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Sorc compesation


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Now that hybrid specs are getting nerfed in the new patch I propose they give madness the burst it needs to be viable in the new patch since it doesn't have the stupid survivability hybrids do.I also suggest that crushing darkness get dispell protection through a talent since its the madness specs hardest hitter.I myself don't play a hybrid but come the new patch sorcs will have no viable rated pvp spec.


I WARN YOU!if bioware goes though with this hybrid nerf without any compensation for it there will be alot of angry sorcs cuz right now any burst class specially stealthers can rip a sorc a new one,and come the new patch there will be alot more burst.

Edited by Varcado
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madness either give the cc a break protection by dots OR

make our lightning tree more viable (faster cast, interrupt protection)


in every freaking game (aion/wow for example) Dot classes have CCs that doesnt break on dmg (fear in wow e.g.),


but devs overslept that part..


wow just give sorc dots cuz it looks cool and give em a stupid cc for a DOT CLASS, pretty much reflects how clueless devs are

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madness either give the cc a break protection by dots OR

make our lightning tree more viable (faster cast, interrupt protection)


in every freaking game (aion/wow for example) Dot classes have CCs that doesnt break on dmg (fear in wow e.g.),


but devs overslept that part..


wow just give sorc dots cuz it looks cool and give em a stupid cc for a DOT CLASS, pretty much reflects how clueless devs are


Oh hell no!!!!

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madness either give the cc a break protection by dots OR

make our lightning tree more viable (faster cast, interrupt protection)


in every freaking game (aion/wow for example) Dot classes have CCs that doesnt break on dmg (fear in wow e.g.),


but devs overslept that part..


wow just give sorc dots cuz it looks cool and give em a stupid cc for a DOT CLASS, pretty much reflects how clueless devs are


What DoTs? 3 of 'em that barely scratch anything? Oh yeah, purge of DoTs.


To OP, reroll. Noone w/ half a brain went into madness spec. Noone went into it and noone will go after the crit nerf. Madness actually will do less dps in 1.2 due to crit nerf.


PS: Account expires tomorrow. Good luck w/ this failed wannabe WaR mmo.

Edited by Scav
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madness either give the cc a break protection by dots OR

make our lightning tree more viable (faster cast, interrupt protection)


in every freaking game (aion/wow for example) Dot classes have CCs that doesnt break on dmg (fear in wow e.g.),


but devs overslept that part..


wow just give sorc dots cuz it looks cool and give em a stupid cc for a DOT CLASS, pretty much reflects how clueless devs are


lol funny you mention that,a friend of mine was also telling me how we seemed like locks without the cc xD pretty much gimped.Its so frustrating to have lets say for example a shadow on me and have my electrocute fail while the shadow is doing 5k+ hits on me.and about a buff to lightning the problem I see with that is that they will have the survivability and the damage and then people will ***** and moan again..

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What DoTs? 3 of 'em that barely scratch anything? Oh yeah, purge of DoTs.


To OP, reroll. Noone w/ half a brain went into madness spec. Noone went into it and noone will go after the crit nerf. Madness actually will do less dps in 1.2 due to crit nerf.


PS: Account expires tomorrow. Good luck w/ this failed wannabe WaR mmo.


yea for once I might actually do that,I tend to be the kind of player that likes to succeed with the under dog specs but yea in this patch madness will be unplayable,meh might as well go back to wow haha

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full madness is pretty bad, also what makes it worse is Assassins have the exact same tree.. making it less fun knowing Sorc's are not special at all.


+2 thumbs up


LOL madness is as bad for you as it is for sin's


Protip: every class has a shared tree between ac's :rolleyes:


Also did the OP mean compensation or is compesation a word used in some corner of the world I do not know of yet?

Edited by Surgin
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yea for once I might actually do that,I tend to be the kind of player that likes to succeed with the under dog specs but yea in this patch madness will be unplayable,meh might as well go back to wow haha


All you early 20's players who never played a real MMO except wow think your whining about your over powered sorc and *sniffle* i'm taking my ball and going home if you make my cloth wearing class not strong enough to stand up to anyone like I have been able to do! Do you really think the devs are going to listen to you? you've had your over powered days how about you use some game mechanics, find a tank friend to guard you!

Heal some of your imperial snakes....I mean friends. You're cloth wearing casters your not in heavy armor you already run 5-6 deep in almost every WZ and despite your escaping the nerf bat yes i will be a battle master in less then a level and I hope you have someone guard you because some Vanguards have some payback for you.


