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Why Bioware is so hush hush for overall plans for open world pvp!


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Bioware is hush hush to just get a few more months of subscription payments from us because they have no real plans for pvp outside of warzones and ILUM.



Let's be honest here, at the guild summit no real information about open world pvp was given out except Ilum is being reworked.Most questions was answered with a, Yes we have thought about that, or yes thats on our wall of crazy ideas.


I think Bioware has no real plans for Open world PVP other than reworking Ilum and adding a warzone here and there. They designed the planets so you hardly see the other faction while leveling. There are no open world objectives on any of the other planets for pvp. They didn't mention adding open world objective except for ILUM.


I'm starting to think Bioware doesn't care for the pvp crowd.


Because you forum trolls complain about anything. They could;


a) tell you what they are doing and don't come through you will all ***** and moan


b) not tell you and you all ***** and moan


c) Say they are fixing class A and class B will ***** and moan


d) some players are just never satisfied

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Bioware is hush hush to just get a few more months of subscription payments from us because they have no real plans for pvp outside of warzones and ILUM.



Let's be honest here, at the guild summit no real information about open world pvp was given out except Ilum is being reworked.Most questions was answered with a, Yes we have thought about that, or yes thats on our wall of crazy ideas.


I think Bioware has no real plans for Open world PVP other than reworking Ilum and adding a warzone here and there. They designed the planets so you hardly see the other faction while leveling. There are no open world objectives on any of the other planets for pvp. They didn't mention adding open world objective except for ILUM.


I'm starting to think Bioware doesn't care for the pvp crowd.


woot, you've solve the conspiracy. Spread the word! You'll have major news stands willing to buy this type of information. You're gonna be rich!


I think Bioware has dozens of plans for Ilum. It's obvious that they couldn't make Ilum what they wanted by release, so they had to come up with a compromise.


Continue on though. I know it's better to post on the forums and flame Bioware than be logical.

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Bioware is hush hush to just get a few more months of subscription payments from us because they have no real plans for pvp outside of warzones and ILUM.



Let's be honest here, at the guild summit no real information about open world pvp was given out except Ilum is being reworked.Most questions was answered with a, Yes we have thought about that, or yes thats on our wall of crazy ideas.


I think Bioware has no real plans for Open world PVP other than reworking Ilum and adding a warzone here and there. They designed the planets so you hardly see the other faction while leveling. There are no open world objectives on any of the other planets for pvp. They didn't mention adding open world objective except for ILUM.


I'm starting to think Bioware doesn't care for the pvp crowd.


Maybe Bioware learned that if they let any little itty bitty information leaked about their plans, it'll get blown out of proportion like everything else and people would freak out or place their expectation too high.


The first time they talked about Ilum, it was a lot of things to a lot of people and it ended up a giant disappoinment. I think they are applying more image controls this time around.

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The Ilum Kill Daily change to me was an abandonment of OPvP upon my initial assessment since it appeared to be a nail in the coffin for Ilum. However, it appears the change did something else, and something that was needed. It reduced the population on Ilum.


We don't have the mega battle royales in Ilum on my server like we used to have. We also don't have Imps base camping Pubs for 2-3 hours straight either. Instead, there are a lot less people out there, the fights are smaller, and they are happening all over the place (although the biggest always seem to occur at Central Assault).


So the change seems to have solved the FPS/Lag problem on Ilum that everyone complained about without putting an end to OPvP completely. As a result, I have changed my mind. I don't think BW has abandoned OPvP. They may very well do something with it later. However, I'm not holding my breath, especially considering its last incarnation.


One good bit of news that I've heard recently in this regard is that players will receive +Valor and Daily kill credit on kills of the opposition they make on any OPvP planet. I haven't seen this confirmed by a Dev, but I have seen the idea floated about here on the Forums that the change is coming in 1.2. Would be nice to know if this is true or not.

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One good bit of news that I've heard recently in this regard is that players will receive +Valor and Daily kill credit on kills of the opposition they make on any OPvP planet. I haven't seen this confirmed by a Dev, but I have seen the idea floated about here on the Forums that the change is coming in 1.2. Would be nice to know if this is true or not.


This was confirmed at the Guild Summit. I didn't hear about valor and daily kill credit, but they said the person who died will drop something that the winner can pick up. They are debating what this is, but said 'something like Merc commendations is reasonable and possibly credits'.

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I agree... it's really frustrating, and it should not take this long!


All you have to do to figure out how to fix it is go to Ilum and see what the problem is.... it's boring for everyone.




