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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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I am genetically predestination to be an Irish Italian jerk.


If it comes down to it, I will bleed in their eyes.









You obviously have a hard time distinguishing between giving up and not repeating an exercise in futility. It's okay.

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Please, explain how, from my post, it logically follows that we should trade wins and not have fun in PvP? I anxiously await your step by step explanation.


Say the Rep's are all at that uncapped 3rd middle, anyone who is hanging out on either side is just sitting there AFK doing nothing, the only fighting going on is in the middle. Rep's have 3, Imp's fight to retake middle.


So what am I supposed to do?


Go AFK or kill healers like crazy? Do we go for fun or fast?


I'm not even listening...I'm gonna kill JC's & Sawbone's.


This is my favorite warzone & it does not even pop enough, gotta play too much Huttball waiting for this, so I do not quit Alderaan.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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Please, explain how, from my post, it logically follows that we should trade wins and not have fun in PvP? I anxiously await your step by step explanation.


Was responding to first post.


For your post I just have to say that while I understand the annoyance of losing hard and just wanting it over ( I have wished so before as well) I need to point out that many people have fun fighting against the odds. Winning is great, but much of the fun for me in PvP is just doing my best and having a blast while doing it. I will not just sit down and wait for the end; the only way I stop playing is if they are just standing by the spawn farming.



To sum up- Yes, it is annoying to be losing horrible. Yes, some times it would be nice to just let it end so you can start a new one. Despite that however many people would rather keep playing, so stop telling people how to play their game.

Edited by Meluna
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Say the Rep's are all at that uncapped 3rd middle, anyone who is hanging out on either side is just sitting there AFK doing nothing, the only fighting going on is in the middle. Rep's have 3, Imp's fight to retake middle.


So what am I supposed to do?


Go AFK or kill healers like crazy? Do we go for fun or fast?


I'm not even listening...I'm gonna kill JC's & Sawbone's.


This is my favorite warzone & it does not even pop enough, gotta play too much Huttball waiting for this, so I do not quit Alderaan.


I'm not sure I completely understand what you're saying.

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For your post I just have to say that while I understand the annoyance of losing hard and just wanting it over ( I have wished so before as well) I need to point out that many people have fun fighting against the odds.


Fighting against the odds implies a chance at winning. If the loss is inevitable, there are no odds. The odds are 0.


Winning is great, but much of the fun for me in PvP is just doing my best and having a blast while doing it. I will not just sit down and wait for the end; the only way I stop playing is if they are just standing by the spawn farming.


Not asking you to not have fun and do your best. If you're down by 400 in Alderaan and getting 3-capped, please, go ahead and keep killing people. What I'm asking is, while you should keep killing people and having fun, please resist the urge to cap one of the nodes and elongate the loss unnecessarily.



To sum up- Yes, it is annoying to be losing horrible. Yes, some times it would be nice to just let it end so you can start a new one. Despite that however many people would rather keep playing, so stop telling people how to play their game.


I'm not telling, I'm asking, for the sake of efficiency, logic and common sense.

Edited by Meluna
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You obviously have a hard time distinguishing between giving up and not repeating an exercise in futility. It's okay.

Not giving up is never an exercise in futility,

because you are always achieving the state

of never giving up.


Achieving the state of never giving up,

is the purpose.



Edited by Scudmungus
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Fighting against the odds implies a chance at winning. If the loss is inevitable, there are no odds. The odds are 0.




Not asking you to not have fun and do your best. If you're down by 400 in Alderaan and getting 3-capped, please, go ahead and keep killing people. What I'm asking is, while you should keep killing people and having fun, please resist the urge to cap one of the nodes and elongate the loss unnecessarily.





I'm not telling, I'm asking, for the sake of efficiency, logic and common sense.


Ok. I agree that capping a node we could do without if it is Completely impossible to win (meaning that no matter what we could possible do we would still lose) In only this instance however do I agree so in something Like Hutt Ball I think if people want to try then go for it!

Edited by Meluna
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Can't agree with the OP. I've seen quite a few improbable come back wins, going from getting 3 capped to 3 capping. I will never give up, because when people group with me, I want them to know I'm always trying my hardest for that win. You don't build a solid reputation as a good pvper if people think you're going to throw in the towel as soon as things get tough. And you certainly can't expect other people to give it their all when they see you half ***ing it.
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This thread is going way over your guys' heads.




They're saying don't be a try-hard when the loss is inevitable. Two completely different things.


Reading comprehension. Acquire it.


Edit: I feel like people don't understand the definition of inevitability.


It's always possible. You can bash people all day long about 'reading comprehension' to hide your own sad pathetic mentality if you'd like. But a loss is never inevitable. Even if it's 600 to 5. you can still 3 cap and win.


