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Guild Summit Day 2 NDA Lifted! Brand New 1.2 Info!


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So we still aren't getting Torgruta or any of the races that are ingame, but not currently playable?


Also I'm not a fan of having to have 8 classes and having to get them to wherever to get the heroic moments. Mostly because I have 2 classes that are the same base class leveled..

Edited by Anrew
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The GTN on Hutta is connected to the one on Nar Shaddaa and is also cross-faction. I'm not sure if that's the case for the one on Hutta however.


The Black Market Trade Terminal is a convenience item. People have to remember that no one should be entitled to have a personal Auction House in their private ship... That would kill the whole aspect of the "trading" surrounding this network ;)

Whoops, meant Nar Shadda. People are inherently lazy, the one on Nar Shadda takes WAAAAAY too long to get to so no one uses it, quite a lot of people don't even know it exists (a cross faction TN).


Unless what? Don't leave us hanging. :)
The unless part was the last sentence :)
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Well 1 out of 2 isn't bad :)


I would have figured BH second - did they say what is? I actually play a smuggler and find it overall fun. But complicated to play - not that is a bad thing, but good smugglers are REALLY good vs. those of us who are not as quick or key bind accordingly. No disrespect (more of a dig on me I'd wager I guess). I'm leveling a Jedi now, Shadow, and find it a lot more simple to play. Maybe I'm a half-wit.


Like I said I'm not a huge fan of adjustments but it is what it is. I don't think I've been in a MMO yet whereas someone isn't complaining about something they don't have or someone else does better :( This is coming from someone who played DaOC, Shadowbane, SWG, WoW, Vanguard (beta only), Planetside, Aion, Rift, Swtor, EQ2 (a bit), and AoC. May have left one or two off maybe sadly.


Sorc is #1 and Merc is #2 AC.

Inquisitor is #1 base class, and BH is #3. (PT drags it down being the least played AC Imp side).

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Sorc is #1 and Merc is #2 AC.

Inquisitor is #1 base class, and BH is #3. (PT drags it down being the least played AC Imp side).


Thank you.


Would it be safe to say then that the top classes belong to the imperial side? And did they address that or discuss it in anyway?

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And so the nerfs begin... You could always rename it "How to hurt a already damaged game", nerfing always causes hassle & upset, no matter whatever flavour you make it!


Try giving your child a ice cream, now "slap" their face & take the ice cream away, are they upset? Now eat the ice cream with them watching! Well done, you have mastered the art of Nerfing ©Blizzard/Trion/BW.


PS. And no, my main isn't a Sage or Sorc or BH. But the rest of the classes are next, long runs the fox in the world that has become FOTMMMORPGs. :o


You're right, it's a much better idea to leave classes unbalanced and never touch them so that the unreasonable people that are out there can be happy at the expense of everyone else.


Balancing is not slapping the child and taking the ice cream away, balancing is realizing that the child got way more ice cream than you intended to give them and taking some of it back. They'll be upset and might even kick and scream a little as children often do, but they still have ice cream. If they weren't so busy being greedy they would realize this.

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Whoops, meant Nar Shadda. People are inherently lazy, the one on Nar Shadda takes WAAAAAY too long to get to so no one uses it, quite a lot of people don't even know it exists (a cross faction TN).



Well that's my whole point... If the Black Market Trade Terminal is introduced, and it's implemented properly as a cross-factional marketplace, you will really open up the economy without hurting fleet populations on either side.


If it ties into the Nar Shadaa network, you would essentially be fixing a broken/useless feature (or at least vastly improving it's utility). I'm just thinking it might be a little cost prohibitive to be worthwhile. A lot of folks from both factions would need to eventually buy it in order for it to be effective.

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First, thank you to the OP for posting this. Second...




I wonder why pricing was made different for the different races? Are they saying it is more desirable to be a Mirialan as opposed to being a Zabrak?


Yes because anyone can play Zabrak, but mirrilukan can only play JC and JK

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Thank you.


Would it be safe to say then that the top classes belong to the imperial side? And did they address that or discuss it in anyway?


Mostly, the top Republic AC is 6th overall.


The stance they've taken is they don't want to add something to faction or class to make people feel like they have to reroll in order to be competitive. They don't want the Boba Fett fan feeling like he has to roll Smuggler; they want people to play the character they like. So instead, they're trying to accommodate mechanics to handle population imbalances (like adding more same-faction WZ). The superbuff is probably part of this as well.

Edited by Llenyd
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Mostly, the top Republic AC is 6th overall.


The stance they've taken is they don't want to add something to faction or class to make people feel like they have to reroll in order to be competitive. They don't want the Boba Fett fan feeling like he has to roll Smuggler; they want people to play the character they like. So instead, they're trying to accommodate mechanics to handle population imbalances (like adding more same-faction WZ). The superbuff is probably part of this as well.


And I abhor same-faction PvP. Last night it was I and another guildie against 4 of our guildies in Hutt Ball. It is hard to wrap your head around community and building guild relations when you are put into games to kill each other. I love the divisive nature of factions and BioWare is all but doing away with that.

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i like the game and stuff but i gotta admit i'm pretty underwhelmed by that info.


why would i care about having training dummies and stuff on my ship? or repair or any of that?

most of the species are lame so i don't care about using them when i don't play them now, what about brand new species that aren't humanoid?


i was expecting more. :(

Edited by teambff
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Some things (like legacy class abilities) cannot be purchased with credits while other things can only be purchased (not unlocked) but are gated by legacy level (e.g. the GTN for your ship requires you to have a high legacy level before you can purchase it).


Now THIS is what has me worried about Legacy. I am personally aproaching 41, and just started my fourth character on their way to level 50. I am cool with legacy unlocking stuff. I am cool with paying some credits to obtain it. But I REALLY don't want to pay more than once for something. I am worried that I will have to pay 5 million credits on each and every character to obtain my ship mailbox.


Is that the case, or can I just buy the ship mailbox once and have it appear on every one of my ships. Legacy benefits are supposed to span all my characters.

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Now THIS is what has me worried about Legacy. I am personally aproaching 41, and just started my fourth character on their way to level 50. I am cool with legacy unlocking stuff. I am cool with paying some credits to obtain it. But I REALLY don't want to pay more than once for something. I am worried that I will have to pay 5 million credits on each and every character to obtain my ship mailbox.


Is that the case, or can I just buy the ship mailbox once and have it appear on every one of my ships. Legacy benefits are supposed to span all my characters.


Yeah, seeing as you only have one legacy, you should only have to unlock/pay once.

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You know something is wrong/bad when a patch has a NDA.


Like what?

i think patch 1.2 is a really major motive for BW to keep it safe.

now the NDA is lifted we should expect the patch notes to be posted in the week...

i am tooo anxious!

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new in 1.5 -2.0


with all those legacy unlocks.


real easy to swap those ingame currency prices, with Bioware Credits or EA Credits, setting up the framework. just looks more and more like F2P

Edited by CKNairb
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  • Legacy of Combat: Punch – Unlocks the unarmed combat function. Unlockable for 10,000 credits, legacy level 5, Valor rank level 5

  • Legacy of Combat: Jab – Unlockable for 15,000 credits, legacy level 8, valor rank 10

  • Legacy of Combat: Uppercut – Unlockable for 20,000 credits, legacy level 10,valor rank 15

  • Legacy of Combat: Bash – Unlockable for 25,000 credits, legacy level 15,valor rank 25

I am kind of curious with this. I'm wondering if there will be some unarmed combat "fight club" type WZ's or boxing/unarmed fighting arenas.

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