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Legacy system a huge letdown. Nothing more than an Alt grinding feature


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Considering the GW devs haven't proved the ability to do this properly with their first game who says their next game is any better? Its basically a shot in the dark like buying WoW was from Blizzard at launch and now this game.


I personally have no interest in fantasy games again and I never liked Guild Wars so part 2 it doesn't interest me either. Funny thing is..Everquest 2 proved sequals are not exactly a bright idea for MMOs.


It's fair enough to dislike GW2 based on GW1, but from being sad and watching all vids and reading almost all reviews, it is an entirely different game and the developers really have gone above and beyond to make it different from the current genre build.

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


A new OP, a new FP, and new WZ coming, all for lvl 50+.. I would call that pretty much endgame content.

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Okay... why? That's not what MMOs are about. Hell, that's not even what this MMO is about. Just because Bioware says story is important doesn't suddenly mean that that's suddenly true. A lot of people don't want to face that grind again -- even once. And, make no mistake, 10% of 'unique' class story (especially in the cases where that story has been almost universally panned [consular or BH anyone?]) doesn't justify for a large group of people spending weeks pushing an alt to 50.


MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.


I disagree. I think MMORPG's should be able the story, about levelling and creating... not about the endless endgame grind for slightly shinier gear with marginally better stats so you can stomp others or stroke epeen.


MMO's should be about playing with others, I like the rich story in SWTOR, I like grouping with people on different toons and talking and doing quests. I happen to dislike endlessly repeating the same raids for 3 months until the next cycle of raids come out. That kind of endgame is much newer than MMO's are. Go back to the beginning of MMO's and it was all about playing with others and levelling characters, not about gear grinding.

Edited by Chaede
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You seemed to have missed off the last 3 letters every time you said MMO for starters... RPG!


MMOs are not just about endgame, they have just been conditioned this way, more and more prevalent in games such as WoW where levelling is just a trivial, "it was here when we made the game so you'll have to deal with it even tho we don't care about it"


There is nothing roleplaying about the story in TOR, sorry. Roleplaying would mean that I choose my character's backstory; where they go in the universe; what decisions they make, etc. Roleplaying is not being handed a 'choose your own adventure' book and having to select between three answers every couple of pages, 99% of which send you to precisely the same result regardless of what you pick.

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Okay... why? That's not what MMOs are about. Hell, that's not even what this MMO is about. Just because Bioware says story is important doesn't suddenly mean that that's suddenly true. A lot of people don't want to face that grind again -- even once. And, make no mistake, 10% of 'unique' class story (especially in the cases where that story has been almost universally panned [consular or BH anyone?]) doesn't justify for a large group of people spending weeks pushing an alt to 50.


MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.


MMO's are about what each individual wants from it. To you that is endgame but that does not ring true for everyone.


I personally enjoy endgame and I enjoy leveling especially in this game where teh leveling is less repetitive between classes and has slightly more immersion.

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


Just out of curiosity, what did you think the legacy system would be about? What about the legacy system info made you think it wouldn't be about alts?

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LOL Dude you should cancel now. I know people like you would post this.


What exactly do you expect it to be? The Legacy system offers a lot. I was very surprised how expansive this system is and how much thought and process they have put into this plan.


I certainly don't know what you were expecting.


Everyone grinds and alts... it's called MMO.


You want to play one toon..... they will allow you to buy all abilities.


If your not pleased then it's time to quit and






It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:

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I think it's a bit of a letdown if you mostly/only play on your level 50 but...


they'll be adding more legacy stuff, this isn't it.


But the legacy system is an alt system. That's the point of the system, which is something they've been absolutely clear about since it was first mentioned before launch. I'm not sure how folks are disappointed that a feature designed and advertised as an alt feature ended up being an alt feature.

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They want you to see most of the story lines.


They have said this from day 1.


The legacy system would be completely worth it if it was only % increases to leveling just so you can skip half of the quests you did on your first toon and focus mainly on the class stories.


