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Do operatives ever use cover?


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Ops have two abilities that use cover (Three if you count solo only Headshot ability) and its only real use for an Op is either the occasional Explosive Probe or as a pseudo-gap closer. In other words, no, Ops don't really use cover.


Despite the issues with a lot of the abilities and talents, I enjoyed playing an Op a lot more than other classes. If you enjoy it and don't care about that, go for it. On the plus side, if the class does get fixed, it makes for easy groups endgame.

Edited by hulkweazel
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Ops have two abilities that use cover (Three if you count solo only Headshot ability) and its only real use for an Op is either the occasional Explosive Probe or as a pseudo-gap closer. In other words, no, Ops don't really use cover.


Despite the issues with a lot of the abilities and talents, I enjoyed playing an Op a lot more than other classes. If you enjoy it and don't care about that, go for it. On the plus side, if the class does get fixed, it makes for easy groups endgame.


Thank you. I've been getting conflicting answers in game and wasn't really sure how to play the class because of it. The first 10 levels are really deceiving it seems and I can see why many don't like the class. They arn't play it right. :p


But should i act like a Rogue or what? I'm still not really sure how to go about playing the class haha.

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I use Cover every 30s for explosive probe because it hits like a truck. You can also use EP with flashbang + orbital strike shenanigans for a decent amount of burst out of stealth.


Cover can also be used to mitigate Force Charges, but I've never really bothered since the last thing I need is for something else to pay attention to in combat.

Edited by SaintNick
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I use it on my Scoundrel for the Sabotage Charge. In Operations I use it a little bit for the charge burst and give the healer a chance to catch up health.


Other than that, it doesn't have much use. We just don't get enough Cover only abilities, and we don't have the range where staying in one place for long is that useful.

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It's possible (but very difficult) to exploit the "jump into cover" mechanic as a movement assist during heated PvP. I've seen it done, and it's amazing when used correctly, but seems exceedingly difficult to master.


My Operative is currently only in her 20s, and doesn't ever use cover.

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Yes, I use it with explosive probe aswell as the odd snipe here and there. However, never use the actual cover skill, use crouch instead. If you use it while standing at a cover spot (green arrow) you get full cover, if not you just sit down and do your thing without rolling away in a random direction.


Same goes for sniper, never use the actual skill called take cover, use crouch, its much more reliable at all times.


Make sure to place crouch and explosive probe on the same QB spot i.e 1-12 on the top bar and 1-12 on the cover bar. This lets you just tap that button twice to crouch (no gcd) and EP instantly after. Its alot of extra damage to pass up on.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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I use Cover every 30s for explosive probe because it hits like a truck. You can also use EP with flashbang + orbital strike shenanigans for a decent amount of burst out of stealth.


Cover can also be used to mitigate Force Charges, but I've never really bothered since the last thing I need is for something else to pay attention to in combat.


I like fighting against people like you.




Let's just say everyone I know who used that tactic no longer uses it because of me.



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i use cover all the time. At first i was hating it (used just crouch long time) but then i gave it second try when i had mastered other things and now it helps me a lot.

Because i'm lethality hybrid, i have to use all the tool i can to be on par with others, so i use cover+snipe a lot and you can also use it as fake 'gap' closer to get in 'shiv' distance etc ...

As lethality hybrid, i have to be opportunistic and flexible and cover helps me in this.

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It's possible (but very difficult) to exploit the "jump into cover" mechanic as a movement assist during heated PvP. I've seen it done, and it's amazing when used correctly, but seems exceedingly difficult to master.


My Operative is currently only in her 20s, and doesn't ever use cover.

Yeah I did this once it was crazy I must have moved 20-30 metres into cover past the firepits in huttball, couldn't figure out how to recreate it though.

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While leveling, I used it mostly just so I could Explosive Probe. At 50, the only time I use it is against the lava island boss in EV, so his knockback only knocks me down and out of cover, rather than back into the lava. But my Op is a healer, so...
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I'm a lvl 50 scoundrel. I placed Sabotage Charge (Explosive Probe) in my rotation after I saw pvp videos where people made good use of it. But mostly I use "chrouch" to do that because it's faster than "take cover". I occasionally use "take cover" as a gap closer.


Those are the only times I use cover.

As an operative, you should play like a rogue.

Enjoy your new class :)

Edited by Mangetsu
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Very good operatives fine amazing use for it although not part of any builds primary rotations.


I typically pop in and out of it very quickly for many of the reasons listed in this thread (I went back to roll to cover as it opens up really nice options in pvp ... too many use stationary and miss out of fun/effective tactics). Knowing when to use it and against what class can really turn the tide of a fight. I am also a med/conceal hybrid so it has many uses within that build as well when mixed with healing and dps options at 30m and to trick people into rushing into melee with you before they realise you are spec'd melee and not ranged :) .


Some seem to think cover = lack of mobility. As mentioned an op only needs it for very brief moments if ever so that is a very poor excuse. I see many ops (most are concealment ... a spec I am not impressed with from a team oriented game play perspective) and I consider myself more mobile than nearly all of them. I rarely use stealth as every time an op is in stealth they are effectively immobile as it is a self imposed nullification of EVERYTHING minus slow movement. Barring some very few good op players (we're talking less than 1% here) stealth heavy ops remind me of those idiots in Counter Strike or DoD who let you die in order to run up and knife someone instead of shooting their heads off at a distance.


The answer to your question though is cover becomes a tool to be used WHEN you want it for operatives and not something you absolutely require which is obviously something you didn't like. That said an operative plays very differently from a sniper and that alone may be a reason why you may or may not like the class.

Edited by Tamanous
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Don't listen to all the ppl who say ops suck right now. They nerfed us yes, but now we just have to be smarter and pvp better. As for cover i use it to launch an explosive probe it helps. I also still snipe occasionally. Learn to use all the tools at ur disposal. Dont be a one trick pony like the other QQers
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You don't "need" to use it but its comes in very handy in certain situations. Explosive probe is great for doing some dps, especially in PvP, it is the highest damage for its cast time and its ranged. Snipe is useful once in a while, mostly in Huttball after getting knocked off a platform.
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Concealment OP and I only PVP, I never use cover. I have a MM sniper that is basically forced to use it so I avoid it on my Op. I like mobility. The knockback in Huttball would be the only place I would consider it, but I'd rather just stealth and faceplant them into the fire pit instead.
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