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1.2 Hard Mode loot. Why raid when you can just run dailies?

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Some people apparently believe they are somehow special, and they need "proof" to reinforce it. The act of doing something is not enough for them.


They're the exact type of person who would return a lost wallet expecting a reward, and who would get pissed off when one isn’t offered. The act of grace and kindness (the real reward) would be completely lost on them.


How other people get their gear has no effect on the way you choose to get your gear. Someone who spends all their time grinding dailes to get that hat with the same specs does NOT change the fact that you got it raiding. You had the experience of raiding, which is the only thing that matters...


Play and let play.

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Raiding in this game keeps getting worse not better. GW2 out yet? :rak_eek:


If you think GW2 will have better gear statwise from whatever constitutes as raiding there (if there is even raiding in it), you'll be sorely mistaken. Guild wars traditionally had the BEST gear available via vendors, with their dungeon gear being only graphically better, NOT better stat wise. From total biscuit's latest videos and commentary, it seems all their dungeon gear will give is gear with different stat weights from what the vendors have, which means they're keeping this trend in the game.

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It's not raid gear, it's just gear. Stop worrying about what other people have. If you only get enjoyment out of having better gear to show off on the space stations then your going to be disappointed.

If those encounters TRULY are the toughest in the game, take your title, your unique LOOKING gear, and prance around all you want, showing your vast superiority over me.


Really This is the best Argument you people can come up with is insults and not knowing what you are talking about? Really, I really do mean really? Logical Arguments not some fake insults because you cannot objectively reason.


You did not kill a hardmode raid boss therefore you should not get raid gear. Yes hardmode Raid gear comes from Tokens that drop off of hardmode raid bosses. Not, flashpoints, Not Dailies, not weeklies.

So what do you come back with? Insults saying that I or anyone else like this goes running around the space station Showing off. Why because you have no respect for raiders because what really less than 1% of raiders did that? And why because you took offense to it so now everyone that raids is like that? So that is your argument, because someone tells you since you have not downed a boss in a raid for that token tough luck join a raid you have to insult them. Sorry Dudes but really you lack any credibility.


How other people get their gear has no effect on the way you choose to get your gear. Someone who spends all their time grinding dailes to get that hat with the same specs does NOT change the fact that you got it raiding. You had the experience of raiding, which is the only thing that matters...



Honestly Yes how people get gear will affect me and the way I get gear. I have already heard personally from people (Not from guild members) If they give out gear without the need to raid they will take the path of least resistance and do dailies, there is even talk supposedly from some that you can sell crafted Tier gear on the GTN. I doubt this is true because I cannot get a PTS person to deny or confirm it. However in any case the attitude is already there that they do not want to have to put the effort into showing up on time and everything that is required of raiders. Basically the free riders want the free ride and pull them through or they will do dailies for the gear. Yes its good and bad at the same time.


Good because they will go play with themselves.

Bad because you do not have bench players when you need that 8th person because your core of 9 or 10 people are busy with real life stuff.


Also it makes core people who want to raid and don’t mind beating their heads against a tough *** boss say, Why the hell am I doing this when I can do 1 weekly a week and get the same gear. I only need to spend 15 minutes to do that weekly.



Now As for this all the insults and all, I want to see if anyone is capable of coming up with a LOGICAL reason why a person should not need to kill a raid boss for a raid boss token and buy a piece of gear that is set for raiding?

Now Arguments are not well is PVE gear. That’s a generalization. So is Green Gear, So is Blue gear. Come up with some critical thinking here and answer the question.

Remember Raids take more effort than Flashpoints which take more effort than solo. So you cannot use this excuses that 100 hours solo > 10 hours raiding because you cannot have someone pull you down while you are soloing. (Meaning Player B cannot keep causing you to wipe on boss JackBlack if you are soloing)

Edited by Zoggel
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You did not kill a hardmode raid boss therefore you should not get raid gear. Yes hardmode Raid gear comes from Tokens that drop off of hardmode raid bosses. Not, flashpoints, Not Dailies, not weeklies.


You keep declaring stuff as "raid gear" therefore you can only get it from a raid. But there is nothing making this gear "raid gear" other than you saying it is. In fact, the reality is you can get from other places so by your own logic it cannot be raid gear.


Heck, you can get the gear solo therefore it must be solo gear. Maybe I should start throwing a fit because you all are getting solo gear in a raid. How dare you get solo gear without soloing? They should make you raid gear that has nothing but endurance and accuracy.


See what I did there......

