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1.2 War Hero Gear on PTS - Now requires BM gear :)


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I have two "true war heros" that was not part of the 1.1 ilum farm or the valor handout after 1.1.5 so i play a lot of pvp but i don't understand why i would need better gear then others because of that?

Maybe you enjoy gear vs gear instead of player vs player?


Well, seems to me that we have different opinions.


I want to become a war machine, highly skilled and better geared player who due to my high xp in pvp and high valor has the dominant role in each battle. I want to be the best both skill wise and gear wise in my team and meet the same kind of champion on the opposite team. I can imagine the situation where noone can face Player X but me on the battlefield and I like it.


You want everyone to have the same gear and equal chances with no rewards other than the rank based on winrate.


We just have different ideas of PvP

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Guys, this gear wont gate new players from competing in ranked games. Assuming all players have an equal skill level. Just follow the logic for a sec.


As players get more and more gear they should begin to win more and more games. Jumping them up in the ELO. New freshly geared 50's wont be playing the full Warhero geared 50s. To be honest it will only cost 12k regular warzone coms to become full BM. So all "fresh" 50's should play regular matches until they can afford their BM gear. (It wont take that long... for a casual 2 weeks tops). As the new "fresh" BM 50's move up the ranks they will earned ranked WZ coms to use and trade in for war hero gear.


Now, everyone isnt at the same skill level and some people *********** suck at PVP. Those people will still suck in War Hero gear. Gear isnt an "I win" button in this game. Yes it might make them harder to kill, and by that i mean 2-3 more GCD to kill. 1 Bad player can cost a team a match. Hell, one good player can win a team a match. There is much more to this game than Gear.


What people are failing to see is that with ranked WZ comes rating. Rating will mean EVERYTHING not gear. Rating is the new valor, except it will be harder to earn (assuming you lose rating for losing a match, which you should.) Yes it is true, a Champ geared player might not be able to compete at the 2k+ rating level where everyone is full WH, but he will eventually get the gear where he can.


tldr: Rating will be the gating factor in Ranked WZ not gear. Gear will come easy over the first month. Rating will cause much more emo and rage than gear ever did. Just imaging all the 12year old imps ************ because someone forgot to cover a door and now they are lower rated.

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Guys, this gear wont gate new players from competing in ranked games. Assuming all players have an equal skill level. Just follow the logic for a sec.


As players get more and more gear they should begin to win more and more games. Jumping them up in the ELO. New freshly geared 50's wont be playing the full Warhero geared 50s. To be honest it will only cost 12k regular warzone coms to become full BM. So all "fresh" 50's should play regular matches until they can afford their BM gear. (It wont take that long... for a casual 2 weeks tops). As the new "fresh" BM 50's move up the ranks they will earned ranked WZ coms to use and trade in for war hero gear.


Now, everyone isnt at the same skill level and some people *********** suck at PVP. Those people will still suck in War Hero gear. Gear isnt an "I win" button in this game. Yes it might make them harder to kill, and by that i mean 2-3 more GCD to kill. 1 Bad player can cost a team a match. Hell, one good player can win a team a match. There is much more to this game than Gear.


What people are failing to see is that with ranked WZ comes rating. Rating will mean EVERYTHING not gear. Rating is the new valor, except it will be harder to earn (assuming you lose rating for losing a match, which you should.) Yes it is true, a Champ geared player might not be able to compete at the 2k+ rating level where everyone is full WH, but he will eventually get the gear where he can.


tldr: Rating will be the gating factor in Ranked WZ not gear. Gear will come easy over the first month. Rating will cause much more emo and rage than gear ever did. Just imaging all the 12year old imps ************ because someone forgot to cover a door and now they are lower rated.


Great post

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Well, seems to me that we have different opinions.


I want to become a war machine, highly skilled and better geared player who due to my high xp in pvp and high valor has the dominant role in each battle. I want to be the best both skill wise and gear wise in my team and meet the same kind of champion on the opposite team. I can imagine the situation where noone can face Player X but me on the battlefield and I like it.


You want everyone to have the same gear and equal chances with no rewards other than the rank based on winrate.


We just have different ideas of PvP


If you have better gear, does it then take any skill to beat the other players? If you are highly skilled then you will beat the ppl that have same gear but not the same skill as you. So it is not about equal chance, it is all about skill.

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tldr: Rating will be the gating factor in Ranked WZ not gear. Gear will come easy over the first month. Rating will cause much more emo and rage than gear ever did. Just imaging all the 12year old imps ************ because someone forgot to cover a door and now they are lower rated.


Great post!


Quoted part will give me nightmares.

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I'm a hardcore PVPer in full BM gear (PRE free valor for all patch). And I think it's a hideously bad idea. AS A PVPER I want PEOPLE to fight, and I VASTLY prefer a system where full participation in PVP isn't gated by gear. I'm also 100% certain that the fact some people have the time to mindlessly 'grind' hundreds of hours for gear does not make those people better PVPers, or that it makes PVP more enjoyable.


This guy hit the nail on the head.


If people feel they are better, because they put more time in.... good for them.


I play games for the challenge of PvP. Knowing that I beat them because I got lucky, or am more skilled. That's what excites me and keeps me playing.


