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Do you feel that there is just "something" that is missing?


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I would like to say that I adore SWTOR. in every aspect of the game its great. Its a themepark mmo and it delivers massively. It even attracted me to do pvp (i wasnt a fan of tabtargetting pvp)


But I do ask you people one question : Many sum up MMO's they have played and every familiar themepark mmo is there from the past & now.

SO you might expect that you would get more or less the same sort of gameplay... not?


I ask another thing. Since some people like this & that in an mmo. Why not try one of the niche mmo's out there? It doesnt attract million of players, but it can be good fun.

What you will lack in high end graphics you will get in terms of adaptivity / teamplay / creativity ... .


It just feels like you guys are playing Call Of Duty since the very first came out and every time complains that with every new Call Of Duty, nothing special is added or it is more of the same etc.. .


Its called "Genres" . If i play BF3 , I play it since its a great shooter. I dont expect BF3 to give me character improvement, reshaping the terrain, let me building a bunker for my squad etc... .


If you are a bit fed up with themepark mmo's and its playstyle, then you can look out for other mmo's outside the themepark genre.


just my two cents.

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Does anyone else feel that something is just plain missing from this game but its tough to put your finger on?


For me it's missing a relaxing time sink activity that I can engage in regardless the amount of time I have to play. Crafting comes kind of close but there's little character involvement. The companions do all the work apart from desynthesis.


What I'm looking for is something like fishing. I can go someplace, drop a line in the water, and chat with guildies or friends while I sit there killing time.


In many of the other MMOs that I've played I spent some time fishing whenever I just didn't feel like leveling or grouping that day but still wanted to get in the game and relax. I do enjoy killing mobs and occasionally other players but I don't find those activities all that relaxing really.

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I would like to say that I adore SWTOR. in every aspect of the game its great. Its a themepark mmo and it delivers massively. It even attracted me to do pvp (i wasnt a fan of tabtargetting pvp)


But I do ask you people one question : Many sum up MMO's they have played and every familiar themepark mmo is there from the past & now.

SO you might expect that you would get more or less the same sort of gameplay... not?


I ask another thing. Since some people like this & that in an mmo. Why not try one of the niche mmo's out there? It doesnt attract million of players, but it can be good fun.

What you will lack in high end graphics you will get in terms of adaptivity / teamplay / creativity ... .


It just feels like you guys are playing Call Of Duty since the very first came out and every time complains that with every new Call Of Duty, nothing special is added or it is more of the same etc.. .


Its called "Genres" . If i play BF3 , I play it since its a great shooter. I dont expect BF3 to give me character improvement, reshaping the terrain, let me building a bunker for my squad etc... .


If you are a bit fed up with themepark mmo's and its playstyle, then you can look out for other mmo's outside the themepark genre.


just my two cents.




You're a little off. 1st, themepark is not a genre, MMORPG's are. Themepark is just a term for how the core systems within a mmorpg are set up. I really believe that a lot of folks are venting, including myself, because, Bioware is selling a SPG with online functions as a mmorpg with a monthly subscription.


This game could have been so much more, but Bioware took the easy route and what we have now is a game that does not do the SW IP justice, my opinion only. Like i said before, they created KOTOR 3 thru 10 but not a true mmorpg.

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What's really missing is community.


Prime time on Hidden Beks and not a soul is doing HM flashpoints. Nobody bothers to talk to chat channels and there is 3 people online in my guild.


I'm a lvl 50 guardian and can't find a group because SW:TOR is anti-social.

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What's really missing is community.


Prime time on Hidden Beks and not a soul is doing HM flashpoints. Nobody bothers to talk to chat channels and there is 3 people online in my guild.


I'm a lvl 50 guardian and can't find a group because SW:TOR is anti-social.



The problem is, TOR has no social/community systems. The game has all those empty cantina's that would be perfect for socializing if the game has social professions that would let players interact with each other in out of combat activities. The game is all kill, kill, kill and nothing else. The planets are stale and lifeless and has zero exploration. There's so many things this game could of been or should of been, but it's not and that's the real shame of it all.

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The only guy I really remember was a guy named Skavik from the Smuggler story and when i finally did kill him it was like...was that it?


The whole game kind of feels like that...It seems like pretty much everything is a bit of a let down when it finally happens and maybe that is because the story aspect is so engaging that unless they made it so that you take down a world boss as the end of each quest it would pretty much always seem like a let down when you finally get to the end.


