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are there classes with a good story?


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IMO the Smuggler is my favorite story so far. This is how I personally rank the stories that I have played:


Smuggler>Bounty Hunter> Consular> Sith Warrior


If you didn't enjoy the Smuggler story, maybe try Sith. I hope this helps.


For sure... Could be personal choice for most...


Your fave was the Smuggler, for instance. It was my least favorite and out of the 8 main classes, it's the story I've done the least of...

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I dont care about bugs or endgame or pvp.

I do care about story and gameplay.

I tried hard to endure the boredom of getting my scoundrel to lvl 20, hoping the game will have some redeeming qualities, but i didnt see any.

Wonder if maybe i just chose the wrong class?

Maybe the people that say the game/story is good are playing a certain class.

I have roughly 2 weeks left of my "free" month that i paid $70 for.

Wonder what classes have a better story and maybe more interesting skills.


The smuggler story does just seem like filler. At least chapter 1. Nothing you do has anything to do with the main objective. Just busy work to mask the fact that the writters weren't imaginative enough to make an actual SMUGGLING tale. Any class could play through the smugler story. It's like something any of them could fit in on their off time.


I preferred the warrior and trooper. Although chapter 2 for trooper felt underwhelming. Haven't played any other 2 past chapter 1.

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one does not need to be a writer to know that this isn't some epic story. One only has to be a reader. No, I haven't played Agent..but I have played smugger, trooper and bh. The FP stories as you progress are no better either. If I can not have this so opinion because I am not a writer, then you have no right to say for it either.


Sorry, I know you are a avid fanboy so blinded, but if you think the stories in this game are near the level of past Bioware games, or even on the level of regular published stories, then you are sadly mistaken and the only stories you do know are probably other MMO's or FPS's.


If you honestly think that romance in a story that revolves around 2 1 liners is good to bed every girl you meet, or that catching up to the person your chasing..only to be told "he is out shopping" and proceeded to return to your ship and fly away instead of waiting for him to return (which he does do..then fly's away) is akin to anything even resembling a rational decent story..then I feel sorry for you. You been duped by the VA that forces the story down your throat, and think its something epic because your just a fanboy.

While the stories certainly aren't '100 years of solitude' or 'catcher in the rye' in the realm of current video game writing they are most definetly one of the better examples. I would agree with you that Bioware's other games have been better (With the possible exception of Dragon Age 2) but SWToR is unique in that it is an MMO and the writing and plot had to develop within those confines. In the same way you don't judge a racing games story on the same scale as an RPGs. It's wrong to view the stories as if they take place in any other genre because, they don't.


Bioware did achieve something with this game. They took a genre that was pathetically underdeveloped (Plot wise) and showed that a story could be integrated in without destroying the framework. The overlap and interaction between the different classes storylines was actually quite complex and several of the themes brought up in the stories, while a bit broad, were still interesting. The implications of power (Inquistior) or the question of sacrifice (Trooper) or my personal favorite the idea of seperation, of just acting as a tool (Bounty Hunter) were all brought up and dealt with in a pretty mature manner. And while the romance options aren't exactly deep they certainly don't consist of just "2 one liners".


And for the record I don't only play mmos and shooters. I read, I write, I watch movies, and I play games from most genres (can't handle RTS games).

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The Imperial Agent story was fantastic after Act I (I found it rather interesting for the cloak-and-daggers spy thing, which you get a lot of in Act I, though you get awesome character development and surprising plot devices / etc in Act II onwards.), and I'm currently playing a Sith Warrior because people say it's got an awesome story (level 44 and it's been pretty 'meh' so far, but it's had enough 'I am a BAMF' moments to justify the 'meh' stuff.). I can't say I've been overwhelmed, and most of the story has been [be someone's errand-boy] which is pretty underwhelming to me, but I'm willing to stick it out to the end. *shrug*
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I've played all 8 storylines, and the Consular is a good story for the Pubs -- one of the best from what I've played of it so far.


