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[Panel Discussion] State of the Game (10:30AM CST)

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Question: What sort of updates to the "Social" and "Guild" page UIs will be forthcoming in the 1.2 patch? Ability to invite/whisper guildmates for example, adding offline friends etc. Adding comments to friends/guild members, ability to "Leave" guild from the UI, instead of via command.
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Why is there no 'war' happening in swtor? no conflict at all happening between the two sides.


Ilum just simply doesn't work and hasn't been designed right, its a funnel. The walkers don't move, nor do they do anything / any damage. They are pointless. Guild Wars 2 seems to have come to a good method of doing it, are SWTOR team doing something beyond this? something that will wipe the floor with it? the bombers coming in on ilum look amazing.


Everything is so closed in and there is zero content @ max level for anyone beyond warzones which have become tidius and operations which lack the mechanic differences between normal/hard/nightmare modes and are entirely bug ridden to the point where 16mans are horrible to do.

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well though this is where we were suppose to ask questions about that but seems I was wrong since it got removed? I was also asking about server merge for low pop servers but it must be spam looks like I should read the rules closer.......... now I guess they do not want questions asked here for the panel
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So... Are we supposed to be asking our questions here, or in the little box on the stream?


Also: I'm super Psyched that we get to see this. Thanks Bioware for letting us see what's going on a little.

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I just hope they give some time to discussing population/faction imba, and what they plan to do about it.

there's nothing much they CAN do about faction imbalance. It exist in every game. the only way games level out, is over time.


in WoW, people re-rolled opposite faction when they got tired of waiting for long pvp queues.


the only thing BW can really do, is continue to make the game as good as they can, so that people keep playing, and give the game the TIME it takes to balance the faction numbers a bit.


and while this is far from definitive, you can see some server pop number SAMPLE taken by a friend on my server.. linky


the faction imbalance doesn't seem to be nearly as bad as people make it out to be.


Re: population, it's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't. they tried to artificially force people into servers with the pre-launch guild alliance stuff, but (1) it was pretty poorly handled, all the biggest, most organized guilds got put onto a few servers (like my own, harbinger), and (2), they tried to fix the long queue by releasing WAY too many servers on launch week.


you're looking at the result.


i'm pretty happy with being on Harbinger though.. :p

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KaptainPlanet from Section EIGHT


Will competitive PvP be introduced in the near future such as Guild v Guild or arena's. do you still plan for us to grind valor or will valor become more of a social ranking system but gear is acquired through competitive pvp?



I was the first bm on rep for the server and can i say it was a hell of a grind. Was so disappointed when everyone traded for it.

Edited by KaptainPlanet
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