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Commando nerfed should I CANCEL or Reroll? Wut are you guys doing?


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SO yah I found out this morning my commando was gutted and no longer viable in PVP due to the heavy nerf to grav round which was my favorite move in WZs. So now im confused and thinking of just cancelling my sub and going back to WoW or if I should now shelve my trooper and reroll a new class. I know, I know im a FOTM reroller but I play this game to have fun and want to be OP especially in PVP. So wut class do you guys think I should reroll too or should i just cancel out? :o
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I'm cancelling and going back to WOW if they actully follow through with nerfing my toon. They must have hired the genious from WOW that thought everytime a class got fun to play they should total destroy that class. See you on Feathermoon.
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SO yah I found out this morning my commando was gutted and no longer viable in PVP due to the heavy nerf to grav round which was my favorite move in WZs. So now im confused and thinking of just cancelling my sub and going back to WoW or if I should now shelve my trooper and reroll a new class. I know, I know im a FOTM reroller but I play this game to have fun and want to be OP especially in PVP. So wut class do you guys think I should reroll too or should i just cancel out? :o


Should have rolled sorc from the get go then. They are and have always been the FOTM.

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Not a chance I'd reroll to a FOTM. I started of as a Trooper Medic, loved it (even though people kept saying Sages are better) and proved them wrong. If they apply every nerf from that list, I am going, and I wont look back.

Now my class is getting nerfed so much I can't even believe my own eyes. What, 5 nerfs and 1 buff was it? I don't even remember, because it terrifies me too much.


I will not be able to have any ammo during Nightmares, I'll just be there spamming Hammer Shot, laughing hysterically, hoping that nobody notices that my class is worth nothing now.


I can't even begin to understand what kind of "genius" thought that hitting a class with so many nerfs was a good idea. Was it Gabe again? Because that guy just makes me sad and lose all hope for TOR.

Why not nerf 1 or 2 things?!


Why so much?

Did you even think it through? gosh darn it... I honestly think you did not.

Edited by Yakito
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all this massacre they done on combat medic would be justified if they buffed the aoe healing and HoT capabilities. But they just did the negative part of the "balance".


What the hell a commando will do on a op ? why the hell ur guild will want u on an operation...?


Ohhhhhh I can now target 4 members with my 6 sec kolto bomb ! !!11!1!!111

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all this massacre they done on combat medic would be justified if they buffed the aoe healing and HoT capabilities. But they just did the negative part of the "balance".


What the hell a commando will do on a op ? why the hell ur guild will want u on an operation...?


Ohhhhhh I can now target 4 members with my 6 sec kolto bomb ! !!11!1!!111


Right now, thanks to real-life scheduling and an enthusiasm for tanks and DPS, my guild is stuck with at least 1 Commando healer for every Op. It's going to be a challenge (possibly a very large challenge), but it looks like we'll get a chance to thoroughly test our Commandos' post 1.2 healing abilities.


The changes were announced just as I was making the switch from PvP healing to PvE healing. I was pretty excited about it. Now, I'm not sure.

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SO yah I found out this morning my commando was gutted and no longer viable in PVP due to the heavy nerf to grav round which was my favorite move in WZs. So now im confused and thinking of just cancelling my sub and going back to WoW or if I should now shelve my trooper and reroll a new class. I know, I know im a FOTM reroller but I play this game to have fun and want to be OP especially in PVP. So wut class do you guys think I should reroll too or should i just cancel out? :o


Quite honestly people are sick of hearing Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav etc. out of the WZ's. Especially when you have more then one Trooper. Your ability to spam it ad nauseam was not only grossly out of line but rather ridiculous, and the same applies to the Mercs with TM.


And before someone tries to open that can of worms yes I have a Trooper also and yes he has Grav round but WHEN I do play him I make it a point to actually use different abilities.

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35% damage reduction (10% + 25% increased casttime) on an ability we STILL ARE FORCED TO SPAM to set up demo round and FA, is not acceptable. As medic also got rendered useless, commando just got completely brutalized and I cant see how any commando/merc would continue playing the class after this.


Just gonna do more RL stuff, maybe watch some TV instead of playing during downtimes, maybe some BF3 until Diablo III comes out in May.

Edited by Niconogood
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I would prefer to not spam tracer missile because we get interrupted so easy. The point is that even with 1.2 we are FORCED to do it to get the debuffs on the target and because everything else has 15s cooldowns. We have to stand still to do it too. Edited by Borondir
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35% damage reduction (10% + 25% increased casttime) on an ability we STILL ARE FORCED TO SPAM to set up demo round and FA, is not acceptable. As medic also got rendered useless, commando just got completely brutalized and I cant see how any commando/merc would continue playing the class after this.


Just gonna do more RL stuff, maybe watch some TV instead of playing during downtimes, maybe some BF3 until Diablo III comes out in May.


Did you actually bother to read and comprehend the patch notes whatsoever?


Charged Barrier now provides 1% damage reduction per stack.


Curtain of Fire: the chance to trigger this effect has been increased significantly.


Demolition Round's damage output has been increased by approximately 10%.


Grav Round has been rebalanced. It now costs 2 Energy Cells, has a 2-second activation time, and deals approximately 10% less damage.


Muzzle Fluting no longer reduces Energy Cell costs. It now reduces the activation time of Charged Bolts and Grav Round by .5 seconds.


Tenacious Defense now reduces the cooldown of Concussion Charge by 2.5 seconds per point.