Yesterday was a prime example, I was on my Vanguard on Ilum and came across a Marauder who had pretty similar stats to me (both around 1800 hits). He won the first fight with about 3% hps left. Second fight I beat him with about 15% hps left. Third fight he beat me by about 5% left. The fights were EXTREMELY close and great fun. Knowing that we had fairly equal gear it was EXCITING.


That's what I play for, I could care less if I had full BM gear and smashed him or vice versa as it's not a challenge.


I would much rather, after watching the new Legacy video, have Legacy Rewards gained through PvP, aswell as "decorative" improvements.


Sure, I don't have any BM armour so I'm bound to say that. But I've taken the time to re-roll from Imp to Republic after the Empire was like 3 or 4 to 1 Rep, which meant Ilum was no challenge at all.


So after spending the first month on my sorc, getting him full Champ gear I dropped him. Re-rolled my Vanguard (hit 50 whilst my friends were still 30's), rolled my Sentinel to PvP with them and hit 50 about the same time, whilst my Vanguard is also nearly full champ gear. My Sentinel is in full PvP and 3/4 pieces of champ and I'm now rolling a Smuggler because we didn't have any.


I've also been helping level my guildees as I want to play with them etc.


So I could have easily had full BM gear and smashed people that isn't what I find fun. I PvP for the challenge. It's why I loved COD/BF3 as my reaction time etc made such a big difference. Whereas in SWTOR, if you don't have the best gear, you always blame that for your loss, because you don't really know wether you would have won or not.


I'm fine if I die/lose, provided we both had the same skill level. But if I lost simply because someone spent 5days more played than me and was a terrible player, I'll get bored.


Prime example is the tracer spam noobs who win, simply because they spam tracer missile in full bm gear......

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What did you expect? Everyone would have just skipped the first two tiers of PvP items, losing their way in the ranked WZs to get to the best gear asp otherwise.


Which would have resulted in you being paired up with people wearing green 36ish items.

(I doubt that the people who are joining 50ish wzs with 36greens now will spend the credits on the starter set even...)

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What you are failing to realize is that as the ELO system begins to sort out the bad and good players, the playing field will become even. yes the first two weeks will be hell, but after that the rating will sort everything out. And im willing to bet that by the time someone grinds to 2500 rating they will have earned more than enough coms to buy full warhero.


edit: also buying full BM in 1.2 is cake... its only 11k WZ coms for full BM. compaired to now were that would only buy you bracers/belt/relic (3 BM coms)


For someone who PVPs all day, no, this is not a problem. For a guild like mine, with a mix of hardcores and casuals (good PVPers, but time restricted by demands of work, studies and family), yet another step in gearing up IS a problem. I would VASTLY prefer a system where this whole gear crap didn't exist, and where skill was the only factor. And I'd hoped they'd actually done a step in this direction. Too much to ask for, I guess.

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Yeah this change is seriously frakked up. So I cannot play ranked warzones for like a month because I didn't use the valor exploit? What the hell Bioware?!


I didn't use the "exploit", I play casually, I'm Warhero. What a big load of QQ. Battlemaster is now so easy to get and can be used at low valour levels I really don't understand what more you think Bioware could do other than give you Battlemater when you hit 50.


PLUS Valour means nothing, it's all about rating.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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i dun care about ranked war hero set.


currently full bm, i just need 800 wz coms?


Ranked or non-ranked war hero set both require ranked warzone comms.


If you want the non-ranked war hero set then you need 23,125 ranked warzone comms + 800 regular warzone comms and then exchange it for the BM set.


You can get ranked warzone comms from new pvp dailies apparently but none of the transferred lvl 50s on the PTS I've spoken to knows how many you get from them.


You can also get ranked warzone comms by exchanging them for regular warzone comms but the exchange rate is poor. This way is not efficient.


If you want the war hero set, you would be better off running ranked warzones.

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Guys, this gear wont gate new players from competing in ranked games. Assuming all players have an equal skill level. Just follow the logic for a sec.


Your logic might apply when they add cross-server PVP. For 1.2 however, the *reality* is that ELO will not fix the fact that most servers have only so many active PVP queues going at any one time.

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What some of you forget: if you modded your bm gear and threw away the sometimes useless accurracy mods, then you won´t get your bm gear upgraded. (See latest dev q&a).:confused:


Is this confimed? Because if so, thats a load of ****.

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I don't see the big deal here.


They made the right decision. If it were me, and they would've introduced rated PvP gear with no valor requirements, time-spent or needing to swap BM for WH I would've just quit the game.


You can't have both Story and PvP at the same time. Either you level multiple characters to 50 and lack in PvP/PvE content or level 1 character like most people do and excel in PvP/PvE.

Edited by intL
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I have no problem with this. After all this is an MMO not a FPS. You need gear to be good. If you can't stand the grind, then you just wont have the gear. I don't mind the grind and will have my gear. I will see you in the warzones.
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Good call BW.


Anyone who spent a large amount of time/effort (yes) getting BM gear will not feel like it was for nothing.


Exactly, this isn't call of duty. Skill helps in this game, but if you want to be the bully on the playground you have to put in the hours to get the gear.

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