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Guild Summit Day 2 NDA Lifted! Brand New 1.2 Info!


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A bit confused here... So Legacy is not about unlocking special additions as a reward for spending a lot of hours in the game; but instead it's going to be the biggest credits-sink they could think of where Legacy unlocks the right to let BioWare take millions of credits out of the game? :confused:


I can hear the chinese credits-sellers scream with glee at the potential of spamming us non-stop with 'TOR GOLD POWERLEVEL!' after 1.2 hits


Since 12/20 I've been playing on a high-pop server and I've only received 3 spam mails in-game advertising the sale of credits. Is that generally true for others? I think the whole hurdle for completing the starting story area to get to fleet was a pretty good idea.


If you have to grind all the way to level 8 or whetever to get off the starting planet, just to get booted the minute you spam trade, seems like a bad business model. Rift did the same thing and it worked fairly well there.


Bottom line is that the game REALLY needed money sinks, so hopefully this is just the beginning.

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  • Legacy of Sacrifice – Grants the use of the sacrifice ability to all characters. Injures your companion to instantly heal yourself. Requires level 50, Dark V, 250,000 credits, legacy level 10

  • Legacy of Unity – Grants the use of the unity ability to all characters. Unity reduces damage to you and your companion for a short duration. Requires level 50, Light V, 250,000 credits, legacy level 10

  • Legacy of Equilibrium – Grants the use of the equilibrium ability to all characters. Equilibrium increases damage and healing by you and your companion for a short duration. Requires level 50, neutral, 250,000 credits, legacy level 10




I'd far rather have a self-heal on some characters and a damage reduction on others. I think it's kinda silly to have that type of game mechanic tied to Light/Dark side. A option to chose between the two, accessible when you max out Light/Dark seems more reasonable. Just my opinion. :cool:

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Not sure money sinks actually benefit anyone. The money doesn't "recirculate", such as making credit drops from enemies increase or vendor prices go down, the credits simply disappear. Which tends to create extra hurdles for the ones without large sums of credits in the first place, as the sinks tend to be the same all around.
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Not sure money sinks actually benefit anyone. The money doesn't "recirculate", such as making credit drops from enemies increase or vendor prices go down, the credits simply disappear. Which tends to create extra hurdles for the ones without large sums of credits in the first place, as the sinks tend to be the same all around.


Money sinks benefit everyone. I have played on servers with runaway economies, it was brutal. You can either have some fluff, quality of life times that are very expensive, or you can have everything be expensive, as high levels have the credits to throw at outfitting their alts. MMO's run on the carrot on a stick principle, if you have nothing to work toward, you get bored and leave. If you have proper sinks, you have a stable economy for new people starting out as well as long term players showing off what all of those hours of play time got them.


I approve of how much these things cost, and I think they should cost for each character, since there has to be a way to bleed credits out of the economy so gtn prices don't skyrocket.

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I'm pretty sure half the people in this thread would complaining about having to pay taxes after they got a 200 million dollar lottery ticket.


You're probably right, seeing as how some multi-billion dollar profit corporations not only dont pay any taxes, but also get government funding, so damn straight I'd be annoyed at giving the government half of my 200 million lottery win :p

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Black Market Trade Terminal – Unlockable for 5 million credits, legacy level 35


You have to be kidding me. Nobody uses the BM Trade terminal on Hutta because you have to travel a fair distance to get to it so nobody uses it. Making the one for your ship some spastically high legacy level requirement is going to have the same effect. Absolutely no point in buying it because hardly anyone will have it. Unless...


Also, no legacy level options to send mail to our supposed family members in our legacy? Or is this legacy level 35 unlock your answer to that?!


Except the people who buy them and then are able to trade items amongst each other.

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I'm still wondering this as well.


Seriously? In this very thread:


You're not likely to have any significant legacy levels if you just play characters in the 20 to 30 range. You only unlock legacy levels once you finish chapter 1 ( ~ level 30) with a character in the first place.


And let me make this clear, since there's some confusion about it:


The system allows you to unlock things EITHER via achieving the unlock condition (e.g. reaching chapter 2 in a specific class, reaching a specific PvP rank, etc) OR by paying credits. It is not both.


The credit option exists so players can enjoy content that they know they would never unlock in regular play (e.g. 'I'd love a pureblood Smuggler, but no way I'll level a Sith Warrior just for that').


