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It's time to end the grass/snow days...


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not this thread again :-)


we could use west/east if we knew where north or south is, which we DO NOT KNOW but only assume so based on how the minimap is oriented


this being a game and not a real life - i'm perfectly fine with this flawed assumption.




however the snow/grass is what really bothers me.


why? because people are inventing some names when the real names are already in the game!








i'm also fine with left/right for republic on alderaan as left speeder = left turret on the map = left turret icon = left turning point from the spawn... i don't play imperial so i don't care for them, actually i enjoy their confusion :p)


but i'm not fine with left/right on voidstar. in alderaan your left is left for the whole warzone, but in voidstar your left gate in attacking phase is different than the left gate in defending phase

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**** here is a Hint for all the map reading inpaired people when u look at the map North is always at the top of the map doesnt matter what side u are on North is at the TOP


and here is a little saying that my 6 year old does so he doesnt forget when he looks at a map


Never Eat Soggy Wheaties

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Doesn't bother me however it gets called out, and I tend to use whatever terminology has already been used to minimize confusion. If I'm the first one to call out, I use East/West.

Everyone has their preference. Suggesting that because some players prefer not to use East and West makes them less intelligent is harsh and inaccurate.

Edited by keiris
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For all the people that don't play both imps/republic, when u call grass/snow it means we have to stop and think for a good 5-10 seconds (checking our map) on which side to backup!


It's time for everyone to learn their east/west or keep it simple right/left!


Most of us are sticking to 1 side to lvl up to 50 but sooner or later we will change from imps to republic or the other way around and i can tell you, checking your map and thinking which side is snow/grass takes a good 5-10 seconds and half the experience playing playing this game will just leave the map and it will just be the noobs left!


Trust me, i do my daily WZ on both imps/republic and its so annoying cause pvp is all about the split second! Calling snow/grass will cost a good 5-10 seconds to ppl that play both sides and cause they play both sides they are more experienced!


Can we learn our left & right or I'm I just asking for 2 much cause for some stupid reason i do many ppl in reality unable to tell the difference and it's really not that hard or is it???


Are you joking right now? You can't figure out snow or grass? Wow...just wow...

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I always use east/west in relation to the minimap. Everyone should know how to read a compass. So far it works beautifully once I've been on the same team as some of the other people queuing for a map or two.
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For all the people that don't play both imps/republic, when u call grass/snow it means we have to stop and think for a good 5-10 seconds (checking our map) on which side to backup!


It's time for everyone to learn their east/west or keep it simple right/left!


Most of us are sticking to 1 side to lvl up to 50 but sooner or later we will change from imps to republic or the other way around and i can tell you, checking your map and thinking which side is snow/grass takes a good 5-10 seconds and half the experience playing playing this game will just leave the map and it will just be the noobs left!


Trust me, i do my daily WZ on both imps/republic and its so annoying cause pvp is all about the split second! Calling snow/grass will cost a good 5-10 seconds to ppl that play both sides and cause they play both sides they are more experienced!


Can we learn our left & right or I'm I just asking for 2 much cause for some stupid reason i do many ppl in reality unable to tell the difference and it's really not that hard or is it???


Which server users grass/snow to call out for incomings? I've played on 2 servers so far and both just use left/right or east/west. . .then again both of these were on the Republic side, maybe it's different for the imps since they're looking at the map from the other directions(so maybe it's easier for them).

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I don't even know off hand what side is grass and which is snow. seriously... if you can't figure out your east and west. Or North and East for that one section of voidstar, then you need to go back to 3rd grade. i always use east/west. There is no confusion. especially when some people say right or left, regarding minimap and others use left and right from their point of view. There is only one east and west. learn it.
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Not if you're facing the opposite way of where your ship is.


If you're on republic, facing the warzone battlefield. You say left, meaning grass side. So you call out "RUSH LEFT"


Someone on your team on the ground in the middle facing your ship, goes to the left... which is snow side. So no, right is not right and left is not left in that situation.


Uh I think most people base it on the UI piece that shows who owns what. Who cares which way you're facing. If the node that causes the left side of the indicator to change colors is under attack you call left. It always means the same thing.

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Uh I think most people base it on the UI piece that shows who owns what. Who cares which way you're facing. If the node that causes the left side of the indicator to change colors is under attack you call left. It always means the same thing.


And that's the whole point.


You *think* you know what fixed point others use when you call something like "left"


And yet most people in this thread who are advocates of left / right use it as "left from spawn" whereas you just said it's the "left side indicator", which I assume you mean either on the map or on the turret window in the top right. Which means you are assigning it to west.





You've just shown that left is subjective and people using their own interpretations of left always assume that their way is "correct" and the most obvious.

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**** here is a Hint for all the map reading inpaired people when u look at the map North is always at the top of the map doesnt matter what side u are on North is at the TOP


and here is a little saying that my 6 year old does so he doesnt forget when he looks at a map


Never Eat Soggy Wheaties


funny how you are so sure that "north is always at the top of the map"


please tell me is north really at the top of this map? (if you are not sure, there is also a compass on that map)




or this:





here is some more trivia:


"The orientation of a map is the relationship between the directions on the map and the corresponding compass directions in reality. The word "orient" is derived from Latin oriens, meaning East. In the Middle Ages many maps, including the T and O maps, were drawn with East at the top (meaning that the direction "up" on the map corresponds to East on the compass). Today, the most common – but far from universal – cartographic convention is that North is at the top of a map. Several kinds of maps are often traditionally not oriented with North at the top"



somehow "north is always at the top of the map" is not so true :-)


can you share more of your wisdom? perhaps "sky is always blue" ?

