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  1. My guess is that if you re-apply the dots, they will override the lower ones. Seems like it would be a little OP if you were able to get double the bonus damage from Cull.
  2. SW is confirming that all bosses in raids have a passive 10% dodge so you MUST have 10% additional accuracy to never miss an attack. I agree that I have never noticed a miss and I only have 8% but they seem to have evidence that states this is the soft cap. Even with 12% accuracy and 40% crit, you are not going to lose upwards of 30% DPS compared to other classes so optimizing your gear will not add that much. There is def something else going on.
  3. Agreed. The developers are constantly responding to interesting posts on the PTS forum. Re post this there and link this thread so they can read our responses that we have thus far. If there is a problem, it really needs to be brought up.
  4. It is possible that something is wrong with the parser. Try using a different parser and see if that gives different results. All of the parsers are in the test phase so there are still bugs to work out.
  5. My gut feeling is that you have to be doing something wrong. This is too big of a difference to go unnoticed by BW. They have said many times that all classes are +/- 5% and that snipers were the top single target DPS class. You are talking about doing 30% less dmg than other classes. There is no way that if this was the case, would be allowed. BW has been running logs on raids and WZs since release to judge the DPS and they would not be releasing combat logs to the public if a discrepancy that was this large was in the game.
  6. Not sure if you are figuring this into your DPS but most of the other classes have better armor penetration or ignore armor all together. In a raid situation with the buffs from all of the classes stacking, our DPS should increase more than other classes would. Not sure if it would increase 300+ though so that is something concerning.
  7. Thanks for the info Tibbel. The thing I notice is that the consecutive DPS is over 9.9 sec while the interweaved is over 17.1 sec. What does the rest of your rotation look like for the consecutive for that extra 7+ sec? With my standard Snipe->FT->Filler, Filler rotation, if I use the consecutive SoS, it leaves me little to use as my fillers. The remaining DPS over those 7 sec may be pretty low if I am just using rifle shots as fillers. It would be interesting to see what an extended rotation DPS would look like using both of those rotations. Did you have an extended rotation DPS for each of these based on your spreadsheet?
  8. I must have missed that one but with 60+ pages, its hard to read it all. Im just excited to get combat logs so we can actually test things rather than theory craft everything. In 1.2, I am actually looking at running a 28/13 or 28/11/2 though. We would get the IP without losing any of our crit bonus.
  9. One thing you have to think about in long PvE fights though is energy management and SoS is almost an energy neutral ability. None of the fillers are that great to use besides your OS once every 45s. Other than that you just need to keep up your SS and use EP when you are in the top tier of energy. There isn't too much else to use. The key to using MM is being able to use your FT on cooldown without waiting. Not saying that Rapid Fire is as good as some of the other class 31 pt talents but it isn't useless either.
  10. Why do people keep talking about using 3 consecutive SoS when using Rapid Fire? That's the only argument I hear about why it is so bad. No where in the description does it say that you have to use 3 in a row, just that the CD is nullified for your next 2. Use it as 3 conseutive fillers for the Snipe->FT->Filler->Repeat rotation. In PvE it is a very very good rotation filler. When it is up, my rotation will look like this... Pop relics/adrenals -> Snipe ->FT -> SoS -> RS Ambush -> FT -> SoS -> Snipe -> FT -> SoS. I just successfully used 3 SoS as the fillers when I wouldnt have been able to otherwise. Without that, I would have had to use OS, EP, or other abilities that just aren't as good.
  11. Ever since the sniper PvP QQ threads have started, I've been saying that the only changes that I would like to see is fixing some of the small annoying bugs and giving us a ranged healing debuff...low and behold... We were the best at killing healers and squishies before and now we are going to be even stronger. Healer energy management is going into the ******* as well so that is going to be a small help for us in that department as well.
  12. They said that the skill trees for most classes are going to be re-worked to the point that they are going to refund all of the skill points for free for people to respec. I think there are def going to be some changes coming to the class balance of this game. We basically all just played a 3 month beta and the game is finally going to be balanced (Hopefully)
  13. I don't use 3 consecutive SoS. My rotation is: Trigger FT -> FT -> Filler -> Filler -> Trigger FT -> FT -> Filler -> Filler -> Repeat SoS works as 2 fillers due to its length. With Rapid Fire, I am able to use SoS as 3 consecutive fillers which I wouldn't be able to otherwise. Using it this way makes a lot of sense and actually makes RF not too bad but in PvP it never works out. If you use even 2 SoS in a row, you are not using your FT on cooldown which is a loss of DPS and energy as well. FT is our best ability and must be used on CD.
  14. It is indeed which is probably why they will be re-working it in 1.2. Rapid Fire is probably one of the worst top tier abilities I have ever seen in an MMO...though I use it on cooldown in raids.
  15. Snipe is one of our worst abilities (DPE) wise and I think it is by design. It is our only ability that doesnt have a CD so it would be too good if they made it in line with the other abilities. As of now, it should really only be used to trigger FT.
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