There needs to be way more epic moments where that moment is burned into your mind and there is really no need to look it up in the codex cause you lived it...there is none of that.


This I agree with alot,


I started the Game with a Jedi Knight, and the first 10 lvl's are truly epic, the race to get your first lightsaber is very well done, and makes the first 10 lvl's a real treat, instead of a chore, compare this with all the WoW starting areas which are quite frankly horrid and boring, with no coherent story and lots of boredom, SWTOR 1-10 beats any other game hands down.


But, what I found shocking was the fact that they did not continue this, it's almost as if they forgot that the very thing that made that 1-10 lightsaber race so good was the Lightsaber, ie the reward.


I fully expected 10-20 to be a race to get your first Jedi Robe, but instead the Game just throws Robes at you, tons of them, by the time you hit 30 you will have a bank full of the damn things,


This trivialises the reward structure and removes the epic feel from gaining items, it removes the "soul" of the game.


They did the same with lightsabers, when you complete the 1-10 race to get your first lightsaber, the lightsaber you get is an orange modable saber, if you then choose Sentinel as your advanced class the Game gives you another Saber, also orange modable, and thats all you need, you worked for them, you obtained them, they have meaning,


But then the Game decides to throw lightsabers at you, tons of them, just like the robes, and then your Lightsaber is trivialised, just like your robe, and it goes on, and on, nothing feels "special" anymore, because its duplicated and thrust in your face a million times over.


10-20 could of been so good, the race to get your first Robe, 20-30 could of been epic, a race to go save your first companion from certain DOOM, the possibilities are endless,


But instead it chooses to peter out, drift into aimless repetition, boredom.


So far I have -


lvl 33 dark side Senty

lvl 32 light side Senty

lvl 19 Jedi Guardian

lvl 18 Jedi Sage

lvl 20 ish, Sith Mara

lvl 27 Bounty Hunter


I dont think I am ever going hit 50 with any of those, I get to 30 ish, and I'm bored, because its drifted into endless repetition, with a story clutching on by its fingernails, desperate not to fall into the abyss of pointless killing, that plagues all MMO's, not just this one.


In a way its doing the complete reverse of WoW, in WoW 1-20 is painfull, the most boring load of tosh you will ever see in your life, but then it starts to pick up, slowly, but it does,


SWTOR does the complete reverse, 1-10 is epic and fast, 10-20 is good, but could of been even better, then it just loses the plot, feels like it cant be bothered anymore, it just sends you on your way, "go kill 20 of them, and come back whenever you like"


Reward, call it whatever you like, carrot on a stick,


But the Reward has to maintain its status, otherwise its just another item, clogging up bank space, without meaning, without soul.


BIG rant over, sorry

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I am in the process of leveling to 50 but I feel all alone in the world. Every now and again I see another player outside of the spaceport. I have given up on trying to get a group for a flash point as I am not a tank or healer and don’t want to spend all day spamming in general to find the group. I am in a guild that is doing endgame content but I am not there yet. I really enjoy the flashpoints I have entered and wish there was a better LFG system.
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This I agree with alot,


I started the Game with a Jedi Knight, and the first 10 lvl's are truly epic, the race to get your first lightsaber is very well done, and makes the first 10 lvl's a real treat, instead of a chore, compare this with all the WoW starting areas which are quite frankly horrid and boring, with no coherent story and lots of boredom, SWTOR 1-10 beats any other game hands down.


But, what I found shocking was the fact that they did not continue this, it's almost as if they forgot that the very thing that made that 1-10 lightsaber race so good was the Lightsaber, ie the reward.


I fully expected 10-20 to be a race to get your first Jedi Robe, but instead the Game just throws Robes at you, tons of them, by the time you hit 30 you will have a bank full of the damn things,


This trivialises the reward structure and removes the epic feel from gaining items, it removes the "soul" of the game.


They did the same with lightsabers, when you complete the 1-10 race to get your first lightsaber, the lightsaber you get is an orange modable saber, if you then choose Sentinel as your advanced class the Game gives you another Saber, also orange modable, and thats all you need, you worked for them, you obtained them, they have meaning,


But then the Game decides to throw lightsabers at you, tons of them, just like the robes, and then your Lightsaber is trivialised, just like your robe, and it goes on, and on, nothing feels "special" anymore, because its duplicated and thrust in your face a million times over.


