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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Yes, I will keep my three month resub going and then at the 6 month mark, make a decision.


I still have so much to do. I haven't hit 50 on any character yet, I want to see all my companion stories, I would like to reach max level crafting, and perhaps dip my toes into PvP a bit. Then I have the Republic side to check out. My plate is very full and thank goodness that I'm such a casual player that it will take me a long time to do this.


Once I do hit 50 though and feel like I have a complete character, the thing that will keep me is having ample things to do at 50 aside from raiding or repetitive daily quests. Other games have been great with the fluff----housing, mini games like fishing, collections, gambling, etc. If all there is is grinding for gear, I get quickly very, very bored. It is fun chasing other achievements and a game like WoW, LoTR, EQ2 did those very well. Heck, in WoW I chased my Loremaster title for many months and had a grand old time in the process. Frankly, I find SWTOR a bit lacking in this department and I hope this is remedied down the road.

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I made this in general in its own thread and Bioware was so threatened they closed it.

This is my reason to not continue to play.



Hmmmm....when does GW2 come out?


If some things arent done to this game by then, I will consider leaving. I currently lead a guild of around 130 people (not characters) and sadly I will hand the reigns of this guild of great people over to one of my qualified officers.


There is much that this game needs. I shall post them once more here, and that is the end as I feel out posts and/or tickets really mean nothing to the developers. All we get is copy/paste responses to the tickets and rarely ever get a response in these forums, so, hence I feel that we are ignored. Especially when they dont implement anything we suggest or fix any issues we bring to their attention, as far back as beta.



A. Bugs

1. DAILY BUGS. There are so many bugs. First thing I do when I get to Ilum to do my dailies? I "/1 is defend the shipment and sabotage broken yet?" Those quests work for about a day and then dont. Since I hit 50 on my main, I have done dailies almost every day for 2 months. So even figuring 45 days, I lost out on a potential 45-90 commendations as well as 450,000 - 900,000 credits. But it isnt just those bugs....


2. End game operations bugs. Do I really need to go into details about Soa. Some bugs have been fixed, but just a few days ago, I get grabbed, thrown around the room and land on a non-existant floor only to be stuck on the bottom while the rest of my guild has to 7-man him.


3. Open world bugs. I remember one in particular where the goal of the mission was to give this gormak technician a cold by swinging my lightsaber in his face. No, wait! That is what happened, not the mission objective. I was in his face, and it kept saying out of range.


4. Graphical bugs. things like riding around on invisible speeder, or standing up on the speeder so it looks like I am running really fast with two cardboard cut outs of the speeder on either side of me. But more annoyingly, how about the BH Double-tap from hell?


So to conclude bugs, people say the game is still new. 3 months? No, it is not new. Imagine if a car company pulled this with new cars coming out every year. And besides, they were aware of a lot of these bugs in EARLY beta.


Its been said that no MMO comes out bug free. Not true. Guild Wars launched with practically NO bugs because they waited until they were ready with it and not try to get a holiday rush on sales. They wont even give a date for GW2 because they said it will release it when it is ready.


And SquareEnix knows what happens with a game that is bugged to hell. FF14 has been out a while now, but is free to play CURRENTLY because of all the bug issues in their engine and have stated it will remain free to play until they do get it working as intended.


So, IMHO (Flame away if you want, its still legal to have opinions in this country, I think) these issues alone are inexcusable and reason enough to not continue playing.




1. It seems to me that the development teams are uneven. PVP receives MORE attention than any other issues which should not be the case. More fixes get released for PvP than they do for bugs.

2. I play on a PvE server. I think MOST of the servers are PvE. The focus should be more on PvE issues than PvP.

3. Warzones are a complete joke. They are either unbalanced or bugged. I cant count the times I was stuck in a room and get kicked to fleet or unable to get on a non-existant speeder and kicked to fleet. Oh, and how about the kicks to character select screen?

4. "Any Ops Groups?" - GOD! I am SICK of seeing that on Ilum constantly. Put in a damn auto join feature at one of the bases!

