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PSA: Rail Shot and you! (from a pt)


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Pryo/assault burst is just utterly ridiculous right now and seeing people trying to defend it in any way shape or form is pretty stupid.


I pay the price for the damage that I do and the gear that I wear. When I get focused, it's a frustrating game.


I do blow people up with or without cooldowns. But it's just like Operatives, really. The most QQ came from the string of crits they got and how they ruined people with those crits. If I happen to string crits together, it's lights out for anyone. If I don't, the burst is manageable if I'm playing against a good team.


One of the things people NEVER do is dispel my DoTs. When they do, it helps them tremendously. If they can survive my burst and dispel my DoTs, my damage is significantly affected and so is my Heat bar.


I really think they should hold back on any major buffs/nerfs for any classes until after they get some metrics from ranked WZs. Because good teams are going to react properly to other good teams.

Edited by Sevvy
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People don't think of strategies.


I know if I ever lose to a person (and not a fluke, but a legitimate "what the hell" death) I'll talk to him about what he did (people are pretty friendly on my server) so I can build a strategy around it.


Rather then mindlessly dying and then complaining about another class.


In my opinion on PT Counters (top 3)


Tank Sins > Snipers > Maras. Snipers like you said are a pain because their cooldowns line up with ours a lot of times so it's pretty frantic to try to stay in range and kill them before they kill us. (This is in regards to both of us expecting the battle and not a jump on the other)


There is one sniper on our server that annihilates my health probably faster then anybody else I go up against so it's always a fun fight. 50/50 on who will win, with whoever winning having like 100-500hp left.


I do agree with this really. The following assume organised Group vs Group encounters so assume both me and the PT have at least 3 other friends

On my Sentinel = It's a tough fight but I can usually pull off a win thanks to my heal debuff and DoTs. If I have guard I tend to just laugh and pop Rebuke really.


On my Gunslinger = It depends on how they respond to my knockbacks really. The ones that are dumb enough to hang back and/or save their CC for when Hunker Down wears off die fast. The ones smart enough to attack me when Hunker Down is on CD tear me a new one.


On my Sage = I'm pretty much doomed purely because my Sage is a healer and Powertechs have a pull. Pull Sage into your group then watch them melt. It's a guaranteed win in group v group if you have a pull and the other side doesn't.


On my Vanguard = Okay I suck at Vanguard but the PT mirror spec is pure melt in PvP anyway and ridiculously easy to play.

Edited by IronFirewind
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Full champion Sorcerer here Assault Vanguards are easy to beat if your losing to them its a L2P issue. I easily beat every Assault Van with ease after they do there normal opener and take a good chunk of life. CC LOS than I spam lightining for 3.5 k crit ticks an its over. A sorc losing to a assault van or pyrotech is nub status I can take on 2 BM assault vanguards any day of the week with an absurd amout of CC and rediculous dps as a hybrid you shouldnt be losing to anyone except an exceptionaly skilled Maruader/sent or a hybrid sage/ sorc L2P nub
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people who do not know this get offended by "l2p" comments...


this is clearly someone who has "l2p" and whiners could learn a lot from your wisdom, nice post.


People just don't take the time to look at the abilities other classes have and then figure out counters to them.



I'm old school though, from DAoC, so my MMO PvP experience is 11+ years at this point and I've played everything but Shadowbane because while it had amazing ideas and systems I knew it was a buggy piece of crap. You play that much PvP in essentially the same style of gameplay you get good at seeing how things work.



It also lets you appreciate just how balanced this game actually is and how much huge whine threads could hurt that balance if the Devs listen to every whine. Classes in this game have big advantages and disadvantages in PvP. Once you get to know how to exploit those disadvantages you win.



A good example is whining about sorcs. How do you kill a sorc? You take his bubble down relatively slowly while keeping your resources extremely high and then once the bubble is down you use burst and CC to gib him without him having a chance to react. If you blow your burst on the bubble you will not have the resources to kill him after it is down.


