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Everything posted by Zainichi

  1. I thought she just left the Jedi Order. Went off by herself to contemplate life or something. SWwiki writes this: Around 20 BBY, Tano's friend Barriss Offee, who believed the Jedi Order to be evil, and corrupt, and overly belligerent, orchestrated the bombing of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, killed the bomber, Letta Turmond, and caused the deaths of clone troopers while framing Tano for these crimes. While running away from Republic authorities and Skywalker, who still believed her to be innocent, Tano met her longtime nemesis Asajj Ventress and briefly allied with her, since both were on the run from their masters. Tano was led by Offee, the only Jedi whom she still saw as an ally, into a trap at an abandoned Coruscant warehouse in Coruscant's Undercity, where she was captured by Skywalker's forces. The Jedi High Council then expelled Tano from the Jedi Order and turned her over to the Republic for trial. Tano came very close to a conviction and death sentence, but she was acquitted at the last minute by the forced confession of a captured Offee. While the Council pardoned Tano and offered to bring her back into the Order, Tano refused, and she left the Jedi Temple. On the encouragement of Tarkin and the senate, the Jedi Council expelled Ahsoka from the Jedi Order, so she could be tried in a military tribunal. Padmé Amidala agreed to represent Tano, while Tarkin represented the prosecution. Just as her verdict was to be delivered, Anakin arrived with the real culprit, Barris Offee. Tano was shocked to learn that her friend had been setting her up. Afterwards, the Council offered to re-instate Tano to the Order. However, Tano, feeling she couldn't trust the Council, or herself, anymore, refused and left the Temple. Anakin followed her and tried to convince her to stay, but she reaffirmed that she needed to go on her own path, stating that she knew that her master understood the feeling of leaving the Jedi. Or is this all in season 4? Haven't seen them all yet.
  2. Not much apparently. Lost for words? I guess sometimes the truth hurts too much. Cheer up!
  3. I do mind, the Dude minds. This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man.
  4. I get your point. I played SWG and loved it. Mostly because Im a Star Wars fan of the first 3 movies that were made. But you need to understand, this game will NEVER have the options to decorate your ship the way you could decorate your ship/house in SWG. Never ever, ever, ever. It cant be done and they will never implement it. Not now, not in 1 or 2 or even 5 years. I played this game at launch then quit. I recently resubbed and I see no change, at all, in the way we can interact with our surroundings. Can you even sit in chairs by the cantina/bar in the fleets yet? Its like that scene in "Return of the Jedi" where Lando and Han are talking, just before Han goes into the shuttle that will fly them to the Endor moon. Han tells Lando to take care of the Millenium Falcon and you see it in the background. Its just painted on a flat cardboard screen. Thats how your ship is. A painted cardboard screen. Maybe one day if your lucky you can change the colour of the interior, but that wont happen before you can change the colour of your droids tux. So look out for that awesome addition
  5. "the star wars we all know"? In my experience, most people when hearing star wars relate it to the movies. Not two games released almost 10 years ago. I dont find anything star warsy in this game, except for the lightsabers. They might aswell start adding space orcs and space elves in this game to try and pull in the D&D fans, aswell as trying to pull in the sci fi fans with Stargate/Tron/StarTrek/ect elements. As for a side note, haven't the best Star Wars writers left this game already? You know the ones that write the stories and have that huge knowledge of the SW lore. I might be wrong. Can anyone name some of the writers that are left working on SWTOR and add some of their previous work they might have written, regarding the SWEU? Would be much appreciated.
  6. No. All races in this game will be, and are, built on the same body/face model as is now. Only thing that will change is skin colour. Quite disturbing to know that a game like SWG had more race modification options than a 200mill dollar game released 6 months ago has.
  7. Seriously! Look at all the EU servers. There is not even 10k people playing this game. Screw the sub count. BattleStar Galactica Online has over 9mill subs. Subs mean nothing when it comes to the amount of people actually ingame playing the game. SWG had more players ingame even after the CU and NGE than this game does atm. This game is dead. It is one of the deadest MMOs out there. This game is NOT profitable nor is it succesful. It was when it launched. So was STO, Warhammer Online, ect., ect.. No, this game is dead like the rest.
  8. According to Wikipedia, Second Life had 1 million active subcribers as of 2011. It was released in 2003. More succesfull than EVE Online ever was. More succesfull than SWTOR is now. What format do publishers want to do? The WOW format? Why?? Every single MMO that came out after WOW and that was published in the same format as WOW has failed miserably compared to WOW. Why would a company spend 200 million US dollars in the same gamble? It is not the fact, that WOW is so easy that a caveman can play it, that has made WOW so succesfull. It's the fact that WOW has a playing system that makes the player "addicted" to the game. Once you start smoking a cigarette brand, you rarely EVER change that brand. If SWTOR wants to compete with WOW then they should have found a way to make people addicted in a whole new way. There are loads of cigarette brands out there on the market. I smoke my brand everyday. Everytime I go to buy a new pack I NEVER look at the other brands. Its hard to make a person addicted to 2 cigarette brands. I've never met someone who carried 2 different cigarette brands on them. No, they would have to make me addicted to something completely different. Bioware failed. End of story. P.S. I like cigarettes.
