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Have you been begged yet?


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Yes I've had people ask me to give them credits, I usually just ignore them.


I don't mind being asked for help, I will help if I can.


What I dislike is group/guild invites cold, "without first saying something" I find this rude.


Guild invites in this manner are not a big deal because they can be blocked in the UI,

however group invites would need to be blocked and unblocked, whenever grouping is or is not needed, therefor I just leave it unblocked and refuse all cold group requests.


Absolutely agree. Very annoying to be running around doing whatever and have that invite window suddenly pop up in the screen. I mean... Hello, I don't know you. Why do I want to join your random guild?!

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I haven't noticed anyone begging for credits.


I've been asked a few times to group up for a FP/Heroic. I don't see this as a problem though, since the people usually whisper first and when I accept, they invite me to group. As a relatively new player, I thought that was part of the game (as is the LFG _____ while at the Fleet).


As far as guilds go, I am fortunate to be a part of a small but helpful guild. As a first day 50, I got invited to an Op so that I could get gear. I was given gear that guildmates weren't using (didn't ask for it), but they wanted me on the Op, so they helped me out. From the time I joined my guild (was invited by my brother) I have given mats, augments, gear, etc to guildies who needed them purely in the spirit of "Pay it Forward."


I use the same mentality elsewhere in the game. While running for datacrons on lower level planets you will amass low level gear. If I see a low level person in the area, I will whisper to them asking if they have found/would like the datacron. Then afterward, I dump all the low level gear on them. Even if they only sell it, sometimes a few hundred credits means a world of difference at the lower levels.

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I haven't had anyone ask for credits, but I did have someone randomly group invite me yesterday. I joined and found out he was on a trial account and couldnt whisper me to ask. I went along and helped him, then he told me he needed one more, me being a bit of a softie I agreed, but told him it was kinda rude inviting someone blindly.


At the end, he just dropped group and went on his way. I still haven't had a thank you from him.

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On my server...I had not been begged until last weekend. In about an hour I had 3 different players (lvl 20s and a lvl 16) in Belsavis who sent me a whisper saying "can I borrow 40k credits?? I am so close to my speeder"... or "Can I have 100 credits to get back to the right planet for my level? I got here by accident and don't have enough to leave"


I actually gave the 100 credits but told them email only and they would have to wait for it.... Found out later that this one person had been bouncing to every planet asking for that same 100 or even 1000 credits....


Earlier today I got 2 emails in the game from people who "saw" me on fleet and were asking if I had any gear or upper tier loot I was going to sell that they could have... I didn't even know these people.

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I have had a couple of characters begging for credits, usually because in General chat I seem to know what I am doing.

Typically I refuse to give credits and if they persist, I refuse again. A third attempt gets them on my ignore list.


I have also seen a few people begging for help with missions and flashpoints, but only in General. In these cases I am usually happy to help out once or twice, as long as I am not on my way to do something else. However, I do make it clear that as my character is over-level for the content they are running, they will not get any xp for the content so if I work with them, they will find the content progressively more difficult.

Those groups typically turn into a workshop where I help with group management, rotations, tactics, credit management (so they can avoid becoming the credit beggar) and generally getting more out of the game.

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Wow I wasn't aware that people actually went around begging for credits and gear. I've experienced it on other games like WOW but i just assumed it was because it had a high child subscription base. I couldn't imagine going around begging people for credits or anything for that matter! I don't even like asking my guild for items if I do I always offer to pay for it. Could you imagine.... everybody would label you as the beggar on that server! How embarrassing nobody would ever group with you!
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Happened again twice a little bit ago in Korriban. Had to run my lvl37 there for a class and I stopped to sell some junk at the little market. Wasn't asked for much... Luckily they couldn't chase me into my phase area... fired up the speeder..plowed em' over and closed my chat window.


I also get a TON of emails for the credit sellers every day but BW seems to do a pretty good job of bumping these people off the game. Most of the emails are from "character deleted" but the message still sits in my box.

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I don't get how it is possible to need to beg for a hundred credits to travel to a different planet. First of all, *** are you spending your credits on. Second, 10 min of killing mobs will net you more than enough.


