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Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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This is not what the OP or the rest of the thread is about.


Actually it's about ppl who get angry because others want to play hard in a warzone that's probably lost. Many so-called pro gamers leave within one minute of a challenge or blame the other 7 for losing it and act entitled to be an a**hat because others still want to play the game, which I thought was the whole point. So yeah, in part this thread is about that.

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Actually it's about ppl who get angry because others want to play hard in a warzone that's probably lost. Many so-called pro gamers leave within one minute of a challenge or blame the other 7 for losing it and act entitled to be an a**hat because others still want to play the game, which I thought was the whole point. So yeah, in part this thread is about that.

You are wrong. In fact, if you read the OP's post, he discusses the reason why you shouldn't re-cap in a losing situation, but he also gives suggestions and options for players who still want to continue playing to get medals or have "action" and not sit around. IMO, his post was straight to the point, gave valid reasons, and offered an option for both sides of the argument. In no way was he acting like an a**hat, or calling for anyone to give up before the game is mathematically out of hand.


As I said, people need to read (or re-read) the OP's message.

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You are wrong. In fact, if you read the OP's post, he discusses the reason why you shouldn't re-cap in a losing situation, but he also gives suggestions and options for players who still want to continue playing to get medals or have "action" and not sit around. IMO, his post was straight to the point, gave valid reasons, and offered an option for both sides of the argument. In no way was he acting like an a**hat, or calling for anyone to give up before the game is mathematically out of hand.


As I said, people need to read (or re-read) the OP's message.


Maybe if the OP has issue with my statements being in line with the discussion, he or she could say so? You're so valiant.

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Most "funny" thing happened to me yesterday. Some fresh fifty wearing oranges with blue mods in (44 to 50) joined one of my civil war games. Until here, no problem. We all had that moment, though I had purple 49 mods in my oranges, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. Back to the game. Standard openers, we get left (pubie here ;) ) imps get right and we start fighting in the mid. One minute later we lose mid and two minutes of confusion follow with people running like headless (yours truly included) chickens. Tried the chat and we manage to rally a bit only to find there were only 3 others players with me rest of 4 were prancing around the left node our fresh nobie amongst them. Heh the irony of online gaming, let's fight with what we have. As you can imagine that didn't go very well and I was ridding the speeders more then I would have liked. After two more minutes our noobie pubie starts writing in chat how stupid are the republicans on that server because they keep fighting and not sitting at the node. We tell him to plug the hole and leave us to our fate but no, he keeps nagging us, about how wrong we are, using some of the lame arguments found in this thread. Now, tell me, how "funny" is that?


In the light of the events portrait above, I want to extend a warm "Thank You!!" for the OP for educating the masses in his image. Very well done chap, very well done. "o7"

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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This whole thread bothers the hell outta me. Its a game and if peeps wanna try and take a node it should not be deemed as wrong. Those standing at left not doing anything might want to join those trying to win and not dance around and heal themselves for cheap medals.


Oh, and if a loss is enivitable....take a damn node and make it harder for those that want the match to be over with. Chances are those peeps are the main reason you are losing in the first place...hails

Edited by Melnibonean
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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


If you truely believe this then you are PvPing for the wrong reason...

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you



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Dont take the OPs advice they fail!

the faster the game is over the less points credits valour & medals i will get so ****, ill turn a WZ in to a team death match & make it last the full 15mins before i roll over & take it in the bum like the OP wants you to!

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You are wrong. In fact, if you read the OP's post, he discusses the reason why you shouldn't re-cap in a losing situation, but he also gives suggestions and options for players who still want to continue playing to get medals or have "action" and not sit around.


He advocates giving up and getting defender medals. This is pathetic in many peoples opinions. You need to read all his posts and all his critiques before you say people dont comprehend his POV. Just read the title, his POV is pretty clear and it's what most people hate about WZ's. Nothing is more pathetic than people giving up on my side or the opposition side.


In fact when the opposition keeps going when its mathematically, a long long shot a part of me admires them and would like to award them MVP votes if I could.


When players clamor around their lone node I think they should lose commendations and get the coward title mandatory.

Edited by richardya
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this thread 4tw, i hate people wasting my time by taking turrets back if we're mathematically going to lose. In fact, if they only have 2 turrets, but the win in hand, I encourage the opponents to take #3 as well.


Most people (myself included) prefer to actually do something when they're losing, I hate sitting around our single turret just getting my defense medals. I would like to actually fight the opposing faction, whether it be 1v1 or just zerging the other side for the heck of it.

Them "wasting your time" is them trying to have fun when there is none to be found.

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The play is more fun if you are attacking as a group. Having everybody else call it quits is a drag.


I can't get comfortable with the OP's compromise: fight but don't try to cap. Capping is much harder than beating the snot out of the other group, and it's an indicator of success that means more than killing 25 opponents, causing 75K damage, causing 2.5K damage in a single blow, etc.


As for dragging out a lost cause: if the game is truly out of reach, your chance of capping is low.


And if you get lucky and cap, surely the joy of sticking you thumb in the opponents eye would compensate for the time you lose?

