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10 Good
  1. I just let mine expire the other day. I have no game time remaining
  2. I ROFL'ed at this pretty hard. I would love to have my own server...
  3. I would give that a shot, see if you can borrow one from someone b/c some stores may not let you take it back. However, I think you may have fried your card.
  4. This seems like a suggestion to me.
  5. Just read this in the 1.2 ptr notes: "C2-N2 and 2V-R8 have been reprimanded and now vocalize less frequently on personal starships." http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.2.0s/public-test-game-update-1.2 SUCCESS!!! I am still not resubbing though...
  6. I agree with the OP. They spent way too much on the intro cinematics and not enough on everything else. That is of course why they sold to EA though if you ask me. I am guessing they ran out of money and needed a cash injection to get it completed. Then EA wanted some $$$ coming in so they told bioware to get the game into a releasable (but not ideal) form and forced them to release it. And to the first reply. I don't follow your logic, unless you are just being cheeky. Your saying that the flashpoints and bonus objectives are optional has nothing to do with his claim being a lie. I don't get it.
  7. If I understand this correctly then a player can choose to share their info with the group or not? If that is the case then it wont be long at all until sharing the info will be mandatory in order to get into a group...
  8. Its not the voice, its the terribad writing and the context in which they use it. I have nothing against the actor, only the bad directing and production...
  9. Well thats really funny because EVGA precision tells me that both cards are under load. And if I turn SLI off, then only one of the cards is under load and the second GPU temp drops. So either SLI does work, or EVGA precision is lying to me about GPU load. But that would not comport with the second GPU also running a higher temp than when it is at idle.
  10. Dude, I have all the problems the OP has mentioned and some others have agreed with. AAAAAANNNNNDDDD, I have a BRAND NEW i7-3930 on an ASUS X79 Pro on windows 64bit with 16GB of Ram, and TWO GTS450s with a gig of ram EACH in SLI config for this game. I still get random and inexplicable FPS drops while out doing missions with no one around. There are clearly certain areas of the maps that induce this problem. As I approach them the FPS drops like mad, and then as I leave it returns. If I go back in, the FPS drops again. This has happened Taris, Tatooine, Alderaan and Balmorra (toon is only level 35).
  11. Qyzen Fess FTW!! He just grunts and clicks, no irritating repetition of English phrases...
  12. I did him at lvl 32 with no problems. I almost died but it only took me one attempt. Just use your stun and interrupts wisely and you should be ok as long as you are the appropriate level.
  13. I totally agree with what this dude said. Developers need to stop thinking that these are multiplayer versions of single player games. They need to create an environment and allow the players will fill it with life.
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