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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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- Maybe when most of the early class imbalances are gone, add ranked arena games.


(2v2, 3v3, and 4v4)



- Desperately need a reason to open world pvp.


- Really really want player bounties.... like sooo bad.

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How 'bout some intense Guild vs. Guild?


maybe have a guild ship or something, and an area called "Free Space" or something. Make it to where you can take some kind of pod and board another guilds ship and raid it.


of course have an ability where you can quick travel to your guild ship in case in time of need (but with a 30 min. cooldown)


if you die then you take an escape pod back to the fleet, and the attackers can get some random items out of the defenders Guild Bank along with some kind of commendation to go towards pvp gear.


also make it to where you can outfit you're guild ship with turrets and shields or w/e and you would have to replace it after a raid. and also having some kind of guild insignia on the ship would be cool.


this would be cool because you could form alliances with other guilds or whatever to take out the douchey guild thats raiding everyone.



OH and plz don't make it lag during one of these events :D

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It's doubtful I will get replied to as I am yet to see a Dev reply to any questions that constantly mention this topic, but here goes anyways.


RESOLVE: Are you happy with the way it is, and do you Intend to make any changes to it?


"It doesn't matter what size House you want to build if you can't get the planning permission in the first place!!"

Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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Quite easy and any who dont agree with this is lying and needs to check themselves. END "STUN WARS"!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the number one if your game is refered to as "stun wars" thats a huge problem there is no resolve system and its very frustrating to even pvp for pretty much everyong where half the warzone is spent flying through the air due to the massive amounts of pushbacks and just standing there to die due to the zillion stuns launched every wz. Make people use there other abilities do something about it please:-)
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a) Spectator Mode. Similar to Guild Wars 1 where players can tune into matches via our ship's screen in our room, watch the current Rated Warzone battles with Spectator Chat so we can talk with other spectators and even share Ventrilo/Mumble info to talk via mics.


b) Practice Matches. Similar to WoW's War Games where i can select one of the warzone maps and go into it with a group of friends and selecting which team we join at the start. No rewards are to be gained from these, but Spectator mode should be available. This should encourage many tournaments.


c) More game modes.

Such as Flag-Deathmatch where the team holding the Ball gets two points each kill, the first team getting to 100 wins (can be done on Huttball and Alderaan).

Payload - Team1 delivers a moving object to the end while Team2 tries to prevent it, the fastest team wins (can be done on Voidstar and Huttball).

Escort - each team gets a vehicle and players have to drive it to the enemy base, the first team to do it three times wins (can be done on Voidstar and Huttball).



Special abilities such as knockbacks, pulls, guard, shields should be more tied with each spec and have bigger effect and longer cooldown. For example Overload and Extrication shouldn't affect players, speccing deep into Lightning or Madness would, through one of the talents, let Overload affect players but speccing into the Healing tree would let Extrication affect players. That way only healing sorcs would have access to the friendly pull while only damage-specced sorcs would get access to the aoe knockback.


Same for other classes such as Jedi Knight - let only tank-specced Guardians be able to Guard, while only Damage-specced Knights get access to Force Push. Tank-specced guardians would focus on actual tanking such as managing Guard and have better Taunt uses such as letting Guard transfer 100% of the damage done from taunted enemies or each time the guarded target takes damage there is a chance to reset the cooldown on Saber Throw, Saber Ward or Force Sweep. For example with Force Stasis - Defence tree could let Guardians have it with 30 meters range, Vigilance would affect up to 3 neaby enemies at the same time and Focus would make it instant (just like Stasis Mastery talent currently).



a) Slowing effects should gradually add Resolve, for example 50 Resolve per second while walking, immobilize effects would add 100 per second. Applying controlling effects would grant less Resolve but aditional resolve would be given if the afflicted is damaged during it's duration. A player being nuked while stunned would get his Resolve bar filled very quickly.


b) New PvP Relics without stats but with specific uses. These relics would reduce the crowd control effects passively while having a use effect to make you immune to them but giving negative Resolve. For example one of the relics would have a passive effect that reduces knockback distances by half, using it would make you immune to knockbacks for 8 seconds but giving you -400 Resolve and a shiny cue effect on your character that looks like a holographic donut surrounding your legs (so other players know you are using that relic).