5. If Bioware wants to focus so much on PvP, then sell the damn game to the Koreans as they are PvP game specialist


Again, in conclusion, these are my honest opinions. Flame away and show your inability to respect a persons opinions.




1. Sure, they can be difficult, I have no problem with that. But some of them, the slightest lag and you cant make that jump right.

2. How about those datacrons that wont work? Like the yellow shard on Ilum that is bugged, or the one on Nar where you have to ride the kiosk, get there and NO datacron there???

3. More MMO-like and Less Prince of Persia-like. If I want to jump around on the screen all day, then can I at least get a night elf skin?


A minor reason, but a reason none the less.



Story Faults

1. BH - Republics Most Wanted. Yet there is a quest on Voss where someone honestly believes I am trying to defect?

2. SI - Thanaton. I have to kill him where? Why cant I just aim my "Silencer" weapon on one of my destroyers at the building and destroy it? I win the Kaggath. Or what about all the allies I gathered? He can have his allies attack me but I cant send mine after him?

3. Quinn - A betrayer. Would a dark side sith REALLY keep this guy around?


Its things like this that make me stop reading a novel. It just doesnt make any sense!



Quest Balance

1. Sith Inquisitor - How many of these class quests have I or other guild members begged for help. They are not Heroic 2. They are solo missions. Even in the Thanaton fights, I was 50, geared to holy high hell with daily stuff earned from Belsavis and I still cant beat him solo? If it cant be solo'd then it needs to be marked as a group quest! And a lot of the SI quests are this way.

2. Avatar of Sal Macor - Done this on several toons now, and EACH one needed help. Everyone in my guild has needed help and everyone in /1 seems to need help. Yet this is not a Heroic 2? I cant count the number of times I have helped people with this one. I have also put in tickets about the balance of this one EACH time. I guess THEY refuse to check into it, otherwise people wouldnt beg for help every time.

3. Heroics after belsavis, most people skip em. Why? Cant find a group. No one wants to do them as they get harder and harder and all you get is a lousy t-shirt reward for all the effort.




1. Every time someone finds a way to make a decent amount of credits for the effort put forth, Bioware nips it in the bud. And I am not talking about exploits, but legitimate ways to get these credits using what THEY placed in game. I am just waiting for them to figure out how to shut down those 30-min BP runs that net 65K credits.

2. Money Sinks? What joke. Those that have millions wont blink an eye. Those that are broke are being forced to work even harder to get those new fancy things on sale! really makes RMT tempting to some people. I think I got a mail in-game today on a place that sells credits cheap.

3. Future Economy Issue - I have run into many people waiting to be able to extract base mods from tier gear. What are they doing? Saving every credit they can and spending very little. It will cost 70-100K an item to extract all the mods and put into the gear you want. So there is a bunch of credits collecting dust and not being used to fund crafters. Maybe if those tables actually reduced costs of moving mods??? Check it out, they dont do anything your ctrl+click doesnt do.

4. How much money is sunk into repairs? I have to do dailies, as do many people, every day in order to pay for Op and HM repairs.




1. I miss DAoC. After you get a maxed level character, your alts all started off at level 20. Made the grind to where it wasnt so bad. After you hit 50 and make a new toon, you are everyone's errand boy again. Do I really want to do all of taris again? I am working on my 3rd toon and I am sick of the same things over and over. At least with the other game you had 3 different parts of the world to level up in.

2. PvP grinding? ROFL! Yeah, if you can win, or if you can get something other than huttball.

3. Space grinding? Yeah, when they work. This week the timing on them have been off. Like the shuttle spawning 30 sec into the mission and then you can shoot? How about flying right through a Republic battle ship or an asteroid? Yeah, my truck has better timing and it is 21 years old!

4. Needs to have a system implemented where if you make an alt, all you need to do is you class missions and maybe the planets MAIN mission. All this side quest stuff needs to be side quests. You cannot level my class mission alone.



