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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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Ok look







I played an Operative to level 50. I had 400,000 credits when I killed him because my server had become completely underpopulated.


By the time you get 1.5 mil credits to buy a new species you will be so bored with this game you will never want to play that character.


Again, the underlying assumption in all of this game design is that we will want to play the same content over and over and over again.


That assumption is in direct conflict with the assumption that voice acting would change the MMO, because people playing the same content over and over again space through the voice acting.


And the voice acting is the reason there is so little content in this game.


It's a nasty little trap that Bioware has built for themselves.

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Another thought came to mind and I may be part of the minority.


Aside from the people that took slicing before it was "fixed" or those that have multiple characters near or at 50; Who is going to have 2-5 million credits stashed at legacy level (5?) to buy the new stuff? Between all of my characters (4 total, 50, 34, 26, 14), I have about 300k creds and I play for a few hours each day.


I understand the concepts for business. You have to cater towards the bulk of your customers and If I'm part of the minority, that's one thing; if I am not, then there is a potential problem.

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I played an Operative to level 50. I had 400,000 credits when I killed him because my server had become completely underpopulated.


By the time you get 1.5 mil credits to buy a new species you will be so bored with this game you will never want to play that character.


Again, the underlying assumption in all of this game design is that we will want to play the same content over and over and over again.


That assumption is in direct conflict with the assumption that voice acting would change the MMO, because people playing the same content over and over again space through the voice acting.


And the voice acting is the reason there is so little content in this game.


It's a nasty little trap that Bioware has built for themselves.


Ok how is that any different then other MMOs today? You still do the same things over and over again, and yet people still play them. At least BW did it differently, to where each class has a different story instead of going through the same quests as you did your previous character.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Ok how is that any different then other MMOs today? You still do the same things over and over again, and yet people still play them. At least BW did it differently, to where each class has a different story instead of going through the same quests as you did your previous character.


It takes a couple of years of casual gameplay to max out a character on WoW or LOTRO because there is much more content than in this game.


I maxed out my Operative in about 8 weeks. And I took it nice and slow.

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It takes a couple of years of casual gameplay to max out a character on WoW or LOTRO because there is much more content than in this game.


I maxed out my Operative in about 8 weeks. And I took it nice and slow.


So then roll other characters?...I mean if all you done was an Operative, you still got 7 other classes.

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. At least BW did it differently, to where each class has a different story instead of going through the same quests as you did your previous character.


I lol'd. Not true at all good sir. Atleast in Wow when I was lvl 20. I could either go to zone a,b,c, or d. In swtor I only get line A where the only diff between quests are atleast 22 from 1- 50? To further prove my point. Wow had a zone for Every race. while swtor has 4 starter zones. ...shall I go on ..or have I buried you yet?

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I'm not impressed at all. I can't believe this wasn't in at launch for something that's been made out to be such a big deal. I get a training dummy and GTN on my ship big whoop.


It looks like all the bind-to-legacy armor is a drop and that I'll have to farm in. Big whoop you can grind to 50 in 4 days which hardly makes it worth the time it takes to obtain.


Using the same abilities other classes have and letting us use other races that are already playable is boring. I don't see why it took so long to come up with these ideas an implement them. All I can say is there are a lot of awesome races in this game I was hoping I could play through the legacy system and instead I can now make sith purebloods on republic.

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Ok how is that any different then other MMOs today? You still do the same things over and over again, and yet people still play them. At least BW did it differently, to where each class has a different story instead of going through the same quests as you did your previous character.


Ok again. the bolded part. Each class doesn't have their own story. A sniper, which counts as a class, has the same story as a Operative..which is a different class. oh it all boils down to nothing.

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I do like the legacy stuff, but emailing items to my other toons? Why not make a shared storage pane (perhaps unlock able), which is accessible by all your toons (once unlocked) on the same server. Same should be done with sharing credits.


if u can make guild banks, why not make account banks?

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I can't believe people are complaining about this.....

If you don't want to do it you dont have to do it.

You don't have to do anything!!!!!

Yes you can level your toon really fast in this game if you want......so if it's that easy than who cares if you wipe yer toon out, start fresh and have a 50 character in 8 days?


The game isnt that long yet.....and i stress yet.....i havent played one mmo yet where it started out at the top and just kept getting better.....i dont think any of us have....otherwise we would still be playing said mmo. We waited sooooooooo long for this game to come out that did anyone really expect it not to take a while before new options were opened up?


There will be new zones.....new planets.....new flashzones.....mentoring and housing and all that good stuff but it takes time. If we had all these things straight out of the gate than we would have had to wait another few years.


This is the beggining of BW adding alot of new material but it had to start somewhere and this is where it begins. Frankly I think that its cool that you can have all yer toons related ...IF YOU CHOOSE


Every mmo losses players because what they believe the game will be like and what the game is actualy like are two different beasts.


P.S I lke cheese

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Definitely good to see what all the various options were for connecting two characters. I knew three of them but wasn't sure about the last two. Adopted child. That's interesting. Though it certainly accounts for how a pureblood could have a Twi'lek daughter or something messed up like that.


Overall I think I'm looking forward to this. I've already got a general idea in mind for how my characters will link together and this system should allow for it exactly as I pictured it. I just have the one 50, but I've got another who's close, then I can bring up the rest, one at a time, at my pleasure.


