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Everything posted by Badsinn

  1. If I wanted to play Final Fantasy I would have bought it. I don’t give a crap about seeing the spell spam of every other player in game on every pve group fight. You cant see the mob, you cant see the nameplate, you can’t see the ground, hell you can’t see your own toon if your melee. One giant stupid ball of feculent color spew. I haven’t had nausea from game graphics since the 90s. You do one actual upgrade in 10 years and manage to back up graphics 30 years. If we absolutely must have all that useless spew then at least have the sense to put in a toggle OFF ALL OTHER PLAYERS VFX option, that has only been around 30 years, and while you are at it, add it to sound options so we don’t have to listen to every idiot with a toy having a neurotic episode spam clicking every noise making garbage they own for hours on end. The silver sheen you literally put on everything - floor, ceiling, grass, dirt, the rug, the dog - that is so overdone when trying to preview a dye color, you can’t tell what the dye looks like from that ridiculously overpowered sheen. While you’re at it with adding useless nonsense to the game, how about something we have asked for since game launch, a SEARCH BAR for inventory, cargo hold, legacy hold, guild hold, vendors… you know, something useful. How bout repairing the broken leader board in pvp that resets or completely bugs out and wipes every time a player from either team leaves. How about a search for class skills, not the one you have now, that one is useless since you have sort alphabetical already. I am talking about the secondary skills in tree that you CAN NOT see or find easily or quickly in any spec since they are buried throughout the tree in a myriad of skills/buffs, hidden in mini paragraphs, with no bold, underline, italicize, nothing, and wonder of wonders, they don’t show in the search bar or alphabetical search. That’s some brilliant execution right there, goes along with half of those buffs that show up early in tree but you don't ACTUALLY get the skills they buff for 10 or more levels later...
  2. Battering Assault, 7% decrease in misses Assault, 30% decrease Gore, 50% decrease Ravage, 81.5% decrease Massacre, no change. Dps: 1375 @ 100.67 Acc Dps: 1647 @ 105.57 Acc Net gain 272dps (20% increase) Started this Monday night, haven’t been able to get back in game since with the patch debacle. This is not complete. I only had time for a few tests Monday evening not enough for a thorough data pool. All tests were 5 to 6 min on the Ops test dummy on fleet using TORPARSE. The preliminary changes were very interesting and I would really like to be able to continue testing but as such there seems to be no answer from BW on that.
  3. Leonidax, Looking at this parse your miss rate on Massacre, Assault, Battering Assault; roughly 16% across the board, 12% miss rate for Gore. Have you tested forgoing power augs for more Acc to see if the reduced miss rate would improve dps.
  4. Would someone please explain why Acid Blade is a 36point ability now instead of 31. Same ability as always unless I am missing something, it doesn't make sense. It shouldn't have been that high in the tree to begin with so now lets push it even higher and force you to spend even more points for the exact same skill you always had. Seriously, what am I missing here because it just doesn't make any sense to me at all especially since the 2 skills you are FORCED to buy have not a damn thing to do with Acid Blade.
  5. Found my mistake. If a mod would be so kind as to delete this.
  6. I personally am not angry, you however come across as an angry narcissistic individual whose main line of communication is to demean and belittle in order to elevate his own opinion rather than engage in any normal mode of discourse where he might be proven wrong. Your singular fascination with MERCS I really have no answer for other than their forums might be a good place to start, as for Sorcs if the ones you face are that easy its a massive gear disparity or they don't understand the class they are playing. Any well played dps class with support can be devastating in a wz, that isn't the discussion, singular viability was/is. You bring up agent vs agent, which makes no sense in a discussion about opposing classes.
  7. The tenor of your response sums you up, as far as a BH, ill give you that to a point but most of that is spec. Sorc, if you are truly face rolling sorcs left and right it isn't you its them with as much truth as the individual who posted in this thread that he successfully kited 3 tank'sins and a jug; it isn't you or him, its them. As before, post 1.2, gear / skill being equivalent, as a whole a skilled mara/jug/sin/sorc can run you down and beat you to death at will any time they so choose. Their defensive and offensive abilities pair too well and scale much better than what you have as a sniper. You do not faceroll a skilled pvp jug, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp sin, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp marauder, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp sorc. Sling whatever litany of insults you choose, it does not change the fact, you do not. I am not saying they need to be nerfed, not in the least, I am saying post 1.2 50s PVP sniper is behind, and at this point as a whole in pvp anything you can do with a sniper you can do with any other legitimate pvp dps class build better, with greater sustainable dps and defensive longevity than you can with a sniper now.
  8. He is right though. 50s PVP. Gear/Skill being equivalent, it is still anything you can do with a sniper you can do better with any other class for longer periods, with greater survivability and less headaches to pull it off. It is what it is.
  9. I leveled my sniper on Daviks in January, I /bug reported this then, I bug reported the same issue on Alderaan in the final stages of the nobles room with the guards there as well. Its now April, I have leveled another 50 sniper on Fatman, again encountering the exact same issues as before and reporting them as before. To say its on your "list" of high priority issues is a flat out lie considering its now in the MONTHS of time you have been well aware. My apologies to the snipers out there for my ill tone, I am a little thin skinned with them atm. The best work around i have found for it is using Vector. Melee range attacks work, as a whole, send him in, the second he agro's your pet, passive him and pull him back to you. As your looking at Jadus, set up on the right side behind all the purple looking HUD screens, they will LOS his attacks and force him down, every attempt from there has worked clearing out the "not being able to hit him with ranged attack bugs" and renders his 2 biggest attacks moot if you ability interupt one as you can and LOS interupt what you can't.
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