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If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?


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I am playing the game first & foremost I am a Star Wars fan and second I need my Kotor fix. I played both Kotor 1 & 2 multiple times and always wanted a Kotor 3; I guess this is the closest I can get. I am so far liking the voiced protagonist as compared to previous Kotor games though still the game sometimes feel more like a mmo than a rpg but it's good enough. Edited by Dreadgaurd
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1 - lack of quality content with too much emphasis on sophmoric written storylines and shallow immersion I doubt my spacebar will last through another month.

2 - extremely unbalaned PVP with little to no real incentive for real world PVP

3 - just another daily / weekly grind with a new skin nd a lot of work needed


I am currently debating unsubbing, despite just auto-renewing for 3 months. End of June is deadline for Bioware and my money. If it weren't for the guild I am in and have played with for years I would have already went back to WOW or killed more time with other games like a replay through skyrim or more BF3 or Arkam city again...

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Depends. There are other franchises I'm quite interested in.


If it's based on Dragon Age and has an Origin style instead of DA2 style to it? Absolutely.

If it's based on Mass Effect universe? Asar- I mean yes.

However since the game is made by BioWare and I'm a sucker for BW stories, then I probably will dig for the game even if it's based on a completely new IP.


On the other hand if this MMO, even if based on Star Wars, is made by a less reputable company, then I may not be as interested.

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I am a star war fun and i watch all movies.i play wow for 7 years and when SW came i start to play it i make my char 50lv and i spam all day to fleet for someone to take me to some HMs (the lfg system is not laxury, we need this) i could not go to dailies cose i have to be on fleet to grap some group for HMs , hours and hours on fleet:((((.About professions, all professions is for nothing ppl dont bye couse most thinks can be found from in game vendors or quests i make armormech in start (no money was comming) after i delete armormech and take cybertech (no money comming again) so i ask some ppl how to earn money in this game all they tell me make dailies ,OMG dailies all day every day this is paranoid.SO what i supose to do to start a new character just to do something? no thank you.
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I almost DIDNT play because it is Star Wars. Im not big on SciFi and the only thing I knew about SW before I played this was that Luke Skywalker is a good dood and Darth Vador is a mean dood. I now know better and know a LOT about the story lol. But yeah, I have a blast in it and Ill be here a while.



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Seeing as how the game is heading for a very intensive gear progression system, with emphasis being put on PvE content/balance over PvP content/balance -- I suspect the IP just isn't enough to keep my frustration at bay for much longer. However, up until this point I've only played it because of Star Wars. So no, without the pew pew -- I wouldn't play it.



  • Gear progression system.
  • PvP stat
  • Lack of world PvP/community.


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But it is Star Wars. This is a silly question. Of course most of us are playing because it is the Star Wars universe. I wouldn't have played FFXI if it wasn't Final Fantasy. In fact, that's one reason I quit Final Fantasy XIV. It didn't feel like Final Fantasy. I want to play a Star Wars mmo. Why would anyone play an mmo in which they were not attracted to the world the game existed in?
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Nope, however please read...


i think this was a loaded question. Primarily because the game is made simply by the fact of being Star Wars. The whole ambience and setting of the game is what makes it enjoyable. If it were another MMO, it would already be discussing going F2P right now. But because of the IP and the huge amount of material the Devs can work with, it's an amazing game with a lot of potential. Some of it's flaws are:


- Lack of End Game Content.

- Lack of Group Finder for FP's and Raids.

- Lack of a rated WZ option, though it's coming.

- Lack of available Character Transfers/Low Server Ops.

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I probably would because I like Bioware games. I also like MMOs in general, though setting is a big selling point for me. I also like RPGs having stories, and if the game still focused on storytelling with a different IP, I would have definitely checked it out, and if that story was ok, I would still be playing it.
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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


Probably not. It's not that there is anything wrong with this game mechanics wise.


The setting, story, lore that matters most for me anymore I'm just not interesting in other settings right now. I'm tired of fantasy games like WoW or LotRO. I enjoy the Star Wars universe.


There is probably only one other setting I'd consider playing this game if it was set in that setting, and that is an MMO that is the Warhammer 40k universe. But in a heads up, same game mechanics, Star Wars vs Warhammer, I'd pick Star Wars.

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Nope, I've never been able to play MMO's for very long before I get bored, only this and Star Wars Galaxies has been able to keep me. The StarWars IP aside what would make me leave is:


  • No meaningful rewards for open world PvP
  • PvP TTK is far far far to short
  • PvE content doesn't meet my expectations

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1) I actually like the gameplay. I prefer more action based mmos. No auto-attack and macros for please.

2) It is still a Bioware game, I only like 2 rpg developers, Bioware and Bethesda

3) Story mode co-op plus companions. I am tired of running around by myself looking for groups all the time in a mmo. I can play the entire game with my fiance in story mode and watch us interact. Fun!

4) Champions Online and DFO are the only other 2 mmos I am into right now. Have 7 Alts in Champions and 3 max level characters. DFO grindfest caused me to quit.

5) High Fantasy no longer appeals to me. Sci-Fi is what I want to see.

6) Played the original Guild Wars, not bad but nowhere near great for me. Not a fan of their style.

7) Best pvp I have personally played in a MMO. Warzone objectives beat basic team deathmatch anyday.


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No I wouldn't.


But I'd be more interested in knowing if people would still play this game if it had the normal MMO-world ( you know the usual, elves, dwarves, humans, shields, axes, etc.) or would they just have joined the bandwagon and subscribed to WOW knowing that it had the largest player base out there. I mean sure people would still probably try this game out but would they stick with it in the long run?


I know its been said a million times, but this game reminds me too much of WOW in every aspect. I know a game like EQ2 also has the same aspects as WOW, its just the "feel" that SWTOR has that reminds me more of WOW than any other MMO out there. So, if I was an Orc swinging my axe in SWTOR, I dont think it would be long before Id be back playing whatevere it was I was playing before. I've tried it before. It was called Warhammer Online.

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No I wouldn't.


But I'd be more interested in knowing if people would still play this game if it had the normal MMO-world ( you know the usual, elves, dwarves, humans, shields, axes, etc.) or would they just have joined the bandwagon and subscribed to WOW knowing that it had the largest player base out there. I mean sure people would still probably try this game out but would they stick with it in the long run?


If it had the same approach as SWTOR (class stories etc.) then absolutely. I like BW games, have for a looooong time. In fact, the Star Wars aspect of this is NOT what interests me. I wish it'd been DAOnline. :D As for WoW? No thanks, left in 2007 and have no interest in returning.


I know its been said a million times, but this game reminds me too much of WOW in every aspect. I know a game like EQ2 also has the same aspects as WOW, its just the "feel" that SWTOR has that reminds me more of WOW than any other MMO out there. So, if I was an Orc swinging my axe in SWTOR, I dont think it would be long before Id be back playing whatevere it was I was playing before. I've tried it before. It was called Warhammer Online.


Squig herder. :( I love him. Ah well.

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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.


By the way, you do know the Star Wars franchise is more well known and well received then the entire mmo genre. THe game does not even have to be good, Star Wars fans will purchase it anyway.

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