Technically, just fighting is all you can do there- hence why it's extremely unpopular. Despite what people claim, owPvP is an extreme niche- and thinking it is popular is the wrong kind of thinking that leads to disasters like Ilum. Adding in siege, bosses, rewards for holding the zone- and of course an instant travel from at the least, Fleet- all could make it more popular.



Having it as a place where the only thing that happens is pvp though doomed it from the start.

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I think that sometimes we take the job of a dev for granted (including myself)


Every change has a lot of implications, just look at all those people QQing here each day. Therefor you need to do extended analysis before you launch anything, this means that the process is slow.


Also world pvp, I dont think there is an easy solution but im sure they are working hard on it - fortunatly I dont do world pvp as much so Im not to fuzzed about it.


I would how ever suggest that they had more people hired to answer threads like this. I think there is too little communication with the community. Just my opinion.

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Because you forum trolls complain about anything. They could;


a) tell you what they are doing and don't come through you will all ***** and moanp


Yes they could tell us what they are doing. Here's how they can do it without a ton of ************ and moaning and would shut the trollers up.


There have been several ideas presented on fixing Ilum. No one idea is perfect, but all of them are better than what we have now.


BW compiles 3 different ideas from all the suggestions. In detail but how much doesn't need to be overkill. Give us sketches (of the zone), primary changes (e.g. smaller/altered map, additions/deletions from map, objectives, rewards/consequences, etc.). They are going to have that all laid out in a prototype design anyway, just summarize it. Lastly state a rough estimate of design time for each prototype. Make a disclaimer that the estimate is only that and is subject to change.


They take those three ideas and set up a poll in this forum and make it a sticky. If there is no clear decisive winner, pick the top two for a runoff and the highest vote wins. Allow comments of any suggestions that do not warrant a redesign of the prototype. Restrict comments to suggestions only.


It shouldn't take that long to get the design specs summary. When they are ready, start the poll and run it for a week. If there's a runoff, make it only 3 days. Trust me, this thread will get a ton of attention. Now BW can easily say this is OUR game and their PR will be very happy.


Make it available asap on the test server. Send out private invites for a few scheduled tests (allowing players to copy one 50 character over to test). Restrict access to only invited Ilum testers during that time. Get feedback on bugs and only mandatory change suggestions and update. Trivial changes can be added later in patches if needed. This is important, allow participants to post their impressions back in this forum. That way everyone knows what's going on. Come down hard on flamers but don't squash concerned posts.


Now we will know exactly what we are getting. This will definitely create a reason to resub. Win/win.


b) not tell you and you all ***** and moan


This is true. Happens with anything in life.


c) Say they are fixing class A and class B will ***** and moan


We are not asking to fix classes. This is about Ilum right or did I post in the wrong thread?


d) some players are just never satisfied


Which doesn't justify, in any way, BW opting to say nothing. Some players are always satisfied - we call them fanbois.

Edited by Ozzone
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I think that sometimes we take the job of a dev for granted (including myself)


I would think this. But I'm sorry, with at least 100 million dollar budget ( maybe more) over 5 years of development, and 800ish employees working on the game..... This is a poor excuse for an MMO. Take away the V.O. and the Star Wars name and what type of game is left? A AAA MMO!? Hardly.


This game was half arsed and rushed, and feels dated. The PVP was a complete after thought and it's too late to go back and fix things with a weak engine.


I have played F2P MMO's that have had way smaller budgets and had a smoother launch with more ingame basic MMO' and PVP features than this game.

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I would think this. But I'm sorry, with at least 100 million dollar budget ( maybe more) over 5 years of development, and 800ish employees working on the game..... This is a poor excuse for an MMO. Take away the V.O. and the Star Wars name and what type of game is left? A AAA MMO!? Hardly.


This game was never billed as a PvP-centric game.


This game was half arsed and rushed, and feels dated. The PVP was a complete after thought and it's too late to go back and fix things with a weak engine.


This game doesn't feel dated. Are there things that need addressed and fixed? Yes. Let's be honest here, there are things in WoW which have never been fixed either. How's Vanish treating you?


I have played F2P MMO's that have had way smaller budgets and had a smoother launch with more ingame basic MMO' and PVP features than this game.


Really? I've seen some shaky F2P conversion launches.


What would you like to see a MMO developer do to encourage "world PvP"? Keep in mind that this world PvP system must not lead to changing class mechanics which will impact PvE or warzones.


From my experience, many players do not regard world PvP as that important to them. No fairness can be enforced and typically victory goes to the side that had the element of surprise or the greater numbers. Actual skill typically does not apply. It's very difficult to get a large playerbase interested in something like that. This is why warzones have more appeal, they have a higher degree of "fairness".

