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Guild Summit: Agents/Smuggler Population


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So here's the questions.


  • Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?
  • Did you enjoy the story?
  • Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?
  • Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?
  • Do you still play the class? If not, why not?
  • *edit* Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?


Please Do Not Put Spoilers in Your Reply!


Smuggler is all I play.


The story and other quests left me thinking the smuggler should be renamed mercenary.


I enjoy the gameplay though the bugginess of the cover mechanic can be annoying sometimes.


Smuggler class is very important because I'm very tired of the traditional scope of fantasy in mmos.


Again, smuggler is all I play.


Theres nothing anyone could have done to keep me from making the smuggler my first and main choice.

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Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?


Nope. Dislike Corso. Dislike getting saddled with a Wookiee. Dislike the cover mechanic (though it's not required). Not terribly interested in playing imp right now. Dislike IA starting world.


Did you enjoy the story?


Dislike Corso. Dislike getting saddled with a Wookiee. What little I played of the story seems interesting but not enough so to overcome my dislikes.



Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?


Mentioned above, not a big fan of cover.



Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?


Not at all.



Do you still play the class? If not, why not?


No. See above.


Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?


Give me a restraining bolt for Corso. Make Hutta suck less. Get more imaginative than giving every single smuggler a life-debted wookiee pet.

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Easy Fix


Get rid of the stupid vibroknife (which my frail old grandma uses to cut a roast) and give them lightknives. Semi tanslucent, glowing edges, different colours - something with style rather than a kicthen appliance.




So uh, no. Light knives don't exist, Lightsabers are the weapons of the Jedi and Sith(which are spin-off Jedi anyway) it's not meant to be trivialized.


"The answer is simple:


The cover mechanic was a nice idea in theory, but in practice it's horrible"


My op barely uses the thing.



So answering the thread


Yes I have a 13 Scoundrel and a 29 OP, both alts, currently playing the Operative, intend to play the Scoundrel with my girlfriend when she gets the game.


I enjoyed the smuggler's prologue, I've seem my brother play through it in beta while I was with my first knight. The agent story is very interesting up to Alderaan, will start the planet and end the chapter tonight or maybe tomorrow.



I like the tactical advantage and stealth mechanics, I'm not such a big fan of cover to tell the truth which is why I dropped my Sniper and got an Operative.


The Agent is not exactly iconic but it's shown in the EU and an obvious part of Imperial Intelligence, I've liked how it was handled very much until now. There are some good characters you meet throughout the story too, like Watcher X. I haven't seem much of the smuggler's storyline past the prologue yet but a wookie companion alone makes it awesome.



Han Solo, Talon Karrde, Dash Rendar, Kyle Katarn(way more an agent than a smuggler actually) are all important characters, it's nice to have them represented as well as Imperial Spies



I'm currently playing my operative, yes.

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During the Summit Livestream they showed a graph of all the class populations. Agents and Smugglers were lowest, and a Developer said that short of making the class over-powered, there was likely nothing they could do about that because it isn't as iconic of a SW fantasy as playing a Jedi. I think a more interesting plot would have shown the changes in class demographics since launch.


While I haven't leveled mine yet, I always thought the Han Solo fantasy was a pretty large one in the SW Community. He is certainly one of the more popular and iconic characters in our culture.


It is also widely believed that these are the best class stories for their respective factions.


So here's the questions.


  • Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?
  • Did you enjoy the story?
  • Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?
  • Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?
  • Do you still play the class? If not, why not?
  • *edit* Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?


Please Do Not Put Spoilers in Your Reply!



Hello, as you can see from my signature I do have a Smuggler. I no longer log in that much so I do not continue to level her. However she is I think two levels higher then what's shown here.


Yes the story up to the point I stopped playing was very good. It lost me a bit at times, but overall it's a good story.


The mechanics I haven't really enjoyed that much. On any of my characters, they just aren't very friendly feeling. And the issues with the delay and cool-down graphics, didn't help. They in fact are what separated me initially from the game and now I just can't get back into it. Cool-downs, problems with abilities casting when needed, all of these are what wore me down.


