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What? 1.2 Patch?


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Considering the nerfbat they took to my sorc in both healing and dps what they did to sniper is hardly worth mentioning.


Everyone is saying everyone else got uber buffed and they got uber nerfed but everyone is still crying nerf.


I don't have an issue with this because it means things were working in a way they never intended in the first place. Its quite simple, I will adapt.

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So Sent/Maru get super, uber buffed and Gunslingers/Sniper get a random nerf on their main dps skill (for lethal/hybrid)? What? Why? Most of the other classes got either a small buff, or unchanged for the most part....



We got a huge buff buddy, 20% healing debuff on Shatter Shot, which is a 30m range attack that lasts 9 secs with a 4.5 sec c/d. I would almost say its bordering OP.

Edited by painsponge
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We got a huge buff buddy, 20% healing debuff on Shatter Shot, which is a 30m range attack that lasts 45 secs with a 4.5 sec c/d. I would almost say its bordering OP.


you mean this?

Shatter Shot now additionally inflicts trauma, reducing all healing the target receives by 20% for 9 seconds.

Dont know where it says 45secs

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We got a huge buff buddy, 20% healing debuff on Shatter Shot, which is a 30m range attack that lasts 45 secs with a 4.5 sec c/d. I would almost say its bordering OP.


Lets not mention Marauder had healing debuff from start of game. They are the strongest Class in PVP and are getting BUFFED MORE

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Everyone is saying everyone else got uber buffed and they got uber nerfed but everyone is still crying nerf.




You can tell a good balance update when everyone is complaining equally. It's when one class is complaining and everyone else is gloating or telling them "Nah, it's not so bad if you're good." But, by and large, aside from Sorcerers/Sages everyone is just moaning to themselves. Having never played a Sorc I can't speak knowledgably, but it looks like they got hit something rough.

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You can tell a good balance update when everyone is complaining equally. It's when one class is complaining and everyone else is gloating or telling them "Nah, it's not so bad if you're good." But, by and large, aside from Sorcerers/Sages everyone is just moaning to themselves. Having never played a Sorc I can't speak knowledgably, but it looks like they got hit something rough.

Not Scoundrels/Operatives, they got completely gutted into oblivion..

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the thing is, the marauder patch notes LOOK like buffs, and a few of them are, but what you aren't seeing is that they're taking several of the abilities that are already on talents taken in annihilation(usual pvp spec) and giving them to a different talent tree, too deep for annihilation marauders to take. they're also replacing a talent that gives force choke a more reasonable cooldown to instead buff ravage, which sucks anyway, then they're taking out the talent that makes it uninterruptible. as someone who does not play a marauder, I can't say if overall they got buffed or nerfed, I would say it is most likely to call this a buff to carnage and overall effectiveness of rage, and a nerf to annihilation.


also, they're cutting the effectiveness of the talent that makes healer mercs shine in half, as well as cutting the damage of tracer missile by 10% those are actually very big changes (and not inclusive on the nerfs to the healing tree).

Edited by wrexcursia
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The healing reduction on shatter shot should have been there since day 1, because our mirror class (by that I mean the only other pure DPS class in the game) already has it. The AoE damage reduction on entrench should have been there as a passive since day 1 (albeit a weaker version) or the talent should be placed further down for easy access. Because there are other classes that get AoE damage reduction through talents easily and they have a lot more mobility.


I'll need to see how good sniper volley is before I decide MM is completely worthless. Right now the only reason to spec MM is to enjoy good front loaded damage coupled with better energy management. Lethality already does better overall damage in many situations (and seems to be getting the best buffs with the patch).


Plasma probe required all the love it could get. Coupled with the stun engineering looks worth trying now.


Loss of 3% crit is a slap to the face. The loss from that has been moved up to cull crit chance (extremely good news for Lethality in my opinion, since more than half your damage comes from cull). Coupled with other changes it feels there's very little reason to spec anything other than lethality.


What's interesting is that imperial agents (and the smuggler mirror) are the least played classes and they don't seem to be buffed that much with this patch.

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I'll need to see how good sniper volley is before I decide MM is completely worthless. Right now the only reason to spec MM is to enjoy good front loaded damage coupled with better energy management. Lethality already does better overall damage in many situations (and seems to be getting the best buffs with the patch).


It is quotes like this that make me wonder if we're playing the same game sometimes. Marksmanship is worthless? I'm interested in the Sniper Volley cause I just don't have enough energy to do all the killing I need to do half the time! Marks is pretty dominate right now.


Lethality is good, but the fact that folks can cloak out of your abilities as well as having the DoT's get dispelled leaves you in a vulnerable spot and in competitive play will continue to leave you in a vulnerable spot. I think Marksmanship will be the dominate spec for rated warzones.

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We got a huge buff buddy, 20% healing debuff on Shatter Shot, which is a 30m range attack that lasts 45 secs with a 4.5 sec c/d. I would almost say its bordering OP.


Especially when you factor in the 30% PVP healing debuff


that's a 50% debuff to heals for 45 seconds.



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It is quotes like this that make me wonder if we're playing the same game sometimes. Marksmanship is worthless? I'm interested in the Sniper Volley cause I just don't have enough energy to do all the killing I need to do half the time! Marks is pretty dominate right now.


Lethality is good, but the fact that folks can cloak out of your abilities as well as having the DoT's get dispelled leaves you in a vulnerable spot and in competitive play will continue to leave you in a vulnerable spot. I think Marksmanship will be the dominate spec for rated warzones.


MM is currently the only worthwhile PvP spec because of the points you mentioned (I am MM spec btw). What I mean is MM will start getting useless as a general build (when you think of PvP and PvE combined). With the buff to Lethality sniper volley better be damned good to keep MM on par.


Yes in PvP lethality suffers against competent players but perhaps this will call for a change in playstyle (a change of target preference away from healers).

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[As Lethality] more than half your damage comes from cull.


This is not true, unless we're waiting around and not using other abilities in between.


Cull is more likely closer to 25% of our total damage.

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they're also replacing a talent that gives force choke a more reasonable cooldown to instead buff ravage, which sucks anyway, then they're taking out the talent that makes it uninterruptible


Just an FYI on that part. Master Strike/Ravage have been made uninterruptable by default instead of requiring a talent for it. That would be the reason behind the talent being removed.

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It is quotes like this that make me wonder if we're playing the same game sometimes. Marksmanship is worthless? I'm interested in the Sniper Volley cause I just don't have enough energy to do all the killing I need to do half the time! Marks is pretty dominate right now.


Lethality is good, but the fact that folks can cloak out of your abilities as well as having the DoT's get dispelled leaves you in a vulnerable spot and in competitive play will continue to leave you in a vulnerable spot. I think Marksmanship will be the dominate spec for rated warzones.


I agree with this a lot for competitive play, I'm MM/Eng and I kill Lethality Snipes. It's to easy; MM has good burst and what I feel is better survialibilty than Lethality and it only improves with this patch.


With a lot of dmg based around the two dots and Cull, your going to get cleansed a lot in rateds.


I'll give Leth a second look after that patch, but I'll most likely be sticking to my MM/Eng build for PvP

Edited by Shadowsdarth
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Shatter Shot now additionally inflicts trauma, reducing all healing the target receives by 20% for 9 seconds.


This is one of the best things that could've happened really .


Ever since the sniper PvP QQ threads have started, I've been saying that the only changes that I would like to see is fixing some of the small annoying bugs and giving us a ranged healing debuff...low and behold...


We were the best at killing healers and squishies before and now we are going to be even stronger.


Healer energy management is going into the ******* as well so that is going to be a small help for us in that department as well.

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