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PLEASE VOTE: Give Us Real Combat Logs


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No, that's actually really inaccurate. Things like op composition or tactics changing mean that even the same boss isn't actually a valid comparison.


If you know the full context, you can account for those changes as well. You can even get some idea about the effect of changes without having to be on the exact same boss fight.


Since you are all about accuracy ferroz, who said anything about a boss fight? You do know we are getting target dummies on ship in 1.2, right?


And I'm not even sure what you are arguing about anymore, other than for the sake of it. You cannot possibly be trying to reasonably argue that the person I quoted wanting to compare his numbers to 'other people' - in different gear, mods, skill sets and potentially even class- is in any way, shape or form a better use for a combat log than comparing it to his own performance under slightly different starting circumstances?

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Yes. It's truly pathetic that a MMORPG in this day does not have such a basic staple feature of MMORPGs.


Also missing target of target and a readycheck command. It's just stupid sad that these basics aren't in the game.


There is zero justification for these basic features to not be in the game and the people who are against them usually would never need them anyways.


No. Don't turn this into WoW!


Combat logs are a basic feature of *all* MMORPGs, (worth a crap) not just WoW (the best MMORPG, til proven otherwise, I'm done with it but reality is reality). It's annoying to encounter people who attempt to argue with zero clue what they're talking about.

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Because WoW invented combat logs and is the only game that has them? Please read my entire post.





Dude, I am not talking about addons. Please read the OP.



I vote no... don't turn this into wow.

Make the fights harder so you can make them easier with the proper addon. is a cyclic argument.

I would love a simple log. but if it means that we will be flooded with stupid addons

i don't want it.

Good players will be good, with or without addons.

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Most people who voted no:




Most people who voted yes:


wall of text, reasoning why it would be good for you to give each and every theorycrafting smart@ss in your raid a detailed protocol about all your buttons pressed.


You want to help us? We got along very well so far, thanks a lot.


I don´t give a damn about your good will. Most people voted for no and we have our reasons. Take your wisdom and your spread sheets and get lost!



Anakin: We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem, agree what's in the best interest of all the people, and then do it.


Padmé: That's exactly what we do. The trouble is that people don't always agree.


Anakin: Well, then they should be made to.


Padmé: By whom? Who's gonna make them?


Anakin: I don't know. Someone.


Padmé: You?


Anakin: Of course not me. But someone. Someone wise.


Padmé: Sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.



btw: NO!

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This seems like a case of pseudo-elitists trying to be elitist. The pseudo-elitists don't actually have the ability to crunch their own math and do their own spreadsheets so they need the game or a third party program to do it themselves. Rather than step up and do all the math personally. I have no issue determining the best priority lists for abilities for my classes because I actually know how to use math to my advantage. Step up your game and stop wanting the game to hold your hand pseudo-elitists.
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If Bioware does not want combat logs, then they should not design operations and flashpoints around DPS. No enrage timer, no minimum dps requirement.


Design operations and flashpoints in such a way that the key to winning is through using tactics like environment objects (gas cylinders).

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If Bioware does not want combat logs, then they should not design operations and flashpoints around DPS. No enrage timer, no minimum dps requirement.


Design operations and flashpoints in such a way that the key to winning is through using tactics like environment objects (gas cylinders).


Like operations were impossible to beat right now.

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If guilds doing operations on nightmare mode..why do we need combat logs..


I know why..


"hey noob, your dps is to low --> kick"

"noob tank..keep aggro"

"omg..what a bad healer with such low hps"


etc etc


We have been there in Wow..




See the topics..


"We want cross server LFD"

"We want combat logs"

"We want macros"

"We want addons"


I you want that ---> Log into Wow

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I vote NO !


I'm a former wow player, I was an officer in my guild and relied heavily on meters.


I used addons like recount, omen, phoenix style, etc... to see exactly how my mates were performing.


I was one the best damage dealers in my guild, in fact I ranked several times top 10 on World of logs.


But I'm still saying no because I actually enjoy not having these tools.

It forces us to think instead of just looking the meters, which is a good thing.


And we don't have the stupid behaviours like staying in fire to improve damage, not switch on adds to improve dps, etc...



I'll answer to somes questions asked in this thread from my point of view :



How is a player to improve if he doesn't know that his DPS is lower than everyone else?


A player should try to improve anyway, no matter how he performs comparing to others.

You can find clues on how you perform right now, for example you can time how much time it takes you to kill your add on the council boss in EV.



How is a player to decide what stat is better if they can't find how effective each stat is?


You can modelize your rotation and compute how much you gain from each stat.



How is a guild to find their weak link that need improving that is holding them back?


You can usually tell if someone is doing very wrong even without meters.

Most of the time if a player doesn't take avoidable damage, do his job well and constantly tries to improve then it's definitely not a weak link.



How is a guild to know if their healers are doing their jobs(assigned targets).


If they don't die then he's doing his job.



How is a tank to know what exactly killed him and how he can better defend from it.


We have to guess the mechanics instead of just having them in a log or in a codex, and I think it's much more enjoyable this way.

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I like the way it is done with 1.2


If you "need" a full combat log, ask the people in your OP to give you there log ...


Not worth a whole lot when it's flat text, easily editable for anyone embarassed that they broke a vital CC or w/e. It is fine when you trust everyone in your group is dedicated, but it has some serious issues when you have players willing to freeload.


Why not allow people to share their (original uneditable) combatlog as an opt-in via an ingame option?

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