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Why have star wars tech not advanced


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Ok, just curious, so TOR is 1000 years before the events of Darth Vader and Skywalker. But the technology is basically unchanged. Did they hit a brick wall or something. If this was set 100-150 years I can see, but a 1000 and nothing. What is everyone else's thoughts. :):D
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Cause Empire and republic kept savotaging each other, so some information may have been deleted, If the Republic steals a datapad with a new Capital ship they will just destroy it. And if the information is lost, it is lost forever.
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The short answear is yes they have hit a "brick wall" in tech design basicly they have had these techs for so long that there realy isn't much they can inprove on them kinda like the oldest of human tools look the same now as they did thousands of years ago sure we can make them better but a knife still looks like a knife, a wheel looks like a wheel and a spear looks like a spear. Some members or alies of the republic have had hyperspace travel for hunders of thousands of years such as the Columi (2,000,000 but lost intrest in it till about 100,000 BBY) and the Gree (300,000 BBY) the humans and Duros gained hyperspace tech and formed the first galactic republic in 25,053 BBY but by that point had colanized much of the core worlds and the Je'daii, the percurors to both the jedi and sith, were formed on Tython by 36,453 BBY. And by no means were any of these the most advanced civalazations out there, the old Rakata were in some ways greater then even the galatic empire was and then there are the Celestial Architects
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1000 years is not a long time at all in a galactic sense.


Also I read an article that said the tech in star wars is based on the idea that technological advancement plateaus after a certain point and the tech in star wars has remained mostly unchanged for the past 10000 years or so. Its much harder to have civilization-wide technological paradigm shifts when that civilization is on a galactic scale rather than a planetary scale. Once you develop free energy and past-lightspeed transportation there aren't really many paradigm shifts left anyway.

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1000 years is not a long time at all in a galactic sense


And it's actually 3,000


And the concept of a technological plateau is actually almost a certainty. The way I saw it best explained was to think of a computer processor. The processor can only process information as fast as it can transfer electrons from point A to point B. Better materials and engineering can increase the speed at which the chip transfers electrons, but the electrons themselves can only go so fast. At that point, you have exhausted the potential for advancement in the speed of a processor chip. They literally cannot go any faster without breaking the laws of physics.


Star Wars tech may well have reached that point, where they simply can't make tougher materials, more destructive weapons, more efficient energy sources, etc.

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Clearly they have made advances between SWTOR and what you see in the movies. I mean in SWTOR look at how many blaster shots it takes to kill someone. But in the movies blasters are so powerful that people die in 1 shot.




Althought it would be funny seeing any of the Star Wars movies but with SWTOR blaster mechanics. The opening scene of EP1 where stormtroopers board the ship, instead of taking 2 minutes, takes 10 minutes because people are so hard to kill. hehe

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Clearly they have made advances between SWTOR and what you see in the movies. I mean in SWTOR look at how many blaster shots it takes to kill someone. But in the movies blasters are so powerful that people die in 1 shot.




Althought it would be funny seeing any of the Star Wars movies but with SWTOR blaster mechanics. The opening scene of EP1 where stormtroopers board the ship, instead of taking 2 minutes, takes 10 minutes because people are so hard to kill. hehe


And later instead of missing the stormtroopers would actually zap Luke and company in the *** all the way through, with them being just mildly annoyed by the inconvenience.

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There is SOME technological advancement in Star Wars. Just not as much of it as we have been experiencing in the last few decades of real-life history. However, we do have so much advancement in real life because we are advancing entirely new fields of technology (computers mostly) - other stuff hasn't changed nearly as much, because we had it for a long time and thus the technology it is based upon has been matured.


Star Wars technology is simply very mature. It has been around for millenia, and thus the best designs have already been discovered, the bugs have been worked out and so on. Of course not everyone is always producing the best stuff possible, and some designs are just not as good as others, yet still get built. An X-Wing is plain better than a TIE-fighter, but that's because the producer had different design goals - good all-round fighter vs. a cheap&reliable one.


Now there certainly is some genuine technological advancement in Star Wars. However, it is MUCH more comparable to the development of the combustion engine or that of real-life weaponry than that of the computer - the former two are mature technologies, the latter is not.

So while we get rifles that are slightly lighter, have somewhat better accuracy and muzzle velocity etc., Star Wars gets Blasters that have slightly more ammo capacity, slightly more firepower etc. Over the decades and centuries that accumulates, but it's still the same general thing.

Furthermore, while a G-36 might be plain better than an AK-47, the latter still get built because they are cheap and reliable. It works the same way in Star Wars - not everyone builds the best tech, and most of the stuff is actually not intended to be the best but rather to strike a good balance between quality and cost.



Bottom line:

A Clone Wars Era fighter/blaster/whatever might be better than an Old Republic Era one, but only in the same way a modern rifle is better than a 19th-century one - the latter is still deadly and can still compete with the former in the right hands.

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I still don't see how any tech looks the same, the only thing that each era has in common is hyperdrive tech. The ships and everything else look different, or was that not what the OP is asking?


The ships look different, yes. Problem is, they're not less advanced than vessels in the movies, which are set 1000 years later. When you look at the XS Light Freighter, you're forced to come to the sad conclusion that 1000 years later a starship will be made that looks very similar and doesn't appear to have any more advanced technology aboard it (as is the case with the Millenium Falcon). Other examples include lightsabers, blasters, and shields (which actually appear to be LESS advanced in the future).