I find it very hard to believe that someone responsible for creating and maintaining a Star Wars game, could be so dismissive of Han Solo or his impact on the game. A smuggler is one of the most sought after and respected classes that exist in a SW game. Hearing this Dev, if they are being correctly quoted, is mind boggling. It sounds as if they are giving up. I agree it would be interesting to see how many subscribers just quit at being a smuggler and went to another class.


No I do not. I don't really play at all anymore. I meant to cancel but missed my chance before being billed. Not sure if I'm staying. I'm doubtful, this doesn't help.


If I was to find myself interested again, the smuggler would need to have the ability to heal better. It was a ridiculous struggle to heal and avoid aggro. The mechanics that allow RNG style mobs and bosses to ignore attempts at creating aggro, and just smash the healer can't just be fixed I guess. I was hopeful they were placards until Bioware had a chance to finish them. But I don't see them being corrected. Better healing would help, but at this point I've lost much of the interest I had.

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As you can see by my signature I play both Scoundrel and Operative and I have to say the female voice for the smuggler is with out a doubt in my mind some of the best PC voice acting there is in the game.


The smuggler story is hilarious, dangerous, it helps to be sneaky and steathy, it is a ton of fun no doubt about it!


The Scoundrel and the Operative are very fun to play, you need to use your stealth in PvE and pick your fights. That is easier to do with the Scoundrel because one of your companions has a harpoon that he can use to reel in the mobs one at a time so you can drop kick them, pistol whip, them, and a shotgun blast to the back for good measure.


The Operative plays very similar though it is a lot quieter because where the Scoundrel uses guns and you hear Bang!, Boom!, all day long and the Operative has vibroknives which are a lot quieter.


The Agent storyline, it was ok in chapter 1 but where it really takes off is chapter 2 and I wont post any spoilers about it because its so much of a twist that you need to experience it first hand. Yeah its that good.

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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I have a level 28 Gunslinger and as far as dialog goes, it's the most fun I've played (with Agent being my second favorite). However, using cover gets old rather quickly.


I think that instead of the Cover mechanic, it should be a broader mechanic called Avoid. This would allow players to jump behind cover when it is available or simply dodge incoming attacks. It may make Smugglers and Agents more attractive to players.

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I play a 50 sniper


Bioware claims that Agent/Smuggler pops are low because they arent "Starwars enough" in feel and theme.


Im sure that is partially true.


Im also sure that a GOOD part of the reason is that compared to Agents and Smugglers, most of the other classes feel pretty over powered in a lot of aspects of the game.


People dont just play the classes they are drawn to. They play the classes that seem "The best", and since the games release, Smuggler/Agent have never seemed like "the best".


No Gabe, you dont have to make Agents/Smugglers vastly over powered to get people to play them. You just have to make them equal to the state other classes are currently.


Right now they are just a class design and balance failure, one that your own data shows to be true.



Here is a tip to get you started:




Currently - "Oh sheesh, I HAVE to use cover... oh joy"




Cover - "Awesome, I get all these cool things when im in cover! sweet!"


Players should WANT to use cover because of the cool things you get from using it. Right now, Cover is simply a "You HAVE to do this, just to do your basic functions." Its more of an obstacle, than a benefit or bonus.

Edited by Gadzooks
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Interesting topic! I am not surprised that there are so few of us. The class(es) has some good ideas but the implementation just seems awkward in some areas, plus I think the force-users are the "main" heroes/villains in the movies.


Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?

Yes, recently hit 50 on my main character, a Smuggler Scoundrel. I wanted to heal and thought it would be fun to play a "civilian", free-agent sort of character. I also liked that they were less common.


Did you enjoy the story?

It was okay. The voice acting and the Smuggler lines were great, but I wasn't thrilled with the story. Act I was mediocre, II was horribly blah and III was pretty good.


Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?

Sometimes. I love stealth and I find the energy system interesting. However, I have come to greatly dislike the fact that I am an awkward mix of ranged and melee. As a healer I want to stand back, but most of my best non-healing moves are close range. All in all I find this class/AC absolutely wonderful for solo PvE, but not as great in a group where stealth is all but useless (unless you want to start every fight, which a healer should not do lol).


Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?

Nope. Han Solo is a character that I like, but I've never really cared for the smart-talking, law-breaking rogue sort for my own characters and I find the look to be rather boring. I dress my Smuggler looks like a Senator or a noble than a scrappy outlaw. As for Agents, I think they look much more appealing, but not in the "its Star Wars!" sense.


Do you still play the class? If not, why not?

Currently yes, because it is my first 50 (I level slow) and I would like to do some things with my small guild. However as soon as I get my Smuggler some decent gear from dailies I am going to focus on my Sage and may wind up using him more. I like my Smuggler a lot, but my Sage seems more useful in a group.


Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?

I think Scoundrel healing needs a bit of tweaking as my mid-level Sage is so far a lot easier to heal with. Also, find a way to make stealth useful for healers, or make us fully ranged and stick us in the Gunslinger AC. Sawbones is a part of the Scoundrel AC -- not the stealthless Gunslinger AC! -- yet having stealth does not seem to matter for our healing.

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They are pretty *********** much Star Wars... Lots of prequel kids + lightsabers all around is what drives people towards the others though. Nico Okarr the character they chose to demonstrate the smuggler on the videos is pretty *********** awesome by the way. The agent didn't get a similar chance as far as I know(because he was undercover of course!), but I agree with Gabe. The classes work very well(some people like Snipers and Slingers, I know I don't, but I also dislike Marauders and Sentinels.) as they are at least the stealth based ones, Bioware can't force people to play classes they don't want.


They're awesome options but considering the prequels didn't have any Han Solo like character and we can play clone troopers and jango fett as the other non-force sensitive options it makes some sense they're not as popular, not saying it's right though.

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Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?

I have leveled an IA to 40, a Gunslinger to 32, and a Sniper to 28 (sniper came first, then IA, and Smuggler)


Did you enjoy the story?

The Agent story is my favorite, the smuggler story has been more interesting than the Bounty Hunter, Jedi Consular, or Jedi Knight so far.


Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?

The gunslinger and sniper not so much, they feel very clunky at times and the lack of mobility can try my patience. My Imperial Agent is much more fun to play, though it would be more enjoyable if they were heal/ranged rather than heal/melee.


Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?

The smuggler definitely is important in SW fantasy. The Imperial Agent doesn't seem to have much precedent even in the expanded SW universe


Do you still play the class? If not, why not?

I play my IA, my Sniper is abandoned, and my Gunslinger is on his way to being abandoned.


Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you


Better mobility and utility.

Edited by Ralev
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Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?


Yes, ive got a 50 Sniper


Did you enjoy the story?


Very much.


Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?


I like the concept, but not how the mechanics actually work. Cover feels like having to fight with one arm tied behind your back. Players should WANT to use cover, rather than feeling FORCED to use cover. It should be more of a "Favorable" to use it, rather than a "have" to use it mechanic.


In its current state, cover is HORRID for pvp. SW canon or not, you dont see many snipers in PvP compared to other classes because of this.


Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?


Snipers/Agents have a very "imperial/empire" feel to them, the opposite side of the coin of the Sith, so yes.


Do you still play the class? If not, why not?


No. The current mechanics of the class involving cover are horrid, and seriously keep me from having fun on the class now that im done with the story. There are other classes that are simply more fun to play because the mechanics dont feel so restricting or gimped, even if their stories arent quite as good.


Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?


Snipers currently are just "speed bumps" for most other classes in pvp. And for some, they are practically free kills. They dont need to be made OP. They just need to be brought up to the same level as some of the other pure dps classes. Cover is too restrictive and our dps/burst doesnt gain additional benefits from this restriction. IE: its not properly balanced.


In PvE, it feels a bit better, except when it comes to boss fights. If the fight has ANY amount of moving around as part of the mechanic, your DPS is going to take a SERIOUS hit, unless you are lethality (which really isnt very sniper like.)


