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Thanks for Killing Sage/Sorc


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well im full madness spec, so this nerf dont affect me, but the 20% buff to wrath procced CD is a nice bonus.

was never a OP class either, even hybrid spec was easy to deal with, just gotta watch out for them marauders tho.

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I don't think sorc or sage class were design around those hybrid specs and using only instant abilities. I don't have a lvl 50 sage or sorc, but always intended to only spec fully in one tree only.


This whole hybrid specs for sorc/sage reminds me of the death knight shadow/frost spec in early woltk. In both early wotlk and in swtor, the design of the death knight and sorc/sage were never design to work the way people have been abusing the specs and using those hybrid specs. It's obvious the developers want sages/sorc to cast and not just use instant abilities.


Personally, I think instead of nerfing abilities BW should just force players to put a certain amount of talent points into one tree before branching into other trees. Thus, the use of instant proc for those like lightning or tele for sages isn't op due to the nature of the tree if fully spec into it. It's only op when you allow the hybrid specs to exist. Thus, if bw were to force sages/sorc to fully spec into the first tree they put points into, then the talents won't be op and would be design as intended.


Wether or not it was planned, it ended up like that after launch. If oyu want to talk instant cast... Madness spec basically only needs to use FL, rest is instant with the wrath proc. So if they wanted them to use a casttimer, they failed uterly by making the madness tre at all.


The other thing is that this game is not designed to use cast time. They gave every melee in this game major gapclosers. There is no way anyone would ever want to cast a 3 sec casttime spell for less than 3k crit dmg. Its not usable at all then. The top spell in our lightning line is broken and does so little dmg its laugherble.


The whole design inthe lightning tree is horrible, and I will explain why.


The tree is build on castime spells, and some instant procs that will come from using cast time spells - mainly Light stike. Now, the tree has 1 dot, that it makes last longer, hit harder, and makes your 31pt ability an auto crit. (31pt ability, think about that for a sec, Jugs and marauders get an instant AE that has 100% chance to crit, and 100% extra dmg for ONLY doing instant spells, and it cannot be countered, they jump and use it) All the defensive abilities in the lightning tree that is suppose to help you get off spells can be countered with interrupts, interrupts in this game really come up fast again, so you will waste alot of time trying to get spells through,specially if the guy interrupting you knows what to interrupt.

Aaaanyway. Your defensive abilities is based on not giving anyone dmg, if you have a dot on someone (and you need that to boost your FL with speed, and your 31pt ability to auto crit, and dmg in general) they will break your CC easely. So, the bubble that mezz people, will instant break, the 5 sec root that would otherwise ensure that you got people away from you, breaks in 2 secs. Your whirlwind that can keep people away for a long time, breaks on dots as well.

So basicly they tried to make a hard hitting burst kind of thing, but it went horribly wrong, and they designed the line off having to dot people that automatically breaks all theyre CC and makes theyre dmg go down considerably. Good design yes?


If we could crit with our end ability for 5-6 k like so many INSTANT melee abilities dos in thie game, lightning might have been worth it. But as it stands now its a joke. Would be nice to see **** like that FIXED. Instead it auto crits for a max or 2500... Im impressed. But then again, we did use 2 full seconds to use it. Its like they gave us a watered down tracer missile as a 31pt ability, with a reusetimer of 9 secs, and a half a sec longer casttime than tracer... Gj morons.

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fricken drives me crazy all the backpeddling I see in this game... then arguments that clicking is ok.


They really could fix the jumping though.


Yup, all the backpeddling, keyboard turning and clicking in this game is crazy... the bad thing is that people get away with it, for the most part.... this means a low skillcap (ceiling) and is something that need to be fixed. PvP at the moment is boring - skillcap is too easily reached on even the most complicated classes by even mediocre players.


I understand that this is THE game for casuals - but there is no reason that PvP has to be dragged down to their level. =(

Edited by Rasstavad
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I'm a full healer on my sorc and I don't see a nerf. IMO sorcs are better served as healers anyway. You are honestly more useful and powerful in pvp that way to begin with. DPS is great, but better served for other classes. Sorcs are the strongest healers in the fact they can drag someone out of the grave better than others.


The hybrid spec was a blast while it lasted. I played it for some time, but I'm more useful to my team as a full heal spec.

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I'm a full healer on my sorc and I don't see a nerf. IMO sorcs are better served as healers anyway. You are honestly more useful and powerful in pvp that way to begin with. DPS is great, but better served for other classes. Sorcs are the strongest healers in the fact they can drag someone out of the grave better than others.


The hybrid spec was a blast while it lasted. I played it for some time, but I'm more useful to my team as a full heal spec.


Heal Sage/sorc also got a huge nerf.

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I'm a full healer on my sorc and I don't see a nerf. IMO sorcs are better served as healers anyway. You are honestly more useful and powerful in pvp that way to begin with. DPS is great, but better served for other classes. Sorcs are the strongest healers in the fact they can drag someone out of the grave better than others.


The hybrid spec was a blast while it lasted. I played it for some time, but I'm more useful to my team as a full heal spec.


Do you even see what your writing there? Sorc is a better healer in PvP? Are you crazy? Merc is by FARE a better pvP healer than sorcs. Agents are better as well. They even got a vanish for crist sake.

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What is your IQ again son?