End Game

1. What am I to do each day? Dailies and hope they work. I tell you, Unintended Consequences is Cursed, but the devs wont listen. How boring is it to do the SAME quests every single day because I NEED those credits to raid and pay for repairs?

2. Hard Modes are getting boring. How many times do I have to run BT until I can finally get my bracers? Even when I am the only one of my class, it drops for other classes. Guess I gotta wait another day! I ran Foundry around 20 times and never get my columi piece, had to use comms to do it. And how many times did that damn IA item drop and there wasnt one in the group? Its insane. Perhaps allow us to run it more than once a day, or how about a token ANYONE can use? Gratz to the high roller!

3. Ops. Destined Loot? Really? Know how many times our new 50s could've used a piece that someone who already has them has gotten?

4. Hmmm...what to do.......hmmm............



Customer Service

1. Dont know the number of times I get a copy/pasted response to a ticket that is irrelevant to the issue at hand!

2. How about tickets where they close them saying I didnt provide enough info? Report a Soa bug and I get asked things like, What companion did I have out? Seriously? Or, What planet were you on? Again....Soa was the issue, what planet do you THINK I am on? Anyone with an IQ over 60? How about people who PLAY the game? is that possible?

3. Response times. A simple issue just a week ago took them over 48 hours to respond to! What??? Are so many people quitting the game that you cant get enough CSR to handle issues.

4. CSR apparently have no power. Because of a bug, a guildie was unable to get his FE HM loot, his chest piece. I grabbed the item and we both put in tickets to get the item transfered to him as he earned it. The CSR said they were unable to transfer the item from my bag to his bag. Seriously? The CSR in that other game do it all the time. How about just delete mine and give him one? Nope, not within their ability. So, what CAN you do?




There are things I love about the game, and quite a few of them. Are they enough to make me keep paying $15 a month? Unfortunately, no. What is my alternative? Pokemon and Pandas? I will pass and hope I can wait this out.


SO, there are my reasons to quit. I am waiting for GW2 to come out and will try it for a bit before I make my final decisions. I am not sure when that will be, so I am not sure when I will quit this game. But the Devs have until then to improve this game experience before they lose not only my subscription, but that of my wife and several other friends both IRL and In-game.


And now everyone can flame away (And this means you, Fanbois) and not respect a persons opinion. The Mods can lock or delete this, but I think Obama has yet to take away our right to speak. All I know is I am done putting in tickets and done putting up posts. They do no good. The devs dont read them and if they do, they never respond. I love Bioware games, but this experience has been a big let-down.

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I posted earlier on this thread saying that I was staying but that I was logging less and less because the game simply does not make me feel immersed in the SW world at endgame and I am just going through the motions of the dailies without enjoying it.


I said that endgame content has no effect whatsoever on the game world and that I would have enjoyed open world PVP involving the control of areas/planets and player cities/bases which would have made me stay for the long haul.


After writing this post. I have come to the conclusion that it makes no sense for me to keep suscribing just to wait for this type of content. I just unsubbed but will keep following the game. Hopefully, BW will make changes that add more endgame open world/sandbox content. I would come back for that.

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Its been said that no MMO comes out bug free. Not true. Guild Wars launched with practically NO bugs because they waited until they were ready with it and not try to get a holiday rush on sales. They wont even give a date for GW2 because they said it will release it when it is ready.


I am a long standing fan of Guild Wars but the first GW was NOT a MMO. So your comparison is not correct. Also I'd like to point out that I played GW for 6 years and I do remember there being bugs. Not as many for sure, but there were bugs.


Quest Balance

1. Sith Inquisitor - How many of these class quests have I or other guild members begged for help. They are not Heroic 2. They are solo missions. Even in the Thanaton fights, I was 50, geared to holy high hell with daily stuff earned from Belsavis and I still cant beat him solo? If it cant be solo'd then it needs to be marked as a group quest! And a lot of the SI quests are this way.


My main is a sith inquisitor. It was my first character and had no guild when leveling. I did everything myself. There was one boss on Voss that I needed to do about 7 times before I figured out how to do that fight right. I won....alone with my companion.


