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Mara/Pally Bubble needs to be looked at(Undying Rage)


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i love how much hate there is over this ability. What about juggs / guardians? when they force charge you and are specced into unstoppable hard cc stuns and roots don't even work on them at all.


they can wail away on you an you have no response within the abilities time frame.


all undying rage is a short shield which requires half your life to even use. it doesn't prevent knock back cc stuns or roots.


if you keep whackamoling on the mara / sent that pops it doesn't make it a game mechanic issue, it's purely a player mechanic issue.


bioware has given you more than enough tools at all AC's disposal to deal with it.

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the mara/sent nerf is coming, it is funny tho, ops receive 3 nerfs with no one really complaining about them except the first one. Mara/sents are ridiculously OP with hundreds of pages of people explaining in detail yet they receive a buff.


It makes me wonder sometimes =/ I'm sure BW will run the numbers themselves and see how OP they are, especially in comparison to the most nerfed class in this game, the operative.

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I just resubbed havent played since like mid January I started the game as a Mara and now that im back... OMG sent/maras are EVERYWHERE I see why so much hate for this ability now its not cause its OP but because you have to deal with it every 3 seconds >.<


Just got out of a match where the enemy team had 5 sents and my team had about the same in maras.. I really wish my first toon didnt turn into this FoM crap so quick

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I just resubbed havent played since like mid January I started the game as a Mara and now that im back... OMG sent/maras are EVERYWHERE I see why so much hate for this ability now its not cause its OP but because you have to deal with it every 3 seconds >.<


Just got out of a match where the enemy team had 5 sents and my team had about the same in maras.. I really wish my first toon didnt turn into this FoM crap so quick


I noticed an increase in sentinels/marauders on my server for about a week and then I stopped seeing about 90% of them after awhile. Most people just get to 50 and eventually realize they arnt this OP class they all imagined it to be. Most of my matches consist of BH/Inq again as a lot of the "fotm" players have switched back to their mains or rolled operative healing. I've been seeing way more operative healers then marauders lately.

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I noticed an increase in sentinels/marauders on my server for about a week and then I stopped seeing about 90% of them after awhile. Most people just get to 50 and eventually realize they arnt this OP class they all imagined it to be. Most of my matches consist of BH/Inq again as a lot of the "fotm" players have switched back to their mains or rolled operative healing. I've been seeing way more operative healers then marauders lately.

IT cant be true, U know it, maras ARE OP!!! anything else is a lie!

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I noticed an increase in sentinels/marauders on my server for about a week and then I stopped seeing about 90% of them after awhile. Most people just get to 50 and eventually realize they arnt this OP class they all imagined it to be. Most of my matches consist of BH/Inq again as a lot of the "fotm" players have switched back to their mains or rolled operative healing. I've been seeing way more operative healers then marauders lately.


Well lucky you every game ive been in since my resub has been pretty much over run by sents/maras so im playing alts

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the mara/sent nerf is coming, it is funny tho, ops receive 3 nerfs with no one really complaining about them except the first one. Mara/sents are ridiculously OP with hundreds of pages of people explaining in detail yet they receive a buff.


It makes me wonder sometimes =/ I'm sure BW will run the numbers themselves and see how OP they are, especially in comparison to the most nerfed class in this game, the operative.


They have run the numbers - If the numbers showed that it was so OMG THIS IS OP they would have left it alone when they did all the changes to classes in 1.2 - no they would have changed it. And there is a huge difference from a class being able to stun you and kill you in-side the duration of that stun than what marauders have to do to kill someone.


Operatives didn't need complaining about because the numbers bioware had showed they're burst was higher than what was intended.


And there are not hundreds of pages of ppl explaining in detail that maras a OP there are hundreds of pages of OMG A MARA BEAT ME NOT FAIR posts with maybe half a dozen of semi objective posts about the topic from the complainers.


The reason there are so many complaints is that Mara/sents are a hard counter to the most played class in the game - Soc/sages.


Ppl keep saying they are seeing like 10 marauders in lvl 50 pvp? ummm not on my server. maybe like 3 in a game.

I do still see 10 inquisitors in matches - funny how ppl didn't complain about it when their were 10 socs in every match.

Edited by Dacer
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*sigh* Another reason why these forums are a joke. Easily offended moderators can't let people have discussions. Telling the truth is "bad"


actually, the post deleted (mine included) aren't really discussion. It involves one guy calling BS on all my post and me trying to argue with him so its actually good call that mod removed them.


Well done.

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*sigh* Another reason why these forums are a joke. Easily offended moderators can't let people have discussions. Telling the truth is "bad"


They also selectively mod. If two people are going back and forth you don't just pick one person to mod, you either mod both or ignore both.


Anyway I canceled my sub, the game is boring anyway. GW2 is far more competitively based. No gear grind, not time wasted on leveling, 3 factions etc. No recurring sub either.

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They also selectively mod. If two people are going back and forth you don't just pick one person to mod, you either mod both or ignore both.


Anyway I canceled my sub, the game is boring anyway. GW2 is far more competitively based. No gear grind, not time wasted on leveling, 3 factions etc. No recurring sub either.


I said "mine included" so really even though I'm not the one who started useless bickering I still get warned and my post deleted. If you cancelled your sub, why are you still coming to this forum? Now I'm thinking they should make this forum a currently paid players only.


Hate for hate's sake is really old at this point.

Mod really need to work harder to delete these posts.