10-20 could of been so good, the race to get your first Robe, 20-30 could of been epic, a race to go save your first companion from certain DOOM, the possibilities are endless,


But instead it chooses to peter out, drift into aimless repetition, boredom.


So far I have -


lvl 33 dark side Senty

lvl 32 light side Senty

lvl 19 Jedi Guardian

lvl 18 Jedi Sage

lvl 20 ish, Sith Mara

lvl 27 Bounty Hunter


I dont think I am ever going hit 50 with any of those, I get to 30 ish, and I'm bored, because its drifted into endless repetition, with a story clutching on by its fingernails, desperate not to fall into the abyss of pointless killing, that plagues all MMO's, not just this one.


In a way its doing the complete reverse of WoW, in WoW 1-20 is painfull, the most boring load of tosh you will ever see in your life, but then it starts to pick up, slowly, but it does,


SWTOR does the complete reverse, 1-10 is epic and fast, 10-20 is good, but could of been even better, then it just loses the plot, feels like it cant be bothered anymore, it just sends you on your way, "go kill 20 of them, and come back whenever you like"


Reward, call it whatever you like, carrot on a stick,


But the Reward has to maintain its status, otherwise its just another item, clogging up bank space, without meaning, without soul.


BIG rant over, sorry


You are missing some of the best planets and stories in the game.


Voss...need I say more?

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i see a lot of people completely trashing this game....Forum Trolling running wild here. The game has been out for what 3 and a half months and everyone expects it to have the same amount of content as every other MMO that has years under it's belt. Take it easy ladies...all this stuff you want comes with time and you know it. I for one don't feel this game is missing anything. It has also released more content in 3-4 months than other MMO's out there. Relax roll another one and get your game on.


I think you miss the poiunt by a country mile... I dont think the majority of people who have posted here are asking for content.. they are seeking something to immerse them, give them an interest... contnet doesnt suddenly make this game look and feel more vibrant...


Dont get me wrong, I am liking the game for where I am in it at present, but that interest, that desire to continue on and support it past cap is definately waning... I have been in game for about 2 hrs and so far I have seen 1 person in Nar Shaddaa, no grps, no banter, and I wander around a lifeless planet killing endless respawns in the same places... its just not interesting.

Story and voice overs only take this game so far.. sure they can and have produced content, fixed bugs, exploits, tried to improve FPS.. and for that I whole heartedly raise a glass to them... but everytime I log in at the moment I am met with.... emptyness not lack of content

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Ah yes...the time-worn "something missing, but I can't put my finger on it" complaint. A nifty rhetorical trick to generate malaise toward the subject without actually stating a concrete detail to be discussed. You see this, or a form of it, in politics all the time.


I've seen this same 'complaint' used in MMO forums since at least SWG launched.


It's twin sibling is "X game lacks soul". Nobody can ever define what soul is, but they're dam sure X game lacks it.



It's all a bunch of bullpucky.

Edited by Cerion
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Completely agree with this thread. The game is just sooo repetitive. It's just non-stop questing on a story line that is not engaging what-so-ever. And yes, doesn't help that you have next to no interaction with other users.
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You're a little off. 1st, themepark is not a genre, MMORPG's are. Themepark is just a term for how the core systems within a mmorpg are set up. I really believe that a lot of folks are venting, including myself, because, Bioware is selling a SPG with online functions as a mmorpg with a monthly subscription.


This game could have been so much more, but Bioware took the easy route and what we have now is a game that does not do the SW IP justice, my opinion only. Like i said before, they created KOTOR 3 thru 10 but not a true mmorpg.


I don't feel he's off. He's saying that this style of game may not appeal to everyone, and that's OK. I've read the posts of "it's no a true MMO" or "it's just KoTOR 3 online." That may be true, but an objective statement doesn't necessitate an opinion.


I can say an apple tastes like an onion. If you like the taste of onions and don't like apples, that's probably a good thing. I loved PSO and Diablo II. Those were single player games with online components. Granted, they weren't billed and sold as MMOs, but u til the FCC or FTC regulates what qualifies as an MMO, it's subjective semantics.