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You keep declaring stuff as "raid gear" therefore you can only get it from a raid. But there is nothing making this gear "raid gear" other than you saying it is. In fact, the reality is you can get from other places so by your own logic it cannot be raid gear.


Heck, you can get the gear solo therefore it must be solo gear. Maybe I should start throwing a fit because you all are getting solo gear in a raid. How dare you get solo gear without soloing? They should make you raid gear that has nothing but endurance and accuracy.


See what I did there......


^ This. A great point. I'm going to pitch a tantrum about raiders getting my solo gear!



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1.2 PvE Gear:


"Campaign" hard Raid Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)

"Blackhole" Corellia Commendation Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)


Whats the point of raiding in SWTOR when I can just run some faceroll dailies and get "hard mode" raid gear. :rolleyes:


Raiding in this game keeps getting worse not better. GW2 out yet? :rak_eek:


Because on many servers no one is doing normal or hard mode instances.

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I love soloing. I solod to 50 with exception of 2 fights. I have many alts I'll roll the same way. But when Im capped I wanna raid, and for completeng raids the reward should be much better than just mindless grinding. If someone wants to stay in WZs or grind quests for their entire ToR experience, more power to em, but the rewards shouldn't match raiding which takes alot more to accomplish.
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This is how i understand the Black hole gear:


Rank 146 gear will be the "Tionese" equivalent of patch 1.2 (Aka story mode)


There will be higher rated gear dropped from HM raids (and later NiM).


So maybe HM raid will drop 156 gear and NiM mode 160 gear.


I really dont see the issue with this and should make gearing up alts and casuals easier withing destroying the "elite" feel of walking about in full "Carbonara" (my own speculative name on 160 gear since i am hungry now)


It will however make Rakata gear 100% redundant.

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Gavin you should really be in favor of being able to get black hole commendations from dailies, your guild won't be getting very many from the raids themselves if you can't even beat Soa HM. Blaming it on "bugs" like "someone getting thrown while they have a lightning ball being an unavoidable wipe" means you and your guild are not nearly as skilled as you think you are. You have the attitude of a world first epeen hoar, but the skills of the server's 10th best guild at best.


This thread is full of hypocritical posts by you, which are kinda funny to read, but also makes me sad to think how many people like you exist in mmo's these days. You say in one breath that HM raids in this game are easy, but you haven't even completed them. You complain about dailies rewarding comms for top of the line gear like it matters at all when you can only get 6 a week and it isn't even for the best gear in game. And the funniest part is your guild and other guilds like yours will be running the **** out of these dailies trying to get an edge so you can complete the new raid in story mode cause you don't have the skill neccesary to do it on release and need the gear crutch.

Edited by Remulan
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Gavin you should really be in favor of being able to get black hole commendations from dailies, your guild won't be getting very many from the raids themselves if you can't even beat Soa HM. Blaming it on "bugs" like "someone getting thrown while they have a lightning ball being an unavoidable wipe" means you and your guild are not nearly as skilled as you think you are. You have the attitude of a world first epeen hoar, but the skills of the server's 10th best guild at best.


This thread is full of hypocritical posts by you, which are kinda funny to read, but also makes me sad to think how many people like you exist in mmo's these days. You say in one breath that HM raids in this game are easy, but you haven't even completed them. You complain about dailies rewarding comms for top of the line gear like it matters at all when you can only get 6 a week and it isn't even for the best gear in game. And the funniest part is your guild and other guilds like yours will be running the **** out of these dailies trying to get an edge so you can complete the new raid in story mode cause you don't have the skill neccesary to do it on release and need the gear crutch.


That exactly!

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Sorry if it's been mentioned already..


I don't see a problem with casuals obtaining hard mode raid gear. If anything the appearance should be different just so the raiders can show off their work is all..... Who knows, maybe raiders may call on a couple of casuals to fill the ranks and go raid?? Thus having obtained hard mode gear as a casual will lessen the probability a casual will roll against you on raid drops...

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No because here is why. The Solo content I am talking about should be Different then the current dailies.


Solo content should be this. 15 to 30 minutes in a instance like event. (Story line like quest) so I can only be you and your companion. Now you can in these Solo Instances have spells for both you and your companion that now are active and Presence increases how good these spells are. (all this would need to be developed and tested over a month or 2 to get it right) in any case these instances will require you to use just about all these new spells.(remember they can only be used in solo instances no where else). Now the solo content should be tiered much like Raiding, it should take you a month or so to go from 1 to another, not hit tier cap in a week. like raiding does with lock outs.


