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Valor 65 Sniper Explaining [In Detail] State of Snipers in PvP atm -->


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Tankassin laughts at your kite.


5 sec immunity to your stun, blind, pulse knockback, slow form both corrosive grenade and probe in additon to removing your roots with it, plus another root removal with force speed (which is a gap closer).


And a force pull just to get you sit in your cover 100 % of time.


Whacha gonna do? Knockback him with ambush? Deflected in ya face during 12 sec of deflection :D


Yeah, not sure how he's kiting a tanksin, much less 3. One of them is bound to have a pull so you better stay in cover and entrench. Having both a sniper and a tanksin, I KNOW, when I see the entrench come up, I will use my cleanse and go stealth and wait for it to go down. From there, you are going to get a spike and then beat on. Try to get back in cover and here comes the overload. If somehow you live long enough to get in cover again, here comes the lightning which just doesn't care about your cover at all.

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I'm going to try to keep this respectful.


If you aren't 3 shotting your targets your playing gunslinger/sniper wrong.


If you aren't knocking people back twice + rooting them + your slow you are doing it wrong.


If you disregard the fact you recieved a damage increase.


If you are ************ about melee and not doing any of the above. You are doing it wrong and indeed need to L2P.


Thank you have a nice day.

I'll keep this respectful, too (if I can) ... 3-shotting well-geared toons is not the norm for any class. You're playing pre-50 pvp if it is for you. Just stop.


Knocback twice means you specc'd into MM for the Ambush Knockback (not sure the name atm of the tree skill). That's fine. Not everyone's a MM. The root from Cover Pulse, and another root from Leg Shot, won't last too long, btw, with a resolve bar up so again, stop acting like these are automatic things that are one-button 'IWINs'. Just stop.


Telling everyone that your simplistic perspective on how to play one tree is evidence of the world needing to lern2play is, sadly, non-constructive and only makes you look like a nub.


Damage increases are nice, and well received, but please don't pretend that +5% to some of our Energy and Kinetic damage attacks (can be mitigated) is bringing us to OP status. Recognize that a) mitigation through Expertise and Armor/Defense is a factor that warranted that increase and b) the '5%' is more like 3% when you consider the percentage of damage and rotations that those affected abilities contribute to (ie not ALL damage was increased by 5%).


Respectfully, I am not sure how much of the class you are posting about you truly understand, mechanics-wise. I suggest you look up a guide, like perhaps Tibbel's guide (stickied I believe or in Tibbel's signature) to better understand Sniper class mechanics.

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Yeah like a Merc? LOL.


How bout a nerfed sorc? Better single target damage? Nope.


If you truly believe what you said, that any other class can do it better than a sniper, you're just a 'failsnipe.'


Re-roll. Maybe take this plane to get there.

The tenor of your response sums you up, as far as a BH, ill give you that to a point but most of that is spec. Sorc, if you are truly face rolling sorcs left and right it isn't you its them with as much truth as the individual who posted in this thread that he successfully kited 3 tank'sins and a jug; it isn't you or him, its them.


As before, post 1.2, gear / skill being equivalent, as a whole a skilled mara/jug/sin/sorc can run you down and beat you to death at will any time they so choose. Their defensive and offensive abilities pair too well and scale much better than what you have as a sniper. You do not faceroll a skilled pvp jug, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp sin, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp marauder, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp sorc. Sling whatever litany of insults you choose, it does not change the fact, you do not.


I am not saying they need to be nerfed, not in the least, I am saying post 1.2 50s PVP sniper is behind, and at this point as a whole in pvp anything you can do with a sniper you can do with any other legitimate pvp dps class build better, with greater sustainable dps and defensive longevity than you can with a sniper now.

Edited by Badsinn
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The tenor of your response sums you up ... I am saying post 1.2 50s PVP sniper is behind, and at this point as a whole in pvp anything you can do with a sniper you can do with any other legitimate pvp dps class build better, with greater sustainable dps and defensive longevity than you can with a sniper now.

Don't get mad, it's a MMO forum. Don't take yourself so seriously. Did you really not like my Hello Kitty Island plane? As for the rest of what I quoted, I do not at all agree with you. I think Snipers can be the most evasive targets out there, and they can be the most lethal single target attacker in the warzone. Gameplay, and team support is the difference between this happening, or not. I believe it can be improved, as I believe a host of other classes can be improved.