Galactic War Effort - Open World.


1. Any groups of players larger than 8 going together in PvP lakes would be visible to all on the map. A large red blip updated every 5 seconds would mark their location.

3. Artillery. Each contested planet will have ships in orbit. Any marked-on-the-map groups of players will be bombarded from orbit. Orbital strikes are not very accurate but they instantly kill anyone directly hit.

4. Dynamic "DotA" mechanics. The game will look at how many players are in each PvP zone. If serious imbalance occurs (50 imps vs 10 reps?) then NPCs will be periodicly sent to objectives to assist players capturing them. Slain NPCs will instantly respawn at the main base and sent to the objective, only killing their escort will stop those reinforcements. These NPCs should tuned to die fast to an skilled 8man group but be a serious threat to solo or small groups of players. Friendly champions will actively assist players by healing them, Guarding and attacking their targets. Healers can heal these NPCs and gain Favor from their kills. These NPCs will "make a tactical retreat to base" if the number of players becomes balanced.


Galactic Front:

The galaxy will have a dynamic front depending on which planets are contested. Each week during the weekly maintenence the Galactic Front is calculated and updated and there can be one or two planets that are Contested. Planets can be Secured, Contested and Conquered.

Secured planets are planets currently safe and secured by your faction. Characters on Secured planets get increased resources from gathering nodes, increased monetary rewards and companion affection from quests.

Contested planets are the ones on which the Open World engagements are active. While contested all players gain a small amount of Favor from quests.

Conquered planets are the Secured planets of the enemy faction. On these planets taxi flights are free, players get greatly increased experience from quests and monster kills.


Each planet would be given a PvP lake similar to Ilum. Starting and Capital planets would not be attackable, instead they give access to unique Space Battles with good rewards (or tie in with guild capital ships expansion). These zones would have lore-related objectives:

Nar Shaddaa - Capture the Flag. Compromised of streets, hallways and tunnels. Dotted around this battlefield will be a series of servers. Using each server will allow the download of Encrypted Data. Deliver that data to your faction's base for some Favor. Each player with the data will be marked on the map with a small yellow blip visible to all. At the end of the week the faction who decrypted more data captures the whole network, securing the planet.


Quesh - Payload. Heavy cargo droids with processed quesh venom need to be delivered to your base. There will be a few refineries around the map guarded by NPCs. Each refinery will have 2 ways to get in. The first is a side entrance aimed at skilled solo players with Strong NPCs giving access to quesh venom samples - carry these to the base (small yellow blip on map) for some Favor. The main entrance aimed at groups of 6-8 players with Elites. Accessing the computer inside gives you access to a huge cargo droid, escort it to your base (huge red blip on map) for a significant amount of Favor. Killing all players escorting the droid and you can slice it to go to your base instead. A pair of elite assisting NPCs will escort the supply droids or, if none active, escort the players. Gather as much Refined Quesh Venom before the supplies run out and the faction who gathers most secures the planet.



Making this should be a huge undertaking. I sugest implementing it on one planet and let the Front switch between that and Ilum (also change Ilum as described in the examples). This is to figure out all the exploits and bugs. And after that simply add a planet or two each Patch and eventually most and all planets will be covered. This whole thing can be tied with space battles and the planned guild capital ships being slowly developed right now. The point is to give the feel of a very large non-instanced Warzone per planet with individual objectives giving points to a planetary tug-of-war and promoting groups of 1 to 8 players (with hilarious consequences on zergs). Each week it calculates which faction wins and switches to another planet.

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we dont need more warzones we need pvp bases across other planets. Warzones should be what your doing when theres no open world going not warzones first and open world second.


I agree 100% about chainstunning when u get stunned 1 time and someone else tries to cc you it should undue your previous stun and release you. No one on either side should be chainstunned and never allowed not to fight. Maurauders/sentinels have this the worst

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make leaps and pulls with ball useless. makes it drop and reset. Like the announcer says every single match, run the ball, throw the ball. cheating is not leaping and pulling, cheating is shooting in the back and double/triple teaming others.


my thoughts anywyas.