I just wish i could add a sound clip in the game file so I could hear a clip of you screaming like a little girl as i destroy you because I guard my sages or my commandos I dont usually see anyone guarding you all... In all seriousness your casters if someones not protecting you and I run up on you you should Die! this isn't wow with that stupid sheep crap or whatever that stupid game had, it needs to be more like DAoC! oh a solo caster all alone slice your dead! scissors beats paper!

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All you early 20's players who never played a real MMO except wow think your whining about your over powered sorc and *sniffle* i'm taking my ball and going home if you make my cloth wearing class not strong enough to stand up to anyone like I have been able to do! Do you really think the devs are going to listen to you? you've had your over powered days how about you use some game mechanics, find a tank friend to guard you!

Heal some of your imperial snakes....I mean friends. You're cloth wearing casters your not in heavy armor you already run 5-6 deep in almost every WZ and despite your escaping the nerf bat yes i will be a battle master in less then a level and I hope you have someone guard you because some Vanguards have some payback for you.


I just wish i could add a sound clip in the game file so I could hear a clip of you screaming like a little girl as i destroy you because I guard my sages or my commandos I dont usually see anyone guarding you all... In all seriousness your casters if someones not protecting you and I run up on you you should Die! this isn't wow with that stupid sheep crap or whatever that stupid game had, it needs to be more like DAoC! oh a solo caster all alone slice your dead! scissors beats paper!



I feel a great anger within you, be wary of the dark side.

You woudn't happens to have been humiliated by a sorc/sage recently, hmm, no?

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I warn you!




Most people play split-spec sorc because they have no patience to learn finesse/timing. It amounts to split spec sorc players being chumps who like to take cheap shots and, when they no longer get their way, will cry and go home?


Ok, too bad, goodbye. Can I have your stuff?


edit: As to the "any burst class yadda yadda", I'd like to talk a little bit about "foils" and "team play".. oh nevermind.


further edit: as your mirror, heal spec, i see the 1,2,1,2 lightning spam that sticks out like a sore (you know). I interrupt, count to 5, stun, and say in vent to random sentinel or shadow, "drop this jerk". They're doing you a favor by making you learn to play. Compensation? You should pay them double.

Edited by Kaelano
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nerfing the hybrid specc means weakaning an already one of the weakest classes even weaker. with hybrid people at least hat the fun of high total damage numbers at the warzone stats screen due to aoe.


They have fun because it's an intentional misuse (albeit clever) of game mechanics by a class with so many useful tools. Sage is not intended to be the end-all-be-all pvp dps. You shouldn't have a range burst dps that cc's, slows, stuns, interrupts, heals, bubbles, ae knockbacks, and more.


Think before you speak. Sorc/sage is far from weak, altho their light armor is often exploited by multiple practiced melee focus. This is called a foil, and all classes have them.

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All you early 20's players who never played a real MMO except wow think your whining about your over powered sorc and *sniffle* i'm taking my ball and going home if you make my cloth wearing class not strong enough to stand up to anyone like I have been able to do! Do you really think the devs are going to listen to you? you've had your over powered days how about you use some game mechanics, find a tank friend to guard you!

Heal some of your imperial snakes....I mean friends. You're cloth wearing casters your not in heavy armor you already run 5-6 deep in almost every WZ and despite your escaping the nerf bat yes i will be a battle master in less then a level and I hope you have someone guard you because some Vanguards have some payback for you.


I just wish i could add a sound clip in the game file so I could hear a clip of you screaming like a little girl as i destroy you because I guard my sages or my commandos I dont usually see anyone guarding you all... In all seriousness your casters if someones not protecting you and I run up on you you should Die! this isn't wow with that stupid sheep crap or whatever that stupid game had, it needs to be more like DAoC! oh a solo caster all alone slice your dead! scissors beats paper!


if you thought the Sorc was OP you are ****. And that goes for everyone. Any other class could have a field day on them and lock them out of any fight. Most people just got upset because the sorc can run away from a gank if ie doesnt kill him in the first GCD refresh.


The Sorc as it is now is pointless for PvP and pointless in comparison to any other DPS class in PvE./

Edited by da_krall
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Split spec sorc burst damage, added to all their utility, is OP for 1 toon. That's why it's changing.









As it is now the lightning tree is a *********** joke. 1200 damage crit 1.5 cast.....really. Just go and compare that against other classes 1.5 casts, hell compare it against their instants its still ****.