For Pyro PTs, to coin a phrase from Day9, just go freaking kill him. There is very little he can do about it.

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Full champion Sorcerer here Assault Vanguards are easy to beat if your losing to them its a L2P issue. I easily beat every Assault Van with ease after they do there normal opener and take a good chunk of life. CC LOS than I spam lightining for 3.5 k crit ticks an its over. A sorc losing to a assault van or pyrotech is nub status I can take on 2 BM assault vanguards any day of the week with an absurd amout of CC and rediculous dps as a hybrid you shouldnt be losing to anyone except an exceptionaly skilled Maruader/sent or a hybrid sage/ sorc L2P nub


my van is rakata/cent with champ gun, unless u catch me with no cd's and low on hp or in an area where i cannot pull or run to you, i will usually split my fights 50/50 with a sorc. that you think u can fight 2 vanguards and win shows me the level of competition you face on a regular basis.


sorcs are good, but they arent that good.

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People just don't take the time to look at the abilities other classes have and then figure out counters to them.



I'm old school though, from DAoC, so my MMO PvP experience is 11+ years at this point and I've played everything but Shadowbane because while it had amazing ideas and systems I knew it was a buggy piece of crap. You play that much PvP in essentially the same style of gameplay you get good at seeing how things work.



It also lets you appreciate just how balanced this game actually is and how much huge whine threads could hurt that balance if the Devs listen to every whine. Classes in this game have big advantages and disadvantages in PvP. Once you get to know how to exploit those disadvantages you win.



A good example is whining about sorcs. How do you kill a sorc? You take his bubble down relatively slowly while keeping your resources extremely high and then once the bubble is down you use burst and CC to gib him without him having a chance to react. If you blow your burst on the bubble you will not have the resources to kill him after it is down.


For Pyro PTs, to coin a phrase from Day9, just go freaking kill him. There is very little he can do about it.


Don't forget to save Grapple for Force Sprint, and Quell Dark Infusion or Force Lightning! (Depending on healer or dps). And stun liberally.

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I pay the price for the damage that I do and the gear that I wear. When I get focused, it's a frustrating game.


I do blow people up with or without cooldowns. But it's just like Operatives, really. The most QQ came from the string of crits they got and how they ruined people with those crits. If I happen to string crits together, it's lights out for anyone. If I don't, the burst is manageable if I'm playing against a good team.


One of the things people NEVER do is dispel my DoTs. When they do, it helps them tremendously. If they can survive my burst and dispel my DoTs, my damage is significantly affected and so is my Heat bar.


I really think they should hold back on any major buffs/nerfs for any classes until after they get some metrics from ranked WZs. Because good teams are going to react properly to other good teams.


Exactly, you can't have it both ways. Personally I'd never go full pyro aside for just lawls because your utility is too low. No mobility is kind of a big deal for a class that is pretty relient on being close to the target. I don't think I'd ever give up jetcharge, even if it means I have to give up ~1-2k damage on my railshot crits.

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hi folks!


im here to educate on a little known evil


you see pt pyro may be one of the least played builds in the game, however that doesnt change the absolute facerollness of the class!


why? instants.. and rail shot


why cast anything at all! or channel! gosh darn thats so annoying...


thermal detonator:

holy god i didnt need half my hp! good thing some friendly pt pyro was nice enough to toss this baby on me! (instant)


rail shot:

here we go


2/2 rail loaders: increases dmg of rail shot 6%


3/3 puncture : rail shot ignores 60% of the targets armor


2/2 superheated rail : rail shot ignores 30% of the targets armor and blah blah blah


3/3 rain of fire: blah blah blah and RAIL SHOT deal 9% more dmg to burning targets


2/2 firebug: increases the critical bonus dmg of blah blah blah and RAIL SHOT 30%



now RAIL SHOT is instant cast and on a short cooldown BUT WAIT!