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And that's the whole point.


You *think* you know what fixed point others use when you call something like "left"


And yet most people in this thread who are advocates of left / right use it as "left from spawn" whereas you just said it's the "left side indicator", which I assume you mean either on the map or on the turret window in the top right. Which means you are assigning it to west.





You've just shown that left is subjective and people using their own interpretations of left always assume that their way is "correct" and the most obvious.


I don't know what to tell you. Left and Right are used universally in Civil War on my server and I've never seen anyone get confused. Voidstar is a different story.

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I don't know what to tell you. Left and Right are used universally in Civil War on my server and I've never seen anyone get confused. Voidstar is a different story.


It is different depending on what server you use. Thankfully no one on my server is stupid enough to use vague descriptions instead of actual directions.



Plus it's easier for the side (pubs I think) where left from spawn and left on map (i.e. west) are the same thing.

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I would have no problem using left/right if people would base that on map and indicator location and not spawn point. Someone calls "Left incoming" and i'm standing there going "no, really, no ones coming" because they use a relational left as opposed to a static left as indicated with the turret indicator and map, it really bugs the crap out of me.


Whereas, it's hard to eff up snow/grass. One side has snow, the other side has grass. If you don't know which side is which, well, learn to pay attention from now on. 2 civil wars and you should be familiar with which turret is snow and which is grass.


East/West is probably the second best option, would be the first best but well, lets face it, the US public school system is sort of fail. It's pretty mind boggling the amount of people that don't know east from west these days :(


I'll stick with snow/grass when i'm calling an incoming, if you don't like it, feel free to stupidly run to the wrong turret in some sort of defiance, or call me a mean name on the internet, it wont be the first or last time that will ever happen.

Edited by Nythain
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What I've seen the most experienced PVP players who group cue and use voice chat will use snow/grass while almost all solo cues I do will use E/W. You can go on raging like Chris Columbus saying people fail 3rd grade for not knowing east from west and I'll quote straight from this thread "When you open your map" is the reason why it is less effective.


In solo cue I somewhat agree its easier to just go with E/W but if I was organizing a group of none fails with voice chat 100% would use grass/snow. Once you learn which speeder goes where you will never open the map again because it kills your entire view. I would also bet that a good amount of ninja caps happen while people are checking the map 10sec is a ton of time when you are LOS behind a turret capping from stealth.








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I had played on both sides. And to be honest, as republican, it's fairly easy for anyone to understand, left and right. It's when you playing with empire where you see this, because not everybody thinks the same way. For some people left is left from spawnpoint and for others it's on the minimap/map. Actually for reps it's both the same.


So i heard the snow/grass my first time playing on rep and i laughed, because... well you don't need it to be honest, left and right do just fine. But on empire i find it MORE useful because you are actually telling exactly where it is, no matter if they think different than you. It's like calling one lumber mill and the another Gold mine. It's just plainly better for communication's sake.

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there are about 75 post on the same matter

and u gringos cant figure out how to do it right



and of course when u are guarding and need help just shout HELP HERE!


btw i always PVP with mai map opened cuz im a boss

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The thing that most people don't realize is that people use snow/grass not because we don't know the difference between east/west or even left/right, we use it because our random queue teammates don't understand the differences. Edited by olagaton
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Why is this still being discussed, seriously? Maps have had direction related to magnetic compass bearings for hundreds of years because they are absolutes in the exact same way that it works for the map for both teams in SWTOR.


You silly yanks and your foolhardy logic, its amazing soemtiems when I see more evidence of how americas culture has distorted a large majority of the populations common sense and turned it into a mass consumeristic orgy of having to have technical terms and names for EVERYTHING a la product marketing.


It SO amusing to anyone with half a brain, however, that this really is still ongoing.

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Why is this still being discussed, seriously? Maps have had direction related to magnetic compass bearings for hundreds of years because they are absolutes in the exact same way that it works for the map for both teams in SWTOR.


You silly yanks and your foolhardy logic, its amazing soemtiems when I see more evidence of how americas culture has distorted a large majority of the populations common sense and turned it into a mass consumeristic orgy of having to have technical terms and names for EVERYTHING a la product marketing.


It SO amusing to anyone with half a brain, however, that this really is still ongoing.


i like this guy

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  • 2 weeks later...
Imperial: Snow is Left, Grass is Right

Republic: Snow is Right, Grass is Left




Or in reality land...


Imperial: Left is Left, Right is Right

Republic: Right is Right, Left is Left.


It's not rocket surgery!

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Its funny because we use Grass and Snow because of the disorientation caused by taking the speeder.


We don't use west and east because its subjective to where you are on the map.


Snow is always snowy, grass is always grassy.


Anyone ever been in the ship when it exploded? good times.


At least someone gets it. Sort of. East and west arent subjective. But a lot of ppl suck with directions. Grass snow wins.


Yes ive blown up in the ship epic

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