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Free transfers in the future?


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would be nice with character transfers for sure...

everyone i know made me lvl up on kai-kan. but they started on another server. and i dont want to lvl up fro 1 again when im at 48..

so i would like a character transfer even if it will cost me money.


Bioware should put up character transfer for 10 euros or 15. i dont rly care as long as it stays between 10-20 euros.


later on maybe they couldve added in faction change. dunno.

but server transfer would be great..

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I agree. There are things that Bioware havent copied from Blizzard, and thats good, but there is things they should have copied, and that is character transfer. Not having this just make people leave the game, nothing else. There is simply no positive thing at all not alloing character transfers.

And no, i dont care if it costs, it can cost 50 euros, i dont care, its still cheaper then playing another char from lvl 1 to good PVE gear...

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Free. Free. Free.


Something like this should be included in subscription costs.


I'm fine if they decide to sell sparkle ponies or whatever, but not features.


I would unsub over that.


I just say character xfers shouldn't have a cost associated with it.


Didn't Rift do this?


Aren't our subscriptions enough?


If they were going to do away with the 'server' model and make server clusters instead, that would solve it I think. The only complication would be they would need to be rid of unique names for our characters. It kind of doesn't make sense anyway. How many people in the world are named Bob, Mary, Ken, Jane?


Just my 2 credits and I apologize for getting off topic a bit there.




Character xfers should be free. It's an automated process. Slap a month (or more) CD on it per character (maybe even an 8 character cap per month) and have minimum level requirements to use.



<3 the game

Edited by Azzras
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I can see them allowing transfers in the future, but definitely not for free. It costs them time and money to deal with this, and every MMO I've played on has only offered transfers for a price.


Intially, transfers were costly in SWG, but once they had developed software to do it, transfers were free and could be undertaken every 90 days. Everything went too: inventory, bank, droid storage, ship and ship storage, structure storage and storage modules as long as you had packed up your house, factories and harvesters. Only resources and personal vendors were not transferable.


I would be surprised if this was something that wasn't possible in TOR, as it's just a case of cloning your character and stuff on to another server. In fact, 'server' is a bit of a misnomer as there probably isn't a physical server for each virtual server. All shards/realms/galaxies/whatever you like to call them, probably run on clusters that handle several servers at once.


However once transfers come in, it's sending a clear signal that some servers are in fact low population.

Edited by Jeia
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However once transfers come in, it's sending a clear signal that some servers are in fact low population.


That doesn't really mean anything about the game's performance, though. It's still keeping most of the 2 million people who've gotten it in 2 months so far. But yeah it still might send that kind of message if they implement it this early. It's disappointing, since I happened to pick a lowly populated server.

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I was stupid enough to start my character on an american server because a friend did. I didn't stop to consider that the whole server will be alseep when I play, and that it will be imposibble to find a guild with raid times that suit me. I like my character so rerolling wont be an option, and starting the same character to do the same story again would bore me to death.


So character transfer would be great for me. I guess I would pay for it if I had to, but like two free transfers a year would be reasonable as I'm allready paying for the game. Dont make unlimited free transfers though. Then we'll have people bouncing all over the place.

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Restricted transfers ie: to a server of their choice to enable population balancing seems reasonable for free.


But personally I think wanting to transfer to specific server should be a paid for service. I tend to like my subs to go towards game development and improvement NOT used to allow ppl to bounce around servers at will.

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Limit transfers once per month to keep people from bouncing all over the place. I disagree with them being a service that is not free as I feel we should not have to be monetarily punished because of unforeseen circumstances. I would like to get even a rough estimate as to when this ability will be implemented as it is the only thing keeping me from playing further. Is it something that will be implemented in 1.2? or is it something that you don't plan on implementing until much later? Some other information besides "It'll probably happen, maybe soon"
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I was stupid enough to start my character on an american server because a friend did. I didn't stop to consider that the whole server will be alseep when I play, and that it will be imposibble to find a guild with raid times that suit me. I like my character so rerolling wont be an option, and starting the same character to do the same story again would bore me to death.


So character transfer would be great for me. I guess I would pay for it if I had to, but like two free transfers a year would be reasonable as I'm allready paying for the game. Dont make unlimited free transfers though. Then we'll have people bouncing all over the place.