3/3 prototype particle accelerator: flame burst (INSTANT AND SPAMMABLE) has a 30% chance and rocket punch (instant) has a 45% chance to reset the cd on rail shot and make it free!!!






thermal detontor (instant)

incendiary missile (instant)

lolrail shot (instant)

flame burst (instant)

rocket punch (insant)

lolrail shot again for the fk of it (instant)




did i miss anything?


rail shot WILL CRIT light armor wearer from 4-8k depending on gear/cooldowns



its instant and its cd can be easily refreshed




so can we leave sorcs alone for a bit?


yes this spec is heavily broken and stupidly OP right now


all it takes to kill me is obviously the fire dot folowed by rocket punch and rail shot


i have 620 expertise 5k armor and 16400 hp.


rail shot hits me for more than half of my hp the fire dots are ticking anywere between 500 and 2k and rocket punch 2k to 5k


even tank spec powertechs in tank gear are still pulling off almost that.



and yes the detornator crits me for like 7k at the moment.



something needs to be done because its pathetic how it is now.


i dont even get chance to get a 2 second heal off before im dead, this is how quickly they can kill you.

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yes this spec is heavily broken and stupidly OP right now


all it takes to kill me is obviously the fire dot folowed by rocket punch and rail shot


i have 620 expertise 5k armor and 16400 hp.


rail shot hits me for more than half of my hp the fire dots are ticking anywere between 500 and 2k and rocket punch 2k to 5k


even tank spec powertechs in tank gear are still pulling off almost that.



and yes the detornator crits me for like 7k at the moment.



something needs to be done because its pathetic how it is now.


i dont even get chance to get a 2 second heal off before im dead, this is how quickly they can kill you.


7k TD huh? I'm sure you have a screenshot of this or a video to back up such a ridiculous claim? You do know that it is mitigated by armor, right? Not even in PvE using it on a boss with 0% Armor(love stacking armor debuffs) can it hit this hard.

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There's two ways to get ridiculous crits


- Stack all power/surge mods/enhancements, get full buffs, get expertise on every piece of gear, pop your power relic & expertise adrenal.


- Ignore surge on every piece of gear and stack as much power on all your gear, get full buffs, get expertise on every piece of gear, pop your power relic & surge adrenal. (Though, getting a set with 0 surge and enough power to make up for it might be impossible.)


I'm willing to be most classes can crit for 5k+ every single match using this formula.. Find yourself a light armor user if you have to.


A lot of people don't understand how much better expertise becomes when you have high power and surge so they still wear pve gear thinking it's good. PvE gear is only good for big hits classes who absolutely no matter what cannot hit for 5k with the exception of possibly a PvE weapon with an expertise crystal in it.


Now don't get me wrong... Stacking your gear like that may or may not be optimal.. but if you want to get that 5k crit, that's what you have to do.. BM in the five tier pieces (remodded for power in mod slots & power/surge in enhancement slots), take champion power pieces over BM crit pieces in belt, bracer, earpiece, implants slots.. BM Power relic as well as Champion Power Relic (so you have more opportunities to break that 5k mark).. Use power relic along with expertise power-up or adrenal.. Melt face..


If you have ever crit for over 5k w/o something like the Marauder buff, stacking your gear and cooldowns appropriately can result in getting that 5k crit EVERY match.


Granted, never critting while your cooldowns are up because you stacked all power and surge may be the one thing that could hold you back.


This game is raw, a lot of people just simply don't understand how to play it.. That's why a lot of people say something is rare when in actuality it's very easy to achieve, there's just not enough mainstream theorycrafting for the information to spread to the masses like in other MMO's.

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yes this spec is heavily broken and stupidly OP right now


all it takes to kill me is obviously the fire dot folowed by rocket punch and rail shot


i have 620 expertise 5k armor and 16400 hp.


rail shot hits me for more than half of my hp the fire dots are ticking anywere between 500 and 2k and rocket punch 2k to 5k


even tank spec powertechs in tank gear are still pulling off almost that.



and yes the detornator crits me for like 7k at the moment.



something needs to be done because its pathetic how it is now.


i dont even get chance to get a 2 second heal off before im dead, this is how quickly they can kill you.