It's not that the technology isn't different, because it is. It's just not noticeably less advanced for being 1000 years in the past. The point that the OP was trying to make is that the civilization of Star Wars appears to be very stagnant when it comes to scientific innovation, as the only really noticeable advance in 1000 years was essentially the construction of a giant cannon (the Death Star).

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The ships look different, yes. Problem is, they're not less advanced than vessels in the movies, which are set 1000 years later. When you look at the XS Light Freighter, you're forced to come to the sad conclusion that 1000 years later a starship will be made that looks very similar and doesn't appear to have any more advanced technology aboard it (as is the case with the Millenium Falcon). Other examples include lightsabers, blasters, and shields (which actually appear to be LESS advanced in the future).


It's not that the technology isn't different, because it is. It's just not noticeably less advanced for being 1000 years in the past. The point that the OP was trying to make is that the civilization of Star Wars appears to be very stagnant when it comes to scientific innovation, as the only really noticeable advance in 1000 years was essentially the construction of a giant cannon (the Death Star).


I can give you lightsabers and maybe shields, but things did change and you can't use the falcon against a XS freighter because the falcon is a modified(heavily) YT-1300. Both the YT-1300 and XS freighters don't have enough information on them, to make them any different. If you look at the Falcon however, you can see what upgrades and changes it has gone through.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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It's not that the technology isn't different, because it is. It's just not noticeably less advanced for being 1000 years in the past. The point that the OP was trying to make is that the civilization of Star Wars appears to be very stagnant when it comes to scientific innovation, as the only really noticeable advance in 1000 years was essentially the construction of a giant cannon (the Death Star).


Part of it is because they've basically set us in the Clone War times. Yeah, no clones, no droid armies, and the Sith Empire, but essentially, we're in the Clone War times. If you look at the original TotJ Dark Horse comics, the tech was less advanced, lots more beast riding and so on.


But really, we want to play Star Wars without the trappings of the movies, the limitations like a wiped out Jedi order, the rule of 2, and so on. So that means you either set it in the past or the future. BioWare went the past route, building on what Dark Horse did. And here we are. But we still get all the tech we know and love.


Just think of it as an alternate universe and run with it.

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Actually it's not all that unfeasable, Ancient Egypt survived for nearly 2000 years without any real advancement in technology.


EDIT - Also I meant to mention that our recent advancements in technology over the last hundred or so years are the exception to the norm, if our current level of advancement over the last 100 years had occured at the same pace as the rest of humanities technological advancement the it would be the year 3500 at least right now.

Edited by Bluedarky
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In the series by Issac Asmov (Foundation) in the first chapter of the first book, It talked abut how little progress was being made.IIRC the big development was a spring for a chair, and that is why the foundation was setup with too few resources.So they would be inventive.


So I can see how they would be so slow in developing new Tech.

and we do not know if their was any conflicts or such between the game and the movies time frames



plus with all the factions wiht cross purposes I can see some slowing of developing tech.

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I would have thought after 3 thousand years we could blow people up with our minds and teleport to any location instantly, while consuming sustenance from tightly sealed spacesuits.


Yknow because of the heavy pollution :o



Oh and increase healing and longevity through the use of cell rebirth, giving the rich and famous everlasting life.



Even in our world these possibilities are not out of the question ;O

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Who rules this reality? its the jedi/sith....


neither of wich care all that much about technology. There certinally more concerned with seeking power through use of the force. Take that and that fact that they wipe out the galaxy several times in a row between all of the seperate story lines. it would make sence that technology advancement would slow to a creeping halt.


Not to mention that with tech at that level you would have to consult serveral different scientific diciplines to acomplish any large scale goal. bio chem structural engeneering and chemestry just to get started. It would take a very organised colaberation to really advance tech quickly...... un fortunately in this universe all of the organised groups are more focused on mutual destruction.....



I think im going to game quit and start protesting.......

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ie on this planet in the last 1000 years we've went from bows and arrows to assault rifles.


But how many thousands of years was the bow and arrow or spear the height of weapon design?


The oldest bow dates back about 11,000 years, and were still a major part of warfare until about a thousand years ago. So you're looking at around 10,000 years in which weapon tech didn't really change much at all, other then refining the existing system. Better arrows, better strings, better bows, ect...

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Because they have complete control over space within the galaxy. But the distance between galaxies is trillions of times the distance from one end of the galaxy to the other. So for that massive distance there is absolutely no form of fuel or energy, just blackness. I imagine this is a pretty near impossible hurtle to overcome.


I can't think of any other relevant form of advancement the SW universe could possibly make technologically.

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For the same reasons that, at least in US modern times, the US can no longer build the Saturn V rocket. The technology no longer exists, despite 30-years of progress.


Could it be done again? Of course, but not without more research.


On a galactic scale, it could be the same. Some tech falls through the cracks, as more reliable methods are maintained and not improved upon (such as the Saturn V). In many cases, it may not be necessary to improve upon it, if there is no immediate need for it.


"Necessity is the Mother of Invention."


In the SW-Universe, there is no necessity.

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Clearly they have made advances between SWTOR and what you see in the movies. I mean in SWTOR look at how many blaster shots it takes to kill someone. But in the movies blasters are so powerful that people die in 1 shot.




Althought it would be funny seeing any of the Star Wars movies but with SWTOR blaster mechanics. The opening scene of EP1 where stormtroopers board the ship, instead of taking 2 minutes, takes 10 minutes because people are so hard to kill. hehe


No, the stormtroopers that boarded the corvette in Ep1 were just low level mobs.

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