It's all about understanding the importance of interrupts and not standing in aoe damage. That's it. And of course being decently geared.


I beat Thanaton without the dailies stuff. Without help. Didn't even use stims or anything like that. My conclusion can only be that you make tactical mistakes and have not figured out how to do it right yet.


As I said, only the end boss on Voss was tough. Everything else was done no problem, without help.




I also will play GW2, but I will not unsub SWTOR unless I would be totally bored with it. So far that hasn't happened for me.


Listen, I understand that there are issues in this game. I do not deny that at all, but I also think that people often exaggerate the problems and blame the game for their own shortcomings. If you can't beat Thanaton while being geared better than I was when I did it, obviously your tactics are flawed. Not the game's fault. Sorry.

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PVE vs PVP QQing is getting old.

Gearing is old.

SI: Mine beat Thanaton so what's the problem?

Whining about balance: never will satisfy anyone; this is getting really old.

Not enough HPs, getting old.

Don't give healers MVP is really annoying. Give MVP to whomever you believe deserves it.

Trade killing is silly.

Forums, just like in every other game, are really getting depressing.

Long, semi-long PVP waiting is getting old.


I hear a lot of talk about guild benefits in every game, yet guilds are still reporting losing lots of players. Epeening, lack of epeen, this is better than that so you better get this over that (changes with players--one person swears on one this and another on that this), game is like that game, no it's not it's better/worse, prices: too high/too low/what do you mean now it's being given away after (I/we) worked/kill traded so hard for so long, use this rotation, no no use that rotation, no no no click it, no don't click it, faceroll:no use tactics, no use skill, no use better gear, no use a buff then go afk and wait until a sure win is, find a better guild, no no make your own guild, wait someone's hacking, no it isn't hacking it's an ability, L2P, QQ and qq so more, go to another server, no merge servers, no less pvp, no more pvp and less rp, [pass the aspirin], wait for next patch, no next patch is nerfing [insert whatever], I'll wait, I'm gone, I'm back from [insert whatever], people give up and play in their underwear, people stand around saying, "I'm bored", hardcore is pvpv, no hardcore is pve, no hardcore is rp, no no it's who has the most money, no it's who has the best itmes, no it's about this toon over that toon, wow it just goes on and on....


It's all getting old. This is what MMOs have become.


Cure: Just find something you like doing and do it; if you don't like [whatever] leave; bickering about it won't help. Suggestion threads are where suggestions for improvements need to be, not qqiing in general or other places. Generally, it's the community that will determine staying decisions, not game play so much. Games will always have bugs, report them and hope they get addressed [is that chest bug on Ilum fixed yet?]. A new game is like the first year of marriage, things come up but get worked out, or you split up.


Best case: don't let someone else determine how you play or encrouch upon your enjoyment.


Reality: Have a cookie and play. [/clubdance] :D

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I think I will unsub this month. I enjoy the leveling experience, but the only engaging part of it is the class story lines. I'm on my third character (I like to level 1 at at time) and I'm finding that I don't have the same urge to login. I tried one of my other level 50's in Ilum yesterday to see if I just needed to shake things up a little bit. That didn't help. The end game just isn't satisfying and I seem to be losing interest in leveling an alt. I'll take off some time and come back to TOR in the summer or next fall.
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I might re-subscribe after 1.2 comes out to see the new legacy system and what it means for possible alts... Other than that... Nope...


I've been so used to having 100% uptime on WoW that I can't stand the downtime on SWTOR...


Yes, I know, WoW has been out for 8 years and thus has a lot more to do... But I am referring to 85 content... I just can't stand the constant standing around of SWTOR... In SWTOR, I log in on Tuesday, clear the entirety of both raids in nightmare/hardmode (mix)... Now what? Level skills that are useless and literally give me nothing worth anything? Do dailies that are equally useless since getting my Rakata implants/ear? PvP which I have done a metric asston of already to the point where I am at level 54 valor and have grinded myself into hating the three available warzones... Flashpoints? Useless. Not to mention hard to group for since everyone has quit my damn server.


