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Someone fell asleep at the switch with 130million


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Besides all the marketing and playing subbers with cheap hotfixes and patches, i find the game to be quite poorly designed in many key areas. I'll name a couple for those who dont know. Confusing auction house, useless crew skills, and broken pvp matches. However, i got one main gripe that was simply too easy to fix and terribly implemented. Its the difficulty of leveling your character.


Its not a challenge to level your character from level 1 to 50. The first 10 or so levels were easy enough and could be explained by the fact that its a starting phase, but it just gets easier and easier after that. Compound that with the fact that getting exp is a joke. You'll find yourself overleveled by the time your level 30 and all your quests are green if you simply run through all the content including bonus objectives and flashpoints. Also, if you decided to get the best gear possible for your level, you'll literally never die in anything. Don't mind the fact that if you repeated a few flashpoints or did all the space battles, new quests would all be greyed out.


This is where I find someone really screwed up the leveling experience with swtor. How are we suppose to get around this problem of being overpowered for our questing experience? Are we to avoid the flashpoint aspect of the game and completely ignore space battles or even pvp'ing during leveling? I find the whole point of getting good gear to be trivial as there is no difference between getting the best stuff and walking around in greens. Besides this fact, if you want to get good gear, you'll end up becoming overleveled from the exp gained through flashpoints. Enemies still die in the same amount of hits whether or not you have good gear, give or take a few hits.


If they increased the exp requirements to level like other successful mmos like wow(not pandering to wow, but you gotta admit it did good) at about level 25, the game would be so much nicer. Some quests would become a challenge instead of steamrolling them to Ilum. At least it would feel like you are hitting the content properly. Whats the whole point of leveling if all you do is walk around 5 levels above your quests, which makes the game too easy. This wouldn't even leave any poorly skilled players behind either.


All they'll do is experience a slight grind to become overleveled or pick up enough good gear through means like flashpoints and the game will still be enjoyable to everyone. I have a feeling bioware made this game "playable" for everyone at the expense of difficulty level.


This is where i feel someone slept at the switch. I dont know what they are thinking, but its sorta safe to assume that the game was designed to appeal to everyone and not exclude a single possible consumer. The problem with this reasoning is that it screws up the game experience. What kind of person would quit a game that was slightly difficult? One could argue that they just decided to design the game this way. I personally think that whoever was in charge of this aspect of the game is really outta touch with what makes a game good. Possible explanations for thsi would again be the fact that they played it safe trying to appease everyone since its a 130 million dollar investment. However, i feel like somebody was, simply put, too chicken.


Well thats my point of view. I played all the classes up to at least about level 30ish and such something on empire side and i wanted to quit. This game is not up to par with what i expected would be a brand new mmo. They seemed to have caved into the demands of the failures of other mmos and do not know what a fun game is. I can see how some complaints like "the grind being too much" and "we want to see some new features" or "too much gold farming" messed up the game. For one thing, unlike other fun games, in game credits are worthless at higher levels. Hit level 50 and stuff liek repair wont hit your wallet. Gold farmers dont even bother anymore with thsi game cause credits dont matter. Take it as a good thing or bad thing, but they just eliminated a key aspect of mmos. Others like the unique crafting skills didn't really amount to much. They covered everything, but are they really useful at all? Also, like my whole rant, the grind is horrible. It almost feels bad to get exp because i know it'll ruin the experience later.


Who made a 130 million dollar investment so boring and made it a "bleh" experience? I would have expected more from talented people.

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You'll find yourself overleveled by the time your level 30 and all your quests are green if you simply run through all the content including bonus objectives and flashpoints.


This is a complete lie. You don't have to do Flashpoints to be overlevelled. You don't even have to do the bonus series. Bonus objectives are highly recommended, though.

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Your essay is poorly written, unoriginal and untrue. Your opinion is far less important than you think. The games is amazing and beautiful. The content is very well done. The game play is entertaining. I do think having the ability to turn off class experience point gains would be nice but I believe people like you wouldn't use them anyways. I would turn it off because I really enjoy the game and would love to level slower but you would likely complain and continue to write your useless thoughts.Nobody cares about what you think professor, get over yourself.
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This is a complete lie. You don't have to do Flashpoints to be overlevelled. You don't even have to do the bonus series. Bonus objectives are highly recommended, though.