  9. Lol. 1 million credits for 3 hours work everyday for almost a week? So lets say 5 days. You spend 15 hours every week doing the same thing over and over again for virtual money?? Please read my above post and enlighten yourself. I cant believe you are actually paying REAL money to go and work for VIRTUAL money. So many gullible suckers in this world today. Word of advice: dont waste your life!
  10. I hate people like you who try and justify that "grinding" in a MMO is the only way to go if some sort of success is to be achieved. People like you have no idea what the term "grinding" insinuates. Grinding is a time sink. You grind because there is no other content in the game. It's just a way to keep people playing the game for longer periods. It's like reading a 500 page book, where 495 pages are blank. You are just flicking through the blank pages to get to the pages where the story really is. Also, look up what habits and routines actually mean. "Grinding" is a routine, something you do over and over again. If you do the same routine day after day it eventually becomes a habit. Habits can be good or bad. But be certain of this, habits are hard to brake. "Grinding" in an MMO has only one purpose. To make the MMO a habit so that you come back day after day. Just look at all the posts in the Forum. Lots of people saying, "I log in for a few minutes but cant get myself to keep playing. Lack of content ect., ect.". Ask yourself this, why do these people even bother logging in to the game? Because they still have a subscription? NO! Because they have already been habitualised to SWTOR. They log in to this game because they are "missing" a routine in their daily lives. Like a smoker who has a lighter but needs to log into SWTOR everytime to get the cigarette. This concept is over 10 years old. It should be illegal in this day and age. This is like selling cigarettes to 10 year olds. Stop supporting these greedy companies. They are not interessted in making content that is exciting and fun for us players. All they are interested in is making the same cigarettes but with new tastes. There is a cigarette brand named WOW, this brand we are smoking is called SWTOR. No difference, Im still making the same smoke rings. Time to quit it all together, but as I said, habits are hard to brake.
  11. I applaud your hard work. Respect! If Bioware fails to keep you interested then I know a game that will keep you going for months and months to come. You can find it at http://www.kongregate.com. It's called "The Most Boring Game Ever". It has the exact same game mechanics as SWTOR and trust me, its mentally equally just as hard. Dont strain yourself, its very addictive. Dont worry though, the reward you get for all your hard work and all those hours of your life you spent clicking your mouse, is just as rewarding as SWTOR endgame.
  12. Do you really think that there are 1.3 million people subbed to this game, yet alone playing it? This is one of the deadest MMOs out there atm. Look at the server populations in USA and Europe. There is no more than 20k people playing this game ( I did the math right). You're right, SWTOR wont be shutting the doors anytime soon. They wont need to because the players already left the room and boarded the doors shut. Who the hell wants to play a game that was designed to compete against MMOs created 7-8 years ago. SWTOR is a dumbed down WOW clone catered for people who couldnt get things right in WOW in the first place. Actually, every single MMO out there atm, has more content than this sinking tub. SWTOR is going on the shelf with AOC, STO, Warhammer Online and the rest of the overly hyped MMOs out there that provided nothing but disapointment. All SWTOR has to offer is Star Wars. An unfamiliar Star Wars setting that only a few have bothered reading up on (unless you are a KOTOR fan). No wonder that no one feels like they are living in a Star Wars universe. How the SWTOR setting was created = make a timeline where everyone can be a Jedi (because thats ALL we SW fans think about). It cant be in the same timeline as the movies, as this will enrage Mr. Lucas. So lets make a new timeline where Jedis can be ALL over. In a couple of months the only players left here in SWTOR will be all the KOTOR fanboys and all the hardcore Star Wars fans that have no alternative to go to. I grew up with SW Episodes 4,5,6. This game doesnt cater to me. For all the people that grew up with SW Episodes 1,2 and 3, this game doesnt cater to them either. Star Wars was buit on MOVIES. What idiot thought, "Hey lets scrap all the movies and lets just make a new story (or a story based on 2 games released over 8 years ago). Have the words Star Wars in the title and bingo! profit!!". Yeah right!!
  13. You have to realize that there are people out there on the internet that prefer spending time with online friends rather than with RL friends. It's not my cup of tea but nevertheless respect to those people. Live your life how you choose. Those people aren't freaks. They are actually normal, friendly, funny people. To have these people in an MMO-game is a blessing. They are what make the community unique. I remember walking into Mos Eisley cantina and seeing the same 4 entertainers there every single day (them among a dozen of others). They'd be dancing, playing their instruments, chatting with each others and all the others in the cantina. Like a real life local cantina. You see the same familiar faces. When you walk into a cantina like that in an MMO game then you know that its YOUR cantina. This is your prefered hangout. You know the people there. Your server, your planet, your town, your cantina. Thats how an MMO is supposed to be.
