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It's a game, who cares? I mean seriously, If clicking works for you, do so. But really, it's just a game and not like clicking or key binding are going to cause global warfare to breakout or world wide climate disaster.


Personally I'm a hybrid as there's one or two abilities that I can seem to use the key binds on. Fortunately, those are rarely used abilities.

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This is why you are a scrub

Most good players have 57 keybinds with no issues


I'm a masher by default and like to click my skills that either work like buffs or have really long cool downs. Its an extra layer of protection so that I don't burn long cooldowns on accident while mashing and that wouldn't make anyone a scrub so get over yourself.

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It has mentioned before and I as healer shall mention it again. You can click all you want but as healer please dont.


I play healer myself and the time it takes to click to heal a person he's either dead or he's moving so you missclick and you heal yourself.


Keybind at least the important stuff, dont need to keybind all the skills under the sun but for the most important skills/tabs you dont need a supreme mouse/keyboard.

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It has mentioned before and I as healer shall mention it again. You can click all you want but as healer please dont.


I play healer myself and the time it takes to click to heal a person he's either dead or he's moving so you missclick and you heal yourself.


Keybind at least the important stuff, dont need to keybind all the skills under the sun but for the most important skills/tabs you dont need a supreme mouse/keyboard.


Depends - u can get a Naga or other multi button mouse; bind everything to mouse clicks with shift, cntrl modifiers and heal pretty fast on the raid frames.


Grid + clique.


Clicking on abilities in the action bar is bad; like really, really bad.

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I'm sick of people like you ruining my game.


I don't care what your comfortable with, you have an obligation to ME to play at 100 percent efficency! Not 98 percent, 100. Anything less takes away from my enjoyment.


And your enjoyment too. You'd enjoy more praise from Pros like me if you didn't suck because you didn't keybind!

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...or anyone who states that clicking is superior to keybinding.



(I don't keybind in swtor either, though)


My point was this type of thread has been done to utter death revived killed again and again.... and again, its been months since i saw one, i was happy /sigh


people will play with whatever if familiar to them, hopefully they advance their playstyle as it is normal to learn and get better at the game, but then lies the problem, telling someone to do something is not going to make them do it, telling them it is better to do it is not going to do it, they need to make the choice for themselves to play how they want.


So the thread is pointless, and should die, again.

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I'm sick of people like you ruining my game.


I don't care what your comfortable with, you have an obligation to ME to play at 100 percent efficency! Not 98 percent, 100. Anything less takes away from my enjoyment.


And your enjoyment too. You'd enjoy more praise from Pros like me if you didn't suck because you didn't keybind!


Not sure if serious.

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Hybrid here, all the way.


Have G13, so forward/strafe (and backpeddle) is on the stick, most abilities I frequently use bound on the buttons. (thinking of it like a num pad, 4-6 primary attacks, 7-9 interrupts/stuns/sleeps, 1-3 AoE's), buttons left of that heals (when applicable), buttons right of that auxilliary attacks.


But a lot of stuff I don't use often, (vehicles, sprint, heroic moment, stims, etc.) are clicking.


As for how I run around? Varies. Usually when I'm running from point A to point B, I'll use QWE, (Q and E being turns) leaving my right hand free to hold a drink or something. Or if I need to turn the channel on the T.V. or whatever I'll hold both mouse buttons to move forward while I manipulate the remote with my left hand.


(I do occasionally play with my dad, and he does sometimes tease me saying how obvious it is I use the keyboard for movement... I do sometimes. But not always. Never in combat.)

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I'm sick of people like you ruining my game.


I don't care what your comfortable with, you have an obligation to ME to play at 100 percent efficency! Not 98 percent, 100. Anything less takes away from my enjoyment.


And your enjoyment too. You'd enjoy more praise from Pros like me if you didn't suck because you didn't keybind!


I click and I'm better than you.

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[*]Mouse clicking on abilities will never be as fast as key pressing because there is an extra delay in moving the cursor.


No, for some people, clicking with the mouse is going to be faster.


