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  • Location
    Omaha, Neeebraska
  • Interests
    Gaming, computers
  • Occupation
    Solutions Consultant (salesman)
  1. I just re-subbed and I feel very lucky so far but frustrated with some of the design choices in KotFE. My Sith Sorcerer got his farewell letter from Ashara, but I'm still pissed she's missing from KotFE. My vanilla level 40 Jedi Consular was able to initiate romance just fine but I toyed with them and then declined to pursue it, she remains unattached and full dark side. That being said I have not taken a second character into KotFE yet as I'm a little upset about the missing companions. I am reluctant to take my Trooper (my first character) into the expansion as Elara Dorne has been by his side for too long and he is straight laced and Light Side all the way, loosing her would be traumatic to his psyche and it would just be sad to play him without her. My Smuggler however is a dog and has no problem leaving his significant other behind, he's been cheating on her behind her back with every woman he can so he will be the next one to enter KotFE, however loosing Bowdaar will be hard. I haven't really looked at my other high level characters and will likely focus on hitting 50 with the 2 classes I haven't done that with yet (Jedi Consular and Imp Agent) anyway. So other than the Smuggler, I may wait until the next chapter to take any more into KotFE.
  2. I agree with a Cartel 12x XP item but disagree with any additional restrictions other than it applying to class storyline.
  3. I like what I see but I have a question about the family tree. How do companions you marry fit in?
  4. I dinged 50 on Saturday with my Commando and I went light side the whole way and I wasn't so much disappointed by the ended as I was angry with the choice the Supreme Chancellor made. I plan on starting work on my Vanguard and this time it will be dark side the whole way and I won't let the Supreme Chancellor get the opportunity to make that decision this time. That's the fun thing about SWTOR, I get to play both sides of the story.
  5. Easy, Dorne ... because I wanted to tap that.
  6. I made 100k yesterday between slicing, missions and selling the crap I got from slicing. Very profitable.
  7. I would have been the first 50 ... but I took an arrow to the knee.
  8. Not underwhelmed at all. Excited and having fun.
  9. My Sith Inquisitor feels nothing because he is Sith My Trooper feels nothing because children throwing fits should be ignored.
  10. No. Nothing like SWG in any way shape or form.
  11. 30th here and waiting patiently. I didn't preorder initially and I don't really regret it. Let them work out the issues with the first couple days. Passing the time by watching the extreme comedy whining on the forums and paying attention to RL.
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