The thing that annoys me the most are the blind group/guild invites. It's incredibly rude, and why would I want to be part of a guild that doesn't care who is in the guild just so they can fill the ranks. That never leads to a good guild.


If someone needs a bit of help with a quest that they are having issues with, I don't mind helping them out, but if they are just looking for a free ride, they usually end up ignored.

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I prefer the saying: Make a fire for a man, and you warm him for a night. Make a fire of a man, and you warm him for the rest of his life. :D Saw that one alot in EVE. lol


Do you mean: "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." I recommend more Terry Pratchett in your life.

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As in real life, people that beg for things money/food/etc are trying to manipulate others into giving them things for free. This I equate to being guilt-ed into helping others, by using the "oh, how sad is that, lets help that poor person" ploy. The more sad they appear, the more often people give them free stuff/money/etc. From the beggar's perspective, they see the reaction to them looking gaunt/unkempt/dirty/etc. and "earns" more of a living from their begging the worse-off they look.


Part of that persona may include acting dumb or being unable to care for themselves or unable to do things by themselves. Translate this over to the gaming world, people will continue to beg if they succeed in receiving things for free. Whether that is in the form of being run through a flashpoint, free or discounted items, or any other type of advantage they may choose to beg for.


So, if you happen to come across anyone begging for your help... stop, think a minute, and help them if you are not put out/over-tasked by helping them.


Otherwise, tell them "nice try, have a nice day". If they do not get the hint, type /ignore <that player's name> to add them to your ignore list.

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Up untill recently no. It started a few days ago, this guy just keeps asking me if I want to join his guild, starting to get close to begging I feel, once he even asked me to justify my "No" answer!


Never had anyone beg for items or money though.



Edited by Kaesoron
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I've been politely asked once when I was getting my artifact cube on Nar Shadaa if I would help them with their class quest. I told them it would be a minute and they were willing to wait. I helped them out and they were cool about it.


On my sorcerer, every time I went back to Korriban for an update, I would find a newbie starting out and give them 10k credits.


I gave a guildy 100k the other day. They are in law school and don't have a lot of time to farm credits and those ops repair bills suck.


If I can add a little cheer to someone's day by giving them fake money in a game, I'm cool with that.

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It hasn't happened to me, but it would be naive to think that SWTOR is free of begging.


I'm really curious if any of you have been begged for the following:


1) Has anyone begged you for credits?


2) Have any low-level players begged you to run them through low-level flash points?


3) Has anyone begged you to join their group or guild?


How do you handle those situations if and when they occur?


1) Nope


2) Nope.. although I have willingly offered. Flashpoints AND heroics, and people refuse to take me up on it. Kind of odd, imo.. lol


3) No begging, but I get daily blind invites to guilds on my main and primary alt. Not particularly well geared on the main and the lat is super geared, but level 30.. and who cares about a geared level 30??


Credits grow on trees in this game. If one were to beg me, I would just add them to ignore list without responding. Simple as that.


If anyone asked me to run them through a flashpoint or a heroic quest, my response would be "Thank YOU!!!.. I'm bored to tears!"

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It hasn't happened to me, but it would be naive to think that SWTOR is free of begging.


I'm really curious if any of you have been begged for the following:




3) Has anyone begged you to join their group or guild?


How do you handle those situations if and when they occur?




Yes to #3. We told him several times it was a small, family guild but he wouldn't stop asking to join. I don't know what it was that made him want to join so badly, but he was relentless so we allowed him in.


We were friendly, but we're mostly "old" fogies and all old friends from previous games. He also was very much focused on end game. Half our guild is in a top ranking raid guild in WoW, and the other half (of which I am a part) isn't interested in raiding at all, so really none of us are looking for that in SWTOR



He lasted a week.

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I am not a high ranking character.....yet. I have never begged for anything, haven't even really asked but have been offered several times. It took me a long time to find a guild and asked on the forums about those that were recruiting. What ended up happening was I was offered after I helped a low level toon do a bonus portion of a mission. And just last night, one of my guild members gave me the 8k I needed for my next cargo bay so that the items I was crafting could be sold on the market. THey do it because they know I offer all my stuff to them first and if no one needs the items, I keep them to be sold.
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