AMEN brother!It's as if you copy pasted whatever was in my mind!I am exactly on the same boat and CAN"T wait for transfers to come live and go to Sweet EU servers!I even got the same toon name booked on higly populated server(cause you know when you transfer your char they will ask you to choose a new name due to the previous one may already be taken in that server) My only concern is that they make it possible..I couldn't care less if i have to pay since it's just a one time pay!

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I started a character on a low populated realm because I tought that I would have lag if I went to a higher populated server... I've reached level 37, without doing any 'Flashpoint' and I've almost been isolated all the time, since max. people on the same planet as me was 2/3.


So I started a character on another 'standart' server and I don't have lag at all, and population on the Fleet was over 100. Now I know what I've been missing, Flashpoint's, doint quests togheter etc. It's so much more fun, but I don't want to stop playing my old character, since she's already level 37, don't want to start another jedi consular and do the same quests aswell.


So, I character transfer would be great, I'd would want to pay for it, if I had to...

Or making people from high populated realms come to mine (Senator Contispex (something like that)) would also be great :p

Or put 2 low populated realms togheter...

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Yes this game desperately needs FREE server transfers. I have abandoned characters on Eidolon Security & Sedyn Kyne because both servers ALWAYS have light populations and it's impossible to ever get a group together to do FP's or heroics. :(
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When I first started this game, I found a RP-PVE server and while I did find a group of people, the total server population (Kath Hound) is quite low on the republic side. I've leveled a Jedi Shadow from 1-48 so far and quite frankly do not want to do it again on another server so I'm trying out a Scoundrel on Jung Ma, but honestly I'm missing the Legacy, the extra funds my 48 can give, as well as the Crew Skills she has to offer for my other characters. I too have found it very hard on Kath Hound to find people to group with, so I am hoping the character transfer happens.


If there is a fee for the transfer, I will probably just start my character over. I payed too many fees on WoW for transfers and then in the end I just quit WoW.


Thanks for listening.

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Copy and paste from a post I made in suggestion box.




Okay, so I sent in a Customer Service e-mail and the Protocol droid replied with posting it in the suggestion box. Thus here I am.


I am from Hawaii. I sleep during the day and work evenings. I get home from work anywhere from 10:30pm-Midnight my time. Which means in Pacific time, at the shortest gap would be 12:30am-2am... or depending on which cycle of Daylight savings it is, it could be as late as 1:30am-3am Pacific time.


Because of this, it's not suitable for me to play with U.S. players. So for the passed 3 years on WoW, I've played with Australians, NZer's and Singaporians.. primarily with people from Perth mainly as because they're 18 hours ahead, it's still early evening for them when I get home and sign on.


I came here to the Harbringer server because it was the unofficial oceanic server. So did a few of my friends from WoW. I knew about the server transfers ahead of time, but was in hopes that people from the unofficial oceanic servers would be eligible for the move, not only those within certain regions.


So I guess my suggestion would be, could there possibly be exceptions to the eligibility rule? Shouldn't everyone on these unofficial oceanic servers have the opportunity to transfer to an oceanic server? A lot of us came to this server, even if we're not considered Asia/Pacific, soley because it "was" essentially an oceanic server. Now, you can say, just make another character.


However, I've spent the passed 2 months invested in my character, and just reached level 50 less than a week ago. As you can see, since I cannot play a game for 8 hours a day like quite a few other lucky people who are able to I find it unfair that I would have to make a new character and start from scratch. To further that argument, it's even more unfair that my friends would be doing end game content while again I'll have to start over and be left behind. And to reinforce it further, you will be splitting populated servers leaving the old one's barren. Not only is that unfair to me, but to others who rolled on this server to begin with no matter their reason.


So either A: Why can't you just make these "unofficial Oceanic Servers" official and not need to transfer?


Or B: Allow everyone a 1 time transfer off these servers as long as the transfer is to an Oceanic Server.


Or C: Allow exceptions to allow some players to be eligible for the transfer.


Or D: Even if paid transfers aren't ready, I will still gladly pay $25's, which is the normal rate for a server transfer, if you would allow an early paid transfer so I can continue to play with my friends, and those damn crazy Aussies.


That is all. I really hope you consider this.

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