Sniper mechanics were a cool idea in concept, maybe even better for a single player game. However, with the elements commonly found in a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER game like PvP and Raid boss mechanics, the cover system continues to fail and be a huge limiting factor in the overall fun of the class.


Give more benefits to using cover, because right now, cover has all the negatives with none of the positives.

Edited by Gadzooks
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Since both classes have a heavy focus on flirting I'm waiting until they implement same gender flirts with NPCs before I level either of those classes.


Given the information about SGRA that has come out at the guild summit it seems I could be waiting for ever.

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  • Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?

I started with a Smuggler (turned Gunslinger). Currently frozen at 39. Smuggler is the only Republic-side character I am (or have ever been) interested in playing, so when our group of friends decided to play Pub, my husband and I made a Smuggler & Trooper. Then our friends abandoned all pretenses of 'playing for the story' and got to 50 in a week. As we were totally uninterested in speed leveling and then being stuck doing the excessively boring dailies/repeated FPs/Ops, and everyone else we knew was max level and thus not interested in leveling with us, so we were left to play catch-up and after about 15 levels of it being just the two of us constantly being pelted with 'ARE YOU 50 YET??'.... we just didn't feel like it. So we switched to Imps, which is what we'd wanted to play in the first place.


  • Did you enjoy the story?

Yes. I'd like to, perhaps, go back sometime and finish the story, but I'm honestly not sure if we'll be around long enough for that to happen.


  • Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?

Eh, well enough. I like rogue/thief-style gameplay, though as a Gunslinger, I don't get Stealth. Cover-system stuff is ok, though not incredibly compelling. It wasn't the mechanics I really enjoyed, it was the character's attitude.


  • Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?

Yes. I always liked Han the best, likely due to his personality & attitude being the most compelling to me. I love snark, and, well... lightsabers ... are just glow sticks, to me. Hokey religions and all that?


  • Do you still play the class? If not, why not?

No, but not due to the class itself. Explanation why was given in first item on this list.


  • *edit* Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?

I have a freshly-made Imperial Agent (just turned Operative). It's still too early, however, to make a judgment call on her, though her story looks like it will be neat, and I'm quite looking forward to it. I only answered the above questions with regards to my Smuggler, though. I don't think BioWare can do much to entice me back to my Smuggler. I'll either go, or I won't, depending on what my husband & I are feeling interested in. Right now, that's playing Imperial, though we did get a friend to join us for an occasional group, which is why I have that baby Agent.

Edited by Shaz
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Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?


Yes I have a 50 Gunslinger and an 11 Scoundrel. I usually play ranged dps or healer.


My main was a sage till around level 7 I realised my 'special force sensitive' character was one of 100 others on Tython and really not very special at all, and the sage storyline was overly worthy for me. It's great to have a class with a bit more freedom of orientation to make your own choices.


Scoundrel I found a bit difficult as healing party/companion was a little fiddly to do well I and don't like melee.


Did you enjoy the story?


The story starts off great, but there's a twist towards the end which didn't seem very convincing and was a bit unsatisfactory by the end. Additionally the storyline allows you to become quite powerful however there's minimal benefit to this - it would have been nice to get credits or rare mats through contacts.


While going lightside for relics etc. while levelling I'm unsure that light/dark is relevant to someone who doesn't use glowsticks.



Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?


Rolling into cover is fun for the first few times but there are issues that others have mentioned. However keybinding to cover in place solves this issue.


The 'cover bar' is very frustrating when starting as the skills essentially move around on your skill bars when you are in/out of cover. Many times I pressed a skill button to find that now I'm in cover I used some other skill. The solution is disable the cover bar - the UI shows you what skills are available anyway



Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?


Not particularly obsessed with Star Wars as that jar jar binks fiasco film put me off but I really enjoyed the original 3. And I struggle with the current game time period where 3000 years earlier things are actually pretty much the same - same planets, same families on alderaan, same fashion, same technological level yet every other quest is about new technology...


I think it's important to have characters that are unaligned that you can mould yourself, and Han Solo's character is an iconic version of that, sure.


Do you still play the class? If not, why not?