Edited by hyuplee
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Our damage against equally geared players hasn't even really changed from 1.1.5 to 1.2. My crits still vary in the 1.5-3k range against other players in BM/WH gear and the amount of time I live/die/kill someone in equal gear is about the same. Only time you see crazy crit numbers is when hitting someone in cent/champ/recruit gear. The problem isn't the class, the problem is this game uses a stupid pvp stat called expertise and the game is heavily reliant on that stat and on the gear. 1.1.5 champ gear was pretty good to compete with, 1.2 champ gear felt like being a fresh 50 again. getting BM it started to scale back to the feeling of 1.1.5 again. and this is why pvp in MMO's need to stop relying on gear/pvp stats so much and stop having gear grinds in pvp. If people want to pvp they will pvp. If they just do it for gear then they are not pvp players. If people really need an incentive outside of competition then give them cosmetic rewards/currency/etc...


If BW gave everyone preset gear when you enter a warzone with preset stats for pvp (separate stats from pve) it would fix a good chunk of the problems with pvp atm.

Edited by Ellvaan
Quoted removed content/ Warning is for IC from Lexicam
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I said "mine included" so really even though I'm not the one who started useless bickering I still get warned and my post deleted. If you cancelled your sub, why are you still coming to this forum? Now I'm thinking they should make this forum a currently paid players only.


Hate for hate's sake is really old at this point.

Mod really need to work harder to delete these posts.


When you cancel your sub it doesn't just lock you out, you still get the rest of the time you paid for. I'll probably finish the SW story in the time I have left.

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Our damage against equally geared players hasn't even really changed from 1.1.5 to 1.2. My crits still vary in the 1.5-3k range against other players in BM/WH gear and the amount of time I live/die/kill someone in equal gear is about the same. Only time you see crazy crit numbers is when hitting someone in cent/champ/recruit gear. The problem isn't the class, the problem is this game uses a stupid pvp stat called expertise and the game is heavily reliant on that stat and on the gear. 1.1.5 champ gear was pretty good to compete with, 1.2 champ gear felt like being a fresh 50 again. getting BM it started to scale back to the feeling of 1.1.5 again. and this is why pvp in MMO's need to stop relying on gear/pvp stats so much and stop having gear grinds in pvp. If people want to pvp they will pvp. If they just do it for gear then they are not pvp players. If people really need an incentive outside of competition then give them cosmetic rewards/currency/etc...


If BW gave everyone preset gear when you enter a warzone with preset stats for pvp (separate stats from pve) it would fix a good chunk of the problems with pvp atm.


Exactly. sadly people don't realize the problem. They just nip-picked a few ability that 'they think" is overpowered and radio the nerf-bital strike and guess what, the real issue ain't solved and mara still do a mad loads of dmg and then people come back to the forum to radio more nerf-bital strike.


If you want to nerf marauder so bad, fine.

But please. for the love of god, nerf the things that actually matter.

If you actually think nerf undying will change the way things are now, by all means, feel free to continue whining, but I guarantee you if you get pwned by mara with undying now, you will continue to get pwned in the future.

Edited by LexiCazam
IC - quote
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They also selectively mod. If two people are going back and forth you don't just pick one person to mod, you either mod both or ignore both.


Anyway I canceled my sub, the game is boring anyway. GW2 is far more competitively based. No gear grind, not time wasted on leveling, 3 factions etc. No recurring sub either.

Go craft your dyes and endlessly spam trade.


Ar the OP the game isnlt built around pvp that power is an good help for pve as well. If you choose to stand toe to toe with a mara who has just popped his shield GL HF.

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Go craft your dyes and endlessly spam trade.


Ar the OP the game isnlt built around pvp that power is an good help for pve as well. If you choose to stand toe to toe with a mara who has just popped his shield GL HF.


Or play a marauder, since you all think the class is so broken.


Problem solved.

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I find the one issue, from a serious-pvp standpoint, is that its not the survivability that the ability is useful for, its for objectives.


Marauders have an excellent capacity to hold out objectives above and beyond most every other class; with exceptions of the vanish abilities of things like the operative, or a tank+healer guarded combination.


This is especially noticeable in places like voidstar, when defending, where every second on a revive timer counts. With proper coordination in premades, timing your survivability cooldown as the revive window opens up is pretty much uncounterable by opposition.

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I find the one issue, from a serious-pvp standpoint, is that its not the survivability that the ability is useful for, its for objectives.


Marauders have an excellent capacity to hold out objectives above and beyond most every other class; with exceptions of the vanish abilities of things like the operative, or a tank+healer guarded combination.


This is especially noticeable in places like voidstar, when defending, where every second on a revive timer counts. With proper coordination in premades, timing your survivability cooldown as the revive window opens up is pretty much uncounterable by opposition.


very well said

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I looked at it... meh. I don't really have an issue with Undying Rage. It's a whopping 5 seconds. If you've blow all your CDs and CC before then you were going to lose the fight anyways. I have defensive abilities too, and CC to laugh at them while they count the seconds before imminent doom. Yes, Undying Rage can be very annoying, but it's not OP or broken. Most classes have a way to deal with it.
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<< I find the one issue, from a serious-pvp standpoint, is that its not the survivability that the ability is useful for, its for objectives. >>


For maybe _5_ seconds if you don't remove the buff or just kill them anyways, and if you don't just knockback/root them away; they don't have ranged attacks remember. If it's 1v1 a healer or a shadow can hold their objective for far longer than a sentinel can (try to cap a turret in under 45 secs with a shadow/sin spamming "sap"). Or mez/snare/stun them and take your objectives anyways. Sents are laughable ball carriers. Basically, "so what"?


This thread is pointless but it's a good illustration of the "grass is greener" principle.

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