[*]Keyboard keys for turning, such as A and D, will never be as accurate as mouse movements to turn, such as right-click dragging. The difference is digital press/depress (on/off) vs. finite DPI (dots per inch) tracking of a mouse. If you're strictly a keyboard turner, prepare to have more difficulty making those jumps and walking those pipes or edges for datacrons.

FYI: computer mouse movement is measured in mickeys. One mickey is approximately 1/200th of an inch.
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There are some people who are just bad at the game. They're the ones that do less damage with my class than I did when I queued up for the first time at level 10. They're also the ones who do stupid things like running the wrong way with the huttball.


I can't find a common thread that links these people and just assume that the reason they seem to stand around doing nothing in fights or seem to have no awareness of anything that is happening is because they're spending a lot of time trying to line up their mouse with the next skill to click.


Maybe they're clickers, maybe they aren't but how else can someone be so bad?

Edited by dcgregorya
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What about those of us that use the keyboard to move and have all our moves bound to the keyboard and manage to outperform 80% of the players we run into?


I agree clicking in most games is outperformed by a combination of bindings on something and moving with mouse but the global cooldowns in this game negate a lot of that effect. I personally only use a mouse occasionally. For those saying you cant turn fast enough without one, sure there are limited scenarios where a mouse would outperform but the game is so forgiving on positioning that i can with no mouse at all on a scoundrel run through someone, hold 'D' and press BackBlast and the shotgun will go off the second my character begins to turn, not after they are facing the target.


Overall, I agree that clickers and people who play the way I do will always be outperformed by a player of the same caliber who uses a mouse with keyboard binding, but personally I perform much worse when moving with a mouse for various reasons. If your camera is zoomed far enough out in this game their is little noticeable difference anyhow. I've played all three ways and the only one I'm bad at is clicking but I could see it being effective with a customizable ui which is coming.

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Clicking is a whole different story for healers since you don't need to strafe as much.


And range isn't as important. I need to maintain range as a DPS, as a healer I'm just looking to see if their name is lit up or not.


You can't possibly have the same targeting capability and responsiveness clicking on the talents. When I'm lining up an orbital strike then lining up targets to CC/leg shot and pop my pulse detonate to push the guy in front of me towards the fire there's just no way a clicker is capable of doing that all before the fire comes down.


Once my channel is done I just click one->Z, click another->B, X for pulse and then go back to attack mode as the fire starts landing. If I had to click on the dude running away from my strike position then click on leg shot I'd *MAYBE* be able to get that off by the time the guy has moved 10m away from my targeting area.

Edited by dcgregorya
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I use a combination of clicking / key binds and haven't had an issue. I'm not sure I could play the game straight up clicking makes circle strafing or being able to move while attacking ridiculously difficult.


I tend to be situational if Im not havint go do much in the figh till just click if im doing alot and moving i'll do keybinds and only click when im standing still.


My friend she's 90% a clicker and has a harder time, she's getting better but there's definitely a curve. pure clicking is not an optimal choice.

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There's nothing wrong with clicking, but assuming all other variables are equal, a clicker cannot respond as quickly as keybinnder. It's not a big deal.


There are plenty of clickers that do fine and there are even more keybinders who are terrible. Both methods get the job done, but if you have to crown one as more efficient in pvp then it's indubitably keybinding.


There's just no way that a series of abilities can be clicked one at a time with tracking time to move around the screen to other abilities as fast as someone who can hit all those abilities without moving more than 1 finger less than an inch at a time. This doesn't invalidate clicking.

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Really? Are you trying to advocate that clickers are just as efficient as people who can use over 10 abilities by only using their left hand?


This is just golden. Keep thinking that "clickers" are good. I'll be right there destroying you in WZs while you'll be too busy keyboard turning.


Ironically enough, all SW:TOR developers in their gameplay/promotional videos are huge clickers. Doesn't surprise me one bit given how easy this game is. They're probably terrible gamers themselves -- they don't have the time to play their own game most likely.

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