k even in fast games, I play a pyro merc btw. Whether I am helping the ball carrier ( not so often but I do ) or kicking SI's off my ramps (more often then not) as well as kicking them and others off of theirs to help the BC, a damage dealer should do some decent damage, gear dependent (be it theirs or the opponents). I'm not saying I own everyone and I am not implying anything about me being better than anyone else, just stating that if you are a damage dealer and go 6 scores with only minimal damage, you really didn't help the team. This is unless you are outnumbered, the game ends in less than 2 minutes for whatever reason or you join late.


I'm sorry but damage does matter. It's how you do the damage that is the key. Those that say damage doesn't matter, fine, go into a Hutball with 16 healers /enjoy. Damage is a necessity though I get the fact of the meter hogs where "YA! I did 800k damage and got 3 kills, I'm the UBERIST GAMER!!!" Those guys don't help.


Healing matters, Damage matters, Protection matters, Defense matters etc etc to say otherwise is being foolish.


ow, I am going to get my flame suite on for the bombardment of those saying damage doesn't matter nor does anything etc etc etc. I could care less what others think on the matter. If there was no damage you would have a stalemate.

Edited by Ortof
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Wait so because I am good at baseball I then should therefor be good at Basketball? I get what your saying but certain classes have an advantage over others in Hutball. SI's hybrid is very, very strong in Hutball and weak in others. Ya a good pvp'er will compensate, but not to that extent. Don't believe me, just watch and see how they play. Once you take the 3D out of the equation those certain classes/specs are on even ground with everyone else.


That aside, how is it possible to only gather minimal damage or minimal healing? Depending on what roll I decide to play for the match or what is needed I never get anything under 150k even in fast games, I play a pyro merc btw. Whether I am helping the ball carrier ( not so often but I do ) or kicking SI's off my ramps (more often then not) as well as kicking them and others off of theirs to help the BC, a damage dealer should do some decent damage, gear dependent (be it theirs or the opponents). I'm not saying I own everyone and I am not implying anything about me being better than anyone else, just stating that if you are a damage dealer and go 6 scores with only minimal damage, you really didn't help the team. This is unless you are outnumbered, the game ends in less than 2 minutes for whatever reason or you join late.


I'm sorry but damage does matter. It's how you do the damage that is the key. Those that say damage doesn't matter, fine, go into a Hutball with 16 healers /enjoy. Damage is a necessity though I get the fact of the meter hogs where "YA! I did 800k damage and got 3 kills, I'm the UBERIST GAMER!!!" Those guys don't help.


Healing matters, Damage matters, Protection matters, Defense matters etc etc to say otherwise is being foolish.


ow, I am going to get my flame suite on for the bombardment of those saying damage doesn't matter nor does anything etc etc etc. I could care less what others think on the matter. If there was no damage you would have a stalemate.



Those of us running the ball usually have low damage and possibly low healing too. I play with 2 other people and they are usually lowest on the scoreboards because we have been capping the ball the entire game while our team is doing god knows what in our/their pit etc.

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Those of us running the ball usually have low damage and possibly low healing too. I play with 2 other people and they are usually lowest on the scoreboards because we have been capping the ball the entire game while our team is doing god knows what in our/their pit etc.


Yep, i love those moments when you are like, "oh there are the other 6 members of my team fighting two guys in the corner." It happens not all the time but it happens a lot.

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Wait so because I am good at baseball I then should therefor be good at Basketball? I get what your saying but certain classes have an advantage over others in Hutball. SI's hybrid is very, very strong in Hutball and weak in others. Ya a good pvp'er will compensate, but not to that extent. Don't believe me, just watch and see how they play. Once you take the 3D out of the equation those certain classes/specs are on even ground with everyone else.


That aside, how is it possible to only gather minimal damage or minimal healing? Depending on what roll I decide to play for the match or what is needed I never get anything under 150k even in fast games, I play a pyro merc btw. Whether I am helping the ball carrier ( not so often but I do ) or kicking SI's off my ramps (more often then not) as well as kicking them and others off of theirs to help the BC, a damage dealer should do some decent damage, gear dependent (be it theirs or the opponents). I'm not saying I own everyone and I am not implying anything about me being better than anyone else, just stating that if you are a damage dealer and go 6 scores with only minimal damage, you really didn't help the team. This is unless you are outnumbered, the game ends in less than 2 minutes for whatever reason or you join late.


I'm sorry but damage does matter. It's how you do the damage that is the key. Those that say damage doesn't matter, fine, go into a Hutball with 16 healers /enjoy. Damage is a necessity though I get the fact of the meter hogs where "YA! I did 800k damage and got 3 kills, I'm the UBERIST GAMER!!!" Those guys don't help.


Healing matters, Damage matters, Protection matters, Defense matters etc etc to say otherwise is being foolish.


ow, I am going to get my flame suite on for the bombardment of those saying damage doesn't matter nor does anything etc etc etc. I could care less what others think on the matter. If there was no damage you would have a stalemate.


Healing, damage, and protection matter only to an extent... You obviously won't win many games if you don't use your abilities. If you are chasing medals and kills, then you are not really helping your team. The original post covered different scenarios where dealing more damage will actually hinder your team, that was the point. The intent was not to say "Don't deal ANY damage".


Your team can be dying all game, but if you're set up for passes and scoring, you will still win the match. Who cares if you did more damage if your screen says DEFEAT? Who cares if you died 5x as much as the other team if your screen says VICTORY?


This kind of thinking in absolutes is what many PvPers have trouble with.


I will repeat: Huttball is NOT about kill:death ratios or damage done. All the key important abilities are CCs or low damage utilities like stuns, knockbacks, or slows.

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