Yes raid gear can help if you are T3 raid gear doing a T1 Solo instance as long as you have 2 or 3 pieces of solo gear. However if you are doing T3 gear you should be in at the very least half T3 Solo gear, yes the rest can be T3 raid gear. This allows players who want to raid and way to down the solo content without having to devote the same amount of time to soloing as to raiding.


Solo content should be like raiding as in it should be gated so you dont see T3 geared people after 1 week of soloing. There should be time spent = progression.


This could encourage also solo players to spend time raiding for more content.


now for why raid gear should not be only for raiding. Solo content (AKA Solo instances where you get solo epic gear from) is different then daily quest, or flashpoints, or datacron runs. These are all considered non end game well besides daily quest. However these PVE areas are meant for getting credits for repairs, or to use the GTN, or a ton of other non end game progression oriented activities. Yea they maybe be tied to it in some way its just not like you can go to the GTN work and buy T3 Raid or Solo gear.


So in short - you want raid gear to be the best for all things PvE and just throw the other players an insignificant bone to keep them quiet.



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You need to read my post about solo content gear. The presence gear will be the best for this, raid gear will not. It means there is a new totally separate set of content. Its like raiding but its not a true raid, its more like a solo flashpoint. Anyways Both sets of gear in the normal world will be just fine however the gear itself can be setup to not be interchangeable Yea if a person who raids again has a few pieces of raid gear and the rest in solo gear the solo content is do-able.


O and FYI if you read it I say there should be spells that you can only use in Solo content, that are affected by the presence stat. The only problem with 2 ways of gearing is that developers would need to pay attention to both sets of content instead of just raiding.


If you read that you will see I am saying have 2 different progression paths and there is very little interchange ability of the 2 unless its 2 Tier levels lower then what you have of either solo or Raid gear.


Heh, it'd be a whole lot less work for Bioware to just make the stats on "raid" gear only be added to your character while in a raid zone.

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Logic. For the 1000th time. A person who does not kill the raid boss does not earn the loot. I thought any person who understands logic can understand this. Why should YOU get raid loot because yes thats where this loot drop from raid bosses get the loot for not downing the boss? No one least of all me is talking about running around anywhere acting like a dumb *** with the gear on. What the problem is, is this you want the gear for no effort killing the raid boss. Earn the loot by killing the boss not by doing endless dailies or weeklies that any person that plays the game can do.


Currently, only Rakata gear is only available via raiding. You know that, right? So according to your definitions, only Rakata gear is "raid gear".


Tionese and Columi is available to purchase via currency from Flashpoints - thus is not pure "raid gear". Now I suppose you are going to say that Flashpoints should drop their own type of gear too - so they don't marginalize the precious raid zone?


Gavin, if raiding cannot stand on its own without being propped up with super-powerful gear drops, then raiding needs to die. The developers could then focus their attention on something the other 72% of the playerbase want to play.

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Aren't we getting Nightmare mode for the new raids "soon after 1.2 is released"? And in that nightmare mode didn't they announce at the guild summit that it will have a higher tier of gear then the hardmode this time, probably 148 rating?
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the nature of any MMO is to have gear inflation. in order to keep the player base happy, the developers have to create a way for the casual player (you know, the silent majority who don't visit the forums, and play 4-5 hours a week, but pay the same sub fee everyone else does) to feel like they can get shiny gear too.


that's why you have these types of dailies -> loot.


there are a few types of people:


  1. hard core raiders - they raid to clear content, better gear is just part of the equation
  2. casual raiders - they are well behind the curve, read up on strats, and basically practice until the pieces fall in
  3. casual players - they'd like to see some raid content, but don't really have the time to dedicate to it.


the people who are QQ'ing about group 3, are from group 2, who somehow feel that the people from group 3 don't deserve the same loot they have, because they didn't put the time commitment and organization into it.


nevermind that they are conveniently forgetting, that they themselves did not put in the time and commitment to match group 1, who came up with the strats, who are wearing the same gear.

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You have alot of arguments about raid gear being given out via daily quests but the fact is its been in game since day 1. Tech Rakata before 1.2 was the top end armor and the only way to get the Rakata earpiece and implants was to do the daily quests. Another thing I bet almost everyone of the people who are complaining about this will be the first people jumping on those quests when 1.2 goes live. If you say no then your full of it . Because if your a hardcore raider you will take advantage of every means possible to give you an advantage in the raids and getting extra tokens a week means getting geared fasters and clearing the raids in a smoother manner.