This is a complete lie too lvl 47 and ran out of quests, oh I forgot I must be doing something wrong, Bollocks:D


Seems we al have different reasons not to like the game:(

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I agree with the OP. They spent way too much on the intro cinematics and not enough on everything else. That is of course why they sold to EA though if you ask me. I am guessing they ran out of money and needed a cash injection to get it completed. Then EA wanted some $$$ coming in so they told bioware to get the game into a releasable (but not ideal) form and forced them to release it.


And to the first reply. I don't follow your logic, unless you are just being cheeky. Your saying that the flashpoints and bonus objectives are optional has nothing to do with his claim being a lie. I don't get it.

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This is a complete lie too lvl 47 and ran out of quests, oh I forgot I must be doing something wrong, Bollocks:D


Seems we al have different reasons not to like the game:(


I feel like you inferred too much there. Personally, I love the game. I just tend to overlevel things really hard.


I've got two level 50s and have never finished Voss before. That means I've got two whole planets (Ilum & Corellia) that I've never been to before. I'm impressed by anyone that doesn't outlevel things. I've greyed out my class stuff on three different characters now (Shadow, Sentinel, and Commando).

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Well, its random roll chance that you end up doing Fp enough times that you are over leveled.


So if you want to make it more challenging then dont do the side missions. FP's and story should keep you lvled.


I understand you want to play different alternatives of play at once, but they have to make it for the general masses with the main path taking the most focus. So they have to leave it so that if a person plays only the story, with the bonus and heroics then they will have good gear and be the right lvl.


Also if you are 5 lvls over lvled and looking for a challenge, then dont play with a companion. Or play with a companion that is not as effective for example dps class with dps companion is more difficult than dps class with tank or healing companion.


In fact in that case you will probably complain about it being too difficult.


However, my problem is the death penatly. They should not put a death penalty or a costly repair for pre 50 so people can have fun trying challenges. They do not put death penalties in single player rpg's and they also make them challenging. So that is what is missing imo. The death penalty ruins the game, and of course not being able to spawn right next to the challenge most of the time when the probe timer is too high.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Guyz I play 16 hours a day make game harder for people like me with unlimited gaming time. I mean In WOW, I can just WOW all WOW'ing day from sun up to sun set nothing but WOW. But I started this game and 3 days later(60 hours of strait playing) I was already max lvl I mean please fix game pl0x!
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.. snip...The games is amazing and beautiful. The content is very well done. The game play is entertaining.


The game is dreary and dull. The content is moronic and repetative. The content is the same thing over and over and over and over again. The game play is not entertaining, well unless you like your hand held all the way during your cinematic journey. You obviously are very young and this must be your first experience of gaming. You can level in a blink of an eye if you are an even a half competent MMO player. And the mob killing can be done without even trying. The elites are not elites they are just slightly harder mobs and they offer little challenge. When you have played computer games for a while and enjoyed a number of products you will be in a better position to judge. For me it ended two weeks ago when I levelled my second like in no time what so ever. It really must be the easiest game out there at the moment and from the single player content point of view I guess its going to appeal to the more casual much younger player who probably doesn't take the gaming MMOs seriously.


Don't play anymore.. much more challenging games out there at the moment.

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The game is dreary and dull. The content is moronic and repetative. The content is the same thing over and over and over and over again. The game play is not entertaining, well unless you like your hand held all the way during your cinematic journey. You obviously are very young and this must be your first experience of gaming. You can level in a blink of an eye if you are an even a half competent MMO player. And the mob killing can be done without even trying. The elites are not elites they are just slightly harder mobs and they offer little challenge. When you have played computer games for a while and enjoyed a number of products you will be in a better position to judge. For me it ended two weeks ago when I levelled my second like in no time what so ever. It really must be the easiest game out there at the moment and from the single player content point of view I guess its going to appeal to the more casual much younger player who probably doesn't take the gaming MMOs seriously.


Don't play anymore.. much more challenging games out there at the moment.

Challenge is not the only quality in a game and enjoying this one does not make you a child.

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I guess its going to appeal to the more casual much younger player who probably doesn't take the gaming MMOs seriously.


Im going out on a limb here and assuming your one of those people who take MMO gaming very seriously?

