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Over Powered healing killing PvP


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Are you serious? You really think healing is over powered? Let me give you one healers perspective.


I have a level 50 commando healer with 2 BM pieces the rest is champion gear. If I have one good DPS on me I can barely heal myself with all the interrupts let alone heal any my teammates.


Most of my heals take casting time so they usually get interrupted. The one good instant heal I do have is on a relatively long cool down so I'm forced to rely on health stims to compensate.


Yes koto bomb and the gun heal are instants but they are very ineffective in PVP. The mechanics of the bomb are difficult to use in PVP. It's a lot like throwing the Hutt ball. Even with it hot keyed it sucks.


The gun can only heal your teammates for an extremely small amount and with the lack of support for macros in the game it's extremely difficult if not impossible to heal yourself and a teammate while a DPS has committed to focusing you.


As a DPS if you're having issues with healers you're not playing your class right.

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The function of expertise for healers - they heal more the more expertise they have




dps doing just as much dps versus a target with as much expertise as they have


will make healing pretty powerful the more expertise we can stack - 100 a piece come patch for BM geared pvpers and more - 110 expertise per piece (?) - with a full War Hero set

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I agree that the healing in this game is OP. But I do want to point out that a lot of times when a team of healers dominates a WZ, it is because they are more geared. I think people get frustrated when they lose to a team of healers but dont realize that they are probably better geared.


As a WH, I usually have no trouble downing a Cent or Champ healer.

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Be the only healer in a wz against halfway decent players and you'll be interupted more times in that match than you will in a week of playing your dps. 3 good ones is a little insane, I totally agree, but you're talking about profession stacking with that.


A group filled with operatives and assassins would be pretty insane as well, there are always going to be problems with profession stacking.

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Are you serious? You really think healing is over powered? Let me give you one healers perspective.


I have a level 50 commando healer with 2 BM pieces the rest is champion gear. If I have one good DPS on me I can barely heal myself with all the interrupts let alone heal any my teammates.


Most of my heals take casting time so they usually get interrupted. The one good instant heal I do have is on a relatively long cool down so I'm forced to rely on health stims to compensate.


Yes koto bomb and the gun heal are instants but they are very ineffective in PVP. The mechanics of the bomb are difficult to use in PVP. It's a lot like throwing the Hutt ball. Even with it hot keyed it sucks.


The gun can only heal your teammates for an extremely small amount and with the lack of support for macros in the game it's extremely difficult if not impossible to heal yourself and a teammate while a DPS has committed to focusing you.


As a DPS if you're having issues with healers you're not playing your class right.


Boy good thing you can be uninterrutable for 12 seconds (or whatever it is).

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every two minutes and it doesn't make you immune to stuns, pulls, etc... so technically you're not immune to interrupts.


You're right, which is the way to counter them, however being immune to TRUE interrupts for 12 seconds is huge. Nobody is going to feel bad for healers that QQ. I'm not going to say that merc/commando healers are OP, but a merc/commando healer complaining about how tough it is, will fall on deaf ears. Sage and Scoundrel healers have it much harder.

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You're right, which is the way to counter them, however being immune to TRUE interrupts for 12 seconds is huge. Nobody is going to feel bad for healers that QQ. I'm not going to say that merc/commando healers are OP, but a merc/commando healer complaining about how tough it is, will fall on deaf ears. Sage and Scoundrel healers have it much harder.


My point was healing is not overpowered.

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I do both in PvP, heal and dps. From what I've noticed healing isn't overpowered. What the deciding factor is in a fight, is the skill of the dps, and their ability to deal damage correctly.


When I was healer, I was in a civil war match, where there were ample amount of healers on both ends. What ended up happening was each side capped one turret and the entire battle was fighting at the last turret. When someone died, they just ran back into this fight. Needless to say there was a lot of people and a lot of things going on at this 1 turret.


So I respec'd back to DPS, and that solved the equation. People need to learn how to DPS.


One thing I noticed is that a lot of DPS, don't know how to play and always put up ridiculously small numbers (below 75k a match) One day, I decided to see if this was possible to achieve just using Rapid Shots (the regular attack if you will) Surprisingly, I surpassed 75k easily.


What does this mean? It means either the dps are lazy, are doing things that are not helpful to the fight, or just don't know how to play their character properly.

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so as healers we are supposed to just be there for you to kill, not supposed to do our role & maybe actually heal people ?



according the the general population of bads, so 99% of this games player base, yes. yes you are.

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Merc healers probably are overpowered, but they're about to be nerfed significantly next patch.


