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I find it reprehensible that Star Wars The Old Republic refuses to comment or admit that hacing is a serious problem. If you don't believe it, check out youtube.com. I have sent in many tickets to report this issue. I either get NO response or "we take this as a serious matter" or "this is in violation to our TOS agreement" or "I'll personally investigate this issue." REALLY??? When? This game was fun until I reached level 50 and ran into a bunch of hacks who in my oopinion are losers who can't make it to the end game on their skill or abilities.

Instead, Star Wars has decided to focus on peoples names. Making them change their names because it offends someone. Perma banning people who found a way to get to Ilum while at a lower level and farming the chests. WHAT ABOUT THE HACKS????!!!

I'm so frustrated!! I will be canceling my service and many others will also. Panda bears in WoW seem much more interesting to me than hackers.

However, if someone were to give me a timeline as to when these hacks would stop or even admit that they are working on this major issue I might reconsider.


I'm sure George Lucas would be SOOOOO Proud of Bioware. (Of course this is a sarcastic remark)! I'm astonished and left aghast at what Biowared has done.


FIX THE PROBLEM!!! Otherwise, it'll just be your problem when the game fails. I've known and heard many conversations about people going back to WoW because ya'll have failed at creating a fair and balanced game!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Calm down. If they say they're working on it.. Chances are, they're working on it. Instead, think about the steps you can take to prevent hacking; such as downloading a mobile security key and attaching it to your account.


Also, if you think that hacking is specific to this game only, then think again. You say you're going to go to WoW because you're tired of the hackers.. Take it from someone who has played WoW for all 7 years that it's been out; there are just as many, if not more hackers targeting that game as there are this game.


Hackers are going to be pestering you in any MMO that you play, only thing you can really do is make sure you take the precautionary steps provided to you to ensure that you aren't victimized by it.


Best of luck to ya!

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Don't let the revolving door hit you on the backside on the way out. Bye.


If you think WoW is also free of hacks and/or they do something about them immediately then you are seriously misguided. Blizzard have repeatedly stated that they don't knock hackers or bots on the head right there and then - they monitor them to:


1. work in detection methods into their software to catch others who are using the exploit (why do you think you agree to letting them scan any file on your PC); and


2. work out the best method of changing their programme to disable the hack and prevent it from being used in the future.


After they have waited for a while, they then hit the offending accounts with the ban-hammer. They used to publish the number they banned each time but for some reason they have stopped doing it, perhaps now giving the appearance that there are not so many hacks ? I don't know. At any rate the numbers banned used to be in the thousands.


Personally I can't see any reason why Bioware would take a different approach.


Enjoy your sojourn back in WoW - at least the PvP Warzones here aren't infested with Bots like they are in WoW.

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The hacks the op is talking about affect pvp, there are 2 shown on utube a speed hack that seems like every third player is using and a toolbar/power-force-heat hack that remove the cd and eliminate power cost, I have seen both used extensively to the point I unsubbed,I would gladly resub if I knew they were working on it and not sweeping it under the carpet like they did with the warzone sploit on the advanced pre relese players it took several posts and utube videos befor they even admitted there was a problem.


fix it and me and probably several others will return

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wait, isnt cheating encouraged? the hutball announcer said so! hahahah jk



i brought up this issue in another thread that got locked and deleted. when 1.2 ranked/rated warzone comes out you will see even more hacks/exploiters/botters in game cuz they want to sit on top of the rank board. i already cancelled my subscription due to hackers/exploiters/botters...

Edited by RkJedi
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Calm down. If they say they're working on it.. Chances are, they're working on it. Instead, think about the steps you can take to prevent hacking; such as downloading a mobile security key and attaching it to your account.


Also, if you think that hacking is specific to this game only, then think again. You say you're going to go to WoW because you're tired of the hackers.. Take it from someone who has played WoW for all 7 years that it's been out; there are just as many, if not more hackers targeting that game as there are this game.


Hackers are going to be pestering you in any MMO that you play, only thing you can really do is make sure you take the precautionary steps provided to you to ensure that you aren't victimized by it.


Best of luck to ya!


He isn't talking about that kind of hacking, he is talking about the speed hacks and other in-game hacks that are prevalent.

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The hacks the op is talking about affect pvp, there are 2 shown on utube a speed hack that seems like every third player is using and a toolbar/power-force-heat hack that remove the cd and eliminate power cost, I have seen both used extensively to the point I unsubbed,I would gladly resub if I knew they were working on it and not sweeping it under the carpet like they did with the warzone sploit on the advanced pre relese players it took several posts and utube videos befor they even admitted there was a problem.


fix it and me and probably several others will return




I just checked youtube for the hacks you're referring to. I can't say I've ever seen the speed hacks, or really paid close enough attention to detect the other hacks you're referring to. I will keep a bit more of an eye out I think. Pretty sure I've come across a couple of Bots though.


WoW unfortunately is not much different in regard to hacks. As has been pointed out every MMO gets them. However, people are correct in saying that it's not good PR for Bioware not to publically acknowledge and address the issue.

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Theres lots of topics about this. Ive reported lots of players for speed hacks/damage hacks etc and yet they continue to play.


One hack claims it is undetectable by developers, which might be the case. But I am sure Bioware have systems in place to see how quickly a goal is scored on hutball, how some players can kill 50-70 players a warzone without losing a life.


We've a guild on our server(republic) who are known for it and have many players who use all kinds of hacks to win. They need urgent removing from the game(the players)

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how some players can kill 50-70 players a warzone without losing a life.



While I agree with the issues about hackers and bots ... I feel I must point out that any dps build with a good healer can kill a lot without dying. I personally have managed 30 kills and 0 deaths because I had an awesome healer watching my back. As for 50 - 70 ... maybe it's a good premade with several healers ... not impossible.

Edited by AvalonBunny
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On my server, Anchorhead, I don't feel I've been a victim of those hacks too much. I think once last night someone used the speed hack and my guildy saw it happen. I agree that Bioware needs to make this TOP priority because clearly this happening at all is rotten.
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A lot of "hacks" are people not understanding the abilities of other classes, that said the hacks are out there as are the skill-less morons who use them.


Always amusing however when bright eyed and bushy tailed players come on and claim that there are no hacks and that the processes in question are protected server side.

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"Here's a question for you all to ponder and perhaps enlighten us mere mortals"


Bounty Hunter tracer missle, how many can you fire before you have max heat and how many can you fire after you vent heat for whatever it returns back.


I ask this because 2 days ago i saw one such bounty hunter firing off 20+ Tracer missles without a single break in the barrage in 30s is this remotely possible. Hacking can be misinterprepted as not knowing a class you are competing against but 20 + missles in 30-45s cannot be true can it?.

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I dont forsee any quick fixes


Why you ask....



Because Bioware made the crudest and simplest mistake that anybody since Counterstrike has known not to do. They depend on information from the client. Making it very hard to detect server side and should never be allowed in a game that involves PVP or MMO....of course....BW never made either of those before, so they didnt know, and all they got to do to fix it....is completely rewrite their code.

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Perma banning people who found a way to get to Ilum while at a lower level and farming the chests. WHAT ABOUT THE HACKS????!!!

I'm so frustrated!!




This was done via a "hack" exploit or what have you. Mean while, you just acknowledge in your own posting that they are indeed doing something about it. They will not post the out come to your tickets for all to see nor for you to see. That is the nature of the beast.

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