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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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Bad players need the gear crutch.


Good guilds won't care about the gear.


The whine from so called 'good players' is ridiculous.


Competitive pvp is a good thing.


How is the gear a crutch? Everyone has access to it and can get it. So from the sounds of it, you don't like the fact that some people worked for their gear, and you didn't.

Edited by deltaminus
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Lets not forget that the people who complain and wants pvp to be equal are the ones who would never achieve high ratings (and still play 24/7). My guess is that these people are afraid there will be some level of gear not available to them and it makes them sad. Also they use this as a counterargument to why they don't succeed. Because some people have better gear.....


Lets put it like this. If you're in a job and you and your collegue is paid the same amount of money, and you're working hard and he's just lying on the floor drooling in his own vomit. Is that fair? Does it make you want to work hard? No, and thats how PvP in swtor is.


We don't complain because we work hard and get nothing special for it. We complain because all the **** players get the same as we do and they do absolutely nothing for it. It wasn't always like this, but then **** players became the majority and the companies had to cater for them, thus... here we are. Money talks !


Oh my god, what an argument. In this game PVP so far has been nothing, realy. If you pvp'd from the get go, well done. You got to BM by farming lowbies with no exp gear prior to the 50's only WZ. You/we have not worked for anything yet.


With 1.2 then you get to start working. You get titles, you get rankings and your still going to get gear. Sup you worried that secretly you wanted OP pvp gear and be able to crossover to PVE world with it from time to time? Now you can't you worried?


How's that skill?. Crying that people who are only now taking up PvP still in the low 30s val may, just may get to bm and then get on the grind for Bm comms/boxes. They will still have to put effort into it. If they have been casual until now, there still going to be casual. There not going to ding warhero overnight.


1.2 will hit before many if any of em get decent gear, so don't be afraid, you still got time to farm the undergeared scrubs.


Its a digital game, name me one real life game, football, baseball or other where what gear your wearing makes much if any difference, and if it did, the next game you dont think the opposite team wont wear it?

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who said anything about capitilism, capitilism is good! however its the greedy bankers who make it crony capitilism, which is what america is in ATM. lol please, Im 100% for capitilism because it benefits the whole country, its just CRONY CAPITILIST DO NOT! which is what america is in.


When capitalism rips your entire entinity into the vast bowels off hell you wont love it so much.


i love a "communist" game because it helps me have fun and not debilitate my life by trying to get a damned piece of gear.


PS ( most of those crybabies,cant do much without their flashing epic gear )

when a decent player gains the EQUAL gear they just cant compete them.

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who said anything about capitilism, capitilism is good! however its the greedy bankers who make it crony capitilism, which is what america is in ATM. lol please, Im 100% for capitilism because it benefits the whole country, its just CRONY CAPITILIST DO NOT! which is what america is in.




please read that about capitilism.................. then don't blame me because our countries are run by the greedy wall street bankers. I live in Aust, yet I know what real capitilism is and what false capitilism is, so yea, IM 100% for capitilism (its a good thing, to work hard and make a dollar you know? unlike my friend cruncher here who thinks some people should work harder than others and still be paid the same as the non hardworking. )

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well lets see, maybe the fact that there is an absence of rating required to use the better gear? unless you are for communism and feel that everybodies equal in a sense. Communism cannot work in the real world because we don't think its fair for a surgeon with skills to get payed the same as a garbage man. Do you understand now? This is a communist based game the evidence is there, your just refusing to look at the facts and say, yes, you are right getting the best gear by having no skills is in no sense fair to the more skilled player. Now I'm not saying Im pro, I never did, I think its rather pointless to be able to get the best gear by not knowing how to properly use your skills at the right time.


If your skilled in life you seek rewards, if your skilled in SWTOR you do not seek rewards? how does this work?


Remember the rewards all PvP players want, is gear or unique skins, titles or accessories. Its what serious PvP players want to achieve when they play games.


Your example is flawed tho


There isnt any sport where you can only buy the best equiptment if you've been more succesfull, none, as long as you have the currency you can buy the best equiptment even if you have never played the sport.


What you gain from being succesfull in any sport is currency and trophies, what you will gain in swtor from being succesfull in pvp is currency and trophied (titles, different gear skins, mounts etc), and just like an unseuccesfull sports team has to save up currency for the best players/equiptment, if you are unsuccesfull at pvp you will earn less currency and trophies and therefor will gear up at a slower rate.

