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Which class is the most balanced?


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There is a healer in my guild who heals for 600k in a WZ on average... and thats UP to you? BTW, thats without battlemaster or rakata.


Will he manage in ranked WZ's? I can get around that on my operative if people are ignoring me.


Assassin/shadow = most balanced

Sniper/Gunslinger = oh god...

Edited by Sookster
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Yeah, I do also like to just stand in the big zerg, not giving a little **** about objectives and feel cool if I score 600k heal and my team loses 6:0 / 600:0 / without opening one single door.

With the "tactic" above every braindead monkey can get 600k in a warzone.


And btw, Sorc-Heal is only viable because of the bug.


And if that bug gets fixed on the DPS spec as well, my Sage will be useless having no viable heal or dps spec.

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The main thing that annoys me as far as OPed goes is the mercenary healers and there interrupt bubble. A well geared one can heal themselves up really quick anyway and the bubble that disables the dps from interrupting the heals in 1v1 situations is just plain retarded on a heavy armor class.. I could ALMOSt understand on a sorc or something but on a merc? srsly?


I always thought it'd make a lot of sense to make Sorcs immune to interrupts (or at least with talents) while their bubble is up. It can be easily solved because you can just pop the bubble.


While Energy Shield is on a longish cooldown (2 minutes), the ability to escape death every 2 minutes is quite significant, especially given how hard it is to kill those guys in the first place. It usually works out that you burn your cooldowns as DPS to try to take them down, they do Energy Shield and heal back up to 100%, and sure their CD is now down to 2 minutes but so are yours, and it'd take a while for you to kill them with just normal moves.

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Class balance is a concept that runs cross-class. It is not bound to individual classes.


If one class is imbalanced then "class balance" needs to be addressed. The solution may be to bring that one class in line with the others, or to bring other classes in line with it.


As such there is no "most balanced" class in the game. Class balance is good, but it's not great. Mercs are imbalanced because of the mechanics of Tracer Missile, and Sorcerers have some bugs that need addressing that give them a slight advantage in certain situations. Smash damage is too high currently. These are all facets of imbalance that will be checked and rechecked as time goes by.


That said there are issues in other areas: the use of PvE gear in PvP because of the diminishing returns on Expertise is, in my honest opinion, something that needs to be eradicated from the game. I don't like PvE, I like PvP. I fail to see why the game should force me to go PvE/raiding just so I can have the optimum gear set up. That's an imbalance in favour of PvEers, something that will drive me away from the game in the long run. Hopefully it'll be resolved (no pun intended).

Edited by indelible
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I always thought it'd make a lot of sense to make Sorcs immune to interrupts (or at least with talents) while their bubble is up. It can be easily solved because you can just pop the bubble.


While Energy Shield is on a longish cooldown (2 minutes), the ability to escape death every 2 minutes is quite significant, especially given how hard it is to kill those guys in the first place. It usually works out that you burn your cooldowns as DPS to try to take them down, they do Energy Shield and heal back up to 100%, and sure their CD is now down to 2 minutes but so are yours, and it'd take a while for you to kill them with just normal moves.


I can never take down geared merc healers alone, or even with another playmate. Have you seen a group chasing one single merc healer? lol I am pretty sure merc healer will be toned down.

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heal wise ops and scoundrels have great heals overtime but the only aoe heal we get is centered around us so you have to be in our aoe range to get heals. but you wont even get that till like 41.


dps wise ops and scoundrels are wicked they can nock you down and cc and stun you before you know it your dead. Only downside we are squishy with only medium armor to wear

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I can never take down geared merc healers alone, or even with another playmate. Have you seen a group chasing one single merc healer? lol I am pretty sure merc healer will be toned down.


INdeed, merc healers are the hardest to solo, then operatives with their instant casts, and sorcs are just a joke. Wait until rated warzones where merc healers will be guarded and enemies taunted.

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OP: Tank/Hybrids in general e.g. Shadows/Assassins/Jugs/Guards/Ptech/Vans


Why? If they use tank stance + defensive cool downs with whatever utilities & dps gear etc, they have OTT dmg vs there mitigating and can solo 2-3 people if played well. They have silly staying power against most situations were they shrug off mountains of dmg.


Balance: Hard to say really Slingers/Snipers seem to be fine as they are glass cannons.


Until ranked matches comes out people can do whatever they wish with whatever team imbalanced classes are dominating as a whole at the moment till the Nerf Bats start.

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lol merc and sorc are the weakest classes. You are terrible if you think they are OP.


Merc is even a joke if you pay attention.


So if my Sorc isn't op at all, pvp'ers on my server have to be braindead monkeys without arms and legs who just play by rolling their head from left to right over the keyboard over and over again. Now it's up to you to decide.

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I find the whole scoundrel's are under powered view to be surprising. On my server there are scoundrels that will kill everything that moves without breaking a sweat. Sure they lack in utility, but adding more utility and leaving the DPS the same would likely make a balance issue.


As for the original post, I think overall balance is a lot closer then most folks think, it is just that some classes/spec have to work harder to achieve their balance while others ezmode it with one skill spamming.


Overall I think it is also important to note that it is often very specific spec's that are the problem, not the entire class.

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So if my Sorc isn't op at all, pvp'ers on my server have to be braindead monkeys without arms and legs who just play by rolling their head from left to right over the keyboard over and over again. Now it's up to you to decide.


I actually play my Merc with this strategy. I bound every key on my keyboard to tm and keep rolling.