Read them again, see if you get it this time. But because I am sure you won't, read the Muzzle Fluting and Curtain of Fire changes. Grav Round spammer.

Edited by McGringo
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Anyone who quits after being nerfed is over exaggerating and it's ridiculous. I have a commando healer and a PvP Hybird Powertech that are both being nerfed pretty bad. Am I going to quit? **** no, you just roll with the punches and wait for more balance changes. PLUS PTS patch notes have been changed before.


This is the same kind of nerd rage that made me stop playing LoL.




TL;DR QQ less, toughen up, L2play, and if you like WoW so much why don't you go back and stop filling the forums with useless threads?

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Anyone who quits after being nerfed is over exaggerating and it's ridiculous. I have a commando healer and a PvP Hybird Powertech that are both being nerfed pretty bad. Am I going to quit? **** no, you just roll with the punches and wait for more balance changes. PLUS PTS patch notes have been changed before.


This is the same kind of nerd rage that made me stop playing LoL.




TL;DR QQ less, toughen up, L2play, and if you like WoW so much why don't you go back and stop filling the forums with useless threads?

If you dont like people expressing thier opinions then dont read the forums. Your insults dont add anything worth reading here.

I am just going to say, Your a liar and you dont play a combat medic or you wouldnt be spouting abuse at us.

Offhealing with combat support cell as a gunnery spec is not a combat medic.

Dont hate the healer.

Edited by Dast
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Cancel or Reroll? neither. Assess your spec, adapt, and keep blowing sh t up.




How many of you whiners have tried these changes out as a 50 in an Ops or WZ? I doubt many of you have...but maybe some of you are speaking from actually TRYING it?!


Or.......is this really just the same ol people overreacting without even trying it?! Just assuming?!

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Why are so many of you people being such babies about this patch? You all knew we needed changes (on the CM and the Gunnery sides). I'm glad some of you are leaving because it'll make the rest of us possibly stop looking like children who just want to spam grav-round.


If you can't handle a class that you're playing getting nerfs then you should probably not play MMOs, because they happen with every damn patch no matter what class you play. Deal with it or get out, no one will miss you because no one really cares, you're just being annoying to those of us that don't rely on being an OP or FOTM class to have fun playing.


Bye! :D

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Why are so many of you people being such babies about this patch? You all knew we needed changes (on the CM and the Gunnery sides). I'm glad some of you are leaving because it'll make the rest of us possibly stop looking like children who just want to spam grav-round.


If you can't handle a class that you're playing getting nerfs then you should probably not play MMOs, because they happen with every damn patch no matter what class you play. Deal with it or get out, no one will miss you because no one really cares, you're just being annoying to those of us that don't rely on being an OP or FOTM class to have fun playing.


Bye! :D

No I did not know that CM needed a nerf. I felt the exact opposite. Combat Medic should be buffed to be able to heal up to sage and smuggler level of healing.


If you cant handle reading this forum get out, no one will miss you.

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Why are so many of you people being such babies about this patch? You all knew we needed changes (on the CM and the Gunnery sides). I'm glad some of you are leaving because it'll make the rest of us possibly stop looking like children who just want to spam grav-round.

And we're gonna get more grav round spammers.


Why? The people who cared about performance are going to leave or reroll. All that will be left will mostly be the grav round spam mongrels. Probably encouraging future "dynamic play ajustments".


Awful job Bioware.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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if there is indeed a nerf to gunnery, it will be only a minor nerf overall that will completely pale in comparison to the nerfs to combat medic healing and the lack of the much-needed buff to assault (ion accelerator is not in any way a buff).




i think what's funny to me about gunnery is that the intended change was so that people wouldn't spam grav round so much, but it completely fails in that regard.



people are still going to spam grav round because charged barrel, demo round, curtain of fire, charged barrier (if anyone still specs it anymore) will ALL still be tied to using ONLY grav round.

cell charger also procs mostly from grav round with the 15% crit bonus on the PVE gear


so the end result is, everyone will spam grav round as much as they can until one of several things happens:


5 gravity vortexes on the target and demo round off CD (same as before)


5 stacks of charged barrel and HIB off CD (same as before)


curtain of fire proc (will happen more often than before, however often that will be)


the use of another skill is needed to accomplish something other than single-target dps, like concussion charge, cryo grenade, hail of bolts, medpack, diversion, recharge cells, etc. (same as before)



gunnery is still based almost completely around spamming the hell out of grav round, just using full auto more often inbetween.

Edited by oaceen
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To the OP- yea just go back to WoW. Not because the nerf bat on some of the classes were uncalled for, but because people like you are the ones who ruin games. While you love playing an overpowered class, the rest of us are actually putting effort in trying to put some variety in the game. I hate queuing up in war zones to find that most of my team are commandos, or most of the imps are sorcerers. This isn't SW:Commandos and Sorcerers. And FP? Boy, does it suck when everyone in your group is rolling for the same items. I think the nerfs bring the healing classes in line with eachother (which it should) so that there is a variety of classes used in ops/warzones. They want to avoid exclusion- oh sorry you're not a sage or in pvp- you don't have tracer missile!? So again- all those who gripe about nerfs in MMO's just leave and go back to fixed console games where if they have a broken class or character they stay that way for your enjoyment.
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Some amazing knee-jerk reactions without even trying out the 1.2 . Personally I will not be overeating on this scale considering there are other changes across the board. Many commando's will adapt whatever the final 1.2 version. I would have thought more players would be used to the whole cycles of nerf / buff in MMO's by now :eek: Edited by Stovokor
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