Quit wasting space on teams and expect everyone to carry you through the game.

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I'm fine with whatever the majority goes with if it's some pug game.


If we're losing 450 - 150 or something and I see 5 people have given up and are just guarding our lone turret, I'll go join them.


If they want to play on, I'll play on and fight with them.

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Let me tell you a little story about why this is exactly the wrong atttitude.


While testing Novarre coast the match started well enough and after some back and forth we got their base to 80%. At this point we lost middle and apparently the will to live for half of our team. We were getting roflstomped and couldnt even hold a single bunker. Then, when the whiners ragequit we got a few players who weren't giant salty bags of vinegar and stopped our slow decent into putty at 10%.


we were down 80-10. We held our bunkers until about 10% and they regained. it went back and forth after this until both teams were at 2% and we managed to pull off a victory.


Now the scenario is slightly different given the map's features, but the attitudes are the same.


So if you have this attitude, leave early and let a better player join the WZ. Actually scratch that, stop queueing bc leaving hurts the team and we could have had someone better than you already.


And now I will sing you the song of my people. :eek:



EDIT: btw on my live server there are certain times of day when i know the whiney ragequitters are all playing and my faction will lose 9/10 matches with them. Then we get a mostly guild team (we're the biggest pvp guild on the server) and we faceroll the same people who were 3 capping not an hour before. It's all about attitude. I give up medals constantly to solo guard turrets or doors when I have to because a win is more important to me, especially after hitting BM. I aim to be one of the best, but you never will be unless you open yourself to change and critique. Never stop learning. Although one of einstein's other quotes may be more appropriate about the people who are saying give up. 3 points if you know which one :D


2nd Edit: Dovah, I think it's you who doesn't understand what the term inevitable means.


Even if it were (and it never is unless its voidstar and your team did very poorly on rd 1), there is a thing called practice. Take advantage of the time to work on communication and strategies. Discuss what went wrong, who to focus on, what the other team always seems to do.

Edited by yeux
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I really dont want to play with those who agreed this post/.

People that agree with this post probably don't really want to play with the group of people they were stuck with that allowed the other team to win in the first place, either.


I guess both sides are even!

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And henceforth you shall be known forever and always as... the quitting troll. The guy who climbs mountains instead of capping points. The hero that solos someone on the exact oposite side of the map as the ball carrier. May your name live in infamy


(Snippity snip!)


If the going gets rough, suck it up and push harder.


This. You're seriously awesome for this.

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So losing out on Valor (yes I value valor) as well as enjoying the "PVP" aspect while trying to go after objectives, abiding the "STOP TRYING TO CAP SO WE CAN LOSE BROSEPH" mentality is "in my best interest"? Again, my best interest is how I decide to play is it not?

You really can't get 4 medals (max valor capable) before hitting the point of no return in CW? If so.....yikes!


Also, put the shoe on the other foot. If I play along and do what you guys wanted isn't that wasting my time? How is your time more valuable than mine? It can go either way. Though I think if you que for a WZ you should plan on it taking the full amount of time rather than what's quickest.

Neithers' time is actually more valuable than the others. However, in my eyes, my time is more valuable than yours, and in your eyes, your time is more valuable than mine. Therefore, if I see that we're definitely going to lose, I'm going to do what's in the best interest of myself and the time I have been allotted to play. I'll try to convince others to see why, just as you might try to do the same for your best interest. You don't have to do what I say, but I'm not going to sit idly by and not say anything -- that's how you miss out on things.


And furthermore, the OP is specifically talking about when the match is already lost, so it's not a matter of people quitting; it's a matter of having something worth fighting for. Once you've mathematically lost, not all players will have the same objective(s) worth fighting for. Technically, nobody is obligated to fight in the first place. They are only obligated to stay active.

Edited by olagaton
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Now the scenario is slightly different given the map's features, but the attitudes are the same.

If the map's features are not the same, then your example isn't anywhere near comparable to CW. CW has a mathematical point of no return. If you reach that on the losing side, you cannot come back unless you 3-cap, which is nearly impossible to acquire (and even more impossible to retain for the entire duration). It's difficult even against poor players because they can just sit with all 8 people and defend 1 turret. Statistically speaking, what percentage of times has a match been won 600-0 in all the WZ's that people have been playing since the game was released? I'd be surprised if it was more than 20 total times, tbh. So no, the new WZ and Huttball are nowhere comparable to CW, and thus the attitudes will always be different in comparison. Voidstar, however, has potential to be a point of no return warzone too, depending on whether you start on offense or defense first.


It's a valid attitude.

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This thread can be closed now. The majority rules.


Simple principles fall on the deaf ears of the weak. I play the same from start to finish, I don't throw a tantrum and chew on pennies and kick cats when I lose, u shouldn't either it's a game.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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