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really this is pointless


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i know for starters i am going to get trolls over this but who really cares. i worked hard to get battle master then the stupid patch that made it so any moron that sucks at pvp just does match after match can get battle master and even war hero. now with 1.2 they are making it so any moron can get battle master gear after i buster my *** to get that *** is really the point....the game creators need to stop building a game to all the whining re res that are in this game and build it to the real player and make it actually a challenge and a pride in getting these achievements with this game... if you make it all to easy then no one is going to stay on this game more than a few months before they get bored and walk away...you guys should look at how loyal the fans were to the older games of the early 2000 were the challenges were actually there like dark ages of Camelot(what is still playable and came out in 2001) and star wars galaxy(8 year before close). those are good game and have many fans to them. Edited by Meluna
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If it was too difficult to obtain you or any number of other people would have the same type of thread up about that.


Hehe I actually come to these forums for good laughs now, it really is quite amusing to see so many people complain no matter which direction they take the game.


I don't drown myself (nor did I) in endless hours of SWTOR because I already know how burnout from these games happen, and it just makes you want to come to the forums and be miserable.


Last I checked PvPers claimed everything was about skill: So why does it matter who can get what gear?


Make up your minds, it's either about skill or it's about gear, but don't flip-flop every time something gets changed.

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Completely agree, and I don't even PvP. This game will be another casualty of devs trying to cater to the instant gratification crowd. Really don't get it, since all the games that have tried to do that have failed, miserably, and are now run by skeleton crews on f2p models.


Maybe in a few years games will start coming out that are aimed at actual gamers instead of tourists but until then, this is all we got.

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Completely agree, and I don't even PvP. This game will be another casualty of devs trying to cater to the instant gratification crowd. Really don't get it, since all the games that have tried to do that have failed, miserably, and are now run by skeleton crews on f2p models.


Maybe in a few years games will start coming out that are aimed at actual gamers instead of tourists but until then, this is all we got.


WoW did it.....


Rift did it....


Most of the games that went F2P have tripled their income/profit.....


Fact of the matter is I agree you should have to work for things, but at the end of the day: I know if I am a better player than someone else, so I couldn't care less where they got their gear or if it matches up to mine.


If you don't have enough self-confidence to say the same thing: You shouldn't even engage in PvP to begin with.

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Maybe in a few years games will start coming out that are aimed at actual gamers instead of tourists but until then, this is all we got.



"Tourists" make more money for the company, hence the problem.



MMO's have gotten to big for their own good.

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If it was too difficult to obtain you or any number of other people would have the same type of thread up about that.


Hehe I actually come to these forums for good laughs now, it really is quite amusing to see so many people complain no matter which direction they take the game.


I don't drown myself (nor did I) in endless hours of SWTOR because I already know how burnout from these games happen, and it just makes you want to come to the forums and be miserable.


Last I checked PvPers claimed everything was about skill: So why does it matter who can get what gear?


Make up your minds, it's either about skill or it's about gear, but don't flip-flop every time something gets changed.


Today sir, you are my hero :) Well said.

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While I think they shoudl have made the Champion gear purchasable with WZ commendations and not the BM gear, even though I grinded to BM, it doesn't bother me one bit that people will be able to buy the gear with WZ comms, because gear is only part of the equation. You can be fully decked in BM gear, and still get destroyed in PvP by better players.


Oh and newsflash OP: Top level gear always eventually becomes the "newbie" gear.

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"Tourists" make more money for the company, hence the problem.



MMO's have gotten to big for their own good.


I know it's useless to even bring this up, by why do folks who play this game a lot (or any online game for that matter) often make condescending comments or terms for people who play this game like a game rather than letting it dominate all their spare time? What is wrong with being a casual player and a game having features that cater to casual players? Nothing in my opinion.


I'm bored and felt like posting this in the hopes an insightful comment may be generated, but I'm ready for the hate as well.



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i know for starters i am going to get trolls over this but who really cares. i worked hard to get battle master then the stupid patch that made it so any moron that sucks at pvp just does match after match can get battle master and even war hero. now with 1.2 they are making it so any moron can get battle master gear after i buster my *** to get that *** is really the point....the game creators need to stop building a game to all the whining re res that are in this game and build it to the real player and make it actually a challenge and a pride in getting these achievements with this game... if you make it all to easy then no one is going to stay on this game more than a few months before they get bored and walk away...you guys should look at how loyal the fans were to the older games of the early 2000 were the challenges were actually there like dark ages of Camelot(what is still playable and came out in 2001) and star wars galaxy(8 year before close). those are good game and have many fans to them.


They are adding a new tier of PvP gear.


In order to keep the disparity between a fresh 50 and max geared at a point where people will actually stick with it (nobody likes running in and getting killed in 2 seconds flat over and over) they are making the previous tiers easier to acquire.


If you want challenge and a sense of pride, you'd be advocating for a more level playing field rather than demanding your performance advantage (read: crutch) remain in place.

Edited by Paralassa
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"Tourists" make more money for the company, hence the problem.



MMO's have gotten to big for their own good.


I know, hence my comment about there being no games for gamers anymore. I enjoy TOR, to an extent, but it could be so much better and have more staying power if they give us some long-term goals instead of these 1.5h operations that hand out loot like it's nothing or flashpoints that are just a bore to clear to the point that it's more efficient to just ignore them completely.


The only goal seems to be to fill out your legacy tree lol. I'm gonna keep playing simply because TOR has such immense potential due to the way it's structured. Although, keeping VO's in the game is also a ton of extra work for the dev team, if they intend to keep the quality at what it is. (most people have no clue whatsoever about just how HARD doing VO's is if you want them to be any good, but that's a different discussion).