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Create some sort of outposts on each of the contested planets, controllable by either faction. A place where thecontrolling side can pick up a temporary buff for xp/Valor gain.


Reward us for doing open world PvP in form of Valor or the likes.


I miss roaming the landscapes, a shame we rarely explore the beautiful planets once we hit level 50.

Edited by Deetroit
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Get a clarification of the FPS issue, is it my PC or the server? If it is my PC, then add PvP bosses in enemy controlled planets, and let us fly to and from them using a secret Republic/Empire hangar. I want to kill the Emperor as a Trooper, or maybe I want to defeat the Empire's Grand Moff. Not an instance, but something where the Empire players would have to try and stop me and my group (30+).


Figue out a way to let us travel to enemy planets and PvP players if they are flagged, and take out their leaders. Please :)

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Remove expertise, make PVP armor and PVE armor equal. Both should be equally viable in both pve and pvp situations.


Also: If you've limited time to play, it's very hard to grind your way towards two top tier armorsets.

But one way of playing shouldn't exclude the other. Don't treat one game as if it was two games.

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My suggestion: Give us more opportunities for PvP than just a) Warzones and b) dedicated world-PvP zones. Maybe even rethink your design philosophy for planets/zones/missions, because that is at the core of why PvP feels so out-of-place in SWTOR.


My longish explanation:


In every single other MMO I've played, PvP felt like it was part of the entire game. In SWTOR, it's like it's something that's been glued on because it had to be. Instanced Warzones and dedicated open-PvP areas are okay. No, they're great! But if they're more or less the only places where PvP CAN happen, let alone where it DOES happen, then something's weird.


I think the main reason is how separated the planets are. It's like Imperials and Republic are playing two different games altogether. Out of 17 planets:

6 cannot ever possibly be entered by players of the opposing faction. Ever. (Starting worlds, capital worlds)

2 more are shared, but only on paper. They share the same artwork and name, but you will never run into players of the opposing faction since the areas are not connected. (Taris, Balmorra)

The other 9 are at least connected, but the mission areas are still usually far apart and you rarely meet enemy players.


Up to Belsavis (as far as I've got so far), there was not a single neutral mission hub. Not one. I spend all my time travelling between Imperial mission hubs and Imperial mission areas. Every now and again I'll see one of those odd instance portals that says "Jedi Knight Mission - You are not eligible to enter" or something. And sometimes, very, very rarely, when I'm exploring a map, I'll find an area with Imperial troops that look like they're just standing around, waiting to get shot. Then I think "Oh, right, this game has two factions, and THIS must be where these other guys, the ones I see every 2 or so Warzones, come to do missions. Funny."


(It's yet another reason, I believe, why people complain that the planets of SWTOR feel "empty")


In other games, while there might be areas that only hold missions for one faction, you would still be able to enter them for exploration or world PvP. And the vast majority of areas would be interesting for all factions, leading to world PvP opportunities (even if it's just you trying to finish your quests without getting ganked).


Of course that can't be fixed for the worlds that already exist. You'd have to redo the entire planet and at least half the missions on it, that's not realistic. But I'd appreciate it if future content would feel more like I'm playing an MMO, and less like I'm playing a single-player-RPG which happens to be one of a pair of single-player-RPGs, which use the same engine, just different levels, and which are connected through the (optional and physically separated) multiplayer-mode.


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Crowd control is out of control, and resolve does not seem to work worth a flip. The CC frequency and resolve bar need to be fixed.




You're stunned, knocked down, yanked across the WZ into a fire, stunned or immobilized again, and then slowed. You are immunue for like 3 seconds, and then the entire sequence can basically be done to you again.



Warhammer should have taught you guys that people do NOT like losing control of their character, but in this game that's like 85% of the PVP experience.