It boils down to this: some people like some things, and other people like other things. There are lots of MMOs out there. If you don't like this one, no big deal.


I promise you a $50 - $150 purchase on a video game you don't like won't be the last time you put down money on something you hate, nor will it be the most expensive.

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Ah yes...the time-worn "something missing, but I can't put my finger on it" complaint. A nifty rhetorical trick to generate malaise toward the subject without actually stating a concrete detail to be discussed.


I've seen this same 'complaint' used in MMO forums since at least SWG launched.


It's twin sibling is "X game lacks soul". Nobody can ever define what soul is, but they're dam sure X game lacks it.



It's all a bunch of bullpucky.



When people take about " x game lacks soul" it's what makes a game immersive and the feeling of being part of world rather than just an avatar.


SW:TOR while fun lacks atmosphere, community spirit and immersion that other MMOs currently have.


Take the "MMO that can't be named" and the worlds feel alive while most of the planets on SW:TOR have no real feeling of them being lived on etc.


SW:TOR lacks many things which are important to keeping communities together.

Edited by EzoEo
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Its called "Genres" . If i play BF3 , I play it since its a great shooter. I dont expect BF3 to give me character improvement, reshaping the terrain, let me building a bunker for my squad etc... .


If you are a bit fed up with themepark mmo's and its playstyle, then you can look out for other mmo's outside the themepark genre.


just my two cents.


So just curious here... why do think people rush out and buy lets say, COD 2 or Guild Wars 2 etc... you think its cos they expect something maybe a bit newer, better, action, improved content features etc etc... OR do you think they want to buy it cos its the same as COD1 etc... cmon talk sense... I dont think anyone here is expecting miraculous change from 1 thing to the other, but when the game is hyped as much as it was, with the apparent budget it had thrown at it and then be presented with an MMO which in all honesty isnt an MMO, and lacks even the most basic features that games 6-7 yrs ago already had in place, coupled with the lack of any real social aspect to the game... I think the Genre has taken a step backwards, forget evolving... yes sure it may come in good time, but they have had years to consider competitors and their products but seem to have failed to grasp the contents within the Genre itself... in fact tbh why even try to market the game into the MMO genre at all...


And then we come back to the real question.. what's missing... content aside... its empty and as others have said - souless.. at least thats how its beginning to feel to me and I ahve purposely avoided leveling my toons to quickly, having seen what can happen when you rush to end game to quickly in a new game... I never expected endgame to be polished or even complete but what I did expect was something that draws me into playing, the immersion in every planet, the player interaction, some grind, some lvling fun, some PVP, some auction selling... gees I just looked at the GTN on my world.. I wold hazard a guess over 70% of whats being sold is actually mine....

But aside from those issues the world themselves offer no life its just an empty space in most places, filled with some high (oops low / medium) res imaging


I have been playing MMO's for years, many from early BETA and yeah story wise this game rocks but it only takes you so far...

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Personally, I blame advanced quest tracker. It needs to go away, forever. I realize now that it's a feature I can easily find out during beta if it's being used, and avoid any game using it.


So far, just about all the quests I've been on the mobs have been in groups of 3 or 4. Really? Enemies are always grouped together like this? Please....
The cookie cutter packs really wear thin after awhile.


The only thing we were wrong on was the companion system, its actually pretty cool and is revolutionary in the genre
It's exactly the kind of thing Blizzard will copy and improve upon; companions are wasted on crafting, and the companion side of crafting feels empty.


I have been playing MMO's for years, many from early BETA and yeah story wise this game rocks but it only takes you so far...
There's a near total disconnect between the highly overrated story and the actual game world. Edited by Ansultares
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I don't feel he's off. He's saying that this style of game may not appeal to everyone, and that's OK. I've read the posts of "it's no a true MMO" or "it's just KoTOR 3 online." That may be true, but an objective statement doesn't necessitate an opinion.


I can say an apple tastes like an onion. If you like the taste of onions and don't like apples, that's probably a good thing. I loved PSO and Diablo II. Those were single player games with online components. Granted, they weren't billed and sold as MMOs, but u til the FCC or FTC regulates what qualifies as an MMO, it's subjective semantics.


It boils down to this: some people like some things, and other people like other things. There are lots of MMOs out there. If you don't like this one, no big deal.


I promise you a $50 - $150 purchase on a video game you don't like won't be the last time you put down money on something you hate, nor will it be the most expensive.