Or go madness, a DOT spec that requires you to slowly burn down classes that can pump out 10K damage in 3 GCDs (and can easily kill a sorc in a stun duration) in the same times you DOT might of ticked for 4-5. And thee classes have shields that negate almost all our damage or clear the DOTs.


And a 31pts talent that does 1800 damage over 18 seconds!!!! woohoo i got a DOT that does the same damage as other classes no cost spam level 1 attack but over 16.5 seconds longer.


Thankfully ive had other classes at 50 for a while, though not as well geared (wont be a problem in the new noob L2P patch). No point even trying to play the joke of a sorc anymore.

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As it is now the lightning tree is a *********** joke. 1200 damage crit 1.5 cast.....really. Just go and compare that against other classes 1.5 casts, hell compare it against their instants its still ****.


Or go madness, a DOT spec that requires you to slowly burn down classes that can pump out 10K damage in 3 GCDs (and can easily kill a sorc in a stun duration) in the same times you DOT might of ticked for 4-5. And thee classes have shields that negate almost all our damage or clear the DOTs.


And a 31pts talent that does 1800 damage over 18 seconds!!!! woohoo i got a DOT that does the same damage as other classes no cost spam level 1 attack but over 16.5 seconds longer.


Thankfully ive had other classes at 50 for a while, though not as well geared (wont be a problem in the new noob L2P patch). No point even trying to play the joke of a sorc anymore.


You're not following the conversation well. You also seem to think dps sorc/sage is supposed to equal commando/merc dps, while also having more utility. You might be happier with a merc since you can't find your buttons.

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Don't understand this all fuzz.


Sorcs at my server are very powerful just because they




Believe it or not, you will win warzone if your teamplayers don't think they are Jedi Rambo or Sith Rambo or whatever, but LISTEN to their Op leader and HELP other teammates.


In my WZ, now I immediately see if we will win or loose. I almost know them intimately (cut out the jokes) - like, I know who is a team player and who is rambo.


Of course, rambo dies - there is no movie director to protect him here.


Edit: Sorc/cons have tactic that they stack together: healer is protected usually with 1-2 DPS sorcs. So when DPS go for their arses:

1) Cannot easily distinguish who is who cause ALL SORCS LOOK THE SAME (you have to know the name, have him tagged or use Focus option)

2) They have 3 repel options

3) They have bunch of ccs

4) They fire snares like candies and you are, in their moment, slow.


Of course - it is not always. BUT sorcs stacked like this are, well, almost invincible. ALMOST. :)

Edited by Baron_Samedi
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Don't understand this all fuzz.


Sorcs at my server are very powerful just because they




Believe it or not, you will win warzone if your teamplayers don't think they are Jedi Rambo or Sith Rambo or whatever, but LISTEN to their Op leader and HELP other teammates.


In my WZ, now I immediately see if we will win or loose. I almost know them intimately (cut out the jokes) - like, I know who is a team player and who is rambo.


Of course, rambo dies - there is no movie director to protect him here.


Edit: Sorc/cons have tactic that they stack together: healer is protected usually with 1-2 DPS sorcs. So when DPS go for their arses:

1) Cannot easily distinguish who is who cause ALL SORCS LOOK THE SAME (you have to know the name, have him tagged or use Focus option)

2) They have 3 repel options

3) They have bunch of ccs

4) They fire snares like candies and you are, in their moment, slow.


Of course - it is not always. BUT sorcs stacked like this are, well, almost invincible. ALMOST. :)


Is this a riddle? This is my favourite part: 4) They fire snares like candies and you are, in their moment, slow. It's almost poetic!!!!

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Is this a riddle? This is my favourite part: 4) They fire snares like candies and you are, in their moment, slow. It's almost poetic!!!!


No, only my lousy English.


Wanted to say that they walk 2-3 steps and snare. Then another one does it. Then the third one. Then I guess the 1st had cd and is ready again - fires it. Etc.


You now, like you walk and throw candies around you. :)


And of course, everybody around them looked like they are in slow motion.

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No, only my lousy English.


Wanted to say that they walk 2-3 steps and snare. Then another one does it. Then the third one. Then I guess the 1st had cd and is ready again - fires it. Etc.


You now, like you walk and throw candies around you. :)


And of course, everybody around them looked like they are in slow motion.


I get what you mean now, like chaining stuns. Sometimes resolve just seems broken, especially when there are multiple sorcs spamming CC.

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Don't understand this all fuzz.


Sorcs at my server are very powerful just because they




There you have it guys, all you have to do is lightning someone for the sake of others, and you will hit much harder. Also, if you take dmg but yells its for someone else, you will apparently live longer =)

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