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If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?


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1. Crafting is fail like every MMO since SWG

2. Travel times are LAME and ridiculous

3. Wookiee aren't a playable race....lolwut

4. No player bounty system....major fail

5. Open world Pvp doesn't exist during questing. Not sure why they even have "pvp" servers

6. Can't receive hate tells from the other faction.

7. No player cities

8. Planets dont really feel that big to me.

9. Way too many servers at launch and they are taking to long to do transfers.

10. Oh you only wanted 3, i'll stop.

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I actually think it is better than most star wars content, because like kotor they had more creative freedom without lucas breathing down their neck about continuity.


this is probably less true of the knight/consular but for the other classes i have plays there is some really interesting character and plot development from the normally sterile sw stuff.


also if it wasn't star wars they would be allowed to develop more interesting melee weapons instead of 300 identical lightsabers.


honestly it is just great to play an mmo that ISN'T elves and dragons.

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Even as a generic science fiction fantasy (AKA space opera) game it would still interest me more than

the run of the mill dwarves and elves gunk that runs so rampant in MMORPGs these days.

And it would still have the MMORPG gameplay that I like, and in addition the Bioware style storytelling.

That this is a Star Wars game is, to me, really just a bonus.



And if Bioware manages to deliver content that I like, they'll have me for the long run.

So far, so good. Not even done with the first class story, although it's getting closer and closer.

And after that, I still have seven more. And they'll have to release additional chapters at some point,

so yeah, I'll be right here, playing this.

Edited by Talahar
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1) I'm not playing it because it's star wars anyway

2) It's a big name MMO, I'd have tried it regardless

3) For all it's wealth of bugs & clunkiness - I'd regard it as the most irritatingly buggy mmo i've tried, even if it's not the most game-breakingly buggy mmo - the single player questing style is one of, if not the, best of any MMO I've seen. IMO.


So yeah, I'm playing it cos it's an MMO & star wars doesn't enter into it at all.

Edited by Lakhesis
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0. No Togruta/Sullustan/Wookie/Cathar/etc races that would make an authentic and "immersive" experience.

1. No ownership of structures.

2. No real incentive to group makes it a single player game with a sub, rather than a MMO.

3. No novelty whatsoever.


The above being said... it IS Star Wars and they ARE improving, kinda sorta, so I am playing for now :)

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But it´s really stupid question and unplausible situation. Basically you are asking, whould you play SWTOR without 90% of SWTOR because Star Wars is everything in this game.

Who, in his sound mind, would launch a new MMO without any allure in the first place?

Besides you didn´t provide any possible alternatives to replace SW.

In this case, your question is equivalent of would you play SWTOR if there is no SWTOR and any possible alternative to it. The logic answer to this is NO. No game no play.

Edited by Ivanblood
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Probably not no. I played swg from launch up to the nge, and I loved that game but had to quit when that garbage came out. I stayed clear from WoW thank god, and when I heard this game was coming out years go I was really happy and knew I would play it threw thick and thin.


I am finding it harder and harder to log in, I guess im waiting for 1.2 to get me motivated again.

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Horrible laggy engine and no sign of fixing it.


Nothing to do when you hit level 50 and also lack of sign of having this issue resolved.


Boring space combat - I wan't freedom not fly always in the same path!

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Truthfully, I'm not sure. My husband got a beta weekend invite....then pre-ordered (early Christmas gift), and watching him play got me interested, so much so that three days after Christmas for my final Christmas gift we went out and bought it for me. So, I guess the question would be would my husband have actually done the beta if it wasn't Star Wars....and I don't think he would have. He's had beta offers before and not done them, or done them and not been as excited about them - and definitely didn't have me watch.


Edit: just asked me husband, and he probably would have beta tested the game even if it hadn't been star wars.

Edited by Ashu-ri
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sadly, no. this game is totally carried by the star wars franchise. bad engine, buggy content, horrible cs, horrible communication between bw and us, mythic guys yet again failed with pvp scenarios like ilum. Edited by Rikeryo
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But it´s really stupid question and unplausible situation. Basically you are asking, whould you play SWTOR without 90% of SWTOR because Star Wars is everything in this game.

Who, in his sound mind, would launch a new MMO without any allure in the first place?

Besides you didn´t provide any possible alternatives to replace SW.