Outside of Huttball, I don't find any non merc healer to kill, and they're only hard to kill in Huttball because there are so many places to hide and that has nothing to do with the class survivality itself.

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Some people just have quick reactions. They may use the terrain to their advantage. Besides, if a DPS attacks me it's wrong that I outheal his damage when I can't do as much damage in return? Isn't that sorta the healer way: to heal damage?


Please bare in mind that this is my opinon. I do not want an argument. Let's keep it cool :cool:


I agree because as healer and way i built my skill tree for power heals I can't really get in there and take on a bunch of sabers but when enemies go after me i have to rely on my teammates to protect me. If they don't 2 sabers attacking do end me quickly and my team then suffers a bit for not being a better team than enemy. I was persuaded to make a healer for my group of friends for best of our interests not my own. Sometimes its hard enough pulling off heals when they are interrupted easily i can't even heal myself if i try in some battles. As my saber character on the other hand yes it can be frustrating trying to finish someone off that is being healed by 1 or 2 ppl or himself but if my side is working together well it doesn't matter because that healer is just as vulnerable as I can be when I'm healer. I've encountered healers i can't kill but they are likely out of stealth so they are wiser to heal and distract me for as long as they can to slow down our team because at this point there is not many options they have plus once my allies come hes dead anyway unless stealth is recharged. I chuckle when I'm saber class and healers are giving me a hard time for these reasons because I know what it's like to run out of options as healer and end up with few tactical options -enemies closing in and little to no protection or means of escape. I just hope my guy is still usefull in future pvp because some support healers i know heal more than me anyway. Furthermore I watched my bro play a couple of war zones with team of all sorceror/wizard class and I did not whitness a single teammate die. They played the turret wz and had all three turrets entire time they were unbelievably unstoppable. After that i started wondering why not "nerf" the class that clearly from what i've seen and continue to see through my brother is the most overpowered. Watching my bro play with this class and own entire enemy team in wzs while laughing at his own team bcuz he doesn't even need to rely on them half the time makes me wonder. I'm not giving up on my healer dude or anything just trying to share thoughts gathered from my experience thus far. I hope my thoughts are appreciated in one way or another by some ppl. Never give in to anger.

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It's no secret that healing in this game is overpowered. The only people arguing that it isn't are the ones that are taking advantage of it's lack of balance. I would ask these people to not be short sighted and think about the good of the game first.


The vast majority of people that PvP, do so to mess someone up. It's been the foundation of PvP in MMOs since PvPs conception. Now when healing imbalance turns the PvP experience into an exercise in frustration like we're starting to see, people quit and find something else to do. While it may be fun to take advantage of healing imbalance and spam LOL at these people while blocking their ability to achieve. It's not going to help with long term retention.


We're already getting the same syndrome that Rift saw with it's overpowered healing. ie. stack healers and spam which leads to:


Boring PVP is Boring!


Leads to:


see ya!


Additionally, it's bad enough the combat mechanics in this game are so slow and clunky. Why would you want to add the slow boring grind that comes with overpowered healing into the mix? You're just exasperating an unpleasantness in the game.


nope the healing itself is not overpowerd at all. the thing thats killing it well one of the things that is killing pvp is the the fact that 8 healers can join 1 warzone. this is the problem. if healing was nerfed and youo nly had 1 healer in your warzone this will also kill pvp as no one will go healer for a start.


pvp will be boring if your a bh firing tracer missiles expeting to kill everything with 1 button.your not going to kill a healer 1 on 1 and because of this people cry. its a healer what do you expect LOL.



those who are crying because they cant kill a healer 1 on 1 and crying for a nerf will ruin this game totaly.

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i can't say you're lying from my experiences in random pugs. my 41 commando healer can usually sit there and heal with even 3 people hitting me for a long, long while. when a team has very good teamwork and can time their cc's (with say 2 long stuns in a row) i can be brought down without much effort but if that's not the case i feel somewhat unstoppable at times with so many people trying to kill me and easily healing through it all.


i usually only play it if we had a string of losses to try and break the streak cuz i get sick of losing at times so i'll hop on the healer and usually will see a win in the next few games.


so from my analysis strictly based on random pugs i'd agree it's pretty op in that scenario.

i can't speak from any other scenario but that of random pugs.

Edited by teambff
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When you have 4 full BM characters pounding on one target receiving heals from a lone healer or the healer themselves and they won't die, it's overpowered.