I have been the leader of casual and hardcore raid guilds and what I have said just now would be entirely true like some guilds forced there members to go full biochem for raiding. They will force them to do the dailies to get the tokens to get geared faster. So while you maybe complaining you dont like and that solo people should not get access to the tokens without killing raid bosses I can almost bet my life savings that those same guilds complaining now will be the first ones jumping out the gate on dailies after the servers come back up.

Edited by taloros
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You have alot of arguments about raid gear being given out via daily quests but the fact is its been in game since day 1. Tech Rakata before 1.2 was the top end armor and the only way to get the Rakata earpiece and implants was to do the daily quests. Another thing I bet almost everyone of the people who are complaining about this will be the first people jumping on those quests when 1.2 goes live. If you say no then your full of it . Because if your a hardcore raider you will take advantage of every means possible to give you an advantage in the raids and getting extra tokens a week means getting geared fasters and clearing the raids in a smoother manner.


I have been the leader of casual and hardcore raid guilds and what I have said just now would be entirely true like some guilds forced there members to go full biochem for raiding. They will force them to do the dailies to get the tokens to get geared faster. So while you maybe complaining you dont like and that solo people should not get access to the tokens without killing raid bosses I can almost bet my life savings that those same hardcore guilds complaining now will be the first ones jumping out the gate on dailies after the servers come back up.


Of course they will. That isnt the point, the point is raiding should = raid gear. Yet they keep adding ways for casuals to get it therefor making it easier for hardcore raiders to get it. It should not even be available without doing raid content.


It's like me saying that I want solo WZ's where I just fight NPC's so I can get PvP gear without PvPing because I dont have enough time to finish a WZ.

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you guys do realize that the dailies dont reward you with blackhole commendations? I cbf reading through 40 pages to find out if anyone said it. There is a weekly quest, which requires you to complete the daily quests once each, and it rewards you with 6 blackhole commendations.


6 commendations per week. Combining the prices of the available blackhole gear you will need 420 commendations to get a full set (and that doesnt even include a main hand weapon).


Wrists: 30

Belt: 35

Chest: 60

Feet: 50

Hands: 50

Legs: 50

Head: 60

Impant/Module: 35

Shield/Generator/Focus: 50


So if a person does no raiding at all, and only gets the 6 commendations per week from the weekly quest on corellia it will take them 70 weeks to get the full set of gear. Thats 1 year and 4 1/2 months.


If anyone gets all the blackhole gear from doing solo content for a year and a half they deserve it (and a straight jacket).


Gavin just calm your ****, and stop being so irrationally fixated on proving yourself to this community. You're just making yourself look like a fool.

Edited by Turbosith
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you guys do realize that the dailies dont reward you with blackhole commendations? I cbf reading through 40 pages to find out if anyone said it. There is a weekly quest, which requires you to complete the daily quests once each, and it rewards you with 6 blackhole commendations.


6 commendations per week. Combining the prices of the available blackhole gear you will need 420 commendations to get a full set (and that doesnt even include a main hand weapon).


Wrists: 30

Belt: 35

Chest: 60

Feet: 50

Hands: 50

Legs: 50

Head: 60

Impant/Module: 35

Shield/Generator/Focus: 50


So if a person does no raiding at all, and only gets the 6 commendations per week from the weekly quest on corellia it will take them 70 weeks to get the full set of gear. Thats 1 year and 4 1/2 months.


If anyone gets all the blackhole gear from doing solo content for a year and a half they deserve it (and a straight jacket).


Gavin just calm your ****, and stop being so irrationally fixated on proving yourself to this community. You're just making yourself look like a fool.


Do gear pieces drop from teh raid bosses or do we get the commendations from raid bosses?


I've heard that the commendations drop from each boss then an additional bundle of commendations can be rolled for, Sounds fair but I have no clue if it's true. If it is, they've finally found a fair drop system.

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so you are saying everyone who dosent have the time to spend 3-4 hours a day who have Jobs and families are jealous and not any good. Hmm i rather have money in my account to buy car's, houses, computer games etc then be poor. Before you label someone how about you go look in the mirror and evaluate yourself.


Everyone has different times they can play, your response is that of a 12 year old who is still leeching off your parents, who hasent even experianced real life, living away from home, with a job, paying bills, spending time with a gf, spending time with your kids looking after them, having to deal with wife agro etc.


Grow up some more, get 10 more years on your age then come comment after you have your own family, kids, wife, bills and a job.

Edited by Trineda
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