Obviously I won't pass total judgement until I actually experience it. There are plenty of things out there where you can just tell if you'll like it or not without actually trying it, but this is certainly not one of those things.


So far, though, I like what I see.

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Ok again. the bolded part. Each class doesn't have their own story. A sniper, which counts as a class, has the same story as a Operative..which is a different class. oh it all boils down to nothing.


truly you can not please all the people all the time, kudos to dev's at BW, i concur with some of the other posts, Legacy should be account bound, not server bound... i also agree that by allowing "tree-attaching" to friends, loved ones, etc. in RL would allow for increased community as well as getting rid of shmucks like this one...


silly player, you think they're here to just please? <pats beergogglez on the head sadly> so much to learn about dealing with people:D

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The Legacy system in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will allow you to create your very own family tree, connecting each of your characters together and unlocking a host of skills and abilities that would otherwise be unobtainable. Watch this Developer Dispatch to learn about what Legacy is and how it will continue to evolve with the game.


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The Legacy talk from the invitational Guild Summit did address many of my fears about Legacy from what was originally mentioned. But I still have some reservations about it. To date though there is not enough information coming forward from the PTR and developers to remove my last few fears.


I would be on the PTR to test but I do not have the time to get characters to end game there and see if my concerns are real or not. Please hurry up with the ability to copy characters to the PTR for future testing.

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Devs, you realize you really gotta get that hood toggle in the game soon if you're gonna keep putting out new videos where everyone has their hood down. It's really frustrating. Edited by JohnRoy
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To the people that say that this is insane:


Luke Skywalker was just a random gunner, yet he still had the force in him, making him able to force his lightsaber into his hands while in the ice cave (episode 5). He had NOT trained any force abilities yet but could still do it.


Also, Leia Skywalker could feel that Luke was in danger and where he was (end of episode 5) even though she didn't know the force was strong in her. She was just a NORMAL GUNNER and could still do it.



This makes COMPLETE SENSE and stop saying it's going against the lore.


First of all: this is true, so everyone really should shut up about lore. If you (and as an extension) your character, are that into the purity of the jedi/sith, then you can role play this as well. You are allowed to think that a sith jedi knight is wrong, that's fine, don't make one, and instead make a pure blood sith warrior and go hunt pure blood jedi knights to show your prejudice. What I would like to see soon though is racial bonuses (either unlocked through legacy or intrinsic to each race). I think this would really add more diversity to the characters, my only other MMO experience is with EQ2, and I think they do a decent job of having interesting racial abilities that are balanced but still make your character more unique.




As for the people complaining that they already have 8 level 50's, and have already reached legacy level 50... well... developers don't care about you, sorry. It's just the truth. Developers care about the majority of players. And I would say the majority of players probably have 0 - 2 level 50's, and they pay just as much money as you do, and complain much less (most probably do not use the forums at all). It would be ridiculous to spend time catering to those who play that often, it would also make for a completely illogical business model (people who play the least probably do so because they have demanding jobs, and thus have more income. These people will also play longer since it will take them longer to play through the same amount of content). Honestly you will probably be disappointed with the content of any new game until the majority of its players have had the time necessary to make and level that many characters.

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Legacy characters are related?


That seems... silly. To me the whole parent/child aspect wouldn't work. SW:TOR feels more like Dragon Age to me where all the stories are simultaneously happening (e.g. one character from a class kills another from the opposing faction). To have them be a parent child relationships wouldn't work.


Even if they're distant cousins that raises more questions than answers. The JK and SW were brothers but somehow they're on opposing sides?


While combat looks fine, storywise, this is getting really confusing.


They do mention in the video that you decide what connection your characters have to each other when you build your family tree, a character can be another characters child, parent, sibling, ally or lover etc.


Edit: Think adopted child is one of the options as well.

Edited by Runeshard
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Ok again. the bolded part. Each class doesn't have their own story. A sniper, which counts as a class, has the same story as a Operative..which is a different class. oh it all boils down to nothing.


Nitpick much? Most people are well aware that the AC that share a base class also share the same story and they still think of it as every class having their own story, you're just splitting hairs.

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Im waiting for the SOLO flashpoint thats surrounds your legacy family. Your brothers/sisters/parents, or whomever show up and help fight. And if one of your alts is an opposing faction you can fight them!


i can dream...

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I'm not impressed at all. I can't believe this wasn't in at launch for something that's been made out to be such a big deal. I get a training dummy and GTN on my ship big whoop.


It looks like all the bind-to-legacy armor is a drop and that I'll have to farm in. Big whoop you can grind to 50 in 4 days which hardly makes it worth the time it takes to obtain.


Using the same abilities other classes have and letting us use other races that are already playable is boring. I don't see why it took so long to come up with these ideas an implement them. All I can say is there are a lot of awesome races in this game I was hoping I could play through the legacy system and instead I can now make sith purebloods on republic.


That is your opinion. I for one like what has been presented so far, and it's not like that's all that update 1.2 will contain. Furthermore, the legacy system is something BW have said they want to keep working on and adding to. Listening to you you'd think they intend to keep the game exactly as is once 1.2 is out.

Edited by Runeshard
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