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An open world dynamic PvP environment that resets on a schedule. Combining multiple WZ concepts for an attack and defend style of play. There will of course NEED to be a bolster mechanic in place for the lower population. The open world PvP ground should have vehicles w/weapons, and multiple objective points. Possibly have reusable objects for players to pick up (limit 1 per player), these objects could include; grappling hooks to scale walls, parachutes for players to use after being launched over a wall, devices to dig paths underneath walls, huge laser cannons to blast force fields, keys to operate only a particular vehicle, any of these objects would be attainable from whatever means. All of these objects would play into the teams strategy, which each player would have to carefully choose which one to take cause the vendor is near the medical droid at the assault base. As the attacking team takes more tiers of the battle space, new closer assault bases are constructed and available for use, but only after you have taken so many turrets (something like Novare Coasts system of owning turrets), and brought down the defenders force field. The force field could be done multiple ways as well. Through normal means (taking over gun batteries and blasting it away), or through the objects provided, and can even be done by getting through the guarded walls and taking out the generator manually.


In my opinion this type of open world scenario would foster a greater amount of team work and strategies, as there are multiple ways to attack the objective.


I know that this is just a huge block of text with ideas thrown in, but that is how brainstorming goes. If you take a place like Wintersgrasp make it larger, and mesh it with Isle of Conquest, Strand of the Ancients, Novare Coast, and also throw in curve balls of having multiple ways to take out the shield generators (instead of having a bottle neck with 1 strategy) with the objects players can pick up and work as a team to assault the enemy, I really think you could have players interests peaked.


Edit: make the numbers allowed in the Open world or instanced WZ 30-50ish. With the encounter being on a schedule you could also set up a guild event to run it.


I just re-read the yellow post. I guess I got carried away when I read changes to PvP, and just looked right past the 'change 1 thing' part of the post.

Edited by Vsoviari
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I'd like to see some more strategy to PVP. In some ways, huttball is a great zone, because it has hazards that have to be avoided, or can be used against your enemies.


If there was some warzones/open world that allowed the ability to man turrets, set up traps, or change the environment in some way, there would be a lot more dimension than the typical zerg.



Of course, that probably falls outside the realm of one change, doesn't it? :)


More WZ maps with more hazards!

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One minor change I would like is the abiltiy to pick up and maybe turn in the PvP dailies missions in places other than fleet: The ability to queue for warzones anywhere is nice, and it's true my time playing my 50s almost always begins with going to fleet anyway (if they aren't there already) for the FPs and Ops, but for the days I'm planning on being there, or for my sub-50 alts who are still spending most of thier time leveling in places that are not fleet, the ability to pick up and complete the PvP daily (or dailies, once you've decided what you want with Ilum/Open PvP) without having to go out of my way to do so would be so convient.
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A few different things...


Add a pvp mission to story line quests . Like an area where you have to go rep vs empire to continue with your class quests, or maybe an endgame pvp quest , like a final battle to take an area .


With current pvp , i would say cross server queing faction vs faction would be nice, i am on an east coast server ( because my friends are on it) and i have been with these toons the whole time so i dont want to re roll a new toon. And on the east coast server the pvp cues drop dramatically after 12 am mtn time.. so cross server queing would greatly improve pvp for me.


Bigger instanced maps with more players would be nice , i love getting in big battles. And ilum never has anybody on it in my server. (see above) so an instanced cross server big pvp map would be fun.

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Open world zones with multiple objectives.


If I have to choose one, this would be it. I think.


EDIT: I'd like some sort of acknowledgement for my open world kills. It feels pointless spending time looking for enemies on Tatooine and get nothing from it, which is why nobody is doing it.

Edited by Athrins
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bounty hunters should be able to use something other than pistols, rifles perhaps would be nice.


cc plays too much of a role in battlegrounds.


Voidstar is crap, the sheilds are too long and its just too unbalanced in favor of the republic

Edited by Vashy
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my biggest gripe with PvP is being stunlocked and not being able to fight back. I had high hopes that you guys would have a system where this didnt happen, as I remember you claimed this would not be the case, but the resolve bar is basically pointless and I still get stunlocked constantly and cant do anything but sit there and get owned. It is very frustrating when I don't even have a fighting chance and cant retaliate against someone who has me stunned, especially when I use my get out of stun ability and then get re-stunned. Possible solutions would be to make those who are stunned gain health while incapacitated, have stun times be shorter, or have any damage break stuns. Edited by Schill
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