Just don't agree with the finality in your statement. Sounds defeatist. The OP that I originally responded to imo is flat out wrong. Mercs are crap in pvp. Sorcs can be controlled and killed. About the only thing imo we have no shot against are melee's paired with support heals (burst is too great for our defensive countermeasures and they will wear us out) and 1v1 with other Agents if they are just ... better, or get the initiative.

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Don't get mad, it's a MMO forum. Don't take yourself so seriously. Did you really not like my Hello Kitty Island plane? As for the rest of what I quoted, I do not at all agree with you. I think Snipers can be the most evasive targets out there, and they can be the most lethal single target attacker in the warzone. Gameplay, and team support is the difference between this happening, or not. I believe it can be improved, as I believe a host of other classes can be improved.


Just don't agree with the finality in your statement. Sounds defeatist. The OP that I originally responded to imo is flat out wrong. Mercs are crap in pvp. Sorcs can be controlled and killed. About the only thing imo we have no shot against are melee's paired with support heals (burst is too great for our defensive countermeasures and they will wear us out) and 1v1 with other Agents if they are just ... better, or get the initiative.


I personally am not angry, you however come across as an angry narcissistic individual whose main line of communication is to demean and belittle in order to elevate his own opinion rather than engage in any normal mode of discourse where he might be proven wrong.


Your singular fascination with MERCS I really have no answer for other than their forums might be a good place to start, as for Sorcs if the ones you face are that easy its a massive gear disparity or they don't understand the class they are playing. Any well played dps class with support can be devastating in a wz, that isn't the discussion, singular viability was/is. You bring up agent vs agent, which makes no sense in a discussion about opposing classes.

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The tenor of your response sums you up, as far as a BH, ill give you that to a point but most of that is spec. Sorc, if you are truly face rolling sorcs left and right it isn't you its them with as much truth as the individual who posted in this thread that he successfully kited 3 tank'sins and a jug; it isn't you or him, its them.


As before, post 1.2, gear / skill being equivalent, as a whole a skilled mara/jug/sin/sorc can run you down and beat you to death at will any time they so choose. Their defensive and offensive abilities pair too well and scale much better than what you have as a sniper. You do not faceroll a skilled pvp jug, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp sin, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp marauder, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp sorc. Sling whatever litany of insults you choose, it does not change the fact, you do not.


I am not saying they need to be nerfed, not in the least, I am saying post 1.2 50s PVP sniper is behind, and at this point as a whole in pvp anything you can do with a sniper you can do with any other legitimate pvp dps class build better, with greater sustainable dps and defensive longevity than you can with a sniper now.


Sorcerer's are the easiest class to melt for me by far. One attack bursts there bubble, and then they melt, and I mean melt in like maybe 4 global cool downs. Killing tank classes is all about positioning. In huttball for instance, tanks take about a minute to get to me on the rafter (since they can't jump to me), when they get there a well timed cover pulse knocks them right off the rafter again. I get to pew pew them the whole time, once their temp buffs are down, they're dead.


There is nothing wrong with our class. We do boss and I mean BOSS damage at a distance, and we have enough defensive abilities to either escape or stay alive. As a sniper, if you are on a fail team, you will get owned (but everyone is getting owned so that's moot).


You have half the people saying were fine, and half the people complaining we are underpowered. That logically tells me it's a L2P issue. I have multiple 50's and I still prefer to play my sniper. I hear certain classes only need to push about 3 buttons to be successful. Research and roll one.

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I personally am not angry, you however come across as an angry narcissistic individual whose main line of communication is to demean and belittle in order to elevate his own opinion rather than engage in any normal mode of discourse where he might be proven wrong.


Your singular fascination with MERCS I really have no answer for other than their forums might be a good place to start, as for Sorcs if the ones you face are that easy its a massive gear disparity or they don't understand the class they are playing. Any well played dps class with support can be devastating in a wz, that isn't the discussion, singular viability was/is. You bring up agent vs agent, which makes no sense in a discussion about opposing classes.

So ... let me get this straight ... I reply to you with a humorous reference to my Hello Kitty plane, and then go on to just disagree (which should be my right and your pleasure to debate). Your response is to state that I come across as angry (and self absorbed). That's rich. Further, you're sure I'm belittling you. Sorry sir, I am responding to a post on a forum for a video game. I'm not paying enough attention or spending enough social currency to actually BE ego-centric. Sorry again, pal. Don't hate me 'cause I'm literal.