Yeah, I see a lot of people attack the consular story. I think it is because people don't want to be a diplomat or politician. I am finding it interesting, but granted I am just in chapter 2.


Bounty Hunter has been fun so far too. I enjoyed chapter 1 better than 2, but I have 1 more to go there too.


If I can get back online that is.....

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I will stand in defense of the consular story too. It fits the class. The class being about learning, diplomacy, and the 'soft skills' of being a Jedi. It succeeds on that. If you don't like those things the story will feel very boring.


Especially Act I. The adventures you find yourself in on the planets while advancing the main story are excellent and fit better with the world quest series than other classes. But again, if you're a man/woman/robot of action, this isn't for you.

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lol, you haven't played the Agent story yet then.



Mind you, I KNOW anything you would have written would have been much worse than this "amateurish" outing you so claim. People who make claims like that always have so much arrogance and entitlement that they feel as though they have the expertise to make those claims./


Wow, that's pretty stupid. You know very little; I would say that you know even less about what makes a good story or who is capable of writing them. Just so you KNOW, effective criticism doesn't require that the critic be capable of creating something better. Also, it's not arrogance or a sense of entitlement that prompts anyone to say these stories suck (which they do); it's the ability to compare. Read more stories.

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Gosh it's just so subjective, even to myself. On a Tuesday night I might despise the jk story but if I come back on Saturday morning fully caffeinated I love it again.


And to be honest, I enjoy the story aspect a lot more when I'm, well, solo. I've consistently gotten bored with the story for every class I've played while in a group. It gives me a feeling of being rushed - like I can't take my time to read and respond exactly right. Actual combat is more fun for me in a group, but the stories are more fun, in my opinion, alone.

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Having played the agent and BH up into act-3, and the smuggler, consular, inquisitor and trooper into act-2, I'd have to personally rate them about:


Agent - hands down, the best story in the game IMO. It's not very "Star Wars"-y, but if you like James Bond type intrigue, espionage, and betrayal, it's freaking amazing. It really makes you feel like a super-agent. And some of the dialogue is just priceless. The end of act-1 was the first time I've actually been forced to sit and think, hard, about which light/dark decision I'm going to make. Both fit my idea for the character, but...oy. It's a nail-biting scene.


BH - Pretty solid story, though I was "meh" a bit at the end of act-1. Act-2 was pretty fun, and there were a couple of "holy crap, I'm a bada**!" moments in the cutscenes. Act-3 has been so-so, though I'm hoping the end ramps up, given what you're doing. The end of act-2/start of act-3 is pretty harsh, and definitely gives you a good feeling of "the universe is out to get you because they're afraid of you" at this point.


Smuggler - It's a pretty generic story in act-1. Guy steals your ship, you track him down and get it back, and annoy him in the process throughout the act. The beginning of act-2 is pretty cool, haven't gotten too far into it yet. Best dialogue choices in the game, as well, if you like humorous/snarky replies to people. The smuggler is definitely the "comedy relief" character of the game. "I hope you got blisters all over your pale little sithy feet!"


Trooper - Very good story. You feel like a special forces butt-kicker, and you're treated like one. The end of act-1 (probably due to my choices) was a LITTLE bit of a letdown, but if you picked different dialogue options, it would probably be more enjoyable.


Consular - As others have said, this is kind of a "soft" jedi story. You're not really running around going "Rarh, fear me!" and destroying stuff, but rather using diplomacy and the power of the force to solve problems, rather than just using a boatload of violence. Some VERY cool cutscene moments that show just how powerful you are in the force.


Inquisitor - The story is alright. One of my main gripes with it is that on Korriban, your character has the option to be this snarky, sarcastic person, but then that just VANISHES. You turn into a generic "rarh, sith!" type, with only a couple minor little sarcastic comments here and there. I was disappointed in that. The end of act-1 is pretty cool, with a nice twist (though it's HEAVILY forshadowed, at least in part).


I haven't played the jedi knight or sith warrior up past 20th or so, so I can't really speak on them.