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Yep, they recruit better players.. feel free to do so.


They aren't given advantages, such as getting the numer one pick, for winning the championship. As a mattr of fact, the better you do, the worse your odds become of getting a good draft pick. I guess they don't like stacking the deck.


Imagine that.


Number one draft pick isn't an advantage. If it was, why didn't Lebron win in Cleveland? Drafting a player is like playing the lottery, the player might be Lebron or he might end up being Bargniani. You keep likening Battlemaster Gear to a good draft pick, when clearly it is more like adding good proven players to your team.


And winning a Championship, will get good players wanting to play on your team.


And in pro sports without a salary cap. Winning means more profits, yet the ones profiting most are the clubs that are already richest. So the rich teams with all the talent, are making even more money to buy even more talent.


Isn't it funny how that works. The ones on top get rewarded for being there, making it even harder for the ones below them to catch up.

Edited by deltaminus
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When capitalism rips your entire entinity into the vast bowels off hell you wont love it so much.


i love a "communist" game because it helps me have fun and not debilitate my life by trying to get a damned piece of gear.


PS ( most of those crybabies,cant do much without their flashing epic gear )

when a decent player gains the EQUAL gear they just cant compete them.



capitalism does not rip your entire eternity, crony capitalism does! capitalism capitalism capitalism is goooooooooood!


You love communist? ok what happens if you were a piano lifter and get paid $300 a week. and yet somehow the feather lifter gets paid $300 a week too!!!!!! your all for the wrong GAME MY FRIEND! Learn before you speak

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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.


im confused. how is the new war hero gear being given away for free?


you gotta do rated warzones to get rated warzone comms, and then you buy the gear with the comms right?


is this a troll thread or am i missing something?

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Your example is flawed tho


There isnt any sport where you can only buy the best equiptment if you've been more succesfull, none, as long as you have the currency you can buy the best equiptment even if you have never played the sport.


What you gain from being succesfull in any sport is currency and trophies, what you will gain in swtor from being succesfull in pvp is currency and trophied (titles, different gear skins, mounts etc), and just like an unseuccesfull sports team has to save up currency for the best players/equiptment, if you are unsuccesfull at pvp you will earn less currency and trophies and therefor will gear up at a slower rate.


Ok, I see where you coming from, but I think it really shouldnt be that easy, even if its at a slower rate, its not enough, mainly because they don't deserve that statuer of being successful. when they weren't in the first place.

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im confused. how is the new war hero gear being given away for free?


you gotta do rated warzones to get rated warzone comms, and then you buy the gear with the comms right?


is this a troll thread or am i missing something?


Currently you PvP to Valor 60 and you've earned the right to buy BM gear.


Under the new system, anyone can buy the gear, there are no requirements.

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Number one draft pick isn't an advantage. If it was, why didn't Lebron win in Cleveland? Drafting a player is like playing the lottery, the player might be Lebron or he might end up being Bargniani. You keep likening Battlemaster Gear to a good draft pick, when clearly it is more like adding good proven players to your team.


And winning a Championship, will get good players wanting to play on your team.


Really? Yea i see how everyone hates when they get that dern thing :rolleyes:


I give up..


There is a game out there that caters to your needs.


Good luck

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Really? Yea i see how everyone hates when they get that dern thing :rolleyes:


I give up..


There is a game out there that caters to your needs.


Good luck


Common, show me how Andrea Bargnani, a #1 pick is such an advantage. How many Championships has Toronto won since his arrival? How many times have they made the playoffs? ROFL


And why do you keep ignoring half my post? Oh right, it's really hard for you to deny the fact that in professional soccer the richest teams prosper, make money from winning, buy even more talent, and keep on winning.


Winning a Championship in ANY sport provides you with all sorts of advantages.

Edited by deltaminus
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capitalism does not rip your entire eternity, crony capitalism does! capitalism capitalism capitalism is goooooooooood!


You love communist? ok what happens if you were a piano lifter and get paid $300 a week. and yet somehow the feather lifter gets paid $300 a week too!!!!!! your all for the wrong GAME MY FRIEND! Learn before you speak


having played for years EVE online ( the king of capitalist games ) i think i know what i am up to ;-)

and as we talking about jobs let me give you an example :

the garbage man takes less money than a stockbroker

the stockbroker only finished highshcool and the garbageman gradguated from a university ( not that ****y american colleges,that exist to fullfill the desires of wealhty Americans ) but under some strange turns of fate didnt manage to get a good job.


imagine a decent player that despite the RNG system that previous existed with the bags ( Mythic ?? ) had so much luck and got his gear in 1 week or 2 and his valor rank from Illum in an evening,

compared to real good player that didnt had the farvor of RNG gods neither the time to farm broken valor form Illum.

why put them into the same bracket of gear?

by giving them both the equal items,they can prove who is better no matter what.