Gunslinger is my still main character but I can only fill DPS slots which is a problem for a game designed round groups of 4 - I can't respec to get a group.


I found Scoundrel sawbones not so much my style as it seems I have to melee so I'm spacebaring through on my dull sage to have the ability to heal too - sage healing circle is much loved by groups I've pugged with. Frankly sage is so much easier to play, and you get a tank and healer as first two companions.


Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?


I've only tried Sharpshooter to be honest not either of the shared trees. From this perspective it would be great to have a healing tree or ability for Gunslinger in addition to our single target and aoe target dps, to increase usefulness, leaving Scoundrel as the stealth/melee with healing option.


This would help address some issues others mentioned, Gunslingers might be less dull with another role.


Most other quests are oriented towards Republic, however, and there aren't so many options to do quests for selfish reasons (credits). Or indeed switch allegiance to the Hutts. I feel freedom should be a lure.


I splashed out a lot on a magenta crystal for my blaster, to find that only a few attacks actually use crystal colour in their animations. I think if more attacks were coloured this would add some interest and variety.


Finally the cosmetics options are really poor with the best outfits at low levels. To personalise I used cosmetic gear when levelling. Make the sunglasses and eyepatch drop more often, these are envied by other classes, and add similarly appealing visuals.

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During the Summit Livestream they showed a graph of all the class populations. Agents and Smugglers were lowest, and a Developer said that short of making the class over-powered, there was likely nothing they could do about that because it isn't as iconic of a SW fantasy as playing a Jedi. I think a more interesting plot would have shown the changes in class demographics since launch.

Personally, I like that it's underplayed, possibly underpowered and generally some what of an underdog. Additionally, both "plots" are easily my favorite of any class in SWTOR.


In BETA, I played the iconic classes because I knew once Live, everyone and their brother/sister would roll the typical classes.


If the crowd is going left, it's generally more fun to go right...is all I'm saying.

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Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?

Yes I have a gunslinger.


Did you enjoy the story?

At first I did. Then about half way through, it completely lost my interest. I did not feel like this awesome galactic smuggler anymore, but more of a soldier taking orders.


Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?

The cover system drove me insane at times. Still needs a lot of work.


Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?

I would say so. Not everyone can be in the military or be a jedi. There needs to be an everyman type class.


Do you still play the class? If not, why not?

Not really. The story just changed too much for me. I decided to roll a seer spec Sage, and am having much more fun.


*edit* Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?

Sure I would go back if they made the story more of a swaggering freelancer gun for hire. But thats not gonna happen. So I think ill stick with my Sage for now.

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Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?


50 Scoundrel (Sawbones) / 39 Gunslinger (Dirty Fighting)


Did you enjoy the story?


First Chapter yes, very much, after that not so much because it doesn't feel like a smuggler, I'm a Republic lacky now.


Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?


No, no and no. Upper hand is annoyning for a couple of reasons, first, it doesn't last long enough and I have to waste 2 heals before a fight just to get the 2 buffs I need. Something that I could use out of combat that gave me my 2 upper hands would be nice. As for cover, well I went Scoundrel so I wouldn't have to ever use it. I tried it and hated it. It doesn't work half the time, and if you have to move, it's a major dps hit. I don't mind the "rogue" type of resource, but when you add another resource on top of that, it's getting annoyning.


Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?


Smuggler is yes, but what we got isn't smuggler. A real Smuggler can't be part of either the Empire or Republic. What we are are Privateers working for a side. It might sound like only symantics, but it's a defininte difference.


Do you still play the class? If not, why not?


I still play my 50 Scoundrel from time to time, just to remind myself why I switched to Commando healing which seems like easy mode after Scoundrel. I won't play a Sage out of principle, I can't do the best class because then if you do well, it's the class and not the player. If I can do better then a Sage as a Commando or Scoundrel, then I've done something.


*edit* Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?


Give me an aoe that is on par with the other classes, get rid of the 2 stack crap for SRMP and give me an ability that gives me my 2 upper hands before the fight starts. As for Gunslinger, fix Cover so that there isn't an ability lag going into it and allow us to resist a decent portion of aoe boss damage while in cover so we don't have to leave it so much.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[*]Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?