Look at it this way. A Ferrari, has tires, windows, brakes and headlights, those are standard, but the core component that makes that car, is it's engine. i can look at a Yugo and it too has the standards, but you can never mistake the engine with that of a Ferrari. Bioware not only left out the most basic features of an mmo, they had a unique opportunity and the financial resources to have that Ferrari engine, but instead chose a the Yugo one.


Everyone has differing opinions, and the themepark vs sandbox will rage on until the end of time. The problem with this game however, is that they said the game would land somewhere in the middle between those two playstyles and it doesn't. It actually brings themepark playstyle and on rails to a whole other level and not in a good way.

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When people take about " x game lacks soul" it's what makes a game immersive and the feeling of being part of world rather than just an avatar.


SW:TOR while fun lacks atmosphere, community spirit and immersion that other MMOs currently have.


Take the "MMO that can't be named" and the worlds feel alive while most of the planets on SW:TOR have no real feeling of them being lived on etc.


SW:TOR lacks many things which are important to keeping communities together.



That is YOUR definition of soul. I've seen it given many other definitions.


SWTOR is immersive to me. I think it is one of the best renditions of a Star Wars universe (barring the compromises necessary for an MMO). I find it full of atmosphere. As far as the community goes, however, I find it one of the worst I've ever experienced.


WoW feel alive? LOL. It feels nothing like that to me. Not even close.

Edited by Cerion
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To add to my earlier (above) statements, prevalent red shields undermine the sense of exploration. The game has pretty much been going downhill for me since the first time I fought my way to a structure in the distance, only to find every single entrance red shielded (a condition unfortunately afflicting most interesting entranceways, and sadly protecting most interesting content).


Ah yes...the time-worn "something missing, but I can't put my finger on it" complaint. A nifty rhetorical trick to generate malaise toward the subject without actually stating a concrete detail to be discussed. You see this, or a form of it, in politics all the time.
I've read some specific and detailed complaints in this thread. Unless by "specific and detailed" you mean something like 24+ copies of the same human male NPC populating Mos Ila (out of ~50 overall non-hostile, non-vendor NPCs), but I guess you just appreciate more than I do that these 24+ copies engage in TWO completely different repeating emotes (~18 of one, and ~6 of the other). Edited by Ansultares
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That is YOUR definition of soul. I've seen it given many other definitions.


SWTOR is immersive to me. I think it is one of the best renditions of a Star Wars universe (barring the compromises necessary for an MMO). I find it full of atmosphere. As far as the community goes, however, I find it one of the worst I've ever experienced.


WoW feel alive? LOL. It feels nothing like that to me. Not even close.


So what is your definition of soul when it comes to MMOs ?



The saying that something is "the heart and soul" of a game refers to what drives it, what gives the game atmosphere and a feeling the worlds being lived in.


You can quest your way through the planets and there is day/night cycle, no weather patterns and no back ground music to add immersion.


I dislike WoW as much anyone but the game is immersive.


SW:TOR is a good rendition of the Bioware's KOTOR universe but it really takes more than lightsabers to make it Star Wars.


There is only many times you can listen to the same cantina music on every planet.

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I think many of you are very experienced gamers who have been raiding extensively, and overall a lot of the game processes are simply not new to you


No doubt the first few mmos you really got into and raided had a "soul"


I know for me it was Everquest 1 and then WOW for years (tho I tried most of the others)


This game does appeal to people who want to take their time, explore all the story lines on both factions and do all the trades.


I have not managed yet to get into an end game guild but hopefully that will come in 6 weeks or so when most of the aussies transfer to the Oceanic servers


One thing I have noticed - that SWTOR seems to have attracted a huge crosssection of players - people who have never played mmos before to people who have been raiding pretty hardcore for years


As has been said - there seems to a lack of community feeling compared to (for example - Rift and WOW) other games I have played, but hopefully, over time this may improve

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To add to my earlier (above) statements, prevalent red shields undermine the sense of exploration. The game has pretty much been going downhill for me since the first time I fought my way to a structure in the distance, only to find every single entrance red shielded (a condition unfortunately afflicting most interesting entranceways, and sadly protecting most interesting content).


Would you feel better if instead of "red shields" barring your way the structure simply had its blast doors down and no discernable way to get inside?

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