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So, I made a friend! ...yay?


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Most gamers still believe female toons are females irl. I did a fp with 2 other female toons and one male toon. He said "ooh nice im surounded by pretty girls" and i had a funny mental picture of a couple of gross fat older guys playing the toons :p

I myself am a girl irl but now im playing more male toons than ever and it's true, people assume i must be a guy, so they treat me way better.

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whenever I read a thread about this sort of thing, I think about how lucky I am to not run into people like that... Unfortunately that's not the case, when I started playing my first MMO i was 14... The first friend I made, and one of my closest friends (differect person) between then and 16 were the very people parents would want their kids avoiding in chat rooms... I was just lucky that I was so innocent (on an emotional level) that they had no real effect on me ... o.o


Anyway, I'm much more blunt now, and for the most part I haven't met many more 'stranger danger' type people, and definately nothing like the one the OP experienced xD


Although, having read the whole thread, as funny as it is (just reading it) it kinda creeps me out, since most of my characters are female...


As for some people assuming all female toons are played by females, in my first MMO each class had a set gender, and the only male class was the Knight, Mage and Archer were both females... There were quite a lot of knights running around, and they always treated the archers and mages differently... that is, untill they found out that they one they were talking to wasn't what they thought xD

(it is an old ****** f2p mmo, that for some reason remains alive to this day...)


here's my system: if they're actually clothed, there's at least a 50% chance they're female.

If they're in a slave outfit, they're male. :p


Hmm... my female SW wears the dancer top, she also got complimented in a pug on Balmorra the other day for it xD

and my female consular will be wearing the stylish dancers top with the spymasters leggins when I start playing her... although you can't really blame me for that, consular robes are quite ugly... alongside the conservators boots and valiant jedi gloves+belt I think my consular will look hot

Edited by Ithilwen
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Hmm... my female SW wears the dancer top, she also got complimented in a pug on Balmorra the other day for it xD

and my female consular will be wearing the stylish dancers top with the spymasters leggins when I start playing her... although you can't really blame me for that, consular robes are quite ugly... alongside the conservators boots and valiant jedi gloves+belt I think my consular will look hot

Not saying there's anything wrong with that (my Consular is in Elegant Loungewear Bottoms and one of the Covert tops), just that most chars like that are played by males. :p

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Not saying there's anything wrong with that (my Consular is in Elegant Loungewear Bottoms and one of the Covert tops), just that most chars like that are played by males. :p


Hehe, I know what you mean, it's like that thread in the story/lore section (I think that's where it is) where someone asked about why everyone's female characters/companions were wearing the slave/dancer outfits :D


as for that thread in the general forum about 'the female gamer' a couple of those people should read this thread :eek:... While some male gamers can cause problems for females, it isn't the majority, and they're not always that bad, it's the creepy stalkers like what the OP here had to deal with that are the main concern... fortunately they are few and far between

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I didnt know my suffering was such a cause for peoples amusement! If I had know, I would have youtubed the entire experience to make myself a few million .


Coming in a year after the event, I cant wait to see how this played out over the next 10 months!

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I too am a man (and an ugly one) and play a female in the game. I do that because, like the original poster said, I think they are nicer to look at.


I did infuriate one particular person. He asked me to join up on a mission that I needed to complete as well so I did. After we were done, he began asking me some personal questions. I said "I think you are asking me these questions because you might think I look like my character in real life. Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm a guy, put your [insert favorite slang term here] back in your pants."


He said that I had led him on and he would have never asked me to join a group had he have known. He put me on his ignore list and I went on about my day.


If I want to hook up with someone (and I do occasionally) I prefer dating sites to MMORPG's, don't you?


There was this one time playing City of Hereos many, many, MANY moons ago. I was playing a scrapper (think Kung Fu hero - kind of like Iron Fist) in Parez Park (the next tier up of beginner zones, like Courscant is to Thython). This was back when the game was hidiously overpopulated, so there was a pretty big crowd by the door back to the beginner zone. I'm standing there in the milling hordes, waiting for the rest of my Supergroup to arrive so we can start handing out six-packs of justice.