Many good Snipers have no issue with Sorcs. See the post just after your own. he doesn't have a problem. He melts 'em. Me too. Agent v Agent matters big shot, Ops are bad news for Snipers. To A. Classes, one Agent. That's what I meant. Wished you'd paused before seeing red to understand what I'm talking about. Op v. Sniper are two classes against one another (and they are not fun for me).


Finally, my 'fascitnation with Mercs' is a response to your initial post, please go read it again. You note:

BH, ill give you that to a point but most of that is spec.
... Merc warzone experience is NOT about spec. Arsenal is a turret, broken in PvP and easy to demolish being non-mobile. Pyro is slightly more mobile, but their need of Powershot to refresh Rail Shot (their hardest hitting armor penetrating burning-target enhanced attack) is a channeled effect too. Merc healing's been decimated in 1.2. Hence, it's not 'about spec' sir. Mercs suck in PvP right now. Ask anyone.


So listen man, if you can't have fun and need to say others are getting 'narcissistic' when we're in your grill 'cause you are spouting horse****, then do us all a favor and take that plane to Hello Kitty Island, or at least leave the discussion to the adults who have played a few classes and know better than you.


(OK that last part was a bit demeaning, but bro, you so deserve it). :rolleyes:

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Im a 63 valor Assassin, 4/5 BM set pieces, all rest BM gear.


So, i decided to run a Sniper. Honestly i´ve been havin blast in PvP ( still lvl 46, so cant tell about the expertise and how it affects snipers). playing MM, tho gonna change when lvl capped to the leth/ eng hybrid.


What i can tell, is that there is no match for me in my server. Not trolling or /flexing, neither bragging off about what i do. Fact is, theres really no match for me 1v1, and i

even 2v1 plenty in WZ's, something i had NEVER did with my assassin.


On top of that, i also achieved a 136 killstreak in 3 consecutive warzones, (got witnesses on that too).


Obviously you´re know what you´re talking about, and what comes to Snipers who am i to judge, but so far i´d have to say with no irony whatsoever that the class is just fine.


PS : Agreed on the vanish thing. It would change a lot, even a 10 sec (ish) vanish, whatever, call it camouflage as you said. Rly BW.


Nice post. Have a good one



Dux, Sith Assassin (rank 63)

Duxwins, Sniper (rank 44)


The Shadow Runner, EU.


Sniper is OP befor lev 50 for any other class and from 40+ lev its begun total massive kiling top dps top kills very very easy its not secret


Class neeed alto of changes-dont forgot its maybe with spec a moblie class but cover is our job this class was creat for using cover if you wanna run all time without cover roll bounty hunter

Maruders simple eat sniper(lol they eat evrything now) dont mention about asasin

Also look wht is doing with you Scoundrel when he come from hide -you die in 3 seconds on CC and can do nothing with it

1 vs 1 is bad class and I think sniper is most weak class in game.

in wz you meet:

Jedi Sentinel,Maruders,Jedi Guardians,Juggs,Scoundrell,Operative + Troopers and Bounty hunters -but much much more this 4 first classes-so you can forgot about 1 vs 1 win.

Sniper is unpopular now

I dont saw any sniper at lev 50 who was new char after patch 1.2

burts dmg? yes but it take some time dont forgot about it and maruder do enought dmg in few seconds to kill you and you even dont be in middle of your "burst"

the most sad is -if you even are skiled you simple dont have chance vs some classe (vs dont skiled players)

and say-I kiling maruder,asasins,guardians,juggs is for me-you GOT JUST LUCKY

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I am happy with the damage of MM Sniper. The survivability is in balance.


The only thing lacking for this build/class is mobility between cover. It would be nice to have an ability that proc's after a successful takedown (kills target); perhaps a 15% bonus to sprint for 5 secs?


I have little experience with other classes at level 50 PvP but, I am rather happy with the performance of my sniper. I top damage most games. If ignored I reign havoc.

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What bugs me is Lethality seems to dominate MM in combat logs. They give the most mobile Agent AC the most DPS ? Fix it plz.


I think you are too tied up in numbers.


Personally, I preffered the burst and more ability to switch targets as MM over Lethality most the time. Every now and then, I like the ability to move and sustain a higher DPS over time.

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real simple. You are taking a dps class that is instant damage to use it as dot based. Your not in a ops.. and start thinking pvp foo. PVP you want instant damage. Period end of topic. For anygame unless the class you play doesnt allow that sort of style.


