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So, I made a friend! ...yay?


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Wow, best thread I've read on the forums. My "evil side" couldn't help but wish the situation dragged on a bit more... lol. Really, glad the situation pretty much cleared up OP :D. If you act really feel worried about the next female toon he's following around now, I'm sure a polite warning to this person wouldn't hurt anyone, as long as you keep anonymous. And new friends will come...! even though I don't have many friends myself in-game... Edited by Remiel
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I rolled another character to get a way from a bothersome player. Now I keep bumping into his alt . Its getting kinda freaky.


Next I'll try different Country/Server/Faction, lets see him folllow that!



Edited by Kaesoron
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This is just LOL

Im a married guy playing a fem toon.. wife plays with me, usually tank/heal combo.

Get people flirt with my toon, Im like thanks for the offer but Im married.

They are always "well I dont mind"

Then I sit back and laugh... As the wife goes.. "Really?!?"

They are usually running for the hills within 2min :D


My worst stalker ever is still arround in WoW (14yr old boy, must be 18 now) randomly msgs me on alts even now. Just add them to the list. One day they will get the hint.


Imo I suggest letting anyone you see them following arround know what they are like and in the strongest possible terms.

Either that or every time they log on you just start a planet wide chat about how your stalker really likes boys, how polite he is and how he always brings his own lube..

Tho the latter option would be more fun.. it may get you in a little hot water with the csr folks :p

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i literally lol'd. You can only get an experience like this in an mmo. Purely hysterical.


I had a similar, yet very different experience.



On my third alt i was running around on hutta when i got some random invite to group. Never being one to reject a social invitation, i accepted with little hesitation.


I was invited by a 9 year old, who proceeded to order me to come quest with him. I was in the process of thinking up an excuse when he promptly told me "nvm i hav 2 take a bath and clean my room"


I was like lol k and quickly left the group to join someone else for a heroic.



But it didn't end there. he started posting in general "lemme come i can help." And when the person i was grouped with didn't immediately invite him he posted "omg i hate you!" quickly followed with "lemme come i can help!"

He was too comical to /ignore

Edited by DarthPunitor
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lmao, i read all 17 pages of this thread, and it was worth it.


Best SWTOR story i've read to date. I've been playing a female toon since forever, but luckily, maybe because I'm named chickenwing, or maybe because i call everyone "dude" or "man", i haven't had a stalker yet.


But I'm kind of jealous.

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"I was invited by a 9 year old, who proceeded to order me to come quest with him. I was in the process of thinking up an excuse when he promptly told me "nvm i hav 2 take a bath and clean my room"
Omg, that is too funny! Edited by sian_gali
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just had to resurrect this thread to post about last night.


I'm in LFG, about to run Hammer Station on my female Sith Warrior. As we're waiting, I'm sending my companions on tasks and levelling synthweaving. As I have quite a few mats, an ability to craft a few blues and oranges, I start offering them to the group.


First of all, I'm offered thousands of credits, I say it's fine, no biggie, not necesary, then relent to accepting tips.


All well and good, in a chatty group of friendly people and they're also sourcing mats for items so I can craft them.


Then the instance starts, and everyone is passing on loot saying I can have it, even if it's not for my class and is for their's. I think this is pretty odd and tell them to start rolling need or at least greed. they begin to, but reluctantly (Are you sure you don't have an alt that can use that? It's ok, take it.)


I honestly think if it were possible, they would be opening doors for me in the station.


I let it go, but then we finish what was really quite a pleasant and easy run. I get whispers from all 3 other players wanting me to "stay with them" "Come quest with me" "I can run you through whatever you need to" etc.


Then the penny drops, and I thought of this thread.


I wound up telling them all, in party chat, that I had to log and go spend time with my wife.


They all quit the group.

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Careful... He could be on this thread.


Tell him "seriously, I need to do this alone. It's more of a challenge"


I don't know if your making this up to get a quick laugh (no offense), but it is kinda stalkerish.


If he is from another country, maybe it's tradition. Tell him you want some solo time, in the nicest way possible.

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Careful... He could be on this thread.


Tell him "seriously, I need to do this alone. It's more of a challenge"


I don't know if your making this up to get a quick laugh (no offense), but it is kinda stalkerish.


