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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Seriously BW, 3 kills/WZ?


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Ilum is dead. This is Tuesday and would be a hotbed of activity. It is empty. They killed it. They intended to kill it as they have no desire to fix the pvp faction inbalance. They might have the desire they just don't know how.
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It is worse because at least on the two servers I play one could easily complete the daily in less than hour. Not now as nobody is on ilum and it takes 10 WZ's.


WZ's are fine but to require everyone to play wz's for hours is horse hockey.


I am one of the few I guess that likes open world pvp. It was not that bad on my rig. Now it is dead and I am forced to play more WZ's.


I don't know how most people are not WZed out by now and they expect us to play more.


I have been on ilum for 2 hours and have seen 3 other players on my side. The imps are still circle jerking around mid.


So the imps and their numbers can control mid if they want and they also get credit for ilum while they grind 3x faster in the WZ's.


Another way to reward the over populated side.


The PVP team has no clue.


See now the argument that you have is actually understandable, unlike the poster before you. And honestly, I also find the world pvp on Ilum to be quite enjoyable. But the fact is, it really isn't Bioware's fault that nobody else on your server likes to do Ilum.


In any case, you likely would have to do 5-6 Wz for your other daily, so it shouldn't be that hard to get the remaining 12-15 kills/crates if you gather up a few likeminded players and pound it out between those WZ matches.

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I don't think people get it. This isn't designed to replace Ilum. It is simply designed to be something you can do when there is NO action in Ilum, IE the several times during the day where one side gives up and decides they don't wanna mess around at the bridge.


On my server there is NO action in ilum and about 2 wz per day.....

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You must be trolling, because I would kill for the daily to only take me 20 minutes. Besides, if WZ and Ilum are that bad on your server, what is the point of having the pvp gear?


You very short sighted. The problem is not doing one daily in 20 minutes. It's doing the daily 5 days a week

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I don't think people get it. This isn't designed to replace Ilum. It is simply designed to be something you can do when there is NO action in Ilum, IE the several times during the day where one side gives up and decides they don't wanna mess around at the bridge.


And this is what people are not getting... There is now NO action in Ilum. So you HAVE to do the warzones to get your daily done.


I am hoping this is just the first day rush. Soon people will figure out that it is a filler, not a replacement.

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You very short sighted. The problem is not doing one daily in 20 minutes. It's doing the daily 5 days a week


I will be doing both dailies atleast 6 days per week, and the new changes make it alot easier to do that. So I don't see how I am 'short sighted'. Then again, I actually do pvp because I find it fun, not because I feel like Bioware has made it 'mandatory."

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It is worse because at least on the two servers I play one could easily complete the daily in less than hour. Not now as nobody is on ilum and it takes 10 WZ's.


WZ's are fine but to require everyone to play wz's for hours is horse hockey.


I am one of the few I guess that likes open world pvp. It was not that bad on my rig. Now it is dead and I am forced to play more WZ's.


I don't know how most people are not WZed out by now and they expect us to play more.


I have been on ilum for 2 hours and have seen 3 other players on my side. The imps are still circle jerking around mid.


So the imps and their numbers can control mid if they want and they also get credit for ilum while they grind 3x faster in the WZ's.


Another way to reward the over populated side.


The PVP team has no clue.


So before:


You can't get armaments, you can't get kills in Ilum, you can do WZ




You can't get armaments, you can't get kills in Ilum, you can do WZ and have them count for your Ilum dailies.


So tell me, how is it worse?

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Don't get your hopes up that the Ilum zerg will be back (any day outside of tues). The zerg happened because it was the easiest way to farm kills, assuming you had any opposition.


Now, the PvP population that hates unbalanced zerg PvP (either because of slideshow, or the fact that they consider it skilless) never has to go back to Ilum again for the PvP daily/weekly


It's possible that Ilum PvP will still happen as people compete for crates. It'll be smaller scale PvP, and probably more fun.

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You very short sighted. The problem is not doing one daily in 20 minutes. It's doing the daily 5 days a week


err um what? by your maths that's 5 dailies a week in an 1 hour 40 minutes time spent which would then also net you the weekly... what the problem is?


or is it that you hate the idea of dailies all together and just want a couple weeklies that you could complete as you come and go?

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Wow! Bioware is really screwing pvpers. Look at it from this angle. A pve person can run an HM in under 1 hour and complete the DAILY. He also can pick up gear he needs per chance. He can then run 2 more along with a possiblity of gear and complete the weekly in a total of 3-4 hours. If he has a good guild, the next day they can run both EV and Karagga for more gear and weekly ops. If you are someone like me who enjoys both sides of pvp and pve then how or why would I do 10 warzones to get the daily ilum and hopefully pick up 3 wins for the daily. I hope that the Ilum on my server stays active but I feel sorry for the ones who are already suffering. Bioware makes you choose a side. Hardcore PVP or Hardcore PVE you cannot be both. Here is a question. Has anyone ever dueled a same spec character with all champ or all BM gear against an all Columi or all Rakata gear character? Who would win?.....
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err um what? by your maths that's 5 dailies a week in an 1 hour 40 minutes time spent which would then also net you the weekly... what the problem is?


or is it that you hate the idea of dailies all together and just want a couple weeklies that you could complete as you come and go?