  14. I remember crafting my own lightsabers for my Jedi in SWG. Finding all the rare materials and hauling them back to my underground bunker. 2 storys underground I had my special Crafting Station. I crafted my own unique lighsabers there, gave them names and stuff (you actually could name your lightsabers). Oh yes, it was most awesome. I felt more like a Jedi in SWG than I do in SWTOR, even with the storyline. I dunno why. I feel like everything in the world of SWTOR is too "simple". When I play SWTOR i get tired and burned out very fast, because its too BORING! I hope SWTOR is the last in the line of these type of MMOs to come out because my dog seems to be playing them more than me. Its freaking my friends out.
  15. Whats up with all you people saying "SWG was crap, I left after the NGE". The NGE was in 2005. The game lasted 7 years after the NGE. I feel sorry for all you people who didnt really give SWG a chance. I played SWG through all its stages on and off. SWG was HUGE in all aspects. The only true sandbox MMO that was ever released. You will never ever experience an MMO like that again. Pity, because all the other MMOs out there are exactly the same as each others nowadays. The dumbed down, easy accesible, lets get the wife, kids and grandparents to come play aswell MMOs is all you will find. What happened to the MMOs where you created your own unique looking character, followed your own story that was created by CHANCE and not some pre-made "You are the Invincible Hero" story that EVERYONE else has done. What happened to going out exploring or hunting and bringing something back from these journeys to keep as tokens or memorandums. As if it were a real interactive world and not some copypasted BS with static mobs whose sole purpose is to generate XP when you are at a certain level. I guess Im a dying breed.
  16. Thats what I expected and I got what you described.
  17. I think the disappointed people are all the ex-SWG players. Me included. Haha to be honest, I think the only people still playing SWTOR are ex-SWG players. We have no alternative to go to when it comes to a SW MMO. All the WOW/OTHER MMO people who came to try this game out have all gone again. At least thats how it feels like on my server. From full server at launch to about 25-35 people on Fleet at prime time atm.
  18. This exactly. I mean look at the way the Fleets are made. Who the hell thought of that design? There is no real gathering point for people so everyone is just kind of spread out all over. I look at the Fleets as if they were the main cities of each faction. In every other MMO I've played, I've experienced more "life" in the main cities than I have on the Fleets. They seem dead even when they have +200 people there. And the planets? Another guy wrote that it was like walking from Studio 1 into Studio 2 and so on. Just a copypasted world with a new background. Couldn't agree more. Personally I dont get the whole StoryDriven MMO thing. Whats the point of playing an MMO if everyone with the same Class goes through the same story line? Aren't MMOs about making your own unique character and creating your own story more or less. Thats the MMO Im looking for anyways, with a Star Wars theme. Guess I'll just have to wait.
  19. Are you trying to tell us that a game that has been so long in the making and has had such a large budget and so many peopleworking on it, have never thought that the possibility of character transfers and server mergers would occur? And that it is first now that they are experimenting with these features? That seems a little unproffesional dont you think? Or is it just me? Hmm, I dunno...
  20. Maybe because they had such a larger budget in producing SWTOR that they actually spent a lot of money advertising the game? The game has been advertised on the internet, newspapers, magazines and on TV in many countries around the world. SWG did almost no advertising, not even when they were competing against WOW. Try and understand this aswell. In 2003 when SWG was released, the MMO community was smaller than it was in 2011. SWG was also competing against what would later be the most succesfull MMO to date, WOW. And on top of that, Im pretty sure a large portion of the player base here in SWTOR are burned out WOW players who came in hopes of trying something new and different.
  21. No I wouldn't. But I'd be more interested in knowing if people would still play this game if it had the normal MMO-world ( you know the usual, elves, dwarves, humans, shields, axes, etc.) or would they just have joined the bandwagon and subscribed to WOW knowing that it had the largest player base out there. I mean sure people would still probably try this game out but would they stick with it in the long run? I know its been said a million times, but this game reminds me too much of WOW in every aspect. I know a game like EQ2 also has the same aspects as WOW, its just the "feel" that SWTOR has that reminds me more of WOW than any other MMO out there. So, if I was an Orc swinging my axe in SWTOR, I dont think it would be long before Id be back playing whatevere it was I was playing before. I've tried it before. It was called Warhammer Online.
  22. I dunno. You ever tried Fifa 12 ? Thats probably the best football simulator out there. Only PES gets close. Its my opinion that EA and their Fifa franchise has overhauled the god of all football sims, PES, the last couple of years. EA do a pretty good job on some of their projects. But then again they do run a lot of projects so I guess you cant expect them all to be top notch.
  23. I think the answer to your question lies within your own quote : "Originally Posted by White-light It's the vocal minority that provide valuable feedback and should be used as a guide as to what's right and what's wrong with the game."
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