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Legacy system a huge letdown. Nothing more than an Alt grinding feature


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This is only true because your basing your opinion on what has transpired in the last 4 years.


If you go back to Vanilla... this is the easiest MMO to level.


Once again stop comparing a game that has launched for 3 months to a 8 year old MMO.


Sorry, no pulling the "Vanilla WoW card". As far as current MMOs go, WoW is the easiest game to level in.


And yes, I can compare this game's leveling speed to WoW's leveling speed because when they release is irrelevant.

Edited by terminova
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I've got a stack of RPGs next to my computer that do story, leveling, and character building better than TOR without requiering a monthly fee. Quite a few old BioWare titles in that pile as well.


The real deal with MMOs is that if they charge a subscription fee they have to justify the cost. Played as a single player RPG, TOR cannot compete with titles that came out 15 years ago in terms of story,


Name them.


and it certainly isnt adding enough new story content to justify the fee.


Really? They'ev said they have thousands of hours of oice acting they still haven't used or haven't released yet. Did you not notice the word "Interlude" on the loading screen when you log in?


Played primarily as a solo RPG, I would feel scammed by having to pay for continual access to my characters.


Except, people who don't do raiding and/or pvp and play it for other reasons still do social things as well and get the benefits of the portions of the MMO experience they enjoy. They just don't happen to play it for the same reasons you do.


TOR is very much set up around having an end game progression model (more or less lifted straight out of WoW), only the end game content plays more like an afterthought than a final release product. The Ops are too easy, too short and dont offer anything new between difficulty modes.



PvP is laggy, buggy and stun crazy. The daily quests are the most menial, forgettable content in the entire game. The graphics are horrifically dated and the gear artwork is atrocious.


Sounds like you just don't like the game. GO play something else and stop trying to convince everyone else not to like the game. Really. If you're so offended and angry about aesthetic choices and/or stuff that BW is in the process of fixing, then once must wonder why you'd care so much that you come here to argue with people and tell them that they are wrong for liking the game. Just post your criticisms once and then you never have to come back. NObody's making you play it.


I dont want to roll alts now, and I still wouldnt after the Legacy patch. The solo content just inst good enough to compete with games that have no monthly fee.


You're entitled to your opinion obviously, but a couple million people do seem to be disagreeing with you.


If they want players to stay subbed they really need to work on that end game before they start pushing the virtues of alt rolling.


Ignoring the parts of 1.2 that are adding more end game content I see? Well, if yuo're going to refuse to acknowledge that they're actually doing what you are saying you want them to do, then there's no helping or pleasing you. You do realize that they have separate teams working on endgame and legacy, right? It's not like they can tell everyone working on legacy "hey, you guys, stop making that legacy stuff and come invent another raid, redo all the end game gear and give people I-WIN button gear for doing nightmare mode because So-and-so ijust posted he is butthurt about the endgame content and will quit if we don't do something about it imediatley. It's time we screw the people who like making alts and focus only on the people who want raids and pvp and standing around in special gear that nobody else can have." And it's not like working on legacy system has diverted resources from endgame. Endgame comes out slowly in any game. IN fact, the additions they've already made and will be making with 1.2 are pretty fast content additions in comparison to other games.




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LOL Dude you should cancel now. I know people like you would post this.


What exactly do you expect it to be? The Legacy system offers a lot. I was very surprised how expansive this system is and how much thought and process they have put into this plan.


I certainly don't know what you were expecting.


Everyone grinds and alts... it's called MMO.


You want to play one toon..... they will allow you to buy all abilities.


If your not pleased then it's time to quit and




Another fearful Guild Wars 2 hater. Uscared? Should be

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


A Legacy is defined as something transmitted by an ancestor or a predecessor.


What else would a Legacy System BE other than something relating to multiple characters in some sort of familial relationship?

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What else would a Legacy System BE other than something relating to multiple characters in some sort of familial relationship?


This reminds me a bit of when CoH put in the Veteran Reward system. People were upset when they found out that the system required you to have an active, paid subscription for X months to get the various rewards...


Because apparently the term Veteran wasn't any clearer then the term Legacy is.

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GW2 will be different but it certainly will have endgame. You know, things like instances and massive PvP.


Perhaps it's a different take on it, but that might be refreshing. Please stop pulling remarks like this out of a hat. You don't have a clue about this game, so leave it alone.



For me I like what I just saw in the livestream about legacy stuff. It's gonna be great and I will enjoy playing both these games, thank you very much.


The more I watch the beta videos released by IGN for GW2 the more I am losing interest in that game. I believe that people who do not like MMOs will love it though. All the IGN guys do is praise it for how much it feels like a single player game, that's exactly what I do not want.


Back on topic, I love grinding alts. Every MMO I have played I have had many alts. Even in SWG I owned several accounts just so I could have more than two characters per server. I love the legacy system, it's very fitting for an MMO.

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


Soooo i guess being able to buff your whole party with every buff is not for endgame?


GTN on your ship not endgame?


Repair/sell/craftables on your ship not endgame?


I think perhaps you should of watched the livestream and if you did not sure how you dismissed the countless non alt features.



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The more I watch the beta videos released by IGN for GW2 the more I am losing interest in that game. I believe that people who do not like MMOs will love it though. All the IGN guys do is praise it for how much it feels like a single player game, that's exactly what I do not want.