In this case, your question is equivalent of would you play SWTOR if there is no SWTOR and any possible alternative to it. The logic answer to this is NO. No game no play.


if we took out the SW and put in its place some generic sci-fi franchise. (tbh, while many people say the storyline is SWTOR is awesome, all it takes to beat it for someone to get a decent sci-fi novel from the library)

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I have tried/played many MMO's over the years and only 2 have kept my interest 3 months or longer, SWTOR and SWG.


Too much of a single player feel to the game, the initial cost of the game was fine, but $15 a month can buy a lot of bargain bin console and computer single player games.


Storylines, while they were really fun to play, the chapter 3 endings of many were very anti-climatic to me.


The hype from Bioware over what this game was going to be and what it is are entirely different in my opinion.


Had it not been Star Wars, these three reasons would have seen me stopping before 3 months, if I would have even started the game as something not Star Wars.

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if we took out the SW and put in its place some generic sci-fi franchise. (tbh, while many people say the storyline is SWTOR is awesome, all it takes to beat it for someone to get a decent sci-fi novel from the library)


Nop. I still don´t get it. "Some generic sci-fi franchise" is too vague. Warhammer 40000 ?

Mass Effect ?

Duna ?

Foundation ?

Besides extracting Star Wars from SWTOR errases the game completely.

What Frankenstein I have to imagine ? Mass Effect with lightsabers and force ?

In that case, there would be necessary a completely new development from scratch, new abilities, new balance, new narative. We just can predict what game it would be to take any decision.

Edited by Ivanblood
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Nop. Still don´t get it. "Some generic sci-fi franchise" is too vague. Warhammer 40000 ?

Mass Effect ?

Besides extracting Star Wars from SWTOR errases the game completely.

What FrankensteinI have to imagine ? Mass Effect with lightsabers and force ?

In that case, there would be necessary a completely a new development from scratch, new abilities, new balance, new narative. We just can predict what game it would be to take any decision.


You really believe that the SW story we have in SWTOR is inherently different and so unique that the game is inseparable from the franchise?


That's like saying WoW without warcraft isn't WoW.


SWTOR is fundamentally just an MMO and if you think that there aren't any sci-fi franchises that are capable of replicating it you're probably mistaken. MMO = pick up quest, kill X pigs, profit. Then you wrap whatever story you got around that.


Even if you can't fathom that, then just think of the game in-terms of the combat and mechanics.

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I originally had no intentions to play this game. It was still during its beta period, and I just really didn't care about it at all. I was kind of bored with WoW, but biding my time until Diablo 3. I know the Star Wars story, and I enjoy the movies


My boyfriend received multiple beta invites on the final beta testing weekend. So, we decided to take a look at the game. We loved it!


1. I like the voice over quests. I don't hate them even going forward. I may spacebar sometimes, but there are other times I listen to it. I feel a lot more involved in my character, and I love to hear the responses I may give.


2. I love the planets. I love that on Alderaan there are mountains in the distance. I may never scale them, but it makes the planet seem like a planet.


3. I love Huttball. I really do. It is probably one of my favorite Capture the Flag type maps I've ever played.

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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.




Only three? well...


Nice storylines giving a wonderfull feeling of connection to the characters.


Missions, Flash points and Warzones all feel like they have some sort of relevance... there is a reason to do it.


Hutt ball. (yes i love hutt ball, brings a new great challenge into PVP)

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You really believe that the SW story we have in SWTOR is inherently different and so unique that the game is inseparable from the franchise?


That's like saying WoW without warcraft isn't WoW.


SWTOR is fundamentally just an MMO and if you think that there aren't any sci-fi franchises that are capable of replicating it you're probably mistaken. MMO = pick up quest, kill X pigs, profit. Then you wrap whatever story you got around that.


Even if you can't fathom that, then just think of the game in-terms of the combat and mechanics.


Nop. I am not saying that. The narrative is some moments is good and others, pretty standard. There is always a margin to make things better.


And yes, WoW without WoW is not WoW anymore.

And SWTOR without SW is not SWTOR anymore. It´s the Hero Engine‎. You can not play an engine. You can develop a game on it to play, nothing else.


I am pretty sure that any sci-fi franchises can replicate Star Wars, but it´s pretty illegal due to the protection of author rights.


And I am certainly sure than you can´t wrap any crappy sci franchise into MMO because nobody will buy that. Let´s be realistic. That situation is hypothetic and very unplausible.

No MMO will sell without a strong allure. For SWTOR, this allure is SW.

Edited by Ivanblood
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