Because in all factuality, the world of MMO'ing is serious business.

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The amount of XP required to level is this way to let players choose the content they want to do.


Noone forces you to do all the quests + space combat + flashpoints ... it's your choice. Sure if you like all thoses, you will overlevel BUT many people don't.

They don't like space or they don't want to do the bonus series because they feel it slows them down, they want to solo to 50 without doing hc quests and flashpoints...


For the gear it's the same, you can level with purple gear, you can do it in orange gear using the commendations to fill the mod slots, you can level in blue/green from quest rewards...


It was designed to appel to different players with different playstyle. Again, I agree that if you're some sort of completionist, you will overlevel (an XP toggle would have been nice) but you can also choose how hard the game is by choosing how you get your gear and how much content you do.


I have played a tank assassin to 50 by doing all the content except flashpoints being 4-5 levels above. The sniper I just started, I will do class and world quests skipping the side ones, I will try to level without companion as much as I can and won't spend my commendations.


It's a choice, like many games you can change the difficulty by expanding the game and adding your own rules.

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I also think XP gains are too fast, but there's a simple remedy for that - skip some questlines.


With a game offering options for advancement that does not cater to everyone (PvP, Space and FPs), it's gotta be hard to balance progression. I suppose some intelligent design could solve this, tho.


Saying the game is fail because of this is absurd.

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I for one love the leveling experience althogether ... it flows nicely. I just wish they had grind it out dungeons etc sop people could gold farm etc ... I miss grouping and farming. Who cares how quickly you get exp ... the leveling process is meant to progress a story ... and its well thought out.
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Im going out on a limb here and assuming your one of those people who take MMO gaming very seriously?

Because in all factuality, the world of MMO'ing is serious business.


You do realize that fun to you is boring to someone else. I for one hate leveling so i got through it asap. Bioware put too much into story. Makes me laugh because i know me and almost all my guildies skipped all but a little of our class quest. Endgame is where i have my fun in MMO's. I'm also pretty sure everyone else who is sitting in full sets of rakata for both specs think the same. Play your game and don't worry how others play.

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You do realize that fun to you is boring to someone else. I for one hate leveling so i got through it asap. Bioware put too much into story. Makes me laugh because i know me and almost all my guildies skipped all but a little of our class quest. Endgame is where i have my fun in MMO's. I'm also pretty sure everyone else who is sitting in full sets of rakata for both specs think the same. Play your game and don't worry how others play.


The OP is complaining the leveling is too easy and that we get too much XP.


Any answer Bioware could make to the OP would slow the way to 50.


What's your point as you say you hate leveling and want to get it done ASAP ? You hate leveling but want to spend more time leveling ???

Edited by Nyla
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The OP is complaining the leveling is too easy and that we get too much XP.


Any answer Bioware could make to the OP would slow the way to 50.


What's your point as you say you hate leveling and want to get it done ASAP ? You hate leveling but want to spend more time leveling ???


If you would read the post i was responding to you wouldn't have to ask me for an answer that is in your face.

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Your essay is poorly written, unoriginal and untrue. Your opinion is far less important than you think. The games is amazing and beautiful. The content is very well done. The game play is entertaining. I do think having the ability to turn off class experience point gains would be nice but I believe people like you wouldn't use them anyways. I would turn it off because I really enjoy the game and would love to level slower but you would likely complain and continue to write your useless thoughts.Nobody cares about what you think professor, get over yourself.




Biodrone detected. You sound totally brainwashed.

Edited by Kozor
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Stop posting then we don't want to hear your whining.


Reach in your pocket and give us our pre-paid money back. Otherwise, suck it up until our time runs out. If EAware is going to count those of us who left ( almost 2 months ago for me now ) as "active subscribers" until our pre-paid time runs out so they can inflate their population announcements, then we're going to type whatever the hell we feel like to get some enjoyment from bad money spent.

Edited by Zorvan
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If you would read the post i was responding to you wouldn't have to ask me for an answer that is in your face.


The OP is complaing about leveling being too easy and too fast. Any changes in the direction the OP wants would make you hate the game more as you would level slower.


I don't understand how the fact that you like endgame and don't like leveling relevant as noone wrote about endgame before you and you still haven't said anything about the OP.

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