I'm waiting for the 80% mrauders and 80% operatives and 80% scoundrels and 80% sentinels per warzone. Enjoy your nerf @ 1.3




Better than 250% sorcs like before.

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I don't mind the change to CL proc seeing I already play full madness. The extra root I get is worth it.


Sure the damage is lower, but I have more control over every fight and don't have to rely on that proc to prevail.


Kiting is easy in madness spec :)

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I don't mind the change to CL proc seeing I already play full madness. The extra root I get is worth it.


Sure the damage is lower, but I have more control over every fight and don't have to rely on that proc to prevail.


Kiting is easy in madness spec :)


Balance/Madness has zero burst potential, making it nearly useless against organized groups. Yes it's strong in 1v1 and small group sitations, but it sacrifices the survival skills that hybrid and full telekinetics/lightning specs in order to get that single target root/dot.

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Our abilities weren't strong or overpowered, it was our ability to use them while being mobile that made us great. (not OP, but decent)



Now you have taken that away from us and now we are sitting target dummies for the melee class especially now that they are going to be doing 5k+ smashes and force sweeps.






Don't even get me started on the balance nerf.


I'll be honest with you, when i first hit 50 i was screaming to the heavens about sorcs. But since then the experience and knowledge of your class is more apparent to me. I think it is pretty well balanced if i'm being honest.


The only two issues i have with them. The first being the lightening effects, which snares me, feels like a lifetime of CC. Secondly, far too many people rolled sorcs. A war zone full of sorcs equals bad news for me.


never thought i'd say it as a melee class, but i feel for you if a nerf is coming your way. Blame people here...



*edit reason* Typo.

Edited by Saint_Bailey
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This is the second game I've played where they trashed the sorc class. Last one was warhammer, due to people crying of getting beat by them... seems same is happening here. If it goes all the same, this won't be the only nerfs they give us.


BW needs to understand, we are SQUISHY.. our dps is or defense. We have to kill someone before they hit us more then a few times, or we die. As is, I've been getting by on relics and stims to win 1 vs. 1, but with all the crit chance nerfs.. they probably won't help much.

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So has anyone actually tried the changes to see how they affect game play?


They've changed a bit of the underlying mechanics in the game, so I'm not sure that looking at patch notes can really tell you how these changes will affect your class.


I'm downloading the 1.2 now from the PTS and am going to play my class and see how the changes actually work instead of just freaking out from the patch notes.


I humbly suggest everyone do the same.




Alodar :)

Edited by Alodar
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So has anyone actually tried the changes to see how they affect game play?


They've changed a bit of the underlying mechanics in the game, so I'm not sure that looking at patch notes can really tell you how these changes will affect your class.


I'm downloading the 1.2 now from the PTS and am going to play my class and see how the changes actually work instead of just freaking out from the patch notes.


I humbly suggest everyone do the same.


Alodar :)


How do you intend to test the changes?


With a level 10?


Yeah, that'll provide some valuable feedback.

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They really have gone out of their way to destroy the hybrid build. Yet at the same time offered nothing in return. All this has done is made an already weak class vs melee a free kill.


really am wondering tho.. how the **** did assassins avoid the nerf bat.. really? Or is BW going to do the same super tactic that Blizz has "there is q on the forums.. we must pander to it"


Really not looking forward to 1.2 with this. and any chance at doing something usefull in rated wz has gone completely out the window. No burst, minimal control, no survivability and no ability to kite. Why take a sorc at all?

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I do not get all the 1v1 talk. Its cherry picking at its best. This was never about 1v1. Although the Sorcs are far from the victims they claim to be. This is about Sorcs as a group and the imbalance a group of them bring to team pvp.


1v1 is not the issue. You need to drop it and look at the real issue if you want any tpye of understanding and closure.

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I do not get all the 1v1 talk. Its cherry picking at its best. This was never about 1v1. Although the Sorcs are far from the victims they claim to be. This is about Sorcs as a group and the imbalance a group of them bring to team pvp.


1v1 is not the issue. You need to drop it and look at the real issue if you want any tpye of understanding and closure.


a group of marourders (spelling fail) or bh was a lot more deadly than a group of sorcs/sages. sorcs are just a lot more obvious for 2 reasons.


1) the "HEY IM OVER HERE" lightning making them very visible + the slow

2) they take longer to kill you so you are more aware they are there


being burst down in a matter of seconds by maros and bh combos ppl always seem to forget more than the long slow anoying death at the hands of 2 sorcs

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How do you intend to test the changes?


With a level 10?


Yeah, that'll provide some valuable feedback.


Levelling in this game is fairly quick.

Level 10 is only a few hours of testing.



If you're not willing to devote the time to your class, that is your choice.

But complaining about something without knowing how it's going to work seems pretty pointless to me.



Alodar :)

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They really have gone out of their way to destroy the hybrid build. Yet at the same time offered nothing in return. All this has done is made an already weak class vs melee a free kill.


really am wondering tho.. how the **** did assassins avoid the nerf bat.. really? Or is BW going to do the same super tactic that Blizz has "there is q on the forums.. we must pander to it"


Really not looking forward to 1.2 with this. and any chance at doing something usefull in rated wz has gone completely out the window. No burst, minimal control, no survivability and no ability to kite. Why take a sorc at all?


It was my understanding that an assassin hybrid already got the nerf bat. So really? How did everyone miss that fact?

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