FREE pvp gear then,and as i said,reall pvp'er with balls of steel wont bother much.

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having played for years EVE online ( the king of capitalist games ) i think i know what i am up to ;-)

and as we talking about jobs let me give you an example :

the garbage man takes less money than a stockbroker

the stockbroker only finished highshcool and the garbageman gradguated from a university ( not that ****y american colleges,that exist to fullfill the desires of wealhty Americans ) but under some strange turns of fate didnt manage to get a good job.


imagine a decent player that despite the RNG system that previous existed with the bags ( Mythic ?? ) had so much luck and got his gear in 1 week or 2 and his valor rank from Illum in an evening,

compared to real good player that didnt had the farvor of RNG gods neither the time to farm broken valor form Illum.

why put them into the same bracket of gear?

by giving them both the equal items,they can prove who is better no matter what.


FREE pvp gear then,and as i said,reall pvp'er with balls of steel wont bother much.



well your job example is stupi d because the stock broker would work alot harder than a garbage man? how did he become a stock broker? its not like its easier to become, you have to learn numbers, calculations. a person left univerity to become a garbage man? what was he studying? a science? why didn't he persu his dream and become a scientist? prolly got lazy, so your job example is an stupi d attempt to say communism is good for the hard working.


and why give them the same bracket gear if one most likely worked harder than the other? does this other person really deserve it? i mean he didn't work hard at all now did he? he just got max lvl, did 100 wz runs and managed to get the highest gear. Now the person who (DID WORK HARD) WELL HE DIDN:T EITHER!) because he got it the same way the lazy person did, by 100 wz runs. so whats the problem with the top gear!? THE REQUIREMENTS ARE TO EASY TO OBTAIN, they need to make the requirements hard enough for people to really put effort in rather than 100 rated wz runs. its nonsense.

Edited by TehHoneyBadger
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First off the gear isnt free. They just removed Valor as a requirement. Valor is now more for showing off how often you PVP. The gear still costs commendations and better rated gear costs rated commendations IT ISNT FREE AT ALL. The lowest possible tier of pvp you can get can be BOUGHT with credits but thats so new pvpers can actually join a warzone with some expertise to you know, survive against those who already have a full set


Whats you so mad about bro?

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First off the gear isnt free. They just removed Valor as a requirement. Valor is now more for showing off how often you PVP. The gear still costs commendations and better rated gear costs rated commendations IT ISNT FREE AT ALL. The lowest possible tier of pvp you can get can be BOUGHT with credits but thats so new pvpers can actually join a warzone with some expertise to you know, survive against those who already have a full set


Whats you so mad about bro?


every1 gets commendations it shouldnt be that easy, you should have to earn it

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Ok, I see where you coming from, but I think it really shouldnt be that easy, even if its at a slower rate, its not enough, mainly because they don't deserve that statuer of being successful. when they weren't in the first place.


But a system that rewards players that are already succesfull with a stat advantage over those that arent as skilled practically destroys any sence of compitition (which is what pvp should be about), if the best just keep getting better stats while the rest just bang their heads against a brick wall you will end up with a pvp system that, instead of encouraging new players to participate, actively discourages them.


Dont get me wrong, I do love my stats on gear, and in most areas of the game its fine to reward players with a little extra bang for their buck, but in a pvp enviroment (or any vs enviroment like sport) you want the playing field as even as possible so skill becomes the deciding factor and the rewards are more to show what you have achieved (like a trophy) than give any real advantage

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Look at the very popular PvP game League of Legends. PvP is about Ranking of skilled players and gear shouldn't matter as much as knowing your class and it's skills and how to have good teamwork.


It should be a Good step in the right direction I think to go with rankings. If Bioware can get it right, then it should mean a lot more enjoyment for everyone in the long run.