Now in true Superhero manner, One-Hit Wonder was dressed in pretty skimpy skin tight tights with a cleavage cut-out similar to Power Girl's, and I unashamedly chose the body type with the huge ta-tas - because, hey Super Hero! And so I'm just moving around in the area, back and forth, a couple of steps to the right and left and back again - you know, we've all done it, waiting for the rest of the team.


It's after a few minuets I notice that this guy was mirroring my movements perfectly, but facing me. A few moments later and he sends me a tell saying "stand still". Not thinking of it, I comply - and a moment later later he sends another one "Oh yeah, I'm done now." as I notice he was crouching with his eyes at chest height..


Oh no. You didn't just do what I think - You DID! Oh my god! Ewww!


Well, I decided to have revenge. "You do realize that I'm really a man, right?"


"OHMYGODYOUFAGHOWDAREYOULEADEMEONFAGGOT!FINGQUEER!!!" and so on as he very quickly logged off. My supergroup got a HUGE laugh out of that one. So yeah, I was virtually raped that day - but the punchline more than made up for it.

Edited by El_Kabong
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here's my system: if they're actually clothed, there's at least a 50% chance they're female.

If they're in a slave outfit, they're male. :p


Or if their female companions are in the slave outfits, they're usually male.


I'm a female gamer, and while I play mostly female characters, I do have a few male characters. Thankfully, I've not run into a situation like this, but it terrifies me. People who latch on like that can become very frightening. Someone I used to RP with on AOL back in the day was actually murdered by her stalker, who took his own life right after killing her. So yes, in-game stalkers terrify me because there are ways(usually illegal, but they are there) of learning who runs a character, and the in-game stalker can quickly become a real-life stalker.

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I'm a male that's been playing female characters since the Baldur's Gate series. I've found that outfits tend to be limited to things you'd find on strip club performers or nun's habits with very little in between. I really can't take my characters seriously if I dress them trashy especially when running around in the snow. I equally want them to look good so the dowdy look just doesn't do it for me.
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Or if their female companions are in the slave outfits, they're usually male.


I'm a female gamer, and while I play mostly female characters, I do have a few male characters. Thankfully, I've not run into a situation like this, but it terrifies me. People who latch on like that can become very frightening. Someone I used to RP with on AOL back in the day was actually murdered by her stalker, who took his own life right after killing her. So yes, in-game stalkers terrify me because there are ways(usually illegal, but they are there) of learning who runs a character, and the in-game stalker can quickly become a real-life stalker.

Holy c***p that is horrible.


If something like that happened to someone I know, (as opposed to just reading about it or seeing it on TV) -- I think it would change my whole outlook on other people. I imagine the slightest hint of behavior like that would then set me off something fierce.

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Holy c***p that is horrible.


If something like that happened to someone I know, (as opposed to just reading about it or seeing it on TV) -- I think it would change my whole outlook on other people. I imagine the slightest hint of behavior like that would then set me off something fierce.


Yeah. Even reading what happened to this poor guy made me think of this lady, and how easily the situation could have turned really bad.

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Wow, this has managed to keep me amused for two hours. ::o


I'm a female gamer who plays mostly female characters. Someone commented about getting treated "better" on their male characters; maybe they meant in a manner more to their liking but players are always nicer to my female toons than the males.


I too prefer not to have them look like pole dancers, but I quite like the look for one of my toons so I've stuck with it. So far I've only had one creepy person.


Them: "U R HOT"

Me: I'm not real. -__-


Me: And you're amusing.


Me: I hope so, because as soon as you stop being amusing I'm going to /ignore you! :)


There was more, but I blocked it out of my mind. :rolleyes: Didn't last long and was good for a laugh. Other than that, just a couple of comments on the outfit, and my group mates staring at my toon. (Don't they realise I have "Target of Target" enabled? Lol.)


I feel bad for you though OP. As everyone's already said, just don't put up with anyone ruining your game time. You don't have to be rude about it; if nothing else works, just say "What you're doing is ruining my fun. I'm putting you on /ignore". It's not your responsibility to educate them. Life's too short.


Also, I'm a teacher who has done dog obedience/ agility trialling, and the pedagogy behind teaching dogs and teaching students (ages 5- 17) are very, very similar.

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Also, I'm a teacher who has done dog obedience/ agility trialling, and the pedagogy behind teaching dogs and teaching students (ages 5- 17) are very, very similar.


Hehe, ^^ this doesn't surprise me, many dog breeds (and individual dogs) are more inteligent than people give them credit for, just like some kids (teenagers) really don't think as much as they could/should, particularly as they start getting older... Although that may be a result of substance abuse while they are still develpoing/maturing...

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SWTOR is my second MMO. My first one is GTASA related. I am a female gamer. However, in game, I don't always let that be known. I don't really try to hide it. However, I have noticed that you are treated a lot differently when it is known you are a female.


This thread reminds me of a fairly recent situation. I have a friend on the second MMO. She was pretending to be a guy. She was stalked IRL and developed a fear over it, which is understandable. We became friends with some people. Little by little, she started trusting them and clued them into the truth. After finding out she was a female, one of them started becoming a little obsessive with her. Like always wanting to be around her, watching her in game, and such. It caused her fear to return. She decided to tell everyone she lied about being a girl, that she was really a guy. She made up an elaborate lie, that she was really a guy pretending to be a girl for a bet. She added details such as the bet was to see how long 'he' could troll everyone into believing they were a girl. She lost some friends over it but she was relieved that her wannabe stalker believed the story.

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I'm sure some female gamers play male toons for this very reason.

*points to self* guilty.


as a female gamer, when i first started playing online games, i deliberately made only male toons when possible so i could get away from guys like the stalker. oddly enough, no one hits on male toons.


these days, i just let them think i'm a guy until that inevitable vent/skype convo that happens due to running an ops or something. when they hear my voice for the first time, it's usually followed by a couple seconds of awkward silence. then you can tell by the tone of their voice that they're trying to hide the shock.


glad the OP finally got this resolved. that was the most interesting read i've seen in a long time.

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  • 1 year later...

Would you be a dick to an 8 yr old IRL?


I would be a dick to an 8 yr old. Any human above 7 years old is applicable to be socially treated equal by me.


I = Overbearing Jerk who has little tolerance and almost no social grace.


Being mean to children when they deserve it. I love doing that.



This whole thread on the other hand, IS FREAKING AWESOME.


Bookmarked, and gonna be shared. Over and over.


And over.


Edit: Most of the time, normal male gamers check out female chars to steal design ideas, be it characters face or body, or the items worn and colors used.


We are fashionably sensible, not creepy staring dudes :D

Edited by Manweth
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I would be a dick to an 8 yr old. Any human above 7 years old is applicable to be socially treated equal by me.


I = Overbearing Jerk who has little tolerance and almost no social grace.


Being mean to children when they deserve it. I love doing that.


ROFLMAO! You sound like me :D


Op...seriously....just ignore buddy.

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@ OP,


I hate to say this but I think it's all your fault and you brought it on yourself. Maybe you were too flirtatious? Maybe it's what you were wearing? Maybe you should wear less makeup next time, I don't know.


New suggestion for cartel market: restraining orders

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I took an anthropology course years ago and the professor taught me a valuable life lesson that I've applied everytime I enter a new environment like a workplace, neighborhood, or social situation.


The first person to contact you in a new situation is a social outcast. Avoid them. They are usually the wierdo or "village idiot" looking to make a friend. If you associate with them, you will be instantly labeled and be "guilty by association." This has held true for every new job I have ever had. The first person who wants to show you around or go to lunch is always the office nut. The same is true in MMOs.


File this for future reference and you'll find it true in almost every new situation.


This is one of the more cynical and disturbing pieces of advice I have ever heard.


I AM THAT GUY. And I am not a social outcast or a village idiot (ask my workmates! ask my friends! ask my wife!).

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