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are there classes with a good story?


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I dont care about bugs or endgame or pvp.

I do care about story and gameplay.

I tried hard to endure the boredom of getting my scoundrel to lvl 20, hoping the game will have some redeeming qualities, but i didnt see any.

Wonder if maybe i just chose the wrong class?

Maybe the people that say the game/story is good are playing a certain class.

I have roughly 2 weeks left of my "free" month that i paid $70 for.

Wonder what classes have a better story and maybe more interesting skills.

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I've played the warrior and inquisitor storylines. Both are pretty good, the warrior takes the cake though. People also say the agent storyline is just as good.



If you notice a theme there, you're not the only one. All the imp stories seem to have a lot more cash thrown at them than the pub

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I've played the warrior and inquisitor storylines. Both are pretty good, the warrior takes the cake though. People also say the agent storyline is just as good.



If you notice a theme there, you're not the only one. All the imp stories seem to have a lot more cash thrown at them than the pub


In the loading screen of the Alderaan warzone it shows the empire ship destroyed in the third picture, clear republic favoritism.


See, I can be paranoid too.


Some writers are better than others, maybe the imperial ones were easier to craft. I for one like the Jedi Knight story far more than my sniper and assassin, so we can't go around saying they spent more money on each different story based on opinion.

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I've loved the Republic stories I've been in, then again, I've been in both Jedi classes and a Trooper, rather than smuggler. Of course, with the Jedis, some things can seem.....well, you know what I mean. I also love the sith inquisitor story line.
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Here's the basic outline of all the stories.


Gonna put a spoiler tag anyway.



Knight: Save the Galaxy

Consular: Save the Jedi

Trooper: Save the Republic... from itself.

Smuggler: More of a personal story than anything.


Warrior: Become one of the most powerful Sith in the Galaxy and be the right hand of the Emperor

Inquisitor: Rise to power and again become one of the most powerful sith in the Galxy from the lowest point(slave).

Agent: Save the empire from internal terrorism.

Bounty Hunter: Become a champion of the Mandalorians and the best hired gun in the galaxy.



I don't know much about the Pub stories sorry if I screwed them up.

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Smuggler and Consular seem to be the worst rated of the classes story wise. I can vouch for agent which I thought was excellent. Bounty Hunter falls apart a bit in the second act but is still pretty good. Jedi Knight was a bit too boy scoutish for my tastes. I'm doing inquisitor now and enjoying it.

Friends who have played trooper said it was the best of the republic classes.

Of course this all comes down to personal taste.

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Currently the worst Empire story is better than the best Repub story. Imo they spent a lot more time on empire.



(Yes I've played through many toons on both sides)


You speak as though this is some kind of math problem, like 1 imperial story=4 republic stories.


Its not, its your opinion entirely, nothing more.

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The story is an adventure "hunt" which I find is best played going as "dark side". All the acts within the smuggler story are great. (not as nice if you go light side - but still very good)





A great story I found that both the light and dark side route was done well; but over all when it was done I found I enjoyed the story of the smuggler more so,; as it was a tighter story line.





A great story - starts out kinda slow in the first 10 or so levels but by around the 20s the story gets very good. I found its a good story for both light and dark side. my knight is level 45 atm so haven't finished it but Im looking forward to it.




haven't got around to it yet but its often refered to as the "worst story of the republic classes" *shrug*

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Imperial Agent is generally considered the best story. It has some parts that are good enough that got me to very willingly go through the grind to see the next part.


I have an Agent at lvl 50, a Knight at lvl 50, and a Warrior at lvl 39. Currently I'd rate them as such.


Agent 10/10 (it really picks up at the end of act 1 and is good to great the rest of the way through. Act 2 is the high point, but Act 3 is very good as well.).


Knight 8.0/10 (Generic save the universe story. The impressive part is that they manage to keep successfully upping the stakes throughout until the end.)


Warrior 8.5/10 (So far its been a very interesting because you have never really gotten to play this sort of role in a Star Wars game before. It can be slow, though. that's my biggest complaint.)

Edited by LX_Theo
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I tried hard to endure the boredom of getting my scoundrel to lvl 20, hoping the game will have some redeeming qualities, but i didnt see any.

Wonder if maybe i just chose the wrong class?


If this is how you feel at level 20, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think you and this game a good match.


If the game hasn't hooked you by now, I don't see it doing so when you get to some of the higher level planets that incorporate even longer travel times and time sinks than the early content does.


That being said, the Agent story line is one of the best in the game. I've played one to 50, and the forums generally agree.

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I dont care about bugs or endgame or pvp.

I do care about story and gameplay.

I tried hard to endure the boredom of getting my scoundrel to lvl 20, hoping the game will have some redeeming qualities, but i didnt see any.