I can take a lvl 10 sniper/slinger and still come out 3rd if not #1 in non 50's. cause im not a lame doter. You rely on dots to get kills and ontop of that rely on killing each targer instead of hitting all targets for the credit kills..Its how this game works. No one gets 40 kills in a wz alone..they are credit kills. Damage over time is for suckers in this game when you can get cleansed lol.


Stop ranting and get good.

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I can take a lvl 10 sniper/slinger and still come out 3rd if not #1 in non 50's. cause im not a lame doter ...Stop ranting and get good.

Actually to be clear, you can do this because the BOLSTER mechanic automatically scales your stats and gear effect to level 50 in a warzone. Those folks closer to 50 do not get the same benefit, their actual gear stats begin to take over the bolstered effects.


Hence you will regularly see low level dps'ers dominating in damage. They hit harder than their level 30, 40 counterparts in many cases (but not all).


SO yeah, 'get good', but don't be excited about your low level pre-50 damage lol.

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I think you are too tied up in numbers.


Personally, I preffered the burst and more ability to switch targets as MM over Lethality most the time. Every now and then, I like the ability to move and sustain a higher DPS over time.



Yeah I agree with you. I guess I should not even worry about it until we start having enrage problems. Thanks

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sniper is not a sniper if cant kill a target in one shot and hide wile doing that a sniper is suspose to control a area by single shot kills and hiding from a long range distance this class the bioware put out is not a sniper class its a easy to kill class for easy points and the first to die all our abilites are telegraphed the enemey see what you are doing and counters that no other class dose that. this is why i dont play my sniper anymore and i am full battlemaster geared. so keep on playing this loseing class so i can get easy kills and medales in wz on my other classe



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so keep on playing this loseing class so i can get easy kills and medales in wz on my other classe.


This is one of the reasons why I find playing with my Sniper more gratifying than when I'm messing around in an Alternate Character; People think it's an easy kill and underestimate, then get pissed off about it when they actually loose to a Sniper that can actually hold it's ground.

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sniper is not a sniper if cant kill a target in one shot and hide wile doing that a sniper is suspose to control a area by single shot kills and hiding from a long range distance this class the bioware put out is not a sniper class its a easy to kill class for easy points and the first to die all our abilites are telegraphed the enemey see what you are doing and counters that no other class dose that. this is why i dont play my sniper anymore and i am full battlemaster geared. so keep on playing this loseing class so i can get easy kills and medales in wz on my other classe





Hahaha, It's ok big guy. It's a tough class to learn. I've read all other DPS Classes are much easier to play so shouldn't have such a rough time ;)

Edited by jimmymurry
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You know i just started a sniper, really enjoying it so far, switching after playing marauder in the hopes of not being a flavor of the month class, and its pretty disappointing to see threads like this berating the class at end game.....


but then i watched this video and decided you got pwned in a wz or two and are just a qq'er.



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Look, everyone's going to have different opinions, so all I'm going to say is that I'm also 60 valor, I'm also a sniper, I only ever solo queue, and I'm MM instead of Lethality. I do fine. I never get MVP votes because people sort by healing and vote whoever is at the top, or pity-vote whoever is at the bottom without sorting. But I do fine. I don't win very often, but that's because I'm pugging.


Warzones are a team game, so I don't concern myself with 1v1 fights.

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Look, everyone's going to have different opinions, so all I'm going to say is that I'm also 60 valor, I'm also a sniper, I only ever solo queue, and I'm MM instead of Lethality. I do fine. I never get MVP votes because people sort by healing and vote whoever is at the top, or pity-vote whoever is at the bottom without sorting. But I do fine. I don't win very often, but that's because I'm pugging.



I'm 59.5 valor. I usually get 1 MVP / game, but it's really highly variable. I find MVP absolutely inexplicable. Not even top DPS: three MVPs. Top DPS, top objectives, top kills, singlehandedly defended a door when they had 7 people that side we had none (except me, sort of) and most of our team was dead*: no votes. Defending that door happened to be the margin of victory, too.


Really, I suspect it's mostly based on how well known you are on your server. If you're recognized as a decent player, you'll attract votes. If you don't queue with the same people often enough that they recognize you as consistently decent, much less likely.


MVP doesn't really matter...except that it's external validation that you're doing OK. My personal measure of "okay" is "Did I top the other frequent sniper I see all the time who is very irritating when I fight him?"


*This consisted of Orbital Strike and then running like mad, but IT WORKED. I give myself credit for surviving -- the Orbital Strike ran for full duration, gave dead guys chance to get out of jailyard.

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