You dont want an MMO which is more like a solo player game yet you like SWTOR which is the most solo player MMO ever created?


lulz :rak_eek:

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I hoped they will add something worth my time while I wait for GW2. They didn't, I should have known that. After watching guild summit, I'm sure that GW2 will outclass SWTOR without any trouble.


"Haters", keep fighting the good fight!


I will be happy when people like you do leave, I never played GW and I'll likely never play GW2 because people like you play it.



There's the door

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A quote from James Ohlen, the game director, in an interview with Games Radar. This interview took place almost two months ago:


"We wanted to have a system that encouraged players to create alts and to play the game through the different story paths. So the legacy system is meant to do that."


I'm still curious what folks who are disappointed thought the legacy system was going to be.

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So being able to have all 4 buffs, being able to have all kinds of stuff on your ship and bare fisted dueling, legacy items, specifically tailored exp bonuses for alts and hundreds of other cool things are useless?





If you don't like what the legacy systems brings to the game you need to have your head examined.

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A quote from James Ohlen, the game director, in an interview with Games Radar. This interview took place almost two months ago:


"We wanted to have a system that encouraged players to create alts and to play the game through the different story paths. So the legacy system is meant to do that."


I'm still curious what folks who are disappointed thought the legacy system was going to be.


By the sounds of it, a free pony and a date to the prom, or something.


The new additions sound reasonable so far, although I do like the suggestion made up-thread about a small xp buff so that you can play through the storyline quest while skipping some of the more annoying standard quests you've already done once.


As far as GW2 goes, I don't think anyone is 'scared' that it is coming - personally I'm pretty interested, I've signed up for the beta despite currently having raiding/ops characters in two different MMOs already at present. Even with WoW, it's not like every other MMO in the world disappeared when it got released, because that's not (normally) how a free market system tends to work. Some games died of old age or loss of subscribers, and some have retooled their systems through F2P or expansions or cornering a niche market. But it's not like MMOs are Highlander, and as soon as another reasonably-popular and successful game comes out we all have to quit and move whether we want to or not because 'there can be only one.' Particularly with sub-free MMOs, there's less onus to play a certain number of hours a day/week to justify the fees, so it's perfectly possible to dabble or drop in and out while playing other games, going on holiday, etc.

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If you don't like what the legacy systems brings to the game you need to have your head examined.


It's more that they're disappointed about what it didn't bring to the game: I-WIN buttons for having grinded out legacy levels.

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


Lol I'm interested enough in the Legacy System.

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


At what point did you think Legacy was going to be anything but a feature for alt-o-holics?

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A quote from James Ohlen, the game director, in an interview with Games Radar. This interview took place almost two months ago:


"We wanted to have a system that encouraged players to create alts and to play the game through the different story paths. So the legacy system is meant to do that."


I'm still curious what folks who are disappointed thought the legacy system was going to be.


Ya im not sure what people thought the legacy was going to be either lol.


Some just like to make stuff up in the forums and post about how disappoint they are and menchon how they cant wait for xxx game coming soon.

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Soooo i guess being able to buff your whole party with every buff is not for endgame?


GTN on your ship not endgame?


Repair/sell/craftables on your ship not endgame?


I think perhaps you should of watched the livestream and if you did not sure how you dismissed the countless non alt features.




You think having a mailbox and a crafting vendor in your ship= endgame content? :eek:

Edited by ValaxDarkseer
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The new additions sound reasonable so far, although I do like the suggestion made up-thread about a small xp buff so that you can play through the storyline quest while skipping some of the more annoying standard quests you've already done once.



I agree. Good suggestion.

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Okay... why? That's not what MMOs are about. Hell, that's not even what this MMO is about. Just because Bioware says story is important doesn't suddenly mean that that's suddenly true. A lot of people don't want to face that grind again -- even once. And, make no mistake, 10% of 'unique' class story (especially in the cases where that story has been almost universally panned [consular or BH anyone?]) doesn't justify for a large group of people spending weeks pushing an alt to 50.


MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.


I could not disagree more... MMO's should not be about "end game". They shoudl be about THE game. The entire thing, the "content" should not be what you breeze past ignoring on your way to "end game". Beleive it or not your opinion is the minority raiding elitest opnion.


The other 80% of us want the WHOLE GAME to be good and enjoy the quests, the alts, the crafting etc.


Please keep your ultra one sided generalisations to yourself.

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Okay... why? That's not what MMOs are about. Hell, that's not even what this MMO is about. Just because Bioware says story is important doesn't suddenly mean that that's suddenly true. A lot of people don't want to face that grind again -- even once. And, make no mistake, 10% of 'unique' class story (especially in the cases where that story has been almost universally panned [consular or BH anyone?]) doesn't justify for a large group of people spending weeks pushing an alt to 50.


MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.


3 little words for you: KOTOR ad infinitum - THAT is why!



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MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.


I've been playing MMORPGs since 1999. "MMOs being all about the endgame" may be the case for you, but it certainly is not what all of us play them for.



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You think having a mailbox and a crafting vendor in your ship= endgame content? :eek:


Wait wait..... correct me if I am wrong that would mean you think the alt features on legacy is content.


I think your trolling or just stupid.


Legacy is a set of additions to help alts and your player overall endgame or leveling.


Not sure what you are not understanding...

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WoW has levelling? :cool:
Yeah, let's use the retarded direction Blizzard took WoW in as justification for taking other games in the same retarded direction.


Because clearly if Blizzard jumps off the cliff, every other developer should follow (most would, thinking it's the key to Blizzard's success, including BW).

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