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1) When did trolls become a term for 'anyone who disagrees with me'


2) Getting gear has never been an indication of skill. All it takes in any mmo to get gear is time. Terrible players can still get gear as long as they put forth the time to get it. Same thing for SWTOR, getting BattleMaster does not take skill, it takes time. All they are changing is the amount of time required to get. I see no problem with this change. Congrats OP, you have more time than other people, you are awesome.

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I always find it interesting when a PvPer gets all pompous about time invested to earn PvP gear/rank, and how they try to protect it like a cherished treasre.


PvP should be for the fun/challenge of the sport, period. The kill is the reward and you should gain no advantage other then your personal skill and experience.


Everyone should auto-suit into PvP gear when they enter a PvP zone.


There should be no gear wars in PvP. It's PvP, not armor vs, armor. Realm ranks in DAOC were lame, gear wars in PvP for modern MMOs are equally lame.


There should be a perk/reward system for winners for sure, but it should not be something that you factor right back into PvP matches that give you an advantage over someone of equal skill. You can have feathers in your helmet or ribbons on your chest for bragging rights, or any of a number of other epeen trinkets.


Skill and talent, and skill and talent only, should be the differentiator in PvP.


/2 cents

Edited by Andryah
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Really won't change much. Those who focus on one character will get the new good gear and life will go on. If someone has equal gear to me then I'm happy to see that, I want them to know that I outplayed them.


There are people who play this game and they can't even devote a single week to getting full cent with some champ pieces. I doubt that once this new patch goes live most of them will even bother looking at their mods/enhancements and try to min/max their gear, they'll still spam the same 2-3 buttons, tunnel their target while getting smoked by a ranged off to the side, list goes on.

Edited by Numerii
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What is your real complaint here? Given a long enough time span, the worst player in the game will have BM or war hero gear. That is nature of the beast. Gear does not equate to skill. Gear equates more to time investment than anything else. Either embrace the fact that pvp will become more balance in terms of gear, which means skill will become important, or move on to the next new MMO and rush ahead of the crowd for a few months of epeen there before the cycle repeats.
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What is your real complaint here? Given a long enough time span, the worst player in the game will have BM or war hero gear. That is nature of the beast. Gear does not equate to skill. Gear equates more to time investment than anything else. Either embrace the fact that pvp will become more balance in terms of gear, which means skill will become important, or move on to the next new MMO and rush ahead of the crowd for a few months of epeen there before the cycle repeats.


He want's an advantage for his effort. He wants to gank noobs.

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Personally, I don't give a rip what other people do or accomplish in a video game. As long as they aren't exploiting something in an unintended way that eventually has a negative impact on my gameplay, I say have at it.


In the end, it really doesn't matter. Whether they have gear or titles, the outcome is the same...any that oppose me will die by my lightsaber...or my pebbles, my toon is pretty good at throwing stones.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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i know for starters i am going to get trolls over this but who really cares. i worked hard to get battle master then the stupid patch that made it so any moron that sucks at pvp just does match after match can get battle master and even war hero..



It was ALWAYS that way. Battlemaster never required skill, only time.

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i know for starters i am going to get trolls over this but who really cares. i worked hard to get battle master then the stupid patch that made it so any moron that sucks at pvp just does match after match can get battle master and even war hero. now with 1.2 they are making it so any moron can get battle master gear after i buster my *** to get that *** is really the point....the game creators need to stop building a game to all the whining re res that are in this game and build it to the real player and make it actually a challenge and a pride in getting these achievements with this game... if you make it all to easy then no one is going to stay on this game more than a few months before they get bored and walk away...you guys should look at how loyal the fans were to the older games of the early 2000 were the challenges were actually there like dark ages of Camelot(what is still playable and came out in 2001) and star wars galaxy(8 year before close). those are good game and have many fans to them.


Getting BM gear didn't take skills, it took time. Any moron can grind all day in PvP to get gear. QQ more. If you think you're good at PvP, then gear shouldn't matter, you're skills will show that.

Edited by Mrtomie
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Completely agree, and I don't even PvP. This game will be another casualty of devs trying to cater to the instant gratification crowd. Really don't get it, since all the games that have tried to do that have failed, miserably, and are now run by skeleton crews on f2p models.


Maybe in a few years games will start coming out that are aimed at actual gamers instead of tourists but until then, this is all we got.


WoW has done that to an extent and it's still doing pretty good.


That said, I agree with the OP and with your quote (except I don't see this going to f2p--I could be wrong.)


The sad fact is that this is where we're going with MMOs.


The ones that try to cater to a niche or hardcore group just don't succeed. (Conan, WAR, etc.)


The bottom line is that casuals are the majority in these games now that they've become a little more mainstream. In UO--and Everquest, to an extent--the community self-advertised and the only way people even heard of these games was by word-of-mouth. Hell, I had never heard of UO when the guy at EB Games explained to me what it was and it sounded amazing. Kill too many deer in one area? The ogres will start invading towns for food since the deer are gone! It was revolutionary, but it was also cloistered. EQ2 began to change that. DAOC somehow managed to survive and thrive as a niche because they got lucky/were good at what they did. Let's not forget, though, DAOC had its problems, too. First mez wins, and all that. But they recovered and made an incredible game. Then WoW came along and the rest is MMORPG history.


By definition, there are many more casuals in this game than hardcores. This has been laid out by statistics/metrics released in the Guild Summit and other outlets.


And since we all pay the same 15 bucks a month, theirs is the voice that is the most valuable from a business perspective.


It's plain and simple supply/demand, I guess.


I don't like it, but it is what it is.


Anyone going into a broad-scoped MMORPG should just accept that.


Still, it doesn't make it any easier to swallow.

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