Overall, the stories are pretty solid. The agent is freaking awesome, and one of my favorite things about it is that (especially as an operative) the blending of your class story into the various worlds makes all the other, non-story quests feel as though they're part of your class story. It made the repetition much easier to handle, and I enjoyed myself immensely playing my agent.

Edited by LyriaFrost
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So far I've played a Sith Warrior well into Act 2 and I love it. It makes you feel like a real bad***. My favorite moment so far is

hunting down and corrupting Jaesa; making her kill her own master was soooo cool. It felt incredibly good to be bad :D It was like when Vader chased Luke all the time during Episode 5, only I was successful :jawa_biggrin:

Other excellent moments included turning on Thana Vesh after we killed the Jedi and the refugees on Taris ("You've outlived your usefulness, Thana" = squeal of joy from me) or facing and arguing with my own Force apparation on Tatooine.



The other character I play is a Smuggler, though I'm not even close to be through with Act 1 yet. The story so far is nothing special, but I like the sense of humor it conveys. It's very different from the dark, murder-ridden path of the Sith Warrior in that it's more like... an action comedy or something. I love the snark of the Smuggler.


So I don't know... I haven't played an awful lot with the other classes, just a quest or two into the starting zones, but so far nothing in the game has felt badly done.

Edited by alricka
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My favorite class stories: Imperial Agent, Sith Warrior, and Jedi Knight. The rest I've played are kinda meh to me (Consular, Smuggler and Inquisitor). Didn't try Trooper or Bounty Hunter because the class and story didn't sound like it suits my tastes at all.
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I've found the Bounty Hunter class story really great but I suppose you'd better take that with a pinch of salt because Smuggler is actually my favourite :) that's much more down to the characters than the plot though, which I'll admit has some very weak points. I've not got far with anything else, all the force user stories seemed kind of dull to me compared to those two and I'm just not into trooper, although I'll second recommendations for the Agent story so far!
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So far I've played a Sith Warrior well into Act 2 and I love it. It makes you feel like a real bad***. My favorite moment so far is

hunting down and corrupting Jaesa; making her kill her own master was soooo cool. It felt incredibly good to be bad :D It was like when Vader chased Luke all the time during Episode 5, only I was successful :jawa_biggrin:

Other excellent moments included turning on Thana Vesh after we killed the Jedi and the refugees on Taris ("You've outlived your usefulness, Thana" = squeal of joy from me) or facing and arguing with my own Force apparation on Tatooine.



The other character I play is a Smuggler, though I'm not even close to be through with Act 1 yet. The story so far is nothing special, but I like the sense of humor it conveys. It's very different from the dark, murder-ridden path of the Sith Warrior in that it's more like... an action comedy or something. I love the snark of the Smuggler.


So I don't know... I haven't played an awful lot with the other classes, just a quest or two into the starting zones, but so far nothing in the game has felt badly done.


Sith Warrior FTW! I'm on Voss with mine right now. Funniest moment for me with him was on Dromund Kaas when....

You kill Grathan and then nail his wife and making Vette watch. That was just funny stuff there. :D



Also, the Smuggler has a good one, as does the Sith Inquisitor, Trooper is awesome from 1 - 32. Now, for sheer EPICNESS, Jedi Knight probably takes it all. As much as I had my trepidations about levelling him up, and hated the final boss fight of Chapter 1, I have to admit the story was epic on a scale that I was awestruck and left with my jaw on the floor at certain points. For those that haven't played a JK yet, the final boss fight of Chapter 1 is against a Sorcerer boss. So yeah... Anyhow, Sorcerer bosses aside, it was just bad*** storywise all the way through. :)

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Imperial Agent is generally considered the best story. It has some parts that are good enough that got me to very willingly go through the grind to see the next part.



A big big thank you for this tip. Indeed the agent story is good, made me actually like this game for the first time after 3 weeks of play.

Now i'll have to re-sub to play this char to the end :p

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