The problem is on a low pop server like mine there are hardly any wz and ilum is empty so there is no fun pvp battles, just infighting for armaments vs your own faction. So in order to do daily weekly I HAVE to pick up crates. I don't know about everyone else but I'd rather spend my time playing ops or flashpoints or practically anything other than running in a circle picking up ground spawns that isn't fun. From the patch notes i wss undet the impression each wz kill would count resulting in the daily being done in 1 wz. Seems convenient they left out only 3 kills count from the patch notes

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Well they never said anything like your kills would count towards the illum daily, they said that you would be able to complete the daily by doing warzones(last I saw the test notes that is)... It was pretty vague and people inferred what they wanted to. It's not a case of Bioware lied to us but rather a case of ooo shiny, I WANT NOW! while not reading the fine print. Edited by Razuko
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Every post on the forums makes me think I'm playing a different game than everyone else.


15 minutes to do the Ilum daily? Ok I think I remember one day Imps and Pubs each had 2 ops going and I got the daily and weekly done in a couple of hours. One time.....


The majority of the time I scurry around like a rat trying to grab a crate before the Imp group finds me.


It is never 1v1 either, on my side or theirs. I sometimes try to keep a solo imp in combat and wait to kill him so that the other pubs can come and get a hit in for credit. It's a goofy system.

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Not sure what server you boys/girls play on but it takes me about the full week to win the Ilum weekly. Dailies it really depends on who is playing there at the time. I do not KT/Trade at all so it may explain why it takes so long. The plan is to try and complete the Ilum daily and the weekly works out on its own. A lot of time it doesn't happen that way and I'm bum rushing it on Monday evening :)


Server population is what it is and doesn't help any. The key is to know who plays on the server and try to hook up with them to enjoy it a bit more. Repub here and the imp side has us by 4:1 easy. I'd almost say it is higher but you know the "I" caught a fish this "BIG" story...


Simple math is that it will take you 50 games to complete the weekly. 10 games to complete the dialy. Not sure how many games it takes you to complete the WZ daily but I"m about 10 to 15 games to win 3...so this sort of makes sense.


Ignore the hate, the lack of information. Bust out the trusty calc and do the math. I'd say they did a reasonable job without giving them away.

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Copy paste from the other thread that got closed.




So, i hated Ilum, was laggy and tedious, you could only log in at 13:00 becouse people grouped when the daily reset (and i work so i can't), so i was needed to farm the armaments in the evening, taking up to 45 minutes.


Was so looking for to 1.5 for the "Ilum daily to warzone" change to hit.


And now what?


3 each bg? Seriously?


Each bg takes approx 12-15 min


so 10 bg ... 120-150 minutes for a daily?? Two+ hours?


600 - 750 minutes for the weekly????


Bioware i sincerely hope you're kidding me right now.

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Ilum is alive and kicking, I did the weekly in 1 hour today a little while after the servers were started and people saw the 3 kills/WZ crap. So thank you BW for forcing me to be online every day when the quests reset so I do the daily in 10 minutes instead of 10 warzones.


Nothing changed, it was all a lie.

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Seriously, you only get 3 kills/WZ no matter if you win or lose? Are you *********** kidding me? It makes absolutely no sense to play WZ for Ilum dailies since you can get it done in under 1 hour with crates or in 10 minutes if you play during the rush after the daily reset.


So basically nothing has changed, crate hunting and lagfest are still mandatory, it was all just a big *********** lie.


Its people like you who are ruining this game. Why do you think they should just hand everything too you. Why do you think you dont have to earn it. Theres a reason why its called tier 3 gear, because its the hardest to get. Think about it. And please stop whinning. Thanks!

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This is perfectly fine for people like me, who absolutely despise Ilum. If you want to go and spend an hour there, farming center for armaments or picking people off 3 minutes at a time, be my guest.


But this is a much funner way to get my dailies done. They should be somewhat enjoyable, and not a chore.

Edited by Ukita
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Copy paste from the other thread that got closed.




So, i hated Ilum, was laggy and tedious, you could only log in at 13:00 becouse people grouped when the daily reset (and i work so i can't), so i was needed to farm the armaments in the evening, taking up to 45 minutes.


Was so looking for to 1.5 for the "Ilum daily to warzone" change to hit.


And now what?


3 each bg? Seriously?


Each bg takes approx 12-15 min


so 10 bg ... 120-150 minutes for a daily?? Two+ hours?


600 - 750 minutes for the weekly????


Bioware i sincerely hope you're kidding me right now.


Hey genius, you can still farm armaments

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