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The match is setup so its not mathematically impossible and encourages people to fight until the end. 3 cap stops enemy counters.


Won a civil war the other day with a final score of 10-0. Sneaked the 3rd cap at the end to turn the tide and win the game in the last 30 seconds because imps were off pew pewing thinking they had it in the bag.


Biggest upset I've played so far and its definitely my favorite wz win out of all my games played.


Losers that care about their time being wasted (cry me a river of selfish ********) and not the win have lp2 issues in the game of life. EPIC failures.

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I'll take the "ignorant believer."


You put your trust in the loss and the opposing team. I put up a fight in the hopes of catching the opposition in a bad position and take advantage of it. Your first thought is to worry about yourself, your medals, your time, you you you. I worry about the win, good team play, and rallying teamates to the cause.


IF your teamates are horrible, then I understand your point of wanting to get it over with, but I find that this is a rarity for me, on my server. If this is the case for you, I'm truly sorry, as that would suck and ruin the gameplay.


I'll gladly take a team full of "ignorant believers" over a team of like minded individuals such as yourself.

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I can see it now...


"you remember that dude? who lost to the premade? yeah! that dude w/e his name is lost with honor! Much respect to the dude for capping when all is lost. We should write songs and dance, Sing and be marry! Yeah he died 12 times, but he kept coming back, So i suppose we will remember his accomplishments! and not the elongated experience of the particular warzone...?



Bravo sir, whatever your name was... Bravo.


We will make a statue for your efforts in the hopes that you will continue to queue, and i can dance the dance of life with you!

Edited by Ch_Zero
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You make me sad, Sir, with your time management and you inability to have fun in a game. Guess you'll never experience "glorious" come-backs in your WZs. And that's because you are stuck in probabilities and can not see and pursue the unlikely possibility even in a game.

I understand your point of view but I don't agree with it when we are playing a GAME. It should be about fun and giggles not minutes spent and commendations/hour.

Truly, I'm sad for you and for all those that act like you.


I wish you to experience something like this http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/545/screenshot2012032200143.jpg/

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You make me sad, Sir, with your time management and you inability to have fun in a game. Guess you'll never experience "glorious" come-backs in your WZs. And that's because you are stuck in probabilities and can not see and pursue the unlikely possibility even in a game.

I understand your point of view but I don't agree with it when we are playing a GAME. It should be about fun and giggles not minutes spent and commendations/hour.

Truly, I'm sad for you and for all those that act like you.


I wish you to experience something like this http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/545/screenshot2012032200143.jpg/

I've been in 5 to 0 alderaan games before. I've been in 3-cap comebacks before too. Sure they were fun, at the time, but the feeling of satisfaction didn't last long enough, or mean enough to care.

Edited by olagaton
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The two times I've won Alderran 5-0 are among my fondest moments in gaming.


The first was the best - we turned around a three cap against us, to three in our favour and held it just long enough to overtake so when it fell to two, we won.


“Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in."

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I wish people like the OP would just stop pvping all together. They do not play WZs to pvp, they play WZ to farm other players and grind gear/valor.


"oh noes! I have to work to actually win? Lets just roll over and play dead"



I will never just "let them win", why? Because I do not like to loose, so I will do everything I can to win, even if it means I get less medals, valor etc.


If I prolong the loss, so what? At least I tried, at least I had fun trying. Playing to loose gives me no fun whatsoever.


What is more fun? winning a close battle or winning without any effort? sure, winning without any effort is nice, but the WZ where we meet a good team and have to really work to win usually leaves me more satisfied then a 6-0 Huttball in 4 minutes (i say usually, because sometimes the reason for the close victory/loss is ppl like the OP that "bend over" the first second everything is not going their way, and a narrow win because ppl give up, well, those wins leaves a poor taste in my mouth as the "quitters" actually got the win they didnt work for)



The mentality of the OP is perfect for fixed matches. Maybe you should try a career in boxing or football/soccer in Italy?

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Quitters never win : Winners never quit


Truer words are rare to find. This game is NOT a single player; if you act like it is then you will never enjoy it to the fullest extent. I PvE much more than i PvP just because i love the challenge of PvE, but when i'm in a warzone and i win by just a few points the satisfaction is very worth it. Fight tooth and nail regardless of how many medals you have. I'd gladly give up 1-3 medals to ensure that my team wins.

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^ This.


The "let them win" crowd needs to stop queuing.


^^ This


Also I noticed the people that whinge most and leave and quit are the ones that bash on a tank or dps all day long and quit when we lose, how about learning to play, learning who to focus and stopping running in 1 v 3 or 4 people /facepalm

Edited by KalTorrak
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^^ This


Also I noticed the people that whinge most and leave and quit are the ones that bash on a tank or dps all day long and quit when we lose, how about learning to play, learning who to focus and stopping running in 1 v 3 or 4 people /facepalm


The funniest thing I ever saw was a guy who went to mid alone when we had the two side turrets. One of the guys on the side turret called for help but lost it (probably stealthers) and then the clown who rambo'ed mid alone blamed the guy at the side turret for not calling for backup fast enough then rage quit.

Edited by richardya
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