[*]Did you enjoy the story?


[*]Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?


[*]Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?


[*]Do you still play the class? If not, why not?


[*]*edit* Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?


1. Yes, because I typically enjoy the rogue stealther. And we have a wookie =) I started leveling a cyborg operative but stopped at 24.


2. I did sometimes, but stealth detection from mobs and even players is way too OP. Sneak should be a permanent passive ability.


3. They are, doesn't matter if I think they are or not.


4. Yes, for Ilum daily money and saving for BM gear to make up for the incoming nerf to my former main/new credit gatherer for my upcoming knight.


5. Stop the nerfs and actually buff our damage! Our damage is very position dependent and should have extra damage to make up for the positional restriction. Stealth should have normal speed instead of the speed reduction, an in-stealth sprint and shadowstep.

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Oh, I have a couple of them. Here are my thoughts.


Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? I have two agents (male and female) and one smuggler (female). Originally I wanted to be a "Han Solo" and tried Smuggler first, but somehow the Agent story drew me in. The Agent story is my favorite, especially when played as leaning toward light side. It got to me more than any other story I have tried in the game.


Did you enjoy the story? I realize I answered most of this in the last question. I love the Agent story, like I said, especially light side. I haven't gotten very far in the Smuggler story yet, but from what I have played it is really enjoyable, and I love the companion characters. Can't wait to see how it plays out.


Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not? Yes. I play as the healers, the Operative and Scoundrel. In other games, I usually preferred dps or even some tanking, but this play style with the sneakiness and the heals has become my new favorite. It fits me like the glove I never knew I needed :p I think it works well for both solo and group play. I'm not very good at pvp (because of me, not the class), and certainly no expert on it, but I can even pop into a pvp match, help get the job done, and come out feeling good about it.



Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you? Yes, absolutely. I wanted to be Han Solo when I was a little girl, so the Smuggler is very important. The Smuggler is iconic to me. The feel of the Imperial Agent story is very different from the Smuggler story, and it's something that I didn't realize was important to me until I had played it.


Do you still play the class? If not, why not?

Yes. Multiples of the same class :)



I have never seen this topic before, so now I am curious to go back and read through.

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  • Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?
  • Did you enjoy the story?
  • Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?
  • Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?
  • Do you still play the class? If not, why not?
  • *edit* Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?


Please Do Not Put Spoilers in Your Reply!


Yes, but not fully, 2 of each.


Yes, but have not gotten through to the endings, actually highest of the 4 is only 34 (Sniper)


Yes, but not as much as I would like to, but am working them a bit more.


I find my Operative healer to be a bit tough, but I also feel that it's me still working on the mechanics, not especially the class. Sadly she is still at 26, but will be working on her again soon, this I do know.

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I started a smuggler because I'm a huge Han Solo fan. Favourite character in SW by a long shot, makes the entire original trilogy for me.


I played a Scoundrel but shelved him until later because I rerolled Vanguard because I always end up playing tank classes.


I only got to level 16 but the story seemed kind of cool, going to different planets smuggling certain items to trade to get a location to a huge sum of credits. Sounds awesome.


Yea the smuggler storyline has so many interesting bad guys. More so than any other classs ive played.


I think overall im liking my sorcs storyline better, but i still thoroughly enjoyed my smugglers storyline, i leveled a male cyborg slinger and im thinking ill probably level up a female scoundrel sometime in the future and go light side. The dialogue will be completely different because female and if i go lightside it will change allot of the details surrounding the story. I like the smuggler that much!


My guildmate just finished leveling his sage immediately after leveling his shadow to 50, he really enjoyed choosing different options and said lots of details surrounding the story changed etc. Obviously you character will go down the same general path of the story, but the details surrounding that story can change drastically based on your decisions.


For instance i chose not to kill someone as a dark side option in my smuggler story and he ended up playing a vital role in my story, and certainly changed my ending. Im curious to see now what would have happened had I chosen not to take him in as part of my crew.

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