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well your job example is stupi d because the stock broker would work alot harder than a garbage man? how did he become a stock broker? its not like its easier to become, you have to learn numbers, calculations. a person left univerity to become a garbage man? what was he studying? a science? why didn't he persu his dream and become a scientist? prolly got lazy, so your job example is an stupi d attempt to say communism is good for the hard working.


and why give them the same bracket gear if one most likely worked harder than the other? does this other person really deserve it? i mean he didn't work hard at all now did he? he just got max lvl, did 100 wz runs and managed to get the highest gear. Now the person who (DID WORK HARD) WELL HE DIDN:T EITHER!) because he got it the same way the lazy person did, by 100 wz runs. so whats the problem with the top gear!? THE REQUIREMENTS ARE TO EASY TO OBTAIN, they require much more efforft than 100 rated wz runs. its nonsense.


i meant the obvious, he became a stockbroker with his daddys money and not with much effort.( as the lucky player who got his Valor from Illum )

from other hand the other one DIDNT left the University,he Graduated from it,but his daddy wasnt rich enough to give him the small push in his career( as the other player he didnt )

after all in capitalism, the less "educated" you are the more money you get... and thats e fact.

They need smart enough people to run a machine and do the papper work,but dumb enough to accept every change they want for them.

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every1 gets commendations it shouldnt be that easy, you should have to earn it




That is what i only have to say, to that coment.

From my experience most of the times poeple arent paid for their amount of work, but are paid because of the worth of that work is in the market in question.

You would say a football player would win less then a doctor, because not only a doctor has more important work, but surely they work much mor ethen a football player... yet the football player win much much more. and sometimes not even a high school finished...

so yeah it doesnt work that way.

For you to say a garbage man dont work as much as s stock holder...lol i would love to see you do it :p


anyway to be on tópic. I find it weird ppl leaving because of ranking warzones... realy?! i want to get better gear too, but isnt a bit redundant? i mean you get teh best gear then what?, the propuse of the warzones isnt to get gear to begin with, if you playing mainly to get gear, then i feel sorry for it. I mean gear is all fine and dandy, but i do warzones to blow off some steam, if youknow what i mean.

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Look at the very popular PvP game League of Legends. PvP is about Ranking of skilled players and gear shouldn't matter as much as knowing your class and it's skills and how to have good teamwork.


It should be a Good step in the right direction I think to go with rankings. If Bioware can get it right, then it should mean a lot more enjoyment for everyone in the long run.


In League of Legends you get more talent points and rune slots based on the level you are. So a level 30 Summoner has a stat advantage over the level 1 Summoner.


There is also a disparity in runes. You need to grind them, and not just one set either, if you want to play various roles and champion types.


Currently SWTOR is no different. Anyone can have the best PvP gear (runes), as long as they invest the time.


League of Legends is also a terrible point of comparison. Every new Champion they add to the game is overpowered, because they gotta make that $$$

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But a system that rewards players that are already succesfull with a stat advantage over those that arent as skilled practically destroys any sence of compitition (which is what pvp should be about), if the best just keep getting better stats while the rest just bang their heads against a brick wall you will end up with a pvp system that, instead of encouraging new players to participate, actively discourages them.


Dont get me wrong, I do love my stats on gear, and in most areas of the game its fine to reward players with a little extra bang for their buck, but in a pvp enviroment (or any vs enviroment like sport) you want the playing field as even as possible so skill becomes the deciding factor and the rewards are more to show what you have achieved (like a trophy) than give any real advantage


Yea I know, but I really believe GEAR should be the trophy since getting the best gear in the first place is way too easy. They need to put additional requirements so players learn, Im not saying that the person with the better gear will always win... it will take even more skill to beat that player, that has already earnt his place.

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That is what i only have to say, to that coment.

From my experience most of the times poeple arent paid for their amount of work, but are paid because of the worth of that work is in the market in question.

You would say a football player would win less then a doctor, because not only a doctor has more important work, but surely they work much mor ethen a football player... yet the football player win much much more. and sometimes not even a high school finished...

so yeah it doesnt work that way.

For you to say a garbage man dont work as much as s stock holder...lol i would love to see you do it :p


just because the world doesn't work that way, doesn't mean that it SHOULDN'T work that way.


capitolism was always supposed to be based on the concept that the more/harder you worked, the more you would benefit. but it's all turned upside down. didn't you see any of the OWS movement?

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If you agree with quitting over "free" gear then you aren't pvping for the spirit of pvping. Rated Warzones are just that you. You are PvPing for a rating, vying for the best. Gear is awarded proportionally to the quality of your games as well the amount of time.


Better players will get gear faster. Bad players will stay bad regardless of the gear they have. It's amazing how this is going to work out.

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