Wonder if maybe i just chose the wrong class?

Maybe the people that say the game/story is good are playing a certain class.

I have roughly 2 weeks left of my "free" month that i paid $70 for.

Wonder what classes have a better story and maybe more interesting skills.


Honestly, no. People will try to tell you the story for this game is great..but it just isn't. Fully voice-acted yes, but it is very amateurish and stale. It doesn't even come close to the stories of KOTOR or Dragon Age. It is filled with repetitive 1 liners and nonsense plot devices to keep the boring story going. How many times can we sleep with someone after speaking with them for 2 minutes.


Sorry..but no..the story is far from awesome or great..it is akin to something a ***** middle schooler would write.

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You speak as though this is some kind of math problem, like 1 imperial story=4 republic stories.


Its not, its your opinion entirely, nothing more.


Yeah sorry, I actually read and have a certain criteria and level of taste regarding story. I guess I need to start explicitly stating that it's my opinion despite the fact that obviously, it's an opinion. Thank you for using your uncanny power of grasping the obvious for good rather than evil. All the stories in this game are |mediocre-poor| though some utilize more literary devices such as irony. Overall they're all not good.


4+4=8 <-----Math



Make sure you start flagging every post that doesn't explicitly state an opinion and showing them the path to righteousness.

Edited by Cepheid
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You speak as though this is some kind of math problem, like 1 imperial story=4 republic stories.


Its not, its your opinion entirely, nothing more.


Well it comes out of a person's mouth its obviously their opinion... way to state the obvious.


Edit: Person above me got it covered already my bad :confused:

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I dont care about bugs or endgame or pvp.

I do care about story and gameplay.

I tried hard to endure the boredom of getting my scoundrel to lvl 20, hoping the game will have some redeeming qualities, but i didnt see any.

Wonder if maybe i just chose the wrong class?

Maybe the people that say the game/story is good are playing a certain class.

I have roughly 2 weeks left of my "free" month that i paid $70 for.

Wonder what classes have a better story and maybe more interesting skills.


Take your $70 and subscribe to netflix....

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Honestly, no. People will try to tell you the story for this game is great..but it just isn't. Fully voice-acted yes, but it is very amateurish and stale. It doesn't even come close to the stories of KOTOR or Dragon Age. It is filled with repetitive 1 liners and nonsense plot devices to keep the boring story going. How many times can we sleep with someone after speaking with them for 2 minutes.


Sorry..but no..the story is far from awesome or great..it is akin to something a ***** middle schooler would write.


lol, you haven't played the Agent story yet then.



Mind you, I KNOW anything you would have written would have been much worse than this "amateurish" outing you so claim. People who make claims like that always have so much arrogance and entitlement that they feel as though they have the expertise to make those claims./

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If this is how you feel at level 20, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think you and this game a good match.


If the game hasn't hooked you by now, I don't see it doing so when you get to some of the higher level planets that incorporate even longer travel times and time sinks than the early content does.


That being said, the Agent story line is one of the best in the game. I've played one to 50, and the forums generally agree.


You are probably right about me and the game not being a good match.

Not for the right reasons though, because i actually enjoy long travels in games, and i dont mind time sinks.

The reasons i dislike this game are not important, nobody cares anyway.

I have 2 weeks left so i might as well give it another try.

Once again thank you all for the replies.

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lol, you haven't played the Agent story yet then.



Mind you, I KNOW anything you would have written would have been much worse than this "amateurish" outing you so claim. People who make claims like that always have so much arrogance and entitlement that they feel as though they have the expertise to make those claims./


one does not need to be a writer to know that this isn't some epic story. One only has to be a reader. No, I haven't played Agent..but I have played smugger, trooper and bh. The FP stories as you progress are no better either. If I can not have this so opinion because I am not a writer, then you have no right to say for it either.


Sorry, I know you are a avid fanboy so blinded, but if you think the stories in this game are near the level of past Bioware games, or even on the level of regular published stories, then you are sadly mistaken and the only stories you do know are probably other MMO's or FPS's.


If you honestly think that romance in a story that revolves around 2 1 liners is good to bed every girl you meet, or that catching up to the person your chasing..only to be told "he is out shopping" and proceeded to return to your ship and fly away instead of waiting for him to return (which he does do..then fly's away) is akin to anything even resembling a rational decent story..then I feel sorry for you. You been duped by the VA that forces the story down your throat, and think its something epic because your just a fanboy.

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IMO the Smuggler is my favorite story so far. This is how I personally rank the stories that I have played:


Smuggler>Bounty Hunter> Consular> Sith Warrior


If you didn't enjoy the Smuggler story, maybe try Sith. I hope this helps.

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