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They flat out said they are working on redoing Ilum but will take time so they are pulling emphasis away from it until fixed.


They also said they are planning full RvR options in the future ... not just Ilum-like, but FULL RvR. Of course this will take time.


So somehow the OP knew about the guild summit, was most interested about this subject alone yet completely missed the information about it and took the time to whine on the forums instead of researching it. Typical.

Edited by Tamanous
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They flat out said they are working on redoing Ilum but will take time so they are pulling emphasis away from it until fixed.


They also said they are planning full RvR options in the future ... not just Ilum-like, but FULL RvR. Of course this will take time.


So somehow the OP knew about the guild summit, was most interested about this subject alone yet completely missed the information about it and took the time to whine on the forums instead of researching it. Typical.


I was going to post this, but was beaten to the punch.


They aren't being secretive at all. They flat out told us what they're doing with open-world pvp (abandoning it for now until they can come up with a better idea).

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This game was never billed as a PvP-centric game.

Indeed. But the PVE is uber carebear and linear too so whats your point?


This game doesn't feel dated. Are there things that need addressed and fixed? Yes. Let's be honest here, there are things in WoW which have never been fixed either. How's Vanish treating you?


Yes it does feel dated, it can't even handle two full ops groups in the same area without lagging horribly. Games released 4 years ago that look almost as good can handle 100's in the same area = this game is dated.


And WOW sucked too, too linear and carebear as well, and there was open world pvp in wow past vanilla? huh, must be talking about two different wow's. Bottom line WOW sucked, and I'm not from that community, assume more.


Really? I've seen some shaky F2P conversion launches.


What would you like to see a MMO developer do to encourage "world PvP"? Keep in mind that this world PvP system must not lead to changing class mechanics which will impact PvE or warzones.


From my experience, many players do not regard world PvP as that important to them. No fairness can be enforced and typically victory goes to the side that had the element of surprise or the greater numbers. Actual skill typically does not apply. It's very difficult to get a large playerbase interested in something like that. This is why warzones have more appeal, they have a higher degree of "fairness".


Well let's see, for starters how about an engine that can support more than 8 v 8? Once they got that, how about zones that are bigger and more open in the world, and the ability to take others bases with a siege engine. And how's about making each planet with both factions not only quest in the same areas, but also make each planet it self an object that can be capped, which would work towards goals of global galaxy domination which while held would grant a buff or an unlockable planet to the current leading faction in the war?


I dunno, just some ideas thrown out there that would be better than what the brain childs at Bioware came up with for 5 years time and probably over 100 million in funding. I know, I know, that all went to voice acting, which is nice the first time through, after that, not so much.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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So in other words, we are looking at a minimum of 4 months (1.2, design, 1.3) or a more realistic 6 months of warzone after warzone after warzone. I am disappoint.


this is what happens when big publishers such as EA and huge fan bases pressure a developer to release a game "on time"

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Indeed. But the PVE is uber carebear and linear too so whats your point?


What does that have to do with PvP?


Yes it does feel dated, it can't even handle two full ops groups in the same area without lagging horribly. Games released 4 years ago that look almost as good can handle 100's in the same area = this game is dated.


If you are talking about having multiple raids of players in Ilum attacking each other, very few MMO servers can handle that. Look at the problems WoW had with Wintergrasp. They finally instanced it into a pseudo-battleground.


And WOW sucked too, too linear and carebear as well, and there was open world pvp in wow past vanilla? huh, must be talking about two different wow's. Bottom line WOW sucked, and I'm not from that community, assume more.


There was open world PvP, always has been in WoW. It was marginalized by a PvP system to hand out gear rewards - but at the core, there has always been open world PvP.


Well let's see, for starters how about an engine that can support more than 8 v 8? Once they got that, how about zones that are bigger and more open in the world, and the ability to take others bases with a siege engine. And how's about making each planet with both factions not only quest in the same areas, but also make each planet it self an object that can be capped, which would work towards goals of global galaxy domination which while held would grant a buff or an unlockable planet to the current leading faction in the war?


I dunno, just some ideas thrown out there that would be better than what the brain childs at Bioware came up with for 5 years time and probably over 100 million in funding. I know, I know, that all went to voice acting, which is nice the first time through, after that, not so much.


Again, this game was never designed to be a heavy PvP hitter. Take a look at recent history, MMOs and PvP do not mix very well in the first place. MMOs that have tried to make PvP their main offering typically have not had good success.

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