Some things (like legacy class abilities) cannot be purchased with credits while other things can only be purchased (not unlocked) but are gated by legacy level (e.g. the GTN for your ship requires you to have a high legacy level before you can purchase it).

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I do think legacy level 35 is a bit extreme for a GTN on your ship. I don't know anyone who is legacy level 35 or going to be any time toon. I think 20 is more reasonable considering the cost of 5 million credits too (The dev post states that you have to be legacy level 35 before you can purchase the GTN on the ship i.e. works differently to the other stuff).
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Money sinks benefit everyone. I have played on servers with runaway economies, it was brutal. You can either have some fluff, quality of life times that are very expensive, or you can have everything be expensive, as high levels have the credits to throw at outfitting their alts. MMO's run on the carrot on a stick principle, if you have nothing to work toward, you get bored and leave. If you have proper sinks, you have a stable economy for new people starting out as well as long term players showing off what all of those hours of play time got them.


I approve of how much these things cost, and I think they should cost for each character, since there has to be a way to bleed credits out of the economy so gtn prices don't skyrocket.


I think the problem is that the sinks exist for the lower level players, but not the higher. Because crafting isn't equal to the higher tier drops, they can't sink/earn money there, and the lower levels sink too much money into training crew skills/abilities that they don't have enough to make low level items very profitable for crafters to make, even if there's a market for them.

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Well, not impressed so far with the Legacy information. To charge players huge amounts of credits to unlock Legacy options is absurd. Let's "nickle & dime" your players to death BioWare. Nice work! The mailbox option is about the only thing worth it so far. Overall, it's all a bunch of "fluff" that in the end won't really manner. Truly saden by all this.


Your legacy level unlocks them. The credits purchase them.


I really don't understand people being upset about this.

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I think the problem is that the sinks exist for the lower level players, but not the higher. Because crafting isn't equal to the higher tier drops, they can't sink/earn money there, and the lower levels sink too much money into training crew skills/abilities that they don't have enough to make low level items very profitable for crafters to make, even if there's a market for them.


I'm not so sure about that. Bioware has said that they are making orange gear that will match up to the raid gear, so right there you have a high end crafted item to sell. Also, they have also said they want to go with a crafter based economy, what that means, we will find out. However, the gtn and things like high priced speeders are end game sinks for high players only. Since this is where the money is made, it has to be spent as well and deleted out of the economy. I don't know about low level crafted items on your server, but my implants sell out at all brackets, and have made me plenty of credits.

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I do think legacy level 35 is a bit extreme for a GTN on your ship. I don't know anyone who is legacy level 35 or going to be any time toon. I think 20 is more reasonable considering the cost of 5 million credits too (The dev post states that you have to be legacy level 35 before you can purchase the GTN on the ship i.e. works differently to the other stuff).




Yeah, I'm an altaholic and only Legacy 13, and have never had much more than 400k at one time.


Seems a very steep price considering its only a link to the Nar Shaddaa GTN (which is a lot less useful). I wouldnt pay it even for the Fleet GTN, but at least it would be useful.

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Since 12/20 I've been playing on a high-pop server and I've only received 3 spam mails in-game advertising the sale of credits. Is that generally true for others?


I haven't gotten a single one and I've played since the turn of the year.

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I think the problem is that the sinks exist for the lower level players, but not the higher. Because crafting isn't equal to the higher tier drops, they can't sink/earn money there, and the lower levels sink too much money into training crew skills/abilities that they don't have enough to make low level items very profitable for crafters to make, even if there's a market for them.


Gonna respectfully disagree on this one... Cybertech is getting BoE vehicle crafting, Orange Gear is going to become more collectible for RP/fashion-conscious people who want their "look" to be viable for flashpoints and entry level operations. Also, they've stated that most of the crafting professions are going to get an overhaul that is friendlier to end-game economics.


I guess the biochem folks might disagree a bit with this sentiment, as I believe they are getting a much needed nerf. ;)

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I'd like to see what exactly the mercenary "nerf" entails. When he says:


"So we did some changes there to rebalance that particular tree to move a bit out of the Tracer Missile, and require you to be more active in your combat style to achieve that kind of effect. You can call that a nerf. I call that housekeeping."


that doesn't explain a whole lot, but hopefully this will turn arsenal merc into less of a snoozefest to play.

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I guess the biochem folks might disagree a bit with this sentiment, as I believe they are getting a much needed nerf. ;)


My main is biochem, I don't see it as a nerf at all. I can now sell my good medpacs as well as having eternal ones for myself. I got biochem because my main is a tank and eternal medpacs, stims, and adreanals are going to save me a ton of credits come raiding.

