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250000 credits for a crystal i paid $160 for


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Or you can get off your lazy *** and spend 2 hours doing a single day of dailies on Ilum/Belsavis and have your 250k.


Playing a game is not getting of your lazy ***.


Do you run a few laps around the fleet when you feel like doing some training?

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I just hate that they even made high-end versions of those yellow/black crystals... they are the fugliest thing in the game.


I remember the first week everyone ran around with them thinking they were cool (no idea why).


I'm going to use one just for you.

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As someone who pre ordered the second he could? Who flaunted that crystal around as long as I could? Who has the CE?









I have the headset, but I don't care if they never upgrade my black/green crystal. You know why? Because I understand its fluff. I got my stupid crystal, and now I'm done. Same with the pre-order crystal, we got it. Its done.



Oh, and STOP calling it the CE crystal. It makes every CE owner look a little bit dumber when you do.




During the first week people still had their default lightsaber crystals. They are slightly better then the default saber crystals.


Edit: Plus, 250k credits is nothing, I never drop below 250k >_>


You're so awesome.

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Why do I have to pay for this yellow and black crystal? Why do I have to pay 250000 credits? I bought the CE for in game perks like this. Why am I paying twice?


Well, you got the free one.

Edited by Viera
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you paid for a starter crystal..



I guess if I bought a truck 5 years ago I shouldn't have to pay for a new one right?


If you know what actually communism is you'd know that is what OP and everyone saying they should get it for free are.




QQ noobs its capitalism

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This is a pretty simple answer.


If you were to get the +41 stat crystal for free, this would constitute an in-game advantage over other players. You shouldn't get that for buying the CE.


The way you get +41 stat crystals in this game are now either run Kaon, get your rakata wep, or pay 250k (or more if you want white). Buying the CE does not entitle you to one.


The color isn't the reason you have to pay, its the stats and to make sure you don't get an in-game statistical advantage over other players for free.


Why shouldn't I get that? I paid to get that! I paid for in game items that would show off my collectors edition and why would it be unreasonable to expect them to be useful. After all I spent $160.


I don't agree that they should just be uselful for a minute and then everyone that has the standard version can get better stuff for free. I paid for the advantage and the perks.


I for one like the color too :)

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Why do I have to pay for this yellow and black crystal? Why do I have to pay 250000 credits? I bought the CE for in game perks like this. Why am I paying twice?


You didn't pay anything for that crystal. You got it because your pre-ordered the game.


edit: the perk you get from pre-ordering is being able to use it.

Edited by Apocalypsezero
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I gotta agree on this, for an item that we received as a preorder bonus, or as an item we received as a CE, I don't see why we have to pay for it again in-game. if there will be higher tiers of that crystal it should be free for those who meet the requirements


Bullshizzle. What you got as a little gift for buying the CE was a [nifty/hideous, depending on preference] looking crystal intended to give you a little boost in your early leveling, but which was otherwise useful appearance-customization crap. You did NOT pay for continuing obeisence to you and for BW to cater to you having purchased the CE such that you get a constant flow of end-game gifts to feed your special snowflake personality disorder.

Edited by Blotter
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Really? You bought CE and THIS is what you choose to complain about? :eek:


I preordered the Digital Deluxe Edition, and received my shiny (shiny?) new black/yellow crystal and all the other junk that came with it. While at first I was kind of annoyed at the lack of scalability and crappy stats of the crystal, I quickly came to realize that it is merely a COSMETIC thing, not meant to be really useful long-term. That's true with all perks you get for preordering or buying collectors editions. They are purely cosmetic, with no real use other than something to look at. To demand an end-game crystal for free is just silly. If you don't like the 250k price tag, go buy a crystal from the temporary vendor for 125k. You can get either cyan or purple (depending on your faction), and it looks a heck of a lot nicer than black/yellow. :D


PS. I would be more annoyed at the holorecorder or whatever it's called that takes screenshots. Nothing like having an extra item in your inventory that simply takes screenshots. Oh, and I actually DID pay extra to have this piece of junk.


PPS. For that matter, the dancer has been in my cargo bay since I first boarded my ship back in December.. The only thing I really made any use of was the STAP.

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Why do I have to pay for this yellow and black crystal? Why do I have to pay 250000 credits? I bought the CE for in game perks like this. Why am I paying twice?


You didn't cry when that yellow-black crystal was rendered not good enough at by level 5, so what's the difference. Also, the Yellow-Black crystal was a perk given to all PRE-ORDERS and your $100 dollars (Minus $60 for the price of the game) had nothing to do with it. If they didn't put in a reasonable cost on those crystals the market color crystal artifices would go down to crap as everybody and their mother who had a preorder on this game (many people) would be able to pick up the best crystals in the game for no pricetag.

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