Lmao... 2-5K punch? are you pulling these numbers out of your ***?


Lets assume EVERYTHING Crits... and fully trinketed and buffed...


900 crit incendiary round +400 crit ticks, 2.5K stock strike, 3.5K assault plastique and 5K railshot.


That's on a naked level 50.


Tell me 1 other class that can't do the same damage in 4 GCD's lol


edit:: Not to mention now you are completely out of ammo and have to autoshot...

Edited by pwnshoppe
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Lmao... 2-5K punch? are you pulling these numbers out of your ***?


Lets assume EVERYTHING Crits... and fully trinketed and buffed...


900 crit incendiary round +400 crit ticks, 2.5K stock strike, 3.5K assault plastique and 5K railshot.


Tell me 1 other class that can't do the same damage in 4 GCD's lol


Every class.

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Sounds like a l2p issue...


Well my class has to use two GCD's just to set up my 6k crits.. and the two GCD's might do a maximum of like 6k damage... So I'm at 12k in 3 GCD's... Maybe 16k after a Force Scream.. So I could come close I guess.

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I´m a Pyro PT in full bm gear (exept matrix cube). I have almost all of my armor pieces fully modded for power/surge (from the champion operative gloves :p). I had 1-2 5k+ rs crits (but that was against low expertise targets). Sometimes I crit for 4,4-4,6k against full bm players.


RS crits for 8k or TD for 7k seems to me like somebody cheated (seriously come on).

I have yet so see a Pyro PT Video with numbers like this. Like all good scientists - I want proof :). Can please someone show me a vid of this?


Don´t get me wrong, the burst dmg of the pyro tree has to be toned down somewhat.


No matter what anyone says on these forums, you people need to back it up with at least some evidence, otherwise it´s just a waste of time.

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Switching to tank stance and guarding? any pyro switching to ion gas will overheat like mad and do much less dmg, your obviously confusing tank hybrid with pyro so invalid


so what if they overheat? Many of them are the tank hybrid with a mix of pyro, which is making the class so versatile and interesting to me. But that's really besides the point. In regards to full Pyro, I've had the ones Im playing with that are full pyro swap to a stance and throw a guard if needed - whether it be for medals or to just maybe you know...actually use all your abilities and potential in the right areas? If it helps get through a **** storm, good players will use the tactic.


yes, they will do less damage. yes, they may overheat - but they can do it. I didn't say Pyro spec'd PTs switching to tank cylinder are lolwtfpwning people. Please don't put words in my mouth.


My only assumption is DPS spec'd Sorcs never use heals because they go OOM fast. At least on your server

Edited by Kiyoma
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Well my class has to use two GCD's just to set up my 6k crits.. and the two GCD's might do a maximum of like 6k damage... So I'm at 12k in 3 GCD's... Maybe 16k after a Force Scream.. So I could come close I guess.


thats already more than the 900 + 400 (tick) + 2.5K + 3.5K + 5K. = 12.5K


Keep in mind those are all crits against a target with no expertise.


now if we go out to 6 GCDs with the same assumption it's:


900 + 400 + 2.5K + 3.5K + 5K + 1.4K ion pulse + 5K railshot = 18K


chances of this happening are 33% crit on normal skills 48% crit on HIIB. 45% chance to refresh stock strike, 30% pulse


.33 * .33 * .33 * .48 * .33 * .48 * .30 = .08% chance

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hi folks!


im here to educate on a little known evil


you see pt pyro may be one of the least played builds in the game, however that doesnt change the absolute facerollness of the class!


why? instants.. and rail shot


why cast anything at all! or channel! gosh darn thats so annoying...


thermal detonator:

holy god i didnt need half my hp! good thing some friendly pt pyro was nice enough to toss this baby on me! (instant)


rail shot:

here we go


2/2 rail loaders: increases dmg of rail shot 6%


3/3 puncture : rail shot ignores 60% of the targets armor


2/2 superheated rail : rail shot ignores 30% of the targets armor and blah blah blah


3/3 rain of fire: blah blah blah and RAIL SHOT deal 9% more dmg to burning targets


2/2 firebug: increases the critical bonus dmg of blah blah blah and RAIL SHOT 30%



now RAIL SHOT is instant cast and on a short cooldown BUT WAIT!