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I find the whole scoundrel's are under powered view to be surprising. On my server there are scoundrels that will kill everything that moves without breaking a sweat. Sure they lack in utility, but adding more utility and leaving the DPS the same would likely make a balance issue.


As for the original post, I think overall balance is a lot closer then most folks think, it is just that some classes/spec have to work harder to achieve their balance while others ezmode it with one skill spamming.


Overall I think it is also important to note that it is often very specific spec's that are the problem, not the entire class.



Scoundrels/Ops can wreck people if played/geared right (just like any other class). The amount of control available to them is pretty amazing if used correctly. The problem is, most people crying on these forums don't use them correctly or try to play the class like they are invincible killing machines designed to drop one target after the next.


They are opportunistic killers and front load all their damage while incapacitating the recipient of said damage. If recipient doesn't die, you vanish and reset instead of trying to tunnel him down while getting beat on by his friends. If I'm not mistaken, that's how the class is supposed to be played...


someone said it earlier...Good players = most OP class. Bad players = most UP class. Seen great players of every class so far just roll people. Roll does not necessarily mean 1v1. I think that's the problem with all the qq in the first place. People want every class to dominate in 1v1. Really?

Edited by AncientForce
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People who say scoundrels/operatives are UP need to learn to play. Good players focus on getting better with what they have rather than crying on the forums and waiting for a win button to be handed to them. For 1v1, scoundrels/operatives are one of the strongest classes due to the stun locking and stealth abilities.


Agreed, I play a scoundrel and at time I feel I am a little too hard to drop in healing spec. Emergency med pacs+ 2 slow release + ****** shields can keep you in game for a while. Not to mention when you are being jumped a flash grenade is good. The tendon blast + dirty kick combo will always give me enough room to run, hide, and heal back up.

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I'd say Marauder/Sentinel. Rewards good players, and punishes poor play.


This, pretty much. Marauders are pretty much the only class that has:


A chance in 1v1 (Better than average, should still lose to an Op/Scound with Vanish up (Double 5k Crits with a DoT ticking 2-3k and fillers) and a Shadows/Assassins in Tank Spec)

A chance in group play (GbtF/UR allows for pressure to be applied, good group buffs provide utility, both combine to make up for the lack of no Hard CC (That doesn't lock the player out *cough* FS/FC*)


Others generally have good 1v1 skills or good group fight abilities, as well as CC's, Knockbacks and Snares to make up for what they lack.

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As such there is no "most balanced" class in the game. Class balance is good, but it's not great. Mercs are imbalanced because of the mechanics of Tracer Missile, and Sorcerers have some bugs that need addressing that give them a slight advantage in certain situations.
Mercs and Sages aren't all that awesome 1vs1. The issue is that they scale up very well in high volumes.


Smash damage is too high currently. These are all facets of imbalance that will be checked and rechecked as time goes by.
My smashes hit for like 1.6k with my current spec. A smash bombing jug/Guardian has little utility outside his one big hit every 30 seconds or so and that's if it even lands after all the buildup. 1vs1, bombers are a pretty weak build as they sacrifice all mitigation talents for 1 big hit that is highly telegraphed.


1vs1 skilled operatives/scoundrels can be deadly, especially if they catch you without your CDs. In larger engagements, they don't scale so well as any tank worth his salt is saving his targeted taunt for them and unstealthing sins/shadows.


1vs1 with CDs, my only real issues are with certain sin specs (what spec, I don't know) and good maruaders. Tank specced DPS Guards also scale extremely well in large engagements, which isn't surprising with all our mobility, CCs, snares, and mitigation.

Edited by The_FeniX
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People who say scoundrels/operatives are UP need to learn to play. Good players focus on getting better with what they have rather than crying on the forums and waiting for a win button to be handed to them. For 1v1, scoundrels/operatives are one of the strongest classes due to the stun locking and stealth abilities.


I like your way of thinking. Anyone who has played this type of class in another game knows you have to think outside the box anyway and find which tactics work. Not sure about other classes but, for scoundrels/ops, the tools are there you just have to figure out how to use them. Seems to shine a little better in huttball where I can pull more 1v1 on platforms, but still overall just fine.

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Disagree that Operatives/Scounds are underpowered, If played right they are one of the best pvp classes. I do not think any class is over-powered I think they all have their weaknesses and strengths against certain classes.


they`re actually a completely worthless class after they open on someone, they bring no utility and any other class could do better than them regardless of that burst.

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Scoundrels/Ops can wreck people if played/geared right (just like any other class). The amount of control available to them is pretty amazing if used correctly. The problem is, most people crying on these forums don't use them correctly or try to play the class like they are invincible killing machines designed to drop one target after the next.


They are opportunistic killers and front load all their damage while incapacitating the recipient of said damage. If recipient doesn't die, you vanish and reset instead of trying to tunnel him down while getting beat on by his friends. If I'm not mistaken, that's how the class is supposed to be played...


someone said it earlier...Good players = most OP class. Bad players = most UP class. Seen great players of every class so far just roll people. Roll does not necessarily mean 1v1. I think that's the problem with all the qq in the first place. People want every class to dominate in 1v1. Really?

...So you admit you've never played the class and don't know much about it, but you say everyone else is just playing it wrong? You seriously don't see anything wrong with that argument?


The truth is, only bad players die to Ops. I'm not just saying this because I play an Op, I'm saying this because Ops rarely if ever kill me on any of my other characters. It just doesn't happen. Because I know what I'm doing.


See post here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=350138

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