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Everything posted by mshea

  1. The OP I believe was talking about advancements in technology ie on this planet in the last 1000 years we've went from bows and arrows to assault rifles.
  2. Not sure what server your on but I successfully RE'd 2 green armorings this afternoon on Krayt dragon server. They were required level 37 resolve armoring and a level 35 might armoring.
  3. The main thing I would say is make sure your marking the targets and your dps is following the kill order. On my assassin tank I move in and use discharge to hit all the mobs then I focus on the first kill target. The only person that will pull threat off the other targets you only hit with your AOE will be the healer unless the dps are also AOEing. If something moves towards the healer then hit your taunt. If a dps pulls agro on something other than the kill target I personnaly would ask them to not aoe the first time then let them die any subsequent times.
  4. I noticed this last night as well. I play an Assassin in a static group of 3 players and we use Mako as the one companion so I never have khem val out ever. We ran Black Talon last night and I recieved negative affection at the end but I didn't see any pop up as I was making choices like they do when I quest with a companion out.
  5. You can only change the color if it's a custom lightsaber(orange name). You control right click it to open the modification window then just drag the color crystal you want into the color crystal slot and hit apply
  6. The stim that reduces damage I imagine would only be useful for a dedicated healer.
  7. I feel mine is less powerful as well but I think for me it's just because he's the only melee class I've played. When I kill something I have to run over to the next guy as opposed to my other characters who can just hit tab and keep on dealing damage.
  8. You have to target a player and click on the ability and a glow will surround the player for a second. I've only seen a white glow so I'm assuming that's light side.
  9. I just recently unlocked the tier 2 missions at skill level 60 for scavenging.
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