3/3 prototype particle accelerator: flame burst (INSTANT AND SPAMMABLE) has a 30% chance and rocket punch (instant) has a 45% chance to reset the cd on rail shot and make it free!!!






thermal detontor (instant)

incendiary missile (instant)

lolrail shot (instant)

flame burst (instant)

rocket punch (insant)

lolrail shot again for the fk of it (instant)




did i miss anything?


rail shot WILL CRIT light armor wearer from 4-8k depending on gear/cooldowns



its instant and its cd can be easily refreshed




so can we leave sorcs alone for a bit?


a) you are a sorc that is losing it, because they have decided to nerf the hybrid spec (that everyone knew was op). You are NOT a PT/Vanguard and it tells us so in your own stupid sig...


b) PT/Vanguard rail shot can be completely shut down by the accuracy debuff from a marauder/sent (the other class you are campaigning to nerf 24/7). It is a RANGED attack, not a tech attack.


c) the Accuracy debuff from a sniper/slinger will make them miss HALF their rail shots/high impact bolt.


d) 8 k crits? That is the most laughable thing I have ever seen. First off it ignores 90 percent of armor, which means that almost everyone gets hit for the same. It is closer to 4 k with 5 k crits MAX with buffs stacked.


e) Thermal Detonator takes half your health? Are you pvping with 10 k health and zero expertise? What a joke. It will break your sorc shield if it crits. OMG NERF IT NOW!!!!!!!!


Go cry some more. I am not a Vanguard/Pt. I am a sentinel and I am laughing my butt off at your whole stupid post. Vanguard/Pt's can do as much dmg in a warzone as a sage/sorc. So you want them nerfed when they bring nowhere close to the utility? L O L.


Enjoy your nerfs. You will still be the best ranged class in the game when they nerf the hybrid spec. You will just have to actually learn to kite, use LOS, and throw out an occasional instant cast bubble on people to get the most out of the class. Boo hoo.

Edited by biowareftw
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my van is rakata/cent with champ gun, unless u catch me with no cd's and low on hp or in an area where i cannot pull or run to you, i will usually split my fights 50/50 with a sorc. that you think u can fight 2 vanguards and win shows me the level of competition you face on a regular basis.


sorcs are good, but they arent that good.


I face the best powertechs on my server an never get below half health maybe it's because im a WoW season 9 Gladiator and my win percentage is 98% in arena an that transitions well to swtor or maybe because i use my class to the best of its abilitys. All bow down

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As a BM Pyro Powertech, I had to LOL at all of your posts in this thread. Sounds to me like you keep getting owned and are crying about it.


Yes, we are one of the least played classes (probably next to Sniper). Yes, we can have some pretty crazy damage: 400K in a warzone is not uncommon. Yes, most of our abilities are instant cast. Yes, Rail Shot can ignore 90% of armor, refresh for free (via using other skills).


But no, Rail Shot will not melt 1/2 your health or crit for 8K. Ever. Even 5K is nearly impossible to get, I've only ever seen it once. Even BM geared, mine hit for around 4K if all the stars are aligned. I can slap 3 attacks on you that all proc at once and do nearly 8K damage, but that's not all coming from a single attack.


Our class is far from overpowered. If it were, there would be far more people playing Powertech.


If class X is OP, then many would be playing it is an invalid argument.


I will prove it to you...


When operatives and scoundrels were hitting people for 9 and 10k crits, there were very few of them around.

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