Doing the same side-quests gets old fast, which is the problem with leveling alts - it is so boring.

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Exactly it's a building block and offers a lot of things.


It is somewhat a grindfest but what can people expect? It's an MMO and WOW is the same thing...


I think it's a bit of a letdown if you mostly/only play on your level 50 but...


they'll be adding more legacy stuff, this isn't it.

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I hoped they will add something worth my time while I wait for GW2. They didn't, I should have known that. After watching guild summit, I'm sure that GW2 will outclass SWTOR without any trouble.


"Haters", keep fighting the good fight!

Edited by Mindwormbified
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What about the legacy system info made you think it wouldn't be about alts?


I'm sure there's still some things that will be there for lvl 50's. But yeah for the most part the Legacy system was always going to be mostly focused on your alts. This isn't really news is it?

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Okay... why? That's not what MMOs are about. Hell, that's not even what this MMO is about. Just because Bioware says story is important doesn't suddenly mean that that's suddenly true. A lot of people don't want to face that grind again -- even once. And, make no mistake, 10% of 'unique' class story (especially in the cases where that story has been almost universally panned [consular or BH anyone?]) doesn't justify for a large group of people spending weeks pushing an alt to 50.


MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.


Actually, in this game, story is everything even if you want to plug your ears and go "lalalalala I can't hear you!".

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This is only true because your basing your opinion on what has transpired in the last 4 years.


If you go back to Vanilla... this is the easiest MMO to level.


Once again stop comparing a game that has launched for 3 months to a 8 year old MMO.


I disagree, WoW was a lot easier to level in: they practically threw levels at you.
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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


That's all the legacy system was ever going to be, how does this surprise you now?


Also, i got 8 toons all up, i'm hoping legacy also grants new character slots, it seems to be made for players like me.


Enjoy fantasy MMO number 3765935235.

Edited by Cormey
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There is nothing roleplaying about the story in TOR, sorry. Roleplaying would mean that I choose my character's backstory; where they go in the universe; what decisions they make, etc.


That's pen and paper roleplaying. The criteria you insist on just invalidated almost all Japanese RPG games, as well as Planescape: Torment, Vampire - the Masquerade: Bloodlines and Fallout, three of the most interesting CRPGs around.


Call me crazy, but I don't think you're quite right on this one.

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I just like many players was never big into alts.


So I sense this legacy feature being problematic for me.


How so? You can just ignore it just like some of us can ignore raids and PvP, which are still getting the attention of the people assigned to work on them.

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I disagree. I think MMOROPG's should be able the story, about levelling and creating... not about the endless endgame grind for slightly shinier gear with marginally better stats so you can stomp others or stroke epeen.


I've got a stack of RPGs next to my computer that do story, leveling, and character building better than TOR without requiering a monthly fee. Quite a few old BioWare titles in that pile as well.


The real deal with MMOs is that if they charge a subscription fee they have to justify the cost. Played as a single player RPG, TOR cannot compete with titles that came out 15 years ago in terms of story, and it certainly isnt adding enough new story content to justify the fee. Played primarily as a solo RPG, I would feel scammed by having to pay for continual access to my characters.


TOR is very much set up around having an end game progression model (more or less lifted straight out of WoW), only the end game content plays more like an afterthought than a final release product. The Ops are too easy, too short and dont offer anything new between difficulty modes. PvP is laggy, buggy and stun crazy. The daily quests are the most menial, forgettable content in the entire game. The graphics are horrifically dated and the gear artwork is atrocious.


I dont want to roll alts now, and I still wouldnt after the Legacy patch. The solo content just inst good enough to compete with games that have no monthly fee. If they want players to stay subbed they really need to work on that end game before they start pushing the virtues of alt rolling.

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I just like many players was never big into alts.


So I sense this legacy feature being problematic for me.


It's not problematic for you. It simply isn't for you.


Just like Operations aren't for me.


Legacy is an alt system, and has been so since they first released information on it before launch.

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