While on WoW... Dungeons? They provide end-game currency not to mention a rare bag since I am a tank... Raid finder? Provides end-game currency, gear for some of those off spots I haven't upgraded yet... Actual raids, both hard and normal - with actual difficulty in the hard modes that give us some trouble and require actual effort... While queing for any of this, yes QUEING, I can go do dailies, quest, work on professions that are actually profitable/useful, etc... Lots of battlegrounds, arenas, and yes... 7 years worth of old content to experience if you haven't yet.

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I unsubbed last week. My main character is stuck on a really low pop server making it near impossible to do any group content. I like the game but I don't have the time or patience to "just reroll" and it looks like Bioware has nothing planned to fix low pop servers in the near future.
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To be honest, this game I've found is better then WoW, even at the point it is now. I will stay subscribed and will be subscribed until the day this game dies. The game is worthy of support, more so then any other MMO I've ever been part of, and I've been part of alot. Age of Conan, WoW, LOTRO, DDO, Global Agenda, COH/COV, Champions, DCU... Each one had its pros and cons but honestly, they are incapable of a good storyline. So long as this game gives us a strong story line, I will support it, and fortunately? Thats what Bioware Specializes in.


Its a shame people will quit before the game even gets a good chunk of its content, but eh, their loss.

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at this point in time i would say no.


who knows what the future will bring, but at this point i find myself doing things other than logging in such as watching movies or tv shows.


im not going to keep paying 15$ a month if im not really playing the game.

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I'll keep my sib until something new comes along. Doubtful on Tera but Secret World looks worthy of a try.


Right now i only log in twice a week for raid night. I do some alts but get bored pretty quick.


Mostly I'm still here because its Star Wars and there isn't much competition for the scifi genre.

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as much as i love my smuggler, im going to wait until the game is finished (or at least up to par with other MMOs) before i resub.


I started playing Global Agenda (f2p, or $20 purchase) and i have been having a blast. Too bad Bioware decided to copy WoW and not Global Agenda.

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Yes, I am keeping my sub. My guild and I are still having fun. Until that changes, there is no reason to drop it. My main is a 50 jugg tank. I am full Columni some rekatta. I dont do pvp much but still have full champion. Recently, I began working on an alt SA Tank. Having fun with that.
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I think an equally important questiin is: Are you recommending SWTOR to your friends?


The last couple months I'd usually plug SWTOR whenever my friends got together but now I don't. Which is odd since the recruit a friend just came out. I had a hard time finding just one person that wanted the trial invite.

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I subscribe in 6 month blocks.


I will re-sub once my current 180 days runs out.




Because even though I am inactive at the moment, I believe in the game. I have been a part of the game development since November of '11 and was in testing starting with the MagID Squadron 14-610, and continued through the end of testing.


The changes I see coming for 1.2 give me great hope. And until that hope and belief runs out, they have my sub money.






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Probably not. This game, for it's leveling fun, caters to a different gaming group. =/ Story (for Jedi Knight) was fun and kept me going, but the replay value lacks the draw the first character had and I find myself getting bored and logging off my alts after an hour. PvP at end game is meh, I've always preferred world PvP to instanced and the last patch (instead of fixing Ilum) took the large majority of the players from the World PvP sections.


I'll be keeping an eye on it, but I don't have much hope at this point. =/ Maybe something will excite me enough to give it a try again later. Never know. /shrug

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I play every day, and I've not capped a single toon yet. I skip nothing, take my time, and currently have 6 characters between 20 and 50.


Once I have completed ALL 8 class stories, have every profession maxed out on at least one

character, and then completed the endgame content, then I will think about quitting.


I don't understand people who quit the game without having seen so much content.


I don't do that. I tryed and I can't. I cannot justify paying 15$ per month for a single player game.

What is the subscription fee to you exactly? The right to play the game?

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