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Gonna respectfully disagree on this one... Cybertech is getting BoE vehicle crafting, Orange Gear is going to become more collectible for RP/fashion-conscious people who want their "look" to be viable for flashpoints and entry level operations. Also, they've stated that most of the crafting professions are going to get an overhaul that is friendlier to end-game economics.


I guess the biochem folks might disagree a bit with this sentiment, as I believe they are getting a much needed nerf. ;)


I'm talking about what is currently in. I don't do speculation when it comes to the economy, especially when the original is so weak.

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I'd like to see what exactly the mercenary "nerf" entails. When he says:


"So we did some changes there to rebalance that particular tree to move a bit out of the Tracer Missile, and require you to be more active in your combat style to achieve that kind of effect. You can call that a nerf. I call that housekeeping."


that doesn't explain a whole lot, but hopefully this will turn arsenal merc into less of a snoozefest to play.


I know what you mean. My standard rotation involves 6-8 different skills as it is. Now I need to be more active in my combat style? Give me an f'n break!! I'm about to end up with carpel tunnel syndrome as it is.

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Now THIS is what has me worried about Legacy. I am personally aproaching 41, and just started my fourth character on their way to level 50. I am cool with legacy unlocking stuff. I am cool with paying some credits to obtain it. But I REALLY don't want to pay more than once for something. I am worried that I will have to pay 5 million credits on each and every character to obtain my ship mailbox.


Is that the case, or can I just buy the ship mailbox once and have it appear on every one of my ships. Legacy benefits are supposed to span all my characters.

Any of the Legacy features in Game Update 1.2 are in fact legacy wide. Any character in your legacy gains their benefit once they are unlocked.

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Based on everything ive seen with this legacy this is my conclusion based on what ive seen (i could be wrong)


This seems like a work around to get people to alt there buts off due to very little and bugged to hell end game content I.E roll alts just dont get them to 50...


No pvp legacy? This was the most ridiculous over sight once again pvp'rs are screwed. Sure we get some pvp "options" but nothing to compared to the rp paradise that the legacy is atm


placing 1 billion credits on odds that every legacy user will have force choke no matter what (yes i know it cant be used in pvp)


No new races? not even 1? is this a joke or something? wth do i care about having races that are all bland regardless or there side? woohoo a pure blood jedi lol do i need to say more.


Overall i dont see myself using this very much and the 1 thing i do want to use the gtn/mail in ship is 5 mill credits i heard so...As far as im concerned this was a huge waste of development time with very little new content just rehashed content (has lotro flashback)


With gw2 on the horizon and all the pvp footage im seeing and being told no eta for ilum update and then gabe saying in 1.2 there is makes me seriously concerned about swtors future.


Why no pvp legacy is just another slap in the face


Things could change upon release of 1.2 but im not terribly excited about this i got enough toons we need the end game fixed not more alts sigh....

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Mostly, the top Republic AC is 6th overall.


The stance they've taken is they don't want to add something to faction or class to make people feel like they have to reroll in order to be competitive. They don't want the Boba Fett fan feeling like he has to roll Smuggler; they want people to play the character they like. So instead, they're trying to accommodate mechanics to handle population imbalances (like adding more same-faction WZ). The superbuff is probably part of this as well.


6th overall - amazing. By the way, thank you. I find these sort of numbers rather interesting. I'm not sure I agree with the same faction warzone though. Honestly, and I may be one off here, but I like playing the faction sides of a conflict. In fact, I don't like playing Huttball against the same faction. It just doesn't feel right. It feels like, um, I don't know. Just not right.


I guess now I'm really not sure what sort of problem they have after reading the way you described it. I mean, is it just a "good" vs. "evil" and people are flocking to the dark side? Is it the class mechanics (which is what I thought - sorcs and bh are just the most powerful and who here doesn't like to win)?


This got me thinking. If they adjust Sorcs and BH's do they then have to adjust their mirror? If not, why? Don't they have equiv talents or is it just the animations that make up the delay or difference? Or does say the Sorc have more roots or snares than that of the Sage?

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Hey Hey Hargrave...tis me Cosmo


Finally quit LOTRO...took a Scoundrel to V70 in full BM


1.2 looks like poop to me...playing until sub runs out



...I was thinking the same thing...just reworked same stuff to get you to play alts (lotro flashback)

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