I have only ever seen this with one Scoundrel Sawbones on my server. I guess he was healing himself and receiving heals from another healer.


But it still seemed broken he could stay alive under all that dps attention.

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Interrupt will lock one heal ability among four of them. And has long CD to let me cast my big-crit-superheal twice before interrupting again.

Also I have alot of CC too to kite all dd around me. Shield, force speed, interrupt (yeah I have it too), slow, snare etc.

Also take into account that no-burst characters (almost all of them) must wait some time before starting to make some noticeable damage to me. Dot's are subject for cleanse. And as for me I could make myself 100% HP from almost zero in 3-4 seconds. Could you take down 100% HP to zero as dps in 3-4 sec? Guess not. Guess even two of them couldn't.


Technically it takes 10-15 seconds for any damage dealer (or two of them) to start really annoying me that I must switch to selfheal. Before that I just heal others and a little bit self. Also do run-kite-CC-throw out dots.


It is very hard even impossible to kill my sage 1-1 or 1-2. Tank or second healer in vicinity could let me to tank 4-5 dps in 10 seconds sure. Somewhere balance is not properly thought.

Edited by artemsilenkov
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The only big problem with healers on my server is a Mercenary Healing Ring.


That's 2 or sometimes 3 Mercs who are packing heavy armor and are spamming scans left and right and also going in one tight group.


It takes usually bout 4-5 DPS, focused, to get them down and it takes a whole minute or so. Add to that they HAVE to be healed to stay alive under the fire of protectors (who mercs heal), so add to that bout 1-2 healers dedicated wasting these 4 guys (2 mercs+2defending dps).


So it has to be bout 5-7 men who are dedicated to them.

And imps get 3 men to go around and do missions and/or add to the ring.

Reps have only 1-2 men for missions.


Imps almost ALWAYS win when these guys show up in wz. Literary, there is no answer to that.


But I don't blame BW on this and all other healing issues - I BLAME IT BECAUSE MY SERVER IS DYING.

In peek performance, there is 40 peeps on RF and bout 40 on IF (I have a char on both side). If there would be server merges - it would be much better. So think this: how much better would be if you could have more people to have PVP and then actually see pros on action from other server? And how much pros would have incendery to play more - cause of the good chance to meet other pro?


So, only changes I would like to see in pvp are:

  • MERGE THE BLOODY SERVERS! Or even better - make 3-4 EU and 3-4 USA dedicated servers for PVP! It would be refreshing that you find on the WZ somebody you don't know and can actually learn from!
  • Make PVP group dedicated and pug dedicated server. This seems more fair. Strong guilds tend to make PVP less desirable because when pre-group enters pugs, it is carnage. (I am usually in guild that has pvp section and I AM talking from this perspective)
  • Just an idea: maybe adjust the wz by gear. Like, make some algorithm (I'm not mathematician and I am not programer, so consider this just an abstract idea) that will take account the gear of the participants. It is a sorrow to have over-geared opponents battling under geared. OK, YOU ARE RIGHT THAT SKILL CAN REPLACE THAT, but NOT TOTALLY.
    Consider this: my Focus Guardian was making 2.5 crits before, when I had only standard gear and few pieces of centurion.
    NOW, when I am all Champion with half BM, my crits are bout 9-10.000 (talking, of course, singularity-powered sweep backed with 2 stack armor sunder-strike-reduced, with leap bonus AND relic+adren activated simultaneously).
    And the difference can be seen - when I do that to the BM healer, my crits can go down to 7.000.
    BUT YESTERDAY, I did this to one healer I've never seen before and it turned out he is a newbie (went to imp fleet to check his gear) with valor something bout 10. He didn't have a single piece of equip. My crit was bout 11.000. I took over 3/4 of his energy in 5 sec alone. I finished him with Master Strike and Dispatch.
    And wasn't feeling powerful. Would like more that I could do that to the full BM Merc.
    So - maybe to give these dudes their WZ?
  • Make available pvp zones with 16vs16 peeps... :)It would be great to see big clashes in one valley. BUT NOT ON ILUM. Please, bomb Ilum. :)


Edit: Don't know how is at you, but here, on my servers, we have serious problem with healers. It seems that sages love to be dps and vanguard healers are rare as bird's tooth. To add bad to worse, many of the good healers are not interested in PVP at all, doing only PVE (is it because of the huge difference in Columi,Rakata/Centurion,BM gear? Don't know the answer...).


So don't know how to incite these people to play and make this balanced more except with server merge and/or pvp dedicated servers.

Edited by Baron_Samedi
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