If he is from another country, maybe it's tradition. Tell him you want some solo time, in the nicest way possible.


Read the whole thread, its already been dealt with.

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Wow, funny to find a thread on this topic.


I have had some experience with this myself.

About a year ago, I tried out the new Clone Wars Adventures "MMO" to see what it was about, and to play with my younger brothers. I'm a 22 year old guy, but was playing a female toon.


Male toons would follow me around, and I would be given full sets of gear by random strangers. Some of the other gamers straight-up offered to give me credits to help me out. I would get messages telling me that my character looked pretty, among other things.

The kicker is, I would seriously get 2 or 3 people per day ask me if I would be their girlfriend. I couldn't believe it.


I am disappointed, but not shocked that this happens in SWTOR as well.


I feel very sorry for all the actual female gamers out there. It's no wonder there aren't many of them!!

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this whole thread is clearly one big joke because:


a: no one, wether obsessed or trolling, would be wierd enough to wait for 3 hours for someone in the same spot multiple times

b: no one would be wierd enough to be this freaked out from someone following them in a game, and be too scared to just ignore them or tell them to f off


still, i enjoyed

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I am going to roll a female character tonight. I wonder if I can level up at 50 without buying any gear at all by relying on desperados giving me gear and creds. This will be a great experiment!


lol, It's a Trap!


That would be quite the experiment... but also a lengthy one. :p

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Chinese gold farmer. You ditch him, he will just latch on to another noob who doesn't know any better.

Feeling sorry for them is like feeling bad about squashing a mosquito that's sucking your blood.


Although not a Chinese gold farmer, I was hounded by this dood I met while playing another MMO long ago.

I just helped him out with couple of quests, he helped couple of mine and all of a sudden he's acting like my best friend. Every time I log on, he would whisper and ask to join up. I did it couple of times and then just started ignoring his whispers (without putting /ignore). He got the clue in a few days and stopped.

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"Do you buy this from me? 20k!" He said linking some purple armor I couldnt wear.

"I cant wear it."



Wait, in his mind, you're his 'girlfriend' but he's trying to sell you his extra gear instead of just giving it to you?


What a cheap bastard, lol


Also, the fact that this guy thinks it's perfectly okay to treat a female like this is scary.


Luckily, I'm a female that pretends to be a guy that plays female toons.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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Stay friends with him but secretly level a toon on the other faction. Then while questing with him mysteriously lose your connection, log your secret alt in and gank him. Then log back in and quest some more with him. Do this over and over and over. :cool:
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  • 8 months later...
This was a wierd thread you uncovered ... for anyone new, now that the population is high again, I'd just jump instances and /ignore him, or think about creating a new toon and come back to this one in a month or two. If he's still waiting for you ... log off, uninstall, erase the hard drive, and never ever ever get on the Internetz again!
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I believe I fell into a similar situation as the OP recently. I was leveling my female BH (I'm a guy, all my other characters are male, I just thought that this character should be female: in my legacy she is the sister of my smuggler character), I was finishing up questing on Corellia when another player asked to group. I did not really want to group (as I was so close to finishing) so I made up some excuse about going into the BH story area and not being able to group together. He said that there was a preference setting I could change (I already knew this). I said OK but I have no intention of helping you even if you help me. He said OK. So we entered the BH story area, cleared it out, killed the "boss" and then I told him I was going to QT to turn in the quest. I did and I then logged off (I had RL friends to meet up with IRL :)). I have not been on that character since - it's been a week. You think he's gone? :eek:


As an aside on the whole men playing female characters thing. It is really funny how perception changes over time:


When I was playing EQ1, any male person who played a female character was jokingly and/or derogatorily called a "shemale." They were few and far between, but I had one in my guild. He wore the nickname with pride :)


Then when I started playing WoW, one of my male friends (who has a wife and daughter) who got me into that game actually only plays female characters. I never asked him about it, it was just what he did. I thought it odd at first coming from the whole "shemale" thing but it did not bother me.


I then got into the guild I play with in SWTOR and one of its male members also only plays female characters. He posted on our guild forums his reason and